Helga Baitenmann

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Contact details

Helga Baitenmann
Position/Fellowship type:
CLACS Associate Fellow
Fellowship term:
01-Jul-2021 to 30-Jun-2026
Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies
Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies School of Advanced Study University of London Senate House Malet Street London WC1E 7HU
Email address:

Research Summary and Profile

Research interests:
Gender studies, History, Law
North America, South America
Summary of research interests and expertise:

Helga Baitenmann is co-editor of Decoding Gender: Law and Practice in Contemporary Mexico (2007), author of Matters of Justice: Pueblos, the Judiciary, and Agrarian Reform in Revolutionary Mexico (2020) and has written extensively on agrarian and justice matters for, among other journals, Historia Mexicana and the Journal of Latin American Studies. Her most recent book chapter ‘Los derechos de las mujeres indígenas en los procesos desamortizadores del Distrito de Morelia (1858-1909)’ in Tras las tierras comunales indígenas. Los libros de Hijuelas y el liberalismo decimonónico en Michoacán (Butler and Escobar, eds., 2023) is the first gendered analysis of nineteenth-century land disentailment in Mexico. Her current research project is on gender violence in Mexico from a historical perspective.

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