Contact details
- Name:
- Dr Ryosuke Takahashi
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Visiting Fellow
- Fellowship term:
- 01-Oct-2022 to 31-Mar-2023
- Institute:
- Institute of Classical Studies
- Home institution:
- Tokyo Metropolitan University
- Email address:
- r_takahashi@tmu.ac.jp
- Website:
- https://ics.sas.ac.uk/people/dr-ryosuke-takahashi
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Classics
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
My research interest lies in the social and economic history of Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt. Greek documentary papyri elucidate the ways of life of Egyptians and how the Ptolemies and Romans transformed them. They also illuminate aspects of rural society which are little known from written evidence in other regions of the Classical world. In my recent book entitled Ties that Bind: the Economic Relationships of Twelve Tebtunis Families in Roman Egypt (BICS supplement), I examined families' papers from second-century AD Tebtunis, one of the best-documented villages in Roman Egypt, and reconstructed complex inter-familial relationships through economic activities of land leases, loans in cash and kind, and labour forces of estates that local elites owned. During my visit to the ICS, I will pursue the same and related issues among evidence from other villages in the Roman Fayum and beyond.