Contact details
- Name:
- Ms Hester Swift
- Qualifications:
- BA (1993); Dip.ILS (1995); MCLIP (2000)
- Position:
- Foreign and International Law Librarian
- Institute:
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
- Phone:
- 020 7862 5823
- Email address:
- hester.swift@sas.ac.uk
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Academic Support, Library
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 26-Jul-2024 Opinion Writing and Case Preparation Manual 4th to 8th editions (2016-2024) Edited Book
OUP textbook: sections on EU Legal Documentation, Human Rights Documentation, Words and Phrases.
20-Mar-2024 Seized Books! Explore what happened after the prosecution was dropped Articles
Blog to accompany Senate House Library's online exhibition, 'Seized Books!', marking the fortieth anniversary of the Customs and Excise raid on Gay’s the Word bookshop in Bloomsbury.
18-May-2023 The European Union Databases User Group (EUDUG) Articles
(2023) 23 LIM 21
Co-author Frederico Rocha, University of Cardiff
06-Nov-2019 Researching customary international law Articles
(2019) 3 LIM 169
29-Jun-2017 The international law collections of the IALS library Articles
(2017) 17 LIM 75
15-Jun-2016 The BIALL-IALS foreign and international law courses Articles
(2016) 16 LIM 116
31-Aug-2014 Opinion Writing and Case Preparation, 3rd ed. Edited Book
OUP textbook: sections on EU Legal Documentation, Human Rights Documentation, Words and Phrases.
01-Jun-2012 Using the web to suport legal research and teaching Conference papers
Presented with Gerry Power at the Annual ICT and Legal Education Seminar, UCL.
01-Jan-2012 Opinion Writing and Case Preparation, 2nd Ed. OUP textbook: sections on EU Legal Documents, Human Rights Documentation, and (part of) Researching Words and Phrases.
01-Jan-2011 Product Review - ILR on Justis, Articles
Swift, Hester, (2011) Product review: ILR on Justis.
LIM 11(2), pp.146-148
ISSN 1472-669601-Jan-2009 Opening up the UK's foreign and international law collections: the FLARE Initiative, the FLAG Foreign Law Guide and the FLARE Index to Treaties Articles
Clinch, Peter and Swift, Hester (2009) Opening up the UK's foreign and international law collections: the FLARE Initiative, the FLAG Foreign Law Guide and the FLARE Index to Treaties
LIM 9(4),pp.262-266
ISSN 1472-6696
01-Jan-2009 US Legal Information Articles
Swift, Hester, (2009) US legal information
LIM 9(4), 267-272
ISSN 1472-6696
- Professional Affiliations
Professional affiliations:
Name Activity EU Databases User Group (EUDUG) EUDUG is a network for librarians involved with EU work. I help to organise and run training/networking events for members. British and Irish Association of Law Librarian (BIALL) Professional association for law librarians. I am an ordinary member and an occasional speaker at BIALL events. Collaborations:
Name Type Activity Start date End date Duty and Dissent: the Great War and British Voices of Resistance Gave a talk at Senate House Library about the emergence of intergovernmental peacekeeping organisations, part of a series of talks organised by SHL to accompany the exhibition Talk 15-Apr-2015 15-Jul-2015 Collaborating with specialist librarians from the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge and SOAS, Putting on periodic one-day seminars at which we each give a presentation (March 2009, November 2011, February 2015) Training other law librarians from around the UK in foreign and international legal research 03-Mar-2009 - Relevant Events
Related events:
Date Details 07-Mar-2015 The Foreign, International and Comparative Law Research Collections at IALS Library Presentation at IALS training day for UK law PhD researchers.
18-Feb-2015 BIALL-IALS Foreign and International Law Workshop Training for other law librarians on researching US law.
10-Dec-2014 IALS Global Law Library: making the most of our electronic resources Presentation at IALS training day for UK law PhD researchers, 'How to get a PhD in Law:'
01-Mar-2014 The Foreign, International and Comparative Law Research Collections at IALS Library Presentation at IALS training day for UK law PhD researchers, 'How to get a PhD in Law:'
16-Mar-2013 The Foreign, International and Comparative Law Research Collections at IALS Library At one-day workshop, 'How to get a PhD in Law: What legal research skills will I need? Literature reviews, qualitative and quantitative research and comparative legal research'.
06-Feb-2013 Developing National Online Legal Research Tools at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Talk given at Manchester University on 6 Feb. 2013, Sheffield University on 17 March 2013 and Portsmouth University on 17 April 2013.
30-Nov-2012 IALS Global Law Library: making the most of our electronic resources Presentation at one of the IALS national training days for law PhD students (How to get a PhD in Law: Meeting the challenges of the early years)
01-Jan-2011 British and Irish Association of Law Librarians (BIALL) foreign and international law seminar Presentation entitled "Sources of US law" at BIALL one-day seminar, held at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies on 16 November 2011.
01-Jan-2010 City Legal Information Group: US legal information seminar Presentation entitled "United States Legal System and Sources" to the members of the City Legal Information Group, 14 May 2010.
01-Jan-2009 BIALL Foreign and International Law Seminar Gave a presentation entitled "Sources of US law" at this seminar, held at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies on 3 March 2009.
01-Jan-2009 BIALL Foreign and International Law Seminar Organised this one-day event in cooperation with a BIALL committee member.
01-Jan-2009 British and Irish Association of Law Librarians 40th annual study conference (2009) Was one of three speakers at a session entitled "Opening up the UK’s Foreign and International Law Collections: the FLARE Initiative and Index to Treaties, and the FLAG Foreign Law Guide" in June 2009. The other speakers were Lesley Dingle from the University of Cambridge and Peter Clinch from Cardiff University.
01-Jan-2008 City Legal Information Group (CLIG) European Union information seminar Gave a presentation entitled "European Union Legislation" at a CLIG seminar, held at the Law Society Library in November 2008.
01-Jan-2007 BIALL Treaties Seminar Presentation entitled "Free sources of treaty information on the internet", at a half-day seminar held by the British and Irish Assoc. of Law Librarians (BIALL) at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies on 5 March 2007.