Contact details
- Name:
- Professor Barry C. Smith
- Qualifications:
- M.A. Ph.D.
- Position:
- Director of the Institute of Philosophy
- Institute:
- Institute of Philosophy
- Location:
- Senate House Malet Street London WC1E 7HU
- Phone:
- 020 7862 8682
- Email address:
- Barry.Smith@sas.ac.uk
- Website:
- https://barrycsmith.wordpress.com/
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Philosophy
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Barry C Smith is a professor of philosophy and director of the Institute of Philosophy at the University of London’s School of Advanced Study. He is also the founding director of the Centre for the Study of the Senses, which pioneers collaborative research between philosophers, psychologists and neuroscientists. Barry is currently the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s Leadership Fellow for the Science in Culture Theme. He held visiting professorships at the University of California at Berkeley, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia and the Ecole Normale Superiéure in Paris. A philosopher of language and mind, his current research is on the multisensory nature of perceptual experience, focusing on taste, smell and flavour. He has written theoretical and experimental papers, publishing in Nature, Food Quality and Preference, Chemical Senses and Flavour. He collaborates with chefs and artists and consults widely for the food and drinks industry. In 2007, he edited Questions of Taste: the philosophy of wine, Oxford University Press; in 2008, he edited The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language, Oxford University Press (with Ernest Lepore), and Knowing Our Own Minds Oxford University Press in 1998 (with Crispin Wright and Cynthia Macdonald). Barry is a frequent broadcaster, who has appeared on BBC One’s Masterchef , BBC Two’s Inside the Factory, on BBC Radio 4’s The Kitchen Cabinet, as well as In Our Time and Radio 3’s FreeThinking. In 2010 he wrote and presented a four-part series for the BBC World Service called The Mysteries of the Brain and in 2017, wrote and presented a 10-part series for BBC Radio 4 called The Uncommon Senses. He is a frequent contributor to The World of Fine Wine and wine columnist for Prospect Magazine.
- Languages:
Spoken Written French Intermediate Intermediate
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 25-Sep-2020 Managing long covid: don’t overlook olfactory dysfunction BMJ, letters
28-Jul-2020 The best COVID-19 predictor is recent smell loss: a cross-sectional study Journal articles
20-Jun-2020 More Than Smell—COVID-19 is Associated with Severe Impairment of Smell, Taste, and Chemesthesis Journal articles
Chemical Senses, Vol XX, 1-14
24-Mar-2020 Sixty Seconds on…Anosmia: wake up and smell the symptom Journal articles
British Medical Journal, rapid response
05-Mar-2020 Preface and Science Facts Chapters
Life Kitchen: Reviving the Joy or Taste and Flavour, Ryan Riley, Bloomsbury Press
03-Jan-2020 Tasting Flavours: An Epistemology of Multisensory Perception Chapters
In The Epistemology of Non-Visual Perception, edited by Gatzia, D. and Brogaard, B. Oxford University Press
01-Nov-2019 Getting More Out of Wine: wine experts, wine apps and sensory science Journal articles
Current Opinion in Food Science Vol. 27, 123-129
19-Jul-2019 Big Data and Us: Human-Data Interactions Journal articles
European Review, Vol 27, Issue 3, pp.357-337
29-May-2019 Spatial Awareness and the Chemical Senses Chapters
In Spatial Senses: Philosophy of Perception in an Age of Science, edited by T. Cheng, O. Deroy, C. Spence, Routledge
31-Dec-2018 Sensory Substitution and The Transparency of Visual Experience: comments on Laurence Renier Chapters
In Sensory Substitution and Augmentation, edited by Fiona Macpherson, Proceedings of the British Academy, Oxford University Press
15-Feb-2018 Actual Consciousness: What is it like? Chapters
Ted Honderich on Consciousness, Determinism and Humanity (Philosophers in Depth) edited by Gregg Caruso, Oxford University Press
01-Dec-2017 Beyond Liking: the True Taste of a Wine? Articles
in The World of Fine Wine, issue 58 pp. 138 - 147
30-Nov-2017 Human Olfaction, Crossmodal Perception and Consciousness Journal articles
'Chemical Senses' 2017 VOL 42, 793-795
29-Jul-2017 Tasting and Liking: Multisensory Flavour Perception and Hedonic Evaluation Edited Book
In 'The Taste Culture Reader Experiencing Food and Drink', edited by Carolyn Korsmeyer, published by Bloomsbury Academic; ISBN: 9780857856982
16-Mar-2017 The perceptual categorisation of blended and single malt Scotch whiskies Journal articles
01-Jan-2017 Taste: What's the Truth Articles
13-Oct-2016 Wine: secrets of blind tasting Articles
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Times Literary Supplement
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01-Jan-2016 Proust, the Madeleine and Memory Chapters
Memory in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Sebastian Groes, New Critical Perspectives from the Arts, Humanities and the Sciences, Palgrave Macmillan 2015
01-Dec-2015 Why is Wine Tasting so Hard? Articles
In the World of Fine Wine, Issue 50
09-Nov-2015 The Chemical Senses Chapters
The Oxford Handbook to Philosophy of Perception, edited by M.Matthen (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015)
28-Feb-2015 What Wittgenstein would have said about that dress Articles
BBC News Website
04-Nov-2014 What Does Metacognition Do for Us Articles
Philosophy and Phenomenological Review, Vo. 89, Issue 3, 2014: 727-735
28-Aug-2014 Confusing Tastes and Flavours Chapters
In Perception and its Modalities, edited by Dustin Stokes, Mohan Matthen, Stephen Briggs, Oxford University Press
20-Aug-2014 A Moment of Capture Chapters
In Figuring Out Figurative Art: Contemporary Philosophers on Contemporary Paintings, edited by Derek Matravers and Damien Freeman, Routledge
20-Feb-2014 Airplane noise and the taste of Umami Journal articles
Spence, Charles, Michel, Charles and Smith, Barry, Airplane noise and the Taste of Umami, Flavour, 3:2, 2014.
05-Dec-2013 Quine and Chomsky on the Ins and Outs of Language Chapters
In A Companion to W. V. O. Quine edited by Gilbert Harman, Ernest Lepore, John Wiley & Sons
29-Nov-2013 Grape Expectations: How the proportion of white grape in Champagne affects the ratings of experts and social drinkers in a blind tasting Journal articles
Harrar, Vanessa, Smith, Barry, Deroy, Ophelia and Spence, Charles, Grape Expectations: How the proportion of white grape in Champagne affects the ratings of experts and social drinkers in a blind tasting, Flavour,2: 25, 2013.
21-Nov-2013 Philosophy and Language Chapters
In The Bloomsbury Companion to Analytic Philosophy edited by Barry Dainton, Howard Robinson, Bloomsbury, pp. 201-299
21-Jul-2013 Philosophical and Empirical Approaches to Language Chapters
In Philosophical Methodology: The Armchair or the Laboratory? edited by Matthew Haug Routledge, pp.294-317.
01-Jun-2013 Wine Appreciation: Snobbery or Connoisseurship Articles
The World of Fine Wine, Issue 40
17-Apr-2013 ‘Relativism, Disagreement and Predicates of Personal Taste’, in: F.Recanati, I.Stojanovic, N.Villanueva (eds) Context-dependence, Perspective and Relativity. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG
01-Mar-2013 Taste, Philosophical Perspectives Journal articles
The Encyclopaedia of Mind ed. Hal Pashler Sage Publications, 2013
01-Dec-2012 Davidson, Interpretation and First-person Constraints on Meaning Articles
in Davidson: Life and Work, ed. M.Bagrhamian
Taylor and Francis
20-Jun-2012 Perspective: Complexities of Flavour Articles
S 6 | N AT U R E | VO L 4 8 6 | 2 1 J U N E 2 0 1 2
01-Jan-2012 Empathie et perception des valuers Journal articles
in Dialogue 51 (2012), 1– 9
Canadian Philosophical Association
01-Jan-2012 The Publicity of Meaning and the Interiority of Mind Chapters
Mind, Meaning and Knowledge. Themes from the Philosophy of Crispin Wright, ed. A. Coliva, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012
01-Jan-2012 The Sensory and the Multisensory Articles
This Will Make You Smarter, ed. John Brockman (2012 Harper Perennial)
28-Apr-2011 Folk Psychology and Scientific Psychology Chapters
The Bloomsbury Companion to Philosophy of Mind, edited by J. Garvey, Bloomsbury
01-Jan-2011 The True Taste of a Wine? Articles
Wine Active Compounds: Proceedings of the WAC2011 International Conference, ed. David Chassagne & Regis D.
Gougeon, Oenopluria Media, 2011, pp.283-6
05-Nov-2010 Meaning, Context, and How Language Surprises Us Chapters
Explicit Communication, Robyn Carston’s Pragmatics, edited by B. Soria and E. Romero, Palgrave Macmillan
26-Nov-2009 Speech Sounds the Meeting of Minds Chapters
New Essays on Sound and Perception, eds. M.Nudds and C.O’Callaghan, Oxford University Press 2009
17-Feb-2007 Davidson, Interpretation and First-person Constraints on Meaning’ Journal articles
International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Volume 14, pp. 385-406
01-Jan-2007 The Objectivity of Tastes and Tasting Chapters
Questions of Taste: the philosophy of wine,ed. Barry C. Smith (Oxford University Press, NY, 2007), pp.41-77
01-Jan-2007 ‘What We Mean, What We Think We Mean and How Language Surprises Us’ in: B. Soria and E. Romero (eds) Explicit Communication, Robyn Carston’s Pragmatics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
01-Jan-2007 Questions of Taste: the philosophy of wine Edited Book
ed. Barry C. Smith Oxford NY: Oxford University Press
21-Sep-2006 WINE Articles
The Oxford Companion to Aesthetics, 2nd edition 2014
01-Jan-2006 The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language Edited Book
eds. E. Lepore & B.C. Smith Oxford: Oxford University Press
01-Jan-1998 Knowing Our Own Minds edited with Crispin Wright and Cynthia Macdonald, (Oxford)
Publications available on SAS-space:
Date Details What We Mean, What We Think We Mean, and How Language Can Surprise Us NonPeerReviewed
Consciousness: An Inner View of the Outer World NonPeerReviewed
True Relativism, Interpretation and Our Reasons for Action NonPeerReviewed
Davidson, Interpretation and First Person Constraints on Meaning NonPeerReviewed
Publicity, Externalism and Inner States NonPeerReviewed
What I Know When I Know a Language NonPeerReviewed
Why We Still Need Knowledge of Language NonPeerReviewed
Mar-2017 The perceptual categorisation of blended and single malt Scotch whiskies PeerReviewed
Background: Although most Scotch whisky is blended from different casks, a firm distinction exists in the minds of consumers and in the marketing of Scotch between single malts and blended whiskies. Consumers are offered cultural, geographical and production reasons to treat Scotch whiskies as falling into the categories of blends and single malts. There are differences in the composition, method of distillation and origin of the two kinds of bottled spirits. But does this category distinction correspond to a perceptual difference detectable by whisky drinkers? Do experts and novices show differences in their perceptual sensitivities to the distinction between blends and single malts? To test the sensory basis of this distinction, we conducted a series of blind tasting experiments in three countries with different levels of familiarity with the blends versus single malts distinction (the UK, the USA and France). In each country, expert and novice participants had to perform a free sorting task on nine whiskies (four blends, four single malts, one single grain, plus one repeat) first by olfaction, then by tasting. Results: Overall, no reliable perceptual distinction was revealed in the tasting condition between blends and single malts by experts or novices when asked to group whiskies according to their similarities and differences. There was nonetheless a clear effect of expertise, with experts showing a more reliable classification of the repeat sample. French experts came closest to a making a distinction between blends and single malts in the olfactory condition, which might be explained by a lack of familiarity with blends. Interestingly, the similarity between the blends and some of their ingredient single malts explained more of participants’ groupings than the dichotomy between blends and single malts. Conclusions: The firmly established making and marketing distinction between blends and single malts corresponds to no broad perceptually salient difference for whisky tasters, whether experts or novices. The present study indicates that successfully blended whiskies have their own distinctive and recognizable profiles, taking their place in a common similarity space, with groupings that can reflect their component parts.
Consultancy reports:
Date Details 2012 Courvoisier - Le Nez de Courvoisier Le Nez de Courvoisier film on You Tube
Le Nez de Courvoisier - APP
2012 The Colour of Wine - Champagne Assembly Day Report of experiments on colour of grapes in Mumm and Perrier-Jouet Champage presented at Champagne Assembly Day 2012
- Research Projects & Supervisions
Research projects:
Details Science in Culture Leadership Fellowship Institute of Philosophy
Project period: 01-Oct-2013 - 01-Jan-2016Research interests: Philosophy
Leadership Fellow for Science in Culture Theme Institute of Philosophy
Project period: 31-Oct-2015 - 31-Oct-2022Research interests: Philosophy
Network for Sensory Research A SSHRC funded Partnership grant creating a Network for Sensory Research involving Toronto, Harvard, MIT, Glasgow and the Centre for the Study of the Senses at the Institute of Philosophy
Probabilities, Propensities and conditionals: implications for logic and empirical science The study is for a complex and interlocking set of topics in the philosophy of science, logic, and the foundations of probability and statistics, and of quantum mechanics. The focus of the project is on important and unexplored connections between objective probability, physical propensities, and the logic of conditional statements. The main expected outcome is an improved understanding of the nature of probability and its role in the empirical sciences, particularly in relation to quantum physics. The topics are of great current interest and relevance across a number of disciplines, including philosophy of science, logic, probability and statistics, and the foundations of quantum physics. There are further potential applications to computer science, statistical methodology, scientific modelling, and causal inference. The project is very carefully structured in a number of work packages with a number of specific objectives and deliverables for each: i) propensities and dispositions, ii) the logic of conditionals, iii) conditional probability and the probability of conditionals, iv) propensities and conditionals, v) alternative calculi of probability, vi) applications to foundations of quantum mechanics, vii) further applications, and viii) historical developments.
Sensory Exploration British Academy Latin-American Caribbean Link Grant
- Professional Affiliations
Professional affiliations:
Name Activity AHRC Leadership Fellow for Science in Culture Theme Leading on Science in Culture Theme Collaborations:
Name Type Activity Start date End date Co-investigator on SSHRC Network for Sensory Research Network Partnership with Toronto, Harvard, MIT and Glasgow Workshops and Conferences on Multisensory Integration 01-Sep-2010 01-Sep-2013 - Consultancy & Media
- Available for consultancy:
- Yes
- Media experience:
- Yes