Dr Bronwen Manby

Contact details

Dr Bronwen Manby
Lecturer in International Human Rights Law
Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Email address:

Research Summary and Profile

Research interests:
History, Human rights, International Law, Law
Research keywords:
nationality, statelessness, citizenship, legal identity, human rights, Africa, comparative law, post-colonial history, international law
Summary of research interests and expertise:

Dr Bronwen Manby is Lecturer in International Human Rights Law at the School of Advanced Study. She is a leading authority on the right to a nationality and legal identity in international law and on comparative nationality law and statelessness in Africa. She has written on a wide range of human rights issues in Africa and in continental developments in human rights law.

Spoken Written
French Fluent Good
Italian Good Intermediate
Publication Details

Related publications/articles:

Date Details
28-Aug-2024 Schrödinger’s Citizenship: Framing Perspectives for the Resolution of Statelessness


Article in the Statelessness and Citizenship Review considering the importance of framing and choice of terminology in relation to statelessness, undetermined nationality and risks of statelessness.

24-Jun-2024 The Governance of Digital Public Infrastructure: Beyond Technical Standards (blog post: Medium.com)


28-Apr-2024 Citizenship in Post-Independence Africa


Chapter 57 in Encyclopedia of Citizenship Studies, edited by Thomas Faist and Marisol García Cabeza, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024.

06-Mar-2024 A New Treaty on Statelessness and the Right to a Nationality in Africa (blog post: GLOBALCIT)


09-Oct-2023 Citizenship is a Right, Not a Political Tool (blog post: The Elephant)


Co-authors:Dalle Abraham, Samantha Balaton-Chrimes, and Mustafa Mahmoud

Additional Publications

Research Projects & Supervisions

Available for doctoral supervision: Yes

Professional Affiliations

Professional affiliations:

Name Activity
Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion Board member
Statelessness and Citizenship Review Editorial board member
International Lawyers Project Board chair


Name Type Activity Start date End date
GLOBALCIT Global Citizenship Observatory, European University Institute Africa coordinator, expert 2016
Consultancy & Media
Available for consultancy:
Media experience:
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