Contact details
- Name:
- Professor Raphaële Mouren
- Qualifications:
- Archiviste paléographe; Diplôme de conservateur des bibliothèques; Docteur en philologie grecque, Ecole pratique des hautes études, Paris Sorbonne; Licence et maîtrise de lettres classiques, Université de Provence
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Head of Research Collections, the British School at Rome ; Senior Research Fellow, The Warburg Institute
- Fellowship term:
- 11-May-2021
- Institute:
- Warburg Institute
- Location:
- Woburn Square
- Email address:
- raphaele.mouren@sas.ac.uk
- Website:
- https://cv.archives-ouvertes.fr/raphaele-mouren
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Classics, Digital resources, Digitisation, Early Modern, History, History of the book, Library, Manuscript studies, Modern History , Palaeography, Typography
- Regions:
- Europe
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Professor Raphaële Mouren is Head of Research Collections at the British School at Rome and Senior Research Fellow at the Warburg Institute. She is Deputy-Director, Centre Gabriel Naudé and president, Association d'étude de la Renaissance, l'Humanisme et la Réforme. Former student at Université de Provence (BA, MA, Classics), at Ecole des chartes, Paris (archiviste paléographe) and École nationale supérieure des sciences de l’information et des bibliothèques, Lyon (diplôme de conservateur des bibliothèques), fellow at the French School at Rome for 3 years, she received her DEA and PhD from Ecole pratique des hautes études, Sorbonne. Se has been awarded fellowships and grants from institutions such as the French School at Rome, the Newberry Library, The French Institute of History in Germany, the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, the Society for Renaissance Studies, région Rhône-Alpes, the Herzog August bibliothek Wolfenbüttel and the Willison Foundation. She is member of various funded-projects focused on the history of the book and libraries.She is currently PI of an AHRC funded project, Greek Manuscripts in Renaissance Venice: The Library of Guillaume Pellicier and its contribution to Europe's intellectual heritage (https://gtr.ukri.org/projects?ref=AH%2FW009587%2F1).
She was previously Reader in History of the Book and History of Libraries, University of London, and Librarian of the Warburg Institute, Head of the Department of Rare books and Special collections at Bibliothèque-Carré d’Art, Nîmes, Deputy Director of the Cité du livre–bibliothèque Méjanes in Aix-en-Provence and Senior Lecturer in modern and contemporary history, Director of the Centre Gabriel Naudé, at Enssib, Lyon.
Her main interests are the history of philology, the history of scholarship and the transmission of classics in the Sixteenth Century; the Republic of Letters; the history of the book and publishing and the relationship between humanists and publishers, mainly in Italy, France and the European humanist printers; the cultural history of Florence and Rome in the Sixteenth Century; the history of libraries in modern times. She is available for supervision in these fields at the Warburg Institute.
In recent years she has taughted the history of the book and libraries, the humanist book in early modern times, as well as management and care of documentary heritage in libraries.
Complete list of publications
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 28-Jan-2021 The afterlife of Apuleius Edited Book
edited by Florence BISTAGNE, Carole Boidin, Raphaële MOUREN. London: Institute of Classical Studies/ University of London Press (supplement of BICS)
15-Nov-2020 L'histoire du livre en Grande-Bretagne après les travaux d'Henri-Jean Martin Articles
Histoire et civilisation du livre, 16, 2020, p. 87-97.
21-Oct-2020 Il viaggio di Hannibale per la Toscana de Piero Vettori, ou la reconstruction d'un itinéraire Chapters
in La mémoire en pièces, éd. Anne Raffarin, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2020, p. 505-517.
01-Jun-2020 Claude Longeon et les fonds anciens des bibliothèques et archives de Saint-Étienne, entre recherche et valorisation Articles
Réforme, Humanisme, Renaissance, 90, p. 83-99
01-Jun-2020 Marc Antoine Muret, un humaniste français en Italie Edited Book
Edited with C. de BUZON, J.-E. GIROT, L. PRADELLE Geneva, Droz (Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance)
01-Jun-2019 Les bibliothèques de la Renaissance aujourd’hui, étude et valorisation Edited Book
Thematic issue, Réforme, Humanisme, Renaissance, 89. Directed with Anne Reach-Ngo
25-Oct-2016 Bibliothèques et lecteurs dans l'Europe moderne (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles) Edited Book
dir. Gilles Bertrand, Anne Cayuela, Christian Del Vento, Raphaële Mouren, Geneva, Droz, 2016 (Bibliothèque des Lumières)
03-Oct-2016 ‘La fabrique d’une bibliothèque au coeur de la République des Lettres: Piero Vettori, ses amis et ses livres’ Chapters
Bibliothèques et lecteurs dans l'Europe moderne (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles), Geneva, Droz, 2016, p. 181-203.
13-Dec-2015 De la bibliothèque de Warburg à la bibliothèque Warburg : l’institutionnalisation d’une idée La revue de la BNU, 2015, p. 50-59.
01-Mar-2014 ‘Le patrimoine documentaire et la collaboration internationale: le rôle de l’IFLA’ Chapters
in Patrimonio cultural documental: De la idea a la acción, dir. Daniel Sanabria, Madrid, Fundación Ciencias de la Documentación, 2014.
02-Jan-2014 Auteur, autorité, référence dans le livre humaniste, XVe-XVIe siècles Chapters
In De l’autorité à la référence, ed. Isabelle Diu, Raphaële Mouren, Paris, École des chartes, 2014, pp. 19-35.
02-Jan-2014 De l’autorité à la référence Edited Book
De l’autorité à la référence, ed. Isabelle Diu, Raphaële Mouren, Paris, École des chartes, 2014, with chapter ‘Auteur, autorité, référence dans le livre humaniste, XVe-XVIe siècles’, pp. 19-35;
01-Jan-2014 De peu assez: éditions lyonnaises du seizième siècle Edited Book
De peu assez: éditions lyonnaises du seizième siècle, ed. Martine Furno, Pascale Mounier and Raphaële Mouren, Revue de l’enssib, 2, 2014 with article ‘Concevoir et fabriquer un livre, une entre-prise collégiale autour de quelques éditions savantes’ (revue.enssib.fr)/p>
01-Jan-2014 ‘Éditer un livre humaniste: réseaux et solidarités, affaires de famille Florentines’ in Nouveaux aspects de la culture de l’imprimé, Questions et perspectives (XVe-XVIIe siècles), dir. Grégoire Holtz, Geneva, Droz, 2014, pp. 45-59;
01-Jan-2014 Anthropologie de l'auteur de la première modernité Chapters
in Cinquante ans d’histoire du livre: De L’apparition du livre (1958) à 2008, bilan et perspective, dir. Dominique Varry, Villeurbanne, Presses de l’enssib, 2014, pp. 156-170
01-Jan-2014 Stratégies auctoriales et éditoriales de dédicace: éditions latines et grecques au milieu du seizième siècle’, in Les pratiques latines de la dédicace Articles
in Les pratiques latines de la dédicace, dir. Jean-Claude Julhe, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2014, pp. 561-578
01-Jan-2014 La place des humanistes dans les rééditions des auteurs antiques: stratégies éditoriales et titres trompeurs’, in Copier et contrefaire à la Renaissance: Faux et usage de faux, Edited Book
in Copier et contrefaire à la Renaissance: Faux et usage de faux, ed. Colette Nativel et Pascale Mounier, Paris, Champion, 2014, pp. 327-346.
01-Jan-2013 L’histoire du livre au seizième siècle au regard des autres disciplines Edited Book
Ed. Raphaële Mouren, Histoire et civilisation du livre, 9, 2013, pp. 49-169, with introduction pp. 51-52;
- Research Projects & Supervisions
Research projects:
Details Greek manuscripts in Renaissance Venice: The library of Guillaume Pellicier and its contribution to Europe’s intellectual heritage Warburg Institute
Project period: 01-Oct-2022 - 30-Sep-2026Research interests: Cultural memory, Manuscript studies, Regional history
Biblyon, Book and Literature in Lyon in the 16th century convenors: Raphaële Mouren, Professor Michèle Clément (Université Lyon 2): Région Rhône-Alpes (projet Cible grant & PhD Fellowship), since 2012.
Bipram, Private libraries in the Modern Times The aim of the project is to build an online interface that will allow the electronic publication of inventories of Ancien Régime libraries.
convenors: Raphaële Mouren, Professor Christian Del Vento (Université Paris 3), Professor Thomas Lebarbé (Université Grenoble 3):
- Région Rhône-Alpes (projet Cible grant & PhD Fellowship 2012-2015);
- Centre national de la recherché scientifique, Très grande infrastructure de recherche Huma-num annual grant 2013 and 2014.
Greek Manuscripts in Renaissance Venice: The Library of Guillaume Pellicier and its contribution to Europe's intellectual heritage AHRC funded project (2022-2026)
The illustrated book in Lyon in the sixteenth century (2016-19) Convenors: Raphaële Mouren, Professor Richard Cooper (University of Oxford) and Pierre Guinard (public library, Lyon and Centre Gabriel Naudé)
Prepared together with the public library of Lyon, the Centre Gabriel Naudé, the Bodleian Library and the University of Oxford, the project was ranked 1st in the 2015 funding campaign of Equipex Biblissima (French Government ‘Investissements d’avenir’ project) and benefited in 2016 of a one-year academic assistant, based in Lyon, in charge of describing in the Warburg Institute Iconographic Database the illustrations printed in Lyonese books during the 16th century. An application has been submitted for the renewal of the project in 2017-2018.
Current PhD topics supervised:
Dates Details From: 01-Oct-2022
Until:Hugh Cullimore, the transmission of the Hieroglyphics of Horapollo Supervisors Caspar Pearson and Raphaële Mouren
From: 01-Oct-2020
Until:Carol Barbour, The Transmission and Reception of the Tabula Cebetis, c. 1500-1650 Supervisors: Dr Raphaële Mouren and Dr Rembrand Duits
From: 01-Oct-2020
Until:Yvonne Lewis, Wimpole Library, c. 1640-1940 Supervisors: Dr Raphaële Mouren and Professor Jason Peacey (UCL)
From: 01-Oct-2019
Until:Rita Yates, Religion and Disaster in Eighteenth-Century French Art supervisors Dr Paul Taylor and Dr Raphaële Mouren
From: 01-Oct-2017
Until:Jennifer Taylor, Emblematics of the Heroine in Charles Perrault’s Contes de fées Supervisors: Dr Raphaële Mouren and Dr Paul Taylor
From: 01-Jan-2021
Until:Tracy Bergstrom, Printing and the network of antiquarian scholarship in early to mid-16th c. Rome Supervisors: Dr Raphaële Mouren and Dr Caspar Pearson
Past PhD topics supervised:
Dates Details From: 01-Oct-2019
Until: 30-Sep-2022Eleanor Greer, The Collection of Sir Richard Ellys (1682-1742) in the Context of Eighteenth-Century Book Collecting. Supervisors Raphaële Mouren and Jason Peacey (UCL)
From: 01-Oct-2016
Until: 31-Dec-2019Antonia Karaisl von Karais, 'Christian Wolff's Oeconomica methodo scientifica pertractata - Household Economics as the Foundation for the Welfare State?' Antonia Karaisl von Karais
From: 01-Oct-2011
Until: 25-Sep-2018Hélène Lannier, 'Benoît Lecourt, un juriste humaniste à Lyon dans les années 1530-1550' PhD funded by Région Rhône Alpes for 3 years as part of the project Biblyon, livre et littérature à Lyon au XVIe siècle.
Available for doctoral supervision: Yes