Contact details
- Name:
- Dr Juliana Barone
- Qualifications:
- PhD at Oxford University
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Associate Fellow
- Institute:
- Warburg Institute
- Email address:
- Juliana.Barone@sas.ac.uk
- Website:
- https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/people/juliana-barone
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Early Modern, History
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Juliana Barone has two first degrees, one in Architecture and the other in History. Her Doctoral thesis was on Leonardo da Vinci, Oxford University (Trinity College), where she was subsequently awarded a Junior Research Fellowship (St John’s College). She has also held fellowships at the Dutch Institute for the History of Art in Florence and at Birkbeck College, and received several grants (research, educational and publication) from The British Library, The Paul Mellon Centre for British Art and the RCUK Fund amongst others. She has tutored and taught at Oxford University and Birkbeck College, as well as curated exhibitions in London, Milan and Florence. Among her publications, she has received the Italian prize of ‘Book of the Month’ by Olschki for Leonardo in Britain: Collections and Historical Reception (2019). She is a member of the board of the Leonardo da Vinci Society and of the new journal Achademia Leonardi da Vinci.
Research Interests
Her research interests encompass European art, theory and culture in the period of 1400-1700, with a focus on Leonardo da Vinci. A central element in her research has been the direct study of primary sources and of the ways and forms in which knowledge has been expressed, assimilated and transmitted. Her underlying concern has been to understand how the making of art is reflected in and reacts to texts about the means and ends of art. In addition, her work encompasses broader reflections on the reception of Leonardo da Vinci’s art and theory in a pan-European context, and on methodological approaches to the study of visual works. She is currently studying the nineteenth-century glass negatives of the Codex Atlanticus held at the Warburg Institute, and organising an international conference ‘Leonardo’s Papers: Notebooks and Drawings’ for 2023.
Books and Exhibition Catalogues
- Leonardo da Vinci: A Mind in Motion, exh. cat., London (British Library), 2019.
- The Treatise on Painting: Traces and Convergences. Drawings from the Codex Atlanticus, exh. cat., Novara (De Agostini), 2014.
- Leonardo nella Francia del XVII: eredità paradossali, Lettura Vinciana, Florence (Giunti), 2013.
- Studies of Motion. Drawings by Leonardo from the Codex Atlanticus; Studi sul moto. Disegni di Leonardo nel Codice Atlanticus, exh. cat., Novarra (De Agostini), 2011.
- I disegni di Leonardo da Vinci e della sua cerchia. Collezioni in Gran Bretagna. Edizione nazionale dei manoscritti e dei disegni (with M. Kemp), Florence (Giunti), 2010.
- Leonardo: the Codex Arundel (Treasures Series of the British Library), London (British Library), 2008.
Edited Books
- Leonardo in Britain: Collections and Historical Reception (with S. Avery-Quash), Biblioteca Leonardiana. Studi e Documenti 7, Florence (Olschki), 2019.
Chapters in Books and Exhibition Catalogues
- ‘The lastre di vetro of the Codex Atlanticus at the Warburg Institute and the Hoepli Edition’, in Decoding Leonardo’s Codices (eds. P. Gallucci and A. Nova), Florence (Giunti), 2022, pp. 233-43, 357-61.
- ‘Luca Pacioli. De divina proportione’, in La biblioteca di Leonardo (ed. C. Vecce), Florence (Giunti), 2021, pp. 324-26.
- ‘Overbalanced Wheels: Leonardo’s Studies of Perpetual Motion in Context’, in Leonardo da Vinci and Perpetual Motion (ed. A. Bernardoni), Florence (Giunti), 2019, pp. 36-45.
- ‘Introduction’, in Leonardo in Britain: Collections and Historical Reception (eds. J. Barone and S. Avery-Quash), Biblioteca Leonardiana. Studi e Documenti 7, Florence (Olschki), 2019, pp. XIX-XLIII.
- ‘Leonardo’s Treatise of Painting: The First English Edition and the Manuscripts Owned by Patch, Smith and Johnson’, in Leonardo in Britain: Collections and Historical Reception, (eds. J. Barone and S. Avery-Quash), Biblioteca Leonardiana. Studi e Documenti 7, Florence (Olschki), 2019, pp. 221-42.
- ‘The Head of a Soldier in the Ashmolean Museum and the Size of Leonardo’s Battle of Anghiari’ (with M. Kemp), in Götterhimmel und Künstlerwerkstatt (eds. J. Dellith, N. Horsch and D. Roberts), Leipzig, 2019, pp. 67-82.
- ‘Seventeenth-Century Transformations: Cassiano dal Pozzo’s Manuscript Copy of the Treatise on Painting’, in Art as Institution: The Fabrication of Leonardo da Vinci's “Trattato della Pittura”, 1651. Annotated translation into English and Commentaries (ed. C. Farago et al.), Leiden 2018, pp.263-99
- ‘... et de’ suoi Amici: The Early Transmission of Leonardo’s Treatise on Painting’, in Leonardo da Vinci. Il disegno del mondo (exh. cat. org. P. Marani and M. T. Fiorio), Milan, 2015, pp. 451-61. Also published in Italian: ‘... et de’ suoi Amici: la prima trasmissione del Trattato della Pittura di Leonardo, in Leonardo da Vinci. Il disegno del mondo (exh. cat. org. P. Marani and M. T. Fiorio), Milan, 2015, pp. 450-61.
- ‘Notes and Drawings on the Gradations in Shadows and Colours’, ‘Notes and Drawings on Light and Shadow’, ‘Head of a Soldier from the Battle of Anghiari’, ‘Virgin and Child with a Cat’, ‘One Study of the Child, One of the Virgin and Child with a Cat, and One of a Cat’, ‘Three Studies of the Virgin and Child’, ‘Libro di Pittura (Francesco Melzi)’, ‘Opinione di Leonardo da Vinci ... (Copysists of the circle of Cassiano dal Pozzo)’, ‘Opinione di Leonardo da Vinci ... (Anonymous)’, ‘Trattato della Pittura (Scorzini)’, ‘Trattato della Pittura (R. Trichet du Fresne)’, ‘Trattato della Pittura (R. Fréart de Chambray), ‘Trattato della Pittura (G. Manzi)’, in Leonardo da Vinci. Il disegno del mondo (exh. cat. org. P. Marani and M. T. Fiorio), Milan, 2015, pp. 527, 543-44, 548-50, 581-83.
- ‘The Treatise on Painting’, ‘The Last Supper’, ‘Lady with an Ermine’, ‘The Virgin and Child with St Anne and the young St John the Baptist’, ‘The Battle of Anghiari’, in 30-second Leonardo da Vinci (ed. M. Wallace), New York, 2014, pp. 16-17, 24-25, 44-45, 64-65, 88-89.
- ‘The ‘official’ Life of Leonardo: Raphael Trichet du Fresne’s biography in the Trattato della pittura’, in The Lives of Leonardo, ed. R. Palmer and T. Frangenberg, Warburg Institute, 2013, pp. 61-82.
- ‘Those Lines and Circles: Geometry and Proportion in Leonardo, Dürer and Talpino’, in Dürer, l’Italia e l’Europa (ed. S. Ebert-Schifferer and K. Herrmann Fiore), Studi della Biblioteca Hertziana, 6, Milan, 2012, pp. 9-24.
- ‘What Might Leonardo’s Own Trattato Have Looked Like? And What Did it Actually Look Like up to the Time of the Editio Princeps?’ (with M. Kemp), in Re-reading Leonardo. The Treatise on Painting across Europe, 1550–1900, ed. C. Farago, Farnham (Ashgate), 2009, pp. 39-60.
- ‘Poussin as Engineer of the Human Figure: the Illustrations for Leonardo’s Trattato’, in Re-reading Leonardo. The Treatise on Painting across Europe, 1550–1900, ed. C. Farago, Farnham (Ashgate), 2009, pp. 197-235.
- ‘Rubens and Leonardo on Motion: Figures, Inscriptions and Texts’, in Re-reading Leonardo. The Treatise on Painting across Europe, 1550–1900, ed. C. Farago, Farnham (Ashgate), 2009, pp. 441-472.
- ‘What is Leonardo’s Codex on the Flight of Birds about?’ (with M. Kemp), in Leonardo da Vinci. Drawings from the Biblioteca Reale in Turin (exh. cat. Birmingham Museum of Fine Arts, USA, org. J. O’Grody), Birmingham, 2008, pp. 97-109.
- ‘Rubens and Leonardo on Motion: Figures, Inscriptions and Texts’, Raccolta Vinciana (Milan), 2007, XXXII, pp. 343-93.
- ‘Poussin come costruttore della figura umana: le illustrazioni del Trattato di Leonardo’, in Leonardo. Dagli studi di proporzioni al Trattato della pittura (exh. cat., Castello Sforzesco, Milan), org. P.C. Marani and M.T. Fiorio, Milan, 2007, pp. 99-119.
- ‘Seventeenth-Century Illustrations for the Chapters on Motion in Leonardo’s Trattato’, in The Rise of the Image, ed. T. Frangenberg and R. Palmer, Ashgate Art History, 2003, pp. 23-49.
- ‘Raffaello Sanzio’, in Corpus da Arte Italiana em Coleções Brasileiras 1250-1950 (ed. L. Marques), 2 vols., MASP (São Paulo), 1996, I, pp. 55-59
Journal Articles and Book Reviews
- “Bella quanto l’originale istesso”: La Copia del Cenacolo della Royal Academy di Londra. Vicende, fortuna, attribuzione’, Burlington Magazine, January, 2017, pp. 44-45.
- ‘Leonardo ‘1952’ e la cultura dell’Europa nel dopoguerra’, The Renaissance Society of America, 2014, 67(2), pp. 579-581.
- ‘Léonard de Vinci. Trattato della Pittura / Traitté de la Peinture’, Burlington Magazine, January, 2014, p. 34.
- ‘Afterthoughts on the London Exhibition Leonardo da Vinci. Painter at the court of Milan and on the Paris Exhibition La Sainte Anne. L’ultime chef-d’oeuvre de Léonard de Vinci, Renaissance Studies, vol. 27, no. 5, November 2013, pp. 738-753.
- ‘Michelangelo. The Drawings of a genius’, Renaissance Studies, vol. 26, no. 2, April 2012, pp. 302-307.
- ‘Cassiano dal Pozzo’s Manuscript Copy of the Trattato: New Evidence of Editorial Procedures and Responses to Leonardo in the Seventeenth Century’, Raccolta Vinciana (Milan), XXXIV, 2011, pp. 225-86.
- ‘Leonardo e a natureza’, in Renascimento Italiano. Ensaios e Traduções (ed. M. Berbara), São Paulo, 2010, pp. 91-118.
- ‘Rubens and Leonardo on Motion: Figures, Inscriptions and Texts’, Raccolta Vinciana (Milan), 2007, XXXII, pp. 343-93.
- ‘Leonardo, Poussin and Human Motion’, TW Magazine, St John’s College (Oxford) 2003, p. 13.
- ‘Illustrations of Figures by Nicolas Poussin and Stefano della Bella in Leonardo’s Trattato’, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 143, July-August 2001, pp. 1-14.
- ‘Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino’, Boletim do Instituto de História da Arte do Masp, 1997, p. 15.
- ‘O Trattato della Pittura de Leonardo e principais edições em bibliotecas brasileiras’, Revista de História da Arte e da Arqueologia, 2, 1995-1996, pp. 358-65.
- ‘Rafael no MASP: a Ressurreição de Cristo’, Revista de História da Arte e da Arqueologia, 1, 1994-95, pp. 43-57.
Electronic publications
- ‘Luca Pacioli. De Divina Proportione’, in La Biblioteca di Leonardo, org. C. Vecce (https://bibliotecadileonardo.museogalileo.it/(Opens in new window)), 2019.
- Selected pages from Leonardo’s Codex Arundel. British Library, new version of ‘Turning the Pages’ (www.bl.org(Opens in new window)), 2007.
- British Library, London. Leonardo da Vinci: A Mind in Motion, British Library, London, 7 June - 8 September 2019 (Associate Curator).
- Museo Galileo, Florence. Leonardo da Vinci e il moto perpetuo, Museo Galileo, Florence, 9 October 2019 – 12 January 2020 (Co-curator with A. Bernardoni).
- Peltz Gallery, Birkbeck College, University of London. Leonardo and Perpetual Motion: Visualising Impossible Machines, Peltz Gallery, Birkbeck College, University of London, 8 February – 12 March 2019 (Co-curator with A. Bernardoni and N. Lambert)
- Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan. The Treatise on Painting: Traces and Convergences. Sheets from the Codex Atlanticus; Trattato della Pittura: tracce e convergenze,Biblioteca Ambrosiana and Sacrestia Bramante, Milan, September-November, 2014 (Curator).
- Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan. Studies of motion. Drawings by Leonardo from the Codex Atlanticus; Studi sul moto. Disegni di Leonardo nel Codice Atlanticus, Biblioteca Ambrosiana and Sacrestia Bramante, Milan, June-September, 2011 (Curator).