Contact details
- Name:
- Dr Paul Taylor
- Position:
- Curator (Photographic Collection)
- Institute:
- Warburg Institute
- Location:
- Phone:
- 020 7862 8949
- Email address:
- paul.taylor@sas.ac.uk
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Early Modern, History of art, Philosophy
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Iconography, early modern art theory, pictorial condition
- Languages:
Spoken Written French Good - German - Good Italian Good - Latin - Good Other Good - Other: Dutch
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 22-Jul-2022 From the Rise of Civilisation to the Rise of Capitalism: the Warburg Institute's Photographic Collection Articles
World 3, 5 (Iconographic Archives), 2022, pp. 2-16 (in Chinese)
30-Jun-2022 Iconography in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction Conference papers
ARJ – Art Research Journal: Revista de Pesquisa em Artes, 9:1 (2022): Dossiê Warburg: contribuições ao Simpósio Internacional Warburg 2019, Buenos Aires
01-Jul-2021 Yìshù pin de shuailao: cáng zài yìshù shi zhong de kexué gùshì Monographs
Zhejiang University Press. Chinese edition of Condition: the Ageing of Art, London: Paul Holberton Publishing, 2015
01-Dec-2020 Raphael, Poussin and Lairesse Articles
Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art, 12:1
01-Oct-2020 Gòng bù li xi yíchan lùn quán Edited Book
Guangxi Normal University Press. Chinese edition of Meditations on a Heritage: Papers on the Work and Legacy of Sir Ernst Gombrich, London: Paul Holberton publishing, 2014
10-Sep-2020 Four Flower Photographers Articles
Connoisseurship. Essays in Honour of Fred G. Meijer, eds Charles Dumas, Rudi Ekkart and Carla van de Puttelaar, Leiden: Primavera Pers, 2020, pp. 316-22
15-Mar-2018 Gladdicheyt in Karel van Mander’s Schilder-boeck Conference papers
Lexicographie artistique: formes, usages et enjeux dans l'Europe moderne, eds Michèle-Caroline Heck, Marianne Freyssinet and Stéphanie Trouvé. MOntpellier, Preeses Universitaires de la Méditerranée
20-Apr-2017 From Mechanism to Technique: Diderot, Chardin, and the Practice of Painting Conference papers
Knowledge and Discernment in the Early Modern Arts, eds Sven Dupré and Christine Göttler, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 296-316
28-May-2016 “Mass” and “Massing” from Karel van Mander to Roger Fry Articles
Tributes to Jean Michel Massing: Towards a Global Art History, eds Mark Stocker and Philip Lindley, Chicago: Harvey Miller/Brepols
21-Mar-2016 The Visual Culture of Holland in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries and its European Reception Edited Book
(with Jacek Jazwierski) Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL
21-Mar-2016 Houding and Keeping Conference papers
The Visual Culture of Holland in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries and its European Reception, eds Jacek Jazwierski and Paul Taylor, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL
15-Sep-2015 Condition: the Ageing of Art Monographs
London: Paul Holberton publishing. ISBN 978 1 907372 79 7
06-Nov-2014 The Practice of Painting in Dutch Art Theory Conference papers
Begrifflichkeit, Konzepte, Definitionen. Schreiben über Kunst und ihre Medien in Giovan Pietro Belloris Viten und der Kunstliteratur der Frühen Neuzeit, eds Elisabeth Oy-Marra, Marieke von Bernstorff and Henry Keazor. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz
19-Sep-2014 Text and Image Articles
Cahiers du post-diplôme «Document et art contemporain» 4, École européenne supérieure de l'image, Angoulême et Poitiers
01-Jul-2014 Gombrich and the Idea of Primitive Art Conference papers
Meditations on a Heritage: Papers on the Work and Legacy of Sir Ernst Gombrich
01-Jul-2014 Meditations on a Heritage: Papers on the Work and Legacy of Sir Ernst Gombrich Edited Book
London: Paul Holberton publishing. ISBN 978 1 907372 54 4
01-Jan-2013 Leonardo in the Low Countries Conference papers
Lives of Leonardo, eds T. Frangenberg and R. Palmer. London and Turin: Warburg Institute and Nino Aragno
01-Jan-2013 ‘Zwierich van sprong': Samuel van Hoogstraten’s Night Watch Conference papers
The Universal Art of Samuel van Hoogstraten (1627-1678), painter, writer and courtier, ed. T. Weststeijn. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
01-Jan-2013 Italian Artistic Terms in Karel van Mander Conference papers
Translating Knowledge in the Early Modern Low Countries, eds Sven Dupré and Harold J. Cook. Zürich and Münster: LIT Verlag.
01-Jan-2011 Rembrandt’s Injustice of Piso Journal articles
Oud Holland, 124, pp. 112-118
01-Jan-2011 Henri Frankfort, Aby Warburg and 'Mythopoeic Thought' Journal articles
Journal of Art Historiography, 5
01-Jan-2011 Colouring Nakedness in Flanders and Holland Conference papers
The Nude and the Norm in the Early Modern Low Countries, eds K. De Clippel, K. Van Cauteren and K. Van der Stighelen, Turnhout (Brepols), pp. 65-79
01-Jan-2011 Adriano Castellesi and the School of Athens Articles
Mantova e il rinascimento italiano: Studi in onore di David S. Chambers, eds P. Jackson and G. Rebecchini, pp. 179-89. ISBN 978-88-7495-405-6
01-Jan-2011 Iconology and Iconography Research aids
Renaissance and Reformation, Oxford Bibliographies Online
01-Jan-2010 Vermeer, Lairesse and Composition Monographs
Hofstede de Groot Lecture, Netherlands Institute for Art History, Zwolle (Waanders) 2010, ISBN 978 90 400 7708 1
01-Jan-2010 Images and Stories Journal articles
The Monist: an International Quarterly Journal of General Philosophical Inquiry, 93, pp. 370–383
01-Jan-2009 Julius II and the Stanza della Segnatura Journal articles
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 67, pp. 103-41
01-Jan-2008 Moche Libation Bottles Conference papers
Iconography without Texts. London and Turin: Warburg Institute and Nino Aragno Editore
01-Jan-2008 Iconography without Texts Edited Book
London and Turin: Warburg Institute and Nino Aragno. ISBN 978 0 85481 143 4
01-Jan-2008 Flatness in Dutch Art: Theory and Practice Journal articles
Oud Holland, 121, pp. 153-184
01-Jan-2006 The Iconography of Cylinder Seals Edited Book
London and Turin: Warburg Institute and Nino Aragno. ISBN 0 85481 135 4
01-Jan-2006 The Warburg Institute's Photographic Collection and the Diversity of Mesopotamian Art Conference papers
The Iconography of Cylinder Seals. London and Turin: Warburg Institute and Nino Aragno.
01-Jan-2004 William Gouw Ferguson, James Hamilton, Leendert Knijff, Simon Luttichuys, Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer, Caspar Smits, Jan Frans van Son, Simon Verelst and William Verelst Articles
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford: Oxford University Press
01-Jan-2004 Michelangelo’s Mistakes in the Generation of Christ Journal articles
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 67, pp. 285-294
01-Jan-2004 Boötes on the Farnesina Ceiling Journal articles
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 67, pp. 295-300
01-Jan-2002 Karel van Mander, The Lives of the Illustrious Netherlandish and German Painters, edited by Hessel Miedema, 6 volumes, Doornspijk, 1994-1999 Review
Oud Holland, 115, pp. 131-54
01-Jan-2000 Two new flower paintings by Gillis van Coninxloo III Journal articles
Oud Holland, 114, pp. 131-8
01-Jan-2000 Pictorial Composition from Medieval to Modern Art Edited Book
(with François Quiviger) London and Turin: Warburg Institute and Nino Aragno. ISBN 0 85481 125 7
01-Jan-2000 Composition in Dutch Art Theory Conference papers
Pictorial Composition from Medieval to Modern Art. London and Turin: Warburg Institute and Nino Aragno.
01-Jan-1998 The Glow in late sixteenth and seventeenth-century Dutch paintings Journal articles
'Looking through paintings: the study of painting techniques and materials in support of art historical research', ed. E. Hermens, Leids Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek, 11, pp. 159-75
01-Jan-1997 Piero della Francesca’s Giants Journal articles
(with Caroline van Eck) Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 60, pp. 243-7
01-Jan-1996 Dutch flower painting 1600-1750: an exhibition Monographs
London: Dulwich Picture Gallery. ISBN 1898519099
01-Jan-1996 Les fleurs et Dieu au XVIIe siècle Chapters
L’Empire de flore: histoire et représentation des fleurs en Europe du XVI e siècle au XIXe siècle, ed. S. van Sprang, Brussels, pp. 250-60
01-Jan-1995 Dutch flower painting, 1600-1720 Monographs
New Haven: Yale University Press
01-Jan-1995 Piero’s Flagellation and the Conventions of Painted Narrative Articles
(with Charles Hope) Piero della Francesca, ed. A. Uguccioni, Cultura e Scuola, XXXIV, 134, pp. 48-101
01-Jan-1994 Darkness at noon: Rembrandts Nachtwacht Articles
Kunstschrift, 38/6, pp. 22-7
01-Jan-1992 The Concept of Houding in Dutch Art Theory Journal articles
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 55, pp. 210-32
Publications available on SAS-space:
Date Details Dec-2011 Henri Frankfort, Aby Warburg and ‘Mythopoeic Thought’ PeerReviewed
This is the text of a lunchtime lecture given at the Warburg Institute in the spring of 2004. It formed part of a series given by current members of staff which were devoted to the work of past Warburg scholars, and was intended to introduce the audience - fellows, students and readers at the Warburg - to the work of Henri Frankfort, Director of the Institute from 1949 to 1954. Since Frankfort's interests were very distant from those of the Institute today, his life and work had largely been forgotten by modern Warburgians, and the first third of the lecture was of necessity a rapid account of his career. The remainder of the lecture is an analysis and criticism of the concept of 'primitive thinking' in the work of Frankfort and Aby Warburg. To have rewritten the lecture as an article, taking into account the voluminous literature on Warburg, would have taken more time than I currently have available, and I thank Richard Woodfield for allowing me to publish it in this unrevised form. While the Warburg literature continues to expand apace - see Warburg 2010 for recent references - Frankfort is still undeservedly neglected; the most substantial study to date is Wengrow 1999.
Hong Kong’s new electronic discovery procedures NonPeerReviewed
Ronald Yu and Paul Taylor consider the most significant electronic evidence-related development in Hong Kong over the past two years, the new Practice direction published in July 2014, which implements a pilot scheme for the discovery and inspection of electronically stored documents in the Commercial List. Index words: Hong Kong; civil proceedings; procedure; electronic discovery
- Research Projects & Supervisions
Current PhD topics supervised:
Dates Details From: 2019
Until:Women in Arms: Female Warriors in Italian art 1500-1700 First supervisor, wkth Dr Sara Miglietti
From: 2019
Until:Religion and Disaster in Eighteenth-Century French Art First supervisor, with Dr Raphaële Mouren
From: 01-Oct-2017
Until:Emblematics of the Heroine in Charles Perrault's Contes des Fees Second supervisor, with Dr Raphaële Mouren
Past PhD topics supervised:
Dates Details From: 2017
Until: 2022Portrait Prints of Rulers and Military Commanders in Sixteenth-Century Italy Gemma Cornetti
From: 2014
Until: 2020The French Renaissance of the Pagan Gods: Manuscript Illuminations of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries Lorenza Gay
From: 02-Oct-2006
Until: 11-Feb-2010Light and Shadow in Netherlandish Art 1600-1750: Theory and Practice Ulrike Kern
Available for doctoral supervision: Yes
- Relevant Events
Related events:
Date Details 01-Jan-2009 E. H. Gombrich: a Memorial Colloquium Conference held at the Warburg Institute
01-Jan-2006 Iconography without Texts Conference held at the Warburg Institute
01-Jan-2003 The Iconography of Cylinder Seals Conference held at the Warburg Institute
01-Jan-1998 Visual Humour in World Art Conference held at the Warburg Institute
01-Jan-1996 Pictorial Composition, 1400-1800 Conference held at the Warburg Institute
01-Jan-1993 Art Literature in Europe, 1550-1750 Conference held at the Warburg Institute
Other editing/publishing activities:
Date Details Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes Editor 1995-6 and 2009-
Knowledge transfer activities:
Details Iconography: the Semantics of Images Fifteen lectures delivered to the Department of Philosophy, University of Guanajuato, 4-8 August
From Mechanism to Technique: Diderot, Chardin, and the Practice of Painting Public lecture at presentation of 'Ad fontes! Niederländische Kunst des 17. Jahrhunderts in Quellen', eds. Claudia Fritzsche, Karin Leonhard and Gregor J.M. Weber. Goethe-Institut, Amsterdam, 11th February
Dead Deities in Western Art Public lecture to the departments of Philosophy and Art History, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, 8th February
The Complex Management of an Art Historical Photographic Collection Images: Content, Recognition, Classification. Images School Paris, CNRS
Houding and Keeping Conference: The Visual Culture of Holland in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries and its Relations with England, University of Lublin
The Amateur from Vasari to Diderot, via Rembrandt Conference: Artificii Occulti: Knowledge and Discernment in the Artistic and Scientific Cultures of Early Modern Europe, University of Bern
Humour in Karel van Mander’s Schilder-Boeck Workshop: Bild-Witz, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence
Karel van Mander and Italian Art Terminology Workshop: Translating Knowledge and the Invention of Vocabulary in the Early Modern Low Countries, University of Ghent
Adriano Castellesi and The School of Athens Conference: Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Venice
The Practice of Painting in Dutch Art Theory Workshop: Bellori’s Terminology: Tradition, Construction, and Usage in His Lives and Art Literature in the Early Modern Period, Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome
Gombrich and the Idea of Primitive Art Conference: E. H. Gombrich: a Memorial Colloquium, Warburg Institute
‘Zwierich van sprong': Samuel van Hoogstraten’s Night Watch Conference: The Universal Art of Samuel van Hoogstraten (1627-1678), Painter, Writer and Courtier, University of Amsterdam
Colouring Nakedness in Flanders and Holland Conference: The (Counter)Reformation Countered. Considering the Nude and the Norm in the Early Modern Netherlands, University of Leuven
Leonardo in the Low Countries Conference: Lives of Leonardo, Leonardo Society, Warburg Institute
Moche Libation Bottles Conference: Iconography without Texts, Warburg Institute
The Warburg Institute’s Photographic Collection and the Diversity of Ancient Near Eastern Art Conference: Iconography of Cylinder Seals, Warburg Institute
Wit in Shang Art Conference: Art and Religion in Ancient China, School of Oriental and African Studies, London
The Glow in Dutch Art Conference: Art Literature in Europe 1550-1750, Warburg Institute
Van Mander and Hoogstraten on Draperies Conference: Doek op Doek, University of Utrecht
Harmony and Composition in Seventeenth-century Dutch Art Theory: the Concept of Houding Conference: The Low Countries and the World, University College, London
- Consultancy & Media
- Available for consultancy:
- Yes