Contact details
- Name:
- Professor Alastair Hamilton
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Arcadian Visiting Research Professor
- Institute:
- Warburg Institute
- Location:
- The Warburg Institute, University of London, School of Advanced Study; Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB
- Email address:
- Alastair.Hamilton@sas.ac.uk
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Early Modern
- Regions:
- Africa, Europe
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Alastair Hamilton has been attached to the Warburg Institute since 2003.
A Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy, former Dr C.Louise Thijssen-Schoute Professor of the History of Ideas at the University of Leiden and Emeritus Professor of the History of the Radical Reformation at the University of Amsterdam, he received his M.A. and PhD from Cambridge University.
His main interests lie in two fields: the history of Arabic studies and, more generally, of orientalism in Europe in the early modern period, with a special emphasis on the Arabic-speaking Christians; and religious non-conformism in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Europe (especially in Spain, Italy and the Low Countries).
A theme which has always fascinated him and which he introduces into most of his work is the fluctuating process of gathering and transmitting knowledge, the different means of evaluating sources (especially forgeries and apocrypha), and the illusions resulting from misinterpretation. He is at present engaged, together with Bernard Heyberger of the Ecole pratique des hautes études in Paris, in research on the Lebanese Maronites as the transmitters of Arab culture in Europe, and he continues to study the European translations of the Qu’ran between 1500 and 1800.
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 05-Mar-2018 Johann Michael Wansleben’s Travels in the Levant 1671-1674. An Annotated Edition of His Italian Report Monographs
04-Sep-2017 François Savary de Brèves Chapters
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04-Sep-2017 André Du Ryer Chapters
in David Thomas and John Chesworth (eds.), Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Volume 9. Western and Southern Europe (1600-1700)
01-Jan-2014 The Spirituality of Hiël’, Religious Minorities and Cultural Diversity in the Dutch Republic Edited Book
‘The Spirituality of Hiël’, Religious Minorities and Cultural Diversity in the Dutch Republic: Studies Presented to Piet Visser on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday (Brill’s Series in Church History 67), ed. August den Hollander, Alex Noord, Mirjam van Venne and Anna Voolstra, Leiden – Boston, Brill, 2014, pp. 124-32.
01-May-2012 Hans Erich Bödeker, Clorinda Donato, and Peter Hanns Reill (eds.), Discourses of Tolerance and Intolerance in the European Enlightenment Heythrop Journal, 53 (3). Hans Erich Bödeker, Clorinda Donato, and Peter Hanns Reill (eds.), Discourses of Tolerance and Intolerance in the European Enlightenment , pp.519-20.
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01-Mar-2012 John Casey, After Lives: A Guide to Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory Church History and Religious Culture, 92 (1). John Casey, After Lives: A Guide to Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, pp.133-5.
01-Mar-2012 Jean-Louis Quantin, The Church of England and Christian Antiquity: The Construction of a Confessional Identity in the 17th Century Church History and Religious Culture, 92 (1). Jean-Louis Quantin, The Church of England and Christian Antiquity: The Construction of a Confessional Identity in the 17th Century, pp.150-1.
01-Feb-2012 Sebouh David Aslanian, From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean: The Global Trade Networks of Armenian Merchants from New Julfa Times Literary Supplement.
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01-Sep-2011 Elizabeth A. Lehfeldt, Religious Women in Golden Age Spain. The Permeable Cloister; Ivan Cañadas, Public Theater in Golden Age Madrid and Tudor-Stuart London. Class, Gender and Festive Community Heythrop Journal, 52 (3).
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01-Sep-2011 Lucia Felici, Giovanni Calvino e l’ Italia; Lucia Felici, Profezie di riforma e idee di concordia religiosa: Visioni e speranze dell’esule piemontese Giovanni Leonardo Sartori Church History and Religious Culture, 91 (3-4). Lucia Felici, Giovanni Calvino e l’ Italia; Lucia Felici, Profezie di riforma e idee di concordia religiosa: Visioni e speranze dell’esule piemontese Giovanni Leonardo Sartori, pp.457-60.
01-Sep-2011 G.J. Toomer, John Selden. A Life in Scholarship Church History and Religious Culture, 91 (3-4). G.J. Toomer, John Selden. A Life in Scholarship, pp.514-16.
01-Sep-2011 Bryan W. Ball, The Soul Sleepers. Christian Mortalism from Wycliffe to Priestley Church History and Religious Culture, 91 (3-4). Bryan W. Ball, The Soul Sleepers. ChristianMortalism from Wycliffe to Priestley, pp.517-18.
01-Sep-2011 Trevor Johnson, Magistrates, Madonnas and Miracles. The Counter Reformation in the Upper Palatinate Church History and Religious Culture, 91 (3-4). Trevor Johnson, Magistrates, Madonnas and Miracles. The Counter Reformation in the Upper Palatinate, pp. 526-7.
01-Sep-2011 Bernard Heyberger, Mercedes Garcia-Arenal, Emmanuele Colombo and Paola Vismara (Eds.), L’Islam visto da Occidente. Cultura e religione del Seicento europeo di fronte all’Islam Church History and Religious Culture, 91 (3-4). Bernard Heyberger, Mercedes Garcia-Arenal, Emmanuele Colombo
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