Contact details
- Name:
- Dr Rembrandt Duits
- Position:
- Deputy Curator (Photographic Collection)
- Institute:
- Warburg Institute
- Location:
- Phone:
- 020 7862 8949
- Email address:
- Rembrandt.Duits@sas.ac.uk
- Website:
- http://warburg.sas.ac.uk/institute/staff_directory.htm
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Cultural memory, Digitisation, Early Modern, History of art
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Renaissance art and material culture
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 17-Jul-2020 Hell from West to East. Western Resonances in Cretan Wall Painting Chapters
in A. Lymberopoulou (ed.), Hell in the Byzantine World. A History of Art and Religion in Venetian Crete and the Eastern Mediterranean, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, 191-234
17-Jul-2020 Hell in the Byzantine World. A History of Art and Religion in Venetian Crete and the Eastern Mediterranean. Vol. 2: A Catalogue of the Cretan Material Monographs
(with A. Lymberopoulou), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020
15-Apr-2018 ‘Artistic Interactions between Byzantium and Italy in the Palaiologan Era. The Case of Hell’ Conference papers
in A. Lymberopoulou (ed.) Cross-Cultural Interactions between Byzantium and the West, 1204-1669. Whose Mediterranean is it anyway? Papers from the Forty-Eight Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Milton Keynes, 28th-30th March 2015, London and New York 2018, 74-101
21-Mar-2018 ‘Classified Iconography. A New Data Model for the Warburg Institute Iconographic Database’ Conference papers
Introduction to the new data model developed for the Warburg Institute Iconographic Database, with its specific solutions for dealing with the iconography of images
01-Dec-2017 ‘“De slechtheyd heft menich gegheven wonder.” Karel van Mander over antieke draperie’ Articles
in Een opmerkelijk oog. Essays opgedragen aan Jeroen Stumpel ter ere van zijn emeritaat (Article 2017), 46-49
28-Feb-2017 Micha Leeflang and Kees van Schooten, Middeleeuwse Borduurkunst uit de Nederlanden Review
Review of Mischa Leeflang and Kees van Schooten, Middeleeuwse Borduurkunst uit de Middeleeuwen, The Burlington Magzine No 1367, vol. 159 (February 2017), p. 146
01-Dec-2016 Dorothea McEwan, Fritz Saxl. Eine Biographie. Aby Warburgs Bibliothekar und erster Direktor des Londoner Warburg Institutes Review
Review of Dorothea McEwan, Fritz Saxl. Eine Biographie. Aby Warburgs Bibliothekar und erster Direktor des Londoner Warburg Institutes, in Peritia. Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland 27 (2016), pp. 287-81.
01-May-2014 Gusto for Things: A History of Objects in Seventeenth-Century Rome Review
Review of Renata Ago, Gusto for Things: A History of Objects in Seventeenth-Century Rome’ in Renaissance Quarterly 67/2 (Summer 2014), pp. 594-595.
28-Mar-2013 Byzantine Icons in the Medici Collection Chapters
in A. Lymberopoulou and Rembrandt Duits, Byzantine Art and Renaissance Europe, London: Ashgate, 2013, pp. 157-88
28-Mar-2013 Byzantine Art and Renaissance Europe Edited Book
(with Angeliki Lymberopoulou)
01-Dec-2012 “Abiti gravi, abiti stravaganti”: Veronese’s Creative Approach to Drapery Chapters
in Paolo Veronese. A Master and His Workshop in Renaissance Venice, exhibition catalogue, The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota 2012
01-Jan-2012 'Veronese’s Creative Approach to Drapery' Chapters
in Paolo Veronese. A Master and His Workshop in Renaissance Venice, eds V. Brilliant and F. Ilchman, Sarasota, 2012 (exhibition catalogue)
01-Dec-2011 ‘Reading the stars of the Renaissance. Fritz Saxl and Astrology’ Articles
in Journal of Art Historiography, 5, December 2011
01-Jan-2011 'Una icona pulcra'. The Byzantine Icons of Cardinal Pietro Barbo Articles
Jackson, Philippa, and Rebecchini, Guido (eds), Mantova e il Rinascimento italiano. Studi in onore di David S. Chambers, Mantua, pp. 127-42.
01-Jan-2009 The Survival of the Pagan Sky. Illustrated Constellation Cycles in Manuscripts Essay in conference volume Images of the Pagan Gods. London: The Warburg Institute/Nino Aragno
31-Dec-2008 Gold brocade and Renaissance painting : a study in material culture London : Pindar Press
01-Jan-2007 Art, Class and Wealth Chapters
Woods, Kim W., Richardson, Carol. R., and Lymberopoulou, Angeliki (eds), Viewing Renaissance Art, London and Milton Keynes: The Open University/Yale University Press, pp. 21-58.
01-Jan-2005 Celestial Transmissions. An Iconographical Classification of Constellation Cycles in Manuscripts (8th-15th Centuries) Articles
Scriptorium, 59 (2), pp. 147-202
09-Jan-2002 The Waning of the Renaissance Essay in conference volume Images of the Pagan Gods. London: The Warburg Institute/Nino Aragno
01-Jan-1999 Figured riches : the value of gold brocades in fifteenth-century Florentine painting Articles
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 62, pp. 60-92
- Research Projects & Supervisions
Current PhD topics supervised:
Dates Details From: 01-Oct-2019
Until: 30-Sep-2022Wax Ex Votos first supervisor; co-supervision with Prof. Michelle O'Malley
From: 01-Oct-2019
Until: 30-Sep-2022Emblems commissioned by women in sixteenth-century Italy second supervisor; co-supervision with Prof. Lisa Sampson (UCL)
From: 01-Oct-2017
Until: 31-Dec-2020Art Collections of Art Historians First supervisor; co-supervision with Dr Opher Mansour
From: 01-Dec-2019
Until: 31-Mar-2021Miraculous Prints in Emilia Romagna first supervisor; co-supervision with Prof. Bill Sherman
Past PhD topics supervised:
Dates Details From: 01-Oct-2015
Until: 30-Sep-2018The French Renaissance of the Pagan Gods second supervisor; co-supervision with Dr Paul Taylor
From: 01-Oct-2012
Until: 30-Sep-2015Drawing upon the Gods: Medieval Depictions of the Pagan Deities and their Relationship to Contemporary Ovidian Commentaries second supervisor; co-supervision with Prof Charles Burnett
From: 01-Oct-2011
Until: 30-Sep-2014Exchange of Knowledge through Translation: Jan Baptista van Helmont and his Editors and Translators in the Seventeenth Century second supervisor; co-supervision with Dr Guido Giglioni
From: 01-Oct-2008
Until: 26-Mar-2011Jan van Naaldwijk’s Chronicles of Holland second supervisor; co-supervision with prof. Jill Kraye
Available for doctoral supervision: Yes
- Professional Affiliations
Name Type Activity Start date End date Damned in Hell in the Frescoes of Venetian-dominated Crete (13th- 17th centuries) Leverhulme international network project Research, Conferences, and Publication 01-Sep-2011 01-Sep-2013