Contact details
- Name:
- Professor Lisa Webley
- Qualifications:
- LLB Hons (Law with French Hons) (Birm) MA (Westmin) PhD (Lond) DiplEJF (Limoges) PgDiplLP (CoL Chester) FHEA FRSA
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Senior Associate Research Fellow
- Fellowship term:
- 1995
- Institute:
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
- Location:
- Birmingham Law School University of Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham B15 2TT
- Phone:
- +44 (0)121 414 6866
- Email address:
- l.c.webley@bham.ac.uk
- Website:
- https://ials.sas.ac.uk/about/about-us/people/lisa-webley
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Gender studies, International Law, Social Sciences
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Professor Lisa Webley’s research concerns the regulation, education and ethicality and professionalism of the legal profession, and broader access to justice and rule of law concerns. She has been the Principal Investigator on several large research projects and has undertaken funded empirical research for public bodies and organisations including the European Commission; the Ministry of Justice and the Department for Trade and Industry. She is head of research in CEPLER. Lisa is General Editor of Legal Ethics and Co-Director of the Legal Education Research Network. She holds visiting professorships at the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre at Victoria University Australia and at the University of Portsmouth, and has been a visiting scholar at Melbourne University and Hong Kong University. She holds a Senior Research Fellowship at IALS, University of London. She is co-author (with Harriet Samuels) of the Complete Public Law: Text, Cases and Materials (OUP) and Legal Writing (Routledge). She was awarded the OUP Law Teacher of the Year prize 2016. the Legal Services Commission; the Legal Services Board; and the Victoria Law Foundation Australia. Details of some of her publications are set out below. She also undertakes academic and professional consultancy work, including consultancy for City law firms.
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 28-Sep-2017 Great Debates in Gender and the Legal Profession’ Journal articles
in Auchmuty, R. (ed) ‘Great Debates in Gender and Law (Palgrave MacMillian)
15-Jun-2017 When is mediation mediatory and when is it really adjudicatory? Religion, Norms and decision-making Journal articles
in Bano, S. and Pierce, J.L. (ed) Mediation and Religious Arbitration: Thinking through issues of Gender Equality and Justice in Family Law Disputes (University Press of New England).
18-May-2017 Chapter 7: Diversity and Inclusion As the Key to Innovation in Innovating Talent Management in Law Firms Journal articles
in T. Mortensen (ed) Law Firms” in Mottershead, T. (ed) Innovating Talent Management in Law Firms (NALP, 2017).
20-Oct-2016 Stumbling Blocks in Empirical Legal Research: Case Study Research Journal articles
Journal of Law and Method open access:
03-Oct-2016 Interception of communications and legal professional privilege and the rule of law Articles
Legal Ethics. 19 (1) 173-176.
04-May-2016 Developing Students’ Legal Writing Skills Chapters
J. Guth and C Ashford (eds) The Law Academics Handbook (Palgrave).
14-Apr-2016 Access to a Career in the Legal Profession in England and Wales: Race, Class and the Role of Educational Background Journal articles
in R. Nelson, S. Headworth, R. Dinovitzer, D.Wilkins (eds) Diversity in Practice (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016).
28-Jan-2016 Legal Writing 4th ed Edited Book
London: Routledge Publishing
14-Jan-2016 Success is Diversity of Thought, Diversity of Talent Papers
in Apollo Project Architects of Meritocracy available at: http://theapolloproject.net/apollo/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Phase-2-Winning-Submissions.pdf
01-Jan-2012 Complete Public Law: Text Cases & Materials 2nd Ed. Monographs
with Samuels, H. Oxford University Press, pp 720 ISBN-978-0-19-969456-3
01-Jan-2010 Gate-Keeper, Supervisor or Mentor? The Role of Professional Bodies in the Regulation and Prfessional Development of Solicitors and Family Mediators Undertaking Divorce Matters In England and Wales Journal articles
32(2) Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 119-133
01-Jan-2010 Part III doing Empirical Legal Studies Research Chapter 38 - Qualitative Approaches to ELS in Cane, P & Kritzer, H (eds), Oxford Handbook of Empirical Legal Studies (Oxford University Press)926-950
01-Jan-2010 Solicitors as Imagined Masculine, Family Mediators as Fictive Feminine and the Hybridisation of Divorce Solicitors Journal articles
Mortensen, R., Bartlett, F. & Tranter, K. (eds) Alternative Perspectives on Lawyers and Legal Ethics: Reimagining the Profession (Sydney: Routledge-Cavendish) 132-150
01-Jan-2010 Diversity in the Legal Profession in England and Wales: A Qualitative Study of Barriers and Individual Choices Monographs
With Sommerlad H., Duff, L., Muzio, D., Tomlinson, J. London: Legal Services Board
01-Jan-2010 Adversarialism & Consensus? The Professions' Construction of Solicitor and Family Mediator Identity and Role Monographs
New Orleans: Quid Pro Books LLC pp 214 ISBN 9781610270106