Contact details
- Name:
- Dr Ruben Azevedo
- Position:
- Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, BIAS Research Project
- Institute:
- Warburg Institute
- Email address:
- ruben.azevedo@sas.ac.uk
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Culture
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 01-Nov-2017 Heartfelt self: cardio-visual integration affects self-face recognition and interoceptive cortical processing Journal articles
Cerebral Cortex, Volume 27, Issue 11, 1 November 2017, Pages 5144–5155
04-Jul-2017 Afferent cardiac signals modulate attentional engagement to low spatial frequency fearful faces in Cortex
23-May-2017 Participants’ above-chance recognition of own-heart sound combined with poor metacognitive awareness suggests implicit knowledge of own heart cardiodynamics Journal articles
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group
09-Mar-2017 Perceived warmth and competence of others shape voluntary deceptive behaviour in a morally relevant setting Journal articles
17-Jan-2017 Cardiac afferent activity modulates the expression of racial stereotypes Journal articles
in Nature Communications - Article number: 13854 (2017)
Publications available on SAS-space:
Date Details Mar-2023 Re-cognizing the new self: The neurocognitive plasticity of self-processing following facial transplantation PeerReviewed
The face is a defining feature of our individuality, crucial for our social interactions. But what happens when the face connected to the self is radically altered or replaced? We address the plasticity of self-face recognition in the context of facial transplantation. While the acquisition of a new face following facial transplantation is a medical fact, the experience of a new identity is an unexplored psychological outcome. We traced the changes in self-face recognition before and after facial transplantation to understand if and how the transplanted face gradually comes to be perceived and recognized as the recipient’s own new face. Neurobehavioral evidence documents a strong representation of the pre-injury appearance pre-operatively, while following the transplantation, the recipient incorporates the new face into his self-identity. The acquisition of this new facial identity is supported by neural activity in medial frontal regions that are considered to integrate psychological and perceptual aspects of the self.