Contact details
- Name:
- Professor Jill Kraye
- Qualifications:
- B.A. in History (Departmental Honors with Great Distinction and University Honors with Great Distinction): University of California at Berkeley, 1969 M.A. in History: Columbia University, 1970 Ph.D in History (with distinction): Columbia University, 1991
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Honorary Fellow and Emeritus Professor of the History of Renaissance Philosophy
- Institute:
- Warburg Institute
- Location:
- The Warburg Institute, University of London, School of Advanced Study; Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB.
- Email address:
- Jill.Kraye@sas.ac.uk
- Website:
- http://warburg.sas.ac.uk/index.php?id=450
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Early Modern, Philosophy
- Regions:
- Europe
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Renaissance humanism and philosophy; later influence of classical philosophy (Aristotelianism, Platonism, Epicureanism and Stoicism); European intellectual history 1350-1650.
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 14-Aug-2023 Management and Resolution of Conflicts and Rivalries in Renaissance Europe Edited Book
Management and Resolution of Conflict and Rivalries in Renaissance Europe
Edited by Jill Kraye, Marc Laureys and David Lines
Göttingen and Bonn: V&R unipress, Bonn University Press, 2023
ISBN: 9783847106289
313 pp.
17-Nov-2022 A Cultural History of Ideas in the Renaissance Edited Book
A Cultural History of Ideas, vol. 3: The Renaissance, ed. Jill Kraye
London etc.: Bloomsbury Academic, 257 pp.
ISBN: 978-1-3500-0741-306-May-2022 Scholarship between Europe and the Levant. Essays in Honour of Alastair Hamilton Edited Book
Scholarship between Europe and the Levant. Essays in Honour of Alastair Hamilton
(The History of Oriental Studies, Volume: 8)
Edited by Jan Loop and Jill Kraye
Leiden: Brill, 2022
ISBN: 978-90-04-42931-4
xiv, 398 pp.
10-Aug-2021 Reconfiguring the Boundary between Humanism and Philosophy Chapters
'Reconfiguring the Boundary between Humanism and Philosophy', in New Horizons for Early Modern European Scholarship, ed. A. Blair and N. Popper, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2021, pp. 95-110.
16-Dec-2020 Spheres of Conflict and Rivalries in Renaissance Europe Edited Book
Spheres of Conflict and Rivalries in Renaissance Europe
ed. Marc Laureys, David A. Lines and Jill Kraye
Bonn University Press
ISBN 978-3-8471-0627-2
288 pages
01-Jun-2019 From Greek into Latin. Giulio Ballino's Translation of the Pseudo-Aristotelian On the Virtues and Vices Articles
'From Greek into Latin. Giulio Ballino's Translation of the Pseudo-Aristotelian On the Virtues and Vices', Rivista di storia della filosofia, LXXIV.2 (2019), pp. 361-376.
20-May-2015 Forms of Conflict and Rivalries in Renaissance Europe Edited Book
Forms of Conflict and Rivalries in Renaissance Europe
ed. David A. Lines, Marc Laureys and Jill Kraye
Bonn University Press
ISBN 978-3-8471-0409-4
282 pages
01-Jan-2014 Epicureanism and Other Hellenistic Philosophies Edited Book
‘Epicureanism and Other Hellenistic Philosophies’, ‘Lucretius Editions and Commentaries’ and ‘Seneca Editions and Commentaries’, in Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World, ed. P. Ford et al., Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2014, I, pp. 617-629; II, pp. 1038-1040, 1178-1179
01-Jan-2014 Disputes over the Authorship of De mundo between Humanism and Altertums¬wissenschaft Edited Book
‘Disputes over the Authorship of De mundo between Humanism and Altertums¬wissenschaft’, in Pseudo-Aristoteles, De mundo, ed. J. Thom, Tübingen, 2014, pp. 181-197.
01-Jan-2013 ‘Sources for Ethics in the Renaissance: The Expanding Canon’, in Rethinking Virtue, Reforming Society: New Directions in Renaissance Ethics, ed. Sabrina Ebbersmeyer and David Lines (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013), pp. 29–56 [Book chapter: 9,769 words] Chapters
01-Sep-2012 Fourteenth-Century Classicism: Petrarch and Bernat Metge, ed. L. Cabré, A. Coroleu and J. Kraye Warburg Institute Colloquia (London, 2012) [Edited book] Edited Book
01-Mar-2012 Marcus Aurelius and Neostoicism in Early Modern Philosophy Co-Author. Blackwell Companion to Marcus Aurelius, ed. Marcel van Ackeren. Marcus Aurelius and Neostoicism in Early Modern Philosophy, pp. 525–31.
01-Jan-2012 Apatheia and Propatheiai in Early Modern Discussions of the Passions: Stoicism, Christianity and Natural History Francis Bacon and the Early Modern Reconfiguration of Natural History, special issue of Early Science and Medicine, 17. Apatheia and Propatheiai in Early Modern Discussions of the Passions: Stoicism, Christianity and Natural History, pp. 230–53.
01-Dec-2011 Unpacking the Warburg Library Common Knowledge, 18.1, ‘The Warburg Institute: A Special Issue on the Library and Its Readers’. Unpacking the Warburg Library, pp. 117–27.
01-Sep-2011 Cardinal Bessarion and Ludovico Saccano Co-Author. Mantova e il Rinascimento Italiano: Studi in onore di David S. Chambers, ed. Philippa Jackson and Guido Rebecchini . Cardinal Bessarion and Ludovico Saccano, pp. 225–38.
01-Sep-2011 ‘Twenty-Third Annual Margaret Mann Phillips Lecture: Pagan Philosophy and Patristics Erasmus and His Contemporaries, Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook, 31 (2011),‘Twenty-Third Annual Margaret Mann Phillips Lecture: Pagan Philosophy and Patristics, pp. 33–60.
01-Jan-2011 ‘Cristoforo Landino’, in Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy between 500 and 1500, ed. Henrik Lagerlund, 2 vols, Dordrecht and London: Springer, 2011, I, pp. 240–3 Chapters
01-Jan-2011 ‘Introduction’ to ‘Section XVI: From the Multiple Meaning of Scripture to Philological Textual Criticism – Humanism and Reformation as Roots of the Formation of Chapters
01-Jan-2010 Conflicting Duties:Science Medicine and Religion in Rome, 1550-1750 Warburg Institute and Nino Aragno editore
01-Jan-2010 ‘Renaissance: II. The West’, in The Classical Tradition, eds A. Grafton. G. Most and S. Settis, The Classical Tradition (Harvard UP, 2010), pp. 810–15 Chapters
- Research Projects & Supervisions
Research projects:
Details Vernacular Aristotelianism in Renaissance Italy, c. 1400-c. 1650 Starting 1 October 2010, a 3-year research project at Warwick (funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council) is studying the Renaissance diffusion of Aristotelian works in the Italian vernacular. This initiative tries to redress the almost exclusive concentration on Latin Aristotelianism among historians of philosophy and ideas in recent decades and aims to provide an electronic census and description of all relevant materials in both manuscript and print. Furthermore, it aims to bring together historians of language, literature, philosophy, science and culture to explore how Aristotelianism increasingly reached a broad and non-Latinate public.
- Relevant Events
Related events:
Date Details 01-Jan-2012 In Our Time: Erasmus Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the life and work of the Dutch humanist scholar Desiderius Erasmus. In his lifetime Erasmus was almost universally recognised as the greatest classical scholar of his age, the translator and editor of numerous Latin and Greek texts. But above all he was a religious scholar who published important editions of the Bible which expunged many corruptions to the texts of the Scriptures. He was an outspoken critic of the Church, whose biting satire on its excesses, In Praise of Folly, was famed throughout Europe.
When the Reformation began in 1517, however, Erasmus chose to remain a member of the Catholic Church rather than side with Martin Luther and the reformers, and a few years later he engaged in a celebrated debate with Luther on the subject of free will. Through his writings on the Church, on education and the wide gamut of humanist scholarship, Erasmus is remembered today as one of the greatest thinkers of the northern Renaissance.
Diarmaid MacCulloch
Professor of the History of the Church at the University of Oxford
Eamon Duffy
Professor of the History of Christianity at the University of Cambridge
Jill Kraye
Professor of the History of Renaissance Philosophy and Librarian at the Warburg Institute, University of London.01-Jan-2012 In Our Time: Scepticism Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss Scepticism, the idea that it may be impossible to know anything with complete certainty. Scepticism was first outlined by ancient Greek philosophers: Socrates is reported to have said that the only thing he knew for certain was that he knew nothing. Later, Scepticism was taught at the Academy founded by Plato, and learnt by students who included the Roman statesman Cicero. The central ideas of Scepticism were taken up by later philosophers and came to the fore during the Renaissance, when thinkers including Rene Descartes and Michel de Montaigne took up its challenge. A central plank of the philosophical system of David Hume, Scepticism had a powerful influence on the religious and scientific debates of the Enlightenment.
Peter Millican
Professor of Philosophy at Hertford College, Oxford
Melissa Lane
Professor of Politics at Princeton University
Jill Kraye
Professor of the History of Renaissance Philosophy and Librarian at the Warburg Institute, University of London.01-Jan-2009 In Our Time: School of Athens Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss The School of Athens – the fresco painted by the Italian Renaissance painter, Raphael, for Pope Julius II’s private library in the Vatican. The fresco depicts some of the most famous philosophers of ancient times, including Aristotle and Plato, engaged in discussion amidst the splendour of a classical Renaissance chamber. It is considered to be one of the greatest images in Western art not only because of Raphael’s skill as a painter, but also his ability to have created an enduring image that continues to inspire philosophical debate today.
Raphael captured something essential about the philosophies of these two men, but he also revealed much about his own time. That such a pagan pair could be found beside a Pope in private tells of the complexity of intellectual life at the time when classical learning was reborn in what we now call the Renaissance.
With Angie Hobbs, Associate Professor in Philosophy at the University of Warwick; Valery Rees, Renaissance scholar and senior member of the Language Department at the School of Economic Science; Jill Kraye, Professor of the History of Renaissance Philosophy and Librarian at the Warburg Institute at the University of London