Contact details
- Name:
- Dr Alessandro Scafi
- Position:
- Senior Lecturer in Medieval and Renaissance Cultural History
- Institute:
- Warburg Institute
- Location:
- Email address:
- Alessandro.Scafi@sas.ac.uk
- Website:
- http://warburg.sas.ac.uk/institute/staff_directory.htm
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Early Modern, History of art, Medieval History, Modern History , Political Institutions
- Regions:
- Europe
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
My research interests over the last years have been varied but all are firmly grounded in a common theme: the way in which spiritual beliefs not only shaped contemporary world views but were also fundamental to cultural expression and political activities. My work to date has been in the following areas:
The notion of the earthly paradise: I investigated this topic whilst writing my doctoral dissertation on
The notion of the earthly paradise from the Patristic era to the fifteenth century (Warburg Institute, 1999) and have since studied in more depth and over a wider chronological span whilst preparing my book Mapping Paradise: A History of Heaven on Earth (London: British Library; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006; Winner: 2006 Awards for Excellence, Association of American Publishers; Italian transl. Milan: Bruno Mondadori, 2007). I now intend to complete a nuanced exploration of the ways in which between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Christian theologians have imagined the perfect condition of Adam and Eve before the Fall.
History of Cartography and Sacred Geography: I have a strong interest in the ways in which religion and geography intersect and interact, particularly in the context of medieval and early modern sacred geography. I maintained my interests in a number of related aspects of medieval and Renaissance cartography, including the shift from medieval to Renaissance mapping; musical iconography on medieval and Renaissance maps; the representation of non-Christian religious traditions; allegorical cartography in the early modern period. I have worked on the Hereford, Ebstorf and Psalter maps, the Fra Mauro World Map, the Kunstmann II Map.
Literature on journeys to the otherworld: I devoted particular attention to a little known text by Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, the Dialogus de somnio quodam, which I translated from Latin into Italian and for which I wrote a detailed commentary (Turin: Aragno, 2004). I have also a strong interest in Dante. I have been working in connection with the Centro Dantesco in Ravenna, participating in many of their initiatives and supervising theses on Dante at their library.
Medieval and Renaissance views of the temporal and spiritual powers and their history: I have researched a number of inter-related subjects including papal art patronage in Church Jubilee years and medieval Christian ideas about pilgrimage and death. I have received a grant (with Dr Avril Maddrell, University of the West of England, Dr Heather Walton, University of Glasgow and Dr Veronica Della Dora, University of Bristol) from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (within the Religion and Society Scheme) for a research project on pilgrimage practices in different Christian traditions. I have focussed on pilgrimage through mental landscapes in the Roman Catholic tradition (at the monastery of Subiaco, Italy, in particular).
History of utopian thought and cultural interchange in the early modern age: I have worked on Filarete’s ideal city (Sforzinda) and on the relationships between Italy and Hungary in the Renaissance.
Aby Warburg: Warburg’s interest in musical iconography (a topic so far ignored by Warburg scholars) and Warburg’s involvement in World War I. - Languages:
Spoken Written French Fluent Intermediate German Intermediate Intermediate Italian Fluent Fluent Latin Fluent Fluent
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 15-May-2024 ‘A Friend of the Wind: Fathi Hassan’s Response to Maps’ Chapters
‘A Friend of the Wind: Fathi Hassan’s Response to Maps’, in Fathi Hassan: Shifting Sands (London: The Sunderland Collection Art Programme, 2024), pp. 103-107
07-Jul-2023 ‘Filarete: la gioia festosa del compimento’ Articles
‘Filarete: la gioia festosa del compimento’, La Rivista di Engramma, 200 (March 2023), pp. 233-238.
both paperbaack and online edition
22-Nov-2022 ‘Dall’alba dello spazio al tramonto del tempo: Ugo di San Vittore e la geo-storia della salvezza cristiana nella cartografia medievale’ Conference papers
‘Dall’alba dello spazio al tramonto del tempo: Ugo di San Vittore e la geo-storia della salvezza cristiana nella cartografia medievale’, in La scuola di San Vittore e la letteratura medievale, eds C. Bologna and C. Zacchetti (Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2022), pp. 37-55, 493-497.
21-Oct-2022 ‘The Christianisation of Alexander on Medieval Maps of the World’ Chapters
‘The Christianisation of Alexander on Medieval Maps of the World’, in Alexander the Great: The Making of a Myth, ed. Richard Stoneman (London: The British Library, 2022), pp. 188-197, 287-288.
10-Oct-2022 ‘Saint Brendan’s Island on European Maps (1300–1500)’ Conference papers
‘Saint Brendan’s Island on European Maps (1300–1500)’, in St. Brandan in europäischer Perspektive – St. Brendan in European Perspective/ Textuelle und bildliche Transformationen – Textual and Pictorial Transformations, eds J. Bockmann and S. Holtzhauer (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht; Brill Deutschland GmbH, 2022), pp. 167-194.
15-Dec-2021 ‘Gli Antipodi e il Monte Purgatorio di Dante: Il terreno scientifico di un fiore poetico’ / ‘The Antipodes and Dante’s Mountain of Purgatory: The Scientific Soil that Yielded a Poetic Flower’ Chapters
‘Gli Antipodi e il Monte Purgatorio di Dante: Il terreno scientifico di un fiore poetico’ / ‘The Antipodes and Dante’s Mountain of Purgatory: The Scientific Soil that Yielded a Poetic Flower’, in Dall’Inferno all’Empireo: il mondo di Dante tra scienza e poesia / From Hell to the Empyrean: Dante’s World between Science and Poetry, ed. F. Camerota (Florence: Gallerie degli Uffizi; Museo Galileo; Sillabe, 2021), pp. 88-95.
01-Dec-2021 ‘L’altro viaggio a Ravenna: l’aldilà qui e ora di Dante’ Articles
with M. Frontino, ‘L’altro viaggio a Ravenna: l’aldilà qui e ora di Dante’, Arte Cristiana 927 (November / December 2021), pp. 404-409.
24-Feb-2021 'Giacomo Filippo Foresti, Cronicha de Tuto el Mondo Vulgare’ Research aids
'Giacomo Filippo Foresti, Cronicha de Tuto el Mondo Vulgare’, in La Biblioteca di Leonardo, ed. C. Vecce, (Florence: Museo Galileo, 2021), pp. 248-25
24-Feb-2021 ‘Isidorus Hispalensis, Cronica’; Research aids
‘Isidorus Hispalensis, Cronica’; in La Biblioteca di Leonardo, ed. C. Vecce, (Florence: Museo Galileo, 2021), pp. 274-275.
24-Feb-2021 ‘John Mandeville, Tractato de le piu maravegliose cose’ Research aids
‘John Mandeville, Tractato de le piu maravegliose cose’, in La Biblioteca di Leonardo, ed. C. Vecce, (Florence: Museo Galileo, 2021), pp. 285-286.
03-Nov-2020 ‘The End is Near: Medieval mappae mundi and the Apocalypse’ Chapters
‘The End is Near: Medieval mappae mundi and the Apocalypse’, in Repertoire of Written Sources and Artifacts of Prognostication in the Middle Ages, eds H. -Ch. Lehner et al. (Berlin and New York: Walter-de-Gruyter, 2020), pp. 768-776.
15-Jul-2020 ‘Cosmographical Map’ Articles
in The History of Cartography, IV, Cartography in the European Enlightenment, eds Matthew H. Edney and Mary Sponberg Pedley. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019
15-Jul-2020 ‘Cultural and Social Significance of Globes’ Articles
in The History of Cartography, IV, Cartography in the European Enlightenment, eds Matthew H. Edney and Mary Sponberg Pedley. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019
31-Dec-2019 ‘Double Standards? Medieval Marriage Symbolism and Christian Views on the Muslim Paradise’ Chapters
in The Symbolism of Marriage in Early Christianity and the Latin Middle Ages: Images, Impact, Cognition, ed. Line C. Engh (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019), pp. 179-202.
01-Dec-2019 ‘Maps | Christianity | Modern Europe and America’ Research aids
Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR), vol. 17, eds Christine Helmer, Steven L. McKenzie, Thomas Römer, Jens Schröter, Barry Dov Walfish, Eric J. Ziolkowski. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2019, pp. 858-860. December
06-Jun-2019 ‘Giacomo Filippo Foresti, Supplemento de le Chroniche’ Articles
in La Biblioteca di Leonardo, ed. Carlo Vecce, (Florence: Museo Galileo, 2019), on line publication.
06-Jun-2019 ‘Isidorus Hispalensis, Comenza la Cronica de Sancto Isidero Menore: con alchune additione cavate del texto et istorie de la Bibia e del libro de Paulo Orosio ...’ Articles
in La Biblioteca di Leonardo, ed. Carlo Vecce, (Florence: Museo Galileo, 2019), on line publication.
06-Jun-2019 ‘John Mandeville, Tractato de le piu maravegliose cose e piu notabile che si trovino in le parte del mondo reducte e colte sotto brevita in lo presente compendio' Articles
in La Biblioteca di Leonardo, ed. Carlo Vecce, (Florence: Museo Galileo, 2019), on line publication.
01-Apr-2019 ‘Natura perfetta nell’Eden: un’utopia medievale’ Chapters
in Rappresentazioni della natura nel medioevo, eds Giovanni Catapano and Onorato Grassi, Micrologus Library Series 94 (Florence: SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2019), pp. 3-25. April
28-Oct-2018 ‘L’enigma della lunetta’ Journal articles
in L’Osservatore Romano (28 October 2018), p. 5.
31-Aug-2018 ‘Wedded Bliss? Early Medieval Views on the Place of Marriage in Eden’ Conference papers
in Sacramentum Magnum: Die Ehe in der mittelaterlichen Theologie / Le Mariage dans la théologie médiévale / Marriage in Medieval Theology, ed. Pavel Blazek (Münster: Aschendorff, 2018), pp. 69-94.
01-May-2018 ‘Giving Birth in the Garden of Eden’ Chapters
in Pregnancy and Childbirth: History, Medicine, and Anthropology, ed. Costanza Gilson Dopfel. Moraga, CA: Saint Mary's College of California, 2018, pp. 45-55. May
01-Jan-2018 ‘Acquiring Wings: Augustine’s Recurrent Tensions on Creation and the Body’ Chapters
in Et Amicorum: Essays on Renaissance Humanism and Philosophy in Honour of Jill Kraye, eds Margaret Meserve and Anthony Ossa-Richardson (Leiden: Brill, 2018), pp. 245-261.
15-Nov-2017 'Orbis disciplinae: Hommages en l’honneur de Patrick Gautier Dalché, eds Nathalie Bouloux, Anca Dan and Georges Tolias (Turnhout: Brepols, 2017)' Review
in Imago Mundi, The International Journal for the History of Cartography - Volume 70, 2018 - Issue 1, pp. 140–141.
01-Oct-2017 ‘La sopravvivenza della tradizione classica nella geografia medievale’ Articles
in La Rivista di Engramma (online), 150 (October 2017).
12-Jul-2017 ‘Luther’s Paradise Flooded’ Chapters
in Luther, Kolumbus und die Folgen: Welt im Wandel, 1500-1600, eds Thomas Eser and Stephanie Armer. Nürnberg: Germanische Nationalmuseum, 2017, pp. 14-21
03-Jul-2017 Chet Van Duzer and Ilya Dines, Apocalyptic Cartography: Thematic Maps and the End of the World in a Fifteenth-Century Manuscript Review
in Imago Mundi, The International Journal for the History of Cartography - Volume 69, 2017 - Issue 1, pp. 119-120.
01-Mar-2017 Warburg and D’Annunzio in Defence of Truth: on Modern Literature and Alleged Jewishness Journal articles
with Dorothea McEwan, Schifanoia, 53-53 (2017), eds Stefano Caroti, Angela Ghinato, Manuela Incerti, a cura dell’Istituto di Studi Rinascimentali di Ferrara. Pisa-Rome-Ferrara: Fabrizio Serra, 2015, pp. 257-277.
01-Oct-2016 ‘All Space Will Pass Away: The Spiritual, Spaceless and Incorporeal Heaven of Valentin Weigel (1533-1588)’ Chapters
‘All Space Will Pass Away: The Spiritual, Spaceless and Incorporeal Heaven of Valentin Weigel (1533-1588)’, in Boundaries, Extents and Circulations: Space and Spatiality in Early Modern Natural Philosophy, eds J. Regier and K. Vermeir (Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016), pp. 209-227.
01-Jul-2016 Luciano Gargan, Dante, la sua biblioteca e lo Studio di Bologna Chapters
European Society for Textual Scholarship
12-Jun-2016 ‘Borrowing Human Sex to Speak of Divine Love’ Chapters
in The Art of Borrowing, ed. Paul Williamson (Cambridge-Stockholm: Festival O/Modernt, 2016), pp. 109-119.
06-Jun-2016 The Cosmography of Paradise: The Other World from Ancient Mesopotamia to Medieval Europe Edited Book
The Warburg Institute Colloquia, 27. London: The Warburg Institute
01-May-2016 ‘L’uovo di Dante’ Chapters
in Carlo Alberto Redi, Manuela Monti, Storia di una cellula fantastica: Scienza, cultura e natura dell’uovo (Milan: Sironi, 2016), pp. 197-201.
07-Jan-2016 'Maps' Articles
with Catherine Delano-Smith, in The Oxford Encvclopedia of the Bible and the Arts, ed. Timothy Beal (New York: Oxford University Press, USA, 2015), pp. 10-20.
01-Jan-2016 ‘Le stelle di Dante nella biblioteca di Aby Warburg’ Conference papers
in Lo sguardo sugli astri: Scienza, Cultura e Arte, Atti dei Convegni Lincei, 288, (Rome: Bardi, 2016), pp. 125-145.
01-Dec-2015 'Maps' Research aids
- with Catherine Delano-Smith, in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Arts, ed. Timothy Beal. Vol. 2.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, pp. 10-20.
01-Oct-2015 ‘Pico e il paradiso: un’idea rinascimentale della perfezione umana’ Conference papers
in Giovanni Pico della Mirandola e la “Dignità” dell’uomo: Storia e fortuna di un discorso mai pronunciato, Schifanoia 46/47 (2014), a cura dell’Istituto di Studi Rinascimentali di Ferrara (Pisa-Rome-Ferrara: Fabrizio Serra, 2015), pp. 93-112.
01-Jul-2015 Die Vermessung des Paradieses: Eine Kartographie des Himmels auf Erden Monographs
German transl. of Maps of Paradise by Gina Beitscher. Darmstatd: Philipp von Zabern, WBG, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
02-Jun-2015 ‘Coping with Muslim Jerusalem between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Islam and the Holy City on Christian World Maps’ Chapters
in Between Jerusalem and Europe: Essays in Honour of Bianca Kühnel, eds Renana Bartal and Hanna Vorholt (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2015), pp. 257-279.
01-Jan-2015 ‘Sacred crossroads: landscape and aesthetics in contemporary Christian pilgrimage’, Chapters
with V. Della Dora and A. Maddrell, ‘Sacred crossroads: landscape and aesthetics in contemporary Christian pilgrimage’, in The Changing World Religion Map: Sacred Places, Identities, Practices and Politics, ed. S. D. Brunn, 5 vols (New York-Berlin: Springer, 2015), II, pp. 745-765.
12-Dec-2014 Christian Pilgrimage, Landscape and Heritage: Journeying to the Sacred Monographs
with Veronica della Dora, Avril Maddrell and Heather Walton. New York and London: Routledge.
15-May-2014 ‘La sopravvivenza dell’apoteosi classica nella tradizione geografica medievale: le Colonne d’Ercole, segno cartografico della divinizzazione cristiana’ Conference papers
in Apotheosis: Becoming God, eds Tommaso Gnoli and Federicomaria Muccioli (Bononia University Press: 2014), pp. 427-440.
01-Jan-2014 ‘From Biblical to Non-Biblical Holy Places: The Holy Shrine of Subiaco as a Construct of Jerusalem’ Conference papers
in Visual Constructs of Jerusalem, eds Bianca Kühnel, Galit Noga-Banai and Hanna Vorholt (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014), pp. 45-55.
01-Oct-2013 ‘“Kulturwissenschaftliches Kuriosum aus dem Gebiete der Musikgeschichte”: Aby Warburg tra scienza della cultura e storia della musica’ Chapters
Schifanoia, 42-43 (2013), ed. Simona Spinelli, a cura dell’Istituto di Studi Rinascimentali di Ferrara. Pisa-Rome-Ferrara: Fabrizio Serra, 2013, pp. 115-132.
19-Sep-2013 Maps of Paradise Monographs
London: British Library; Chicago: University of Chicago Press
28-Feb-2013 ‘La firma di Filarete sulla porta bronzea di San Pietro: la gioia della creazione artistica’ Chapters
in La Basilica di San Pietro: Fortuna e immagine, ed. Giovanni Morello. Rome: Gangemi, 2012, pp. 137-151.
20-Nov-2012 ‘Mapping the End: The Apocalypse in Medieval Cartography’ Journal articles
Literature and Theology, 26/4 (December 2012), special issue: Apocalypse Now and Then: Prophecy and Imagination from the Anglo-Saxons to the Post-Moderns, pp. 400-416.
15-Oct-2012 ‘La barba del santo e la forma del mondo nel chiostro di Imola’ Chapters
in Barbara Donati, L’immagine del Santo: Iconografia francescana nel chiostro dell’Osservanza di Imola. Imola: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Imola (BO): La Mandragora, 2012), pp. 11-27.
01-Oct-2012 ‘L’Atlante della Memoria: sinfonia di immagini per un teatro di frammenti’ Articles
in La Rivista di Engramma (online), 100 (September/October 2012).
30-May-2012 ‘Le premier homme comme microcosme et préfiguration du Christ: la Mappemonde d’Ebstorf et le nom d’Adam’ Chapters
in Micrologus. Adam. Le premier homme. ed. Agostino Paravicini Bagliani. Florence: Sismel, 2012, pp. 183-197.
20-Dec-2011 ‘Filarete’s ideal city of Sforzinda: Architecture between Nature and Society’ Articles
in Die Stadt- Achse und Zentrum der Welt – The City: Axis and Centre of the World, eds Matthias Riedl and Tilo Schabert, Eranos, Neue Folge, Band 16, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 15-33.
01-May-2011 ‘After Ptolemy: The Mapping of Eden’ Articles
in Ptolemy’s Geography: The Renaissance, eds Zur Shalev and Charles Burnett, London-Turin: The Warburg Institute-Nino Aragno, pp. 187-206
21-Apr-2011 Alla scoperta del paradiso: Un Atlante del cielo sulla terra Monographs
Palermo: Sellerio, 2011.
31-Mar-2011 ‘La Vergine Protettrice' Chapters
in Tommaso Castaldi, La Madonna della Misericordia. L'iconografia e la sua diffusione nell'arte di Bologna e della Romagna nel Tre e nel Quattrocento, Imola (BO), 2011 in Tommaso Castaldi, La Madonna della Misericordia. L’iconografia della Madonna della Misericordia e della Madonna delle Frecce nell’arte di Bologna e della Romagna nel Tre e Quattrocento. Imola (BO): La Mandragora, 2011, pp. 9-19.
01-Jan-2011 Finishing the Unfinished: Paradise in Fausto da Longiano's Vernacular Translation of Piccolomini's Cosmographia (1544)’ Articles
in Mantova e il Rinascimento italiano: Studi in onore di David S. Chambers, eds Philippa Jackson and Guido Rebecchini. Mantua: Editoriale Sometti, pp. 259-270.
12-Jul-2010 Epilogue: A Heaven on Earth Epilogue of Paradise in Antiquity: Jewish and Christian views, eds Markus Bockmuehl and Guy G. Stroumsa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
01-Jan-2010 L’abbraccio al mondo dell’urbe: Roma e la Chiesa di Roma in Enciclopedia della Cultura Italiana, eds Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza, Alberto Piazza, Vittorio Bo, vol. X, L’arte e il visuale, ed. Marina Wallace. Turin: Utet, pp. 176-195.
01-Jan-2010 Il rosso purpureo di Roma: cardinali e mecenatismo in Enciclopedia della Cultura Italiana, eds Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza, Alberto Piazza, Vittorio Bo, vol. X, L’arte e il visuale, ed. Marina Wallace. Turin: Utet, pp. 196-217
01-Jan-2010 -‘Teorie italiane sull’arte: la bellezza dei fiori e il Rinascimento’ Articles
Enciclopedia della Cultura Italiana, eds Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza, Alberto Piazza, Vittorio Bo, vol. X, L’arte e il visuale, ed. Marina Wallace, Turin: Utet, 2010, pp. 394-415.
01-Jan-2010 ‘Atlantis’ Articles
in The Classical Tradition, eds Anthony Grafton and Salvatore Settis, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp. 100-102
24-Jul-2009 Nel mondo dei sogni: Enea Silvio Piccolomini e l’uso letterario delle teorie oniriche tardo-medievali’ Articles
in Pio II Piccolomini: Il papa del Rinascimento a Siena, ed. Fabrizio Nevola, Siena: Protagon and Comune di Siena, pp. 227-244.
01-Jan-2009 Warburg and Böcklin: Myths in Word and Image’ Articles
in Towards a Science of Art History: J.J. Tikkanen and Art Historical Scholarship in Europe, [Taidehistoriallisia tutkimuksia (Studies in Art History), 38 (2009)], Helsinki: Taidehistorian Seura, pp. 137-147
01-Jan-2008 ‘Where has utopia gone?’ Journal articles
Obshaya Tetrad, The Journal of Moscow School of Political Studies, 3-4/46 (2008), pp. 137-147 (in Russian).
01-Jan-2008 Soggetti a carattere musicale nella cartografia europea tra Medioevo e Rinascimento’ Articles
in Itineraria: Letteratura di viaggio e conoscenza del mondo dall’Antichità al Rinascimento, 6, Florence: Sismel, Edizioni del Galluzzo, pp. 121-144.
01-Jan-2008 The African paradise of Cardinal Carvajal : new light on the 'Kunstmann II Map,' 1502-1506 Articles
Offprint from: Renaissance and Reformation = Renaissance et Réforme. 31.2
01-Jan-2007 Il paradiso in terra: Mappe del giardino dell’Eden Monographs
Milan: Bruno Mondadori
01-Jan-2007 . ‘Pio II e la cartografia: Un papa e un mappamondo tra Medioevo e Rinascimento’ Articles
in Enea Silvio Piccolomini: Poeta laureatus, Pontifex Maximus, eds Manlio Sodi and Arianna Antoniutti, Rome-Vatican City: Shakespeare and Company2; Libreria Editrice Vaticana, pp. 239-264.
01-Jan-2007 Onesto riso e dolce gioco: Dante, l’Eden e la cartografia medievale’ Journal articles
in Letture Classensi: Dante e l’arte, ed. Claudia Giuliani (Ravenna: Longo, 2007), pp. 59-82, 129-136
01-Jan-2007 ‘Europe and the Mediterranean: Medieval West Geography and World View’ Articles
in The Oxford Companion to World Exploration, ed. David Buisseret, 2 vols, New York: Oxford University Press, I, pp. 271-273
01-Jan-2007 ‘Medieval West Mapmaking’ Articles
in The Oxford Companion to World Exploration, ed. David Buisseret, 2 vols, New York: Oxford University Press, I, pp. 273-274.
01-Jan-2007 ‘L’enigma di un musico: Aby Warburg e l’iconografia musicale’ Journal articles
Musica e Storia, 2007, XV/1, pp. 163-204.
01-Jan-2006 Mapping Paradise: A History of Heaven on Earth Monographs
London: British Library; Chicago: University of Chicago Press
01-Jan-2006 'Defining Mappae Mundi’ Articles
in The Hereford World Map: Medieval World Maps and their Context, ed. Paul D. A. Harvey, London: British Library, pp. 345-354.
01-Jan-2006 ‘Un Senese in Paradiso: Il viaggio letterario di Enea Silvio Piccolomini nell’aldilà di Dante e Virgilio’ Articles
in Conferenze su Pio II di Luca D’Ascia, Arnod Esch, Alessandro Scafi, Francesco Ricci nel sesto centenario della nascita di Enea Silvio Piccolomini (1405-2005), ed. Enzo Mecacci, Siena: Accademia degli Intronati, pp. 67-108.
01-Jan-2005 Sacred geography Articles
[with Catherine Delano Smith], in Sacred Places on Maps, ed. Zsolt Török, Pannonhalma: Pannonhalmi F?apátság, pp. 33-54, 121-140.
01-Jan-2004 Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Dialogo su un sogno Edited Book
Turin: Nino Aragno
10-Oct-2002 À la recherche du paradis perdu : les mappemondes du XIIIe siècle Chapters
in Ruptures: De la discontinuité dans la vie artistique, ed. Jean Galard. Paris: Musée du Louvre—École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, 2002, pp. 17-57.
Publications available on SAS-space:
Date Details Dec-2011 Mapping the Religious Mind: India and the Medieval Geography of Religion NonPeerReviewed
Religion and geography intersect and interact, particularly in the context of medieval cartography. India was represented on medieval world maps as a country of wisdom and a land of opulence but its depiction has to be seen within the wider context of the Christian vision of history.
Finishing the Unfinished: Paradise in Fausto da Longiano's Vernacular Translation of Piccolomini's Cosmographia (1544) PeerReviewed
Epilogue: a heaven on earth PeerReviewed
The Image of Persia in Western Medieval Cartography PeerReviewed
The African Paradise of Cardinal Carvajal: New Light on the “Kunstmann II Map,” 1502–1506. PeerReviewed
- Research Projects & Supervisions
Research projects:
Details Landscape Aesthetics, Meaning and Experience in Christian Pilgrimage with Dr Avril Maddrell, University of the West of England, Heather Walton, University of Glasgow, and Dr Veronica Della Dora, University of Bristol
Arts and Humanities Research Council 2010-2011Current PhD topics supervised:
Dates Details From: 26-Sep-2022
Until:Place and Place-Making in Gozzoli’s painted cycle of St Francis in Montefalco Jane Cooper, Place and Place-Making in Gozzoli’s painted cycle of St Francis in Montefalco (with Caspar Pearson)
From: 25-Sep-2023
Until:Tracing the idea of the dignity and perfectibility of humankind from the Quran to Ibn Tufayl’s Hayy ibn Yaqzan and mapping it’s influence on Pico della Mirandola’s Oratio de hominis dignitate Sikeena Ahmed, Tracing the idea of the dignity and perfectibility of humankind from the Quran to Ibn Tufayl’s Hayy ibn Yaqzan and mapping it’s influence on Pico della Mirandola’s Oratio de hominis dignitate (with Nader El-Bizri, University of Sharjah)
From: 01-Oct-2022
Until:The Mother of Humanism: The Life, Texts and Networks of Battista Malatesta (1384-1448) Florence ForteHull, The Mother of Humanism: The Life, Texts and Networks of Battista Malatesta (1384-1448) (with Lucy Nicholas)
From: 01-Oct-2021
Until:The Descent into the Hell of Self Knowledge Katerina Sarafidou, The Descent into the Hell of Self Knowledge (with John Tresch)
From: 01-Jan-2023
Until:Writing Bilingually in Italy in the Sixteenth Century Eugenia Sisto, Writing Bilingually in Italy in the Sixteenth Century (with Sara Miglietti)
Past PhD topics supervised:
Dates Details From: 01-Oct-2020
Until: 12-Apr-2024Convivial Humanism: Giovanni Pontano (1426-1503) on the Art of Living Together George Brocklehurst, Convivial Humanism: Giovanni Pontano (1426-1503) on the Art of Living Together (with Sara Miglietti)
From: 01-Oct-2015
Until: 01-Dec-2018The Idea of Stoicheion in Grammar and Cosmology from Plato to Agrippa Juan Acevedo, The Idea of Stoicheion in Grammar and Cosmology from Plato to Agrippa (with Charles Burnett)
From: 01-Oct-2013
Until: 03-Jul-2023Pierfrancesco Riccio: The Rise of a Bureaucrat in the Service of the Medici Family (1524-44) Desirée Cappa, Pierfrancesco Riccio: The Rise of a Bureaucrat in the Service of the Medici Family (1524-44) (with Peter Mack)
From: 01-Oct-2013
Until: 31-Jul-2017The Reception History of Martianus Capella from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Century Katie Reid, The Reception History of Martianus Capella from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Century (with Peter Mack)
From: 01-Oct-2011
Until: 31-Jul-2015The Cultural Policy of the Catholic Church in Italy during the Second Half of the Fifteenth Century Paolo Sachet, The Cultural Policy of the Catholic Church in Italy during the Second Half of the Fifteenth Century (with Jill Kraye).
From: 01-Oct-2011
Until: 31-Jul-2013Prometheus, Artist of the Ages: Prometheus' Function in Ekphrastic Contexts in Latin Literature and North Italian Renaissance Stanzini Daisy Dunn, Prometheus, Artist of the Ages: Prometheus' Function in Ekphrastic Contexts in Latin Literature and North Italian Renaissance Stanzini (with Miriam Leonard, UCL).
From: 01-Oct-2011
Until: 30-Sep-2015On the Cusp of Legend and History: The Myth of Alexander the Great in Italy between the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Claudia Daniotti, On the Cusp of Legend and History: The Myth of Alexander the Great in Italy between the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century (with Jill Kraye)
- Professional Affiliations
Professional affiliations:
Name Type Activity Start date End date Dante’s Divine Comedy LJC Book Club Study Day One day-Seminar LJC Book Club Study Day 28-Jan-2023 28-Jan-2023 Mapping Worlds: Medieval to Modern one-week online intensive course, open to the general public The Warburg Institute 25-Apr-2022 29-Apr-2022 Tudor England and the Italian Renaissance: Reactions and Comparisons University College London Tudor England and the Italian Renaissance: Reactions and Comparisons - BA History Special Subject Course (with Peter Mack) 23-Sep-2013 27-Jun-2014 Intertestualità nella letteratura europea Guest Professor University of Catania 23-May-2008 26-May-2008 Continuity and Its Discontents: Many Histories of Art Finnish Graduate School in Art History, Summer School Guest Professor, University of Turku, FInnland Guest Professor, University of Turku 23-Apr-2010 26-Apr-2010 Sesso in Paradiso Visitng Profssorship Visiting Professorship 3 month-teaching at the University of Rome 17-Oct-2022 15-Dec-2022 I molti rinascimenti di Aby Warburg Istituto di Studi Rinascimentali, Ferrara Conference Organizer 16-Feb-2012 18-Feb-2012 Mapping Worlds: Medieval to Modern one-week online intensive course, open to the general public The Warburg Institute 12-Apr-2021 16-Apr-2021 Concepts et lieux problématiques dans la géographie et la cartographie médiévales Guest Professor (Directeur d'études invité). École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris 11-Apr-2013 16-May-2013 The Design of the Euro and the Issue of a Common European Culture Visiting Professorship (two weeks) Guest Professor Hebrew University of Jerusalem 11-Apr-2010 22-Apr-2010 The Cosmography of Paradise, with M. Geller The Warburg Institute, University of London, Institute of Jewish Studies, UCL, British Institute for the Study of Iraq, School of Advanced Study, University of London Conference organizer 05-Mar-2009 06-Mar-2009 Warburg-Warwick Research Training Programme Training for doctoral students The Warburg Institute - The University of Warwick 01-May-2009 15-May-2018 - Relevant Events
Related events:
Date Details 24-Sep-2024 Aristotle: Discovery, Recovery, Integration Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, The Arts of Europe 1250-1350 course, opening lecture
26-Feb-2024 Time, Space and Matter: Dante and the Paradise Paradox The University of Oxford
12-Dec-2023 Il non dove: cartografia del paradiso nella tradizione occidentale Fondazione Cini, Venice
31-Oct-2023 Sex and the Church: Early Modern Views on Sexuality and the Body in Eden The 2023 L’Orange Lecture. The Norwegian Institute in Rome; University of Oslo
13-Oct-2023 ‘Mapping Dante’s Empyrean: Beyond Space and Outside Time’ Space in Time: From the Heavens to Outer Space. The Warburg Institute, University of London
19-Sep-2023 The One and the Many: Pagan Philosophy and Christian Faith Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, From Pagan to Christian: The Arts of Medieval Europe 300-800 course, opening lecture
19-Sep-2023 Union and Variety in Christendom: Early Heresies and the Rise of Islam Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, From Pagan to Christian: The Arts of Medieval Europe 300-800 course, opening lecture
25-Apr-2023 Cartographie du Paradis Cercle Munster, Luxembourg.
08-Mar-2023 ‘Aby Warburg and Dante” Translating Dante’s Vita Nuova: The First English Edition, Florence 1846. UCL, Institute of Advanced Studies
28-Feb-2023 Renaissance Humanism: Revival and Renewal Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, Late Medieval to Early Renaissance Europe: 1380–1450 course, opening lecture
21-Oct-2022 ‘Lettura e Commento del Canto IV dell’Inferno’ Dante et les poètes latins: en mots et en images. Les traditions iconographiques française et italienne en regard. Université Côte d’Azur, Nice.
19-Oct-2022 ‘Transcending Tumours: A solution to a doctor’s dilemma’ Modern Radiation Oncology:Multidisciplinarity in the Era of Omics and AI guided Oncology Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome
23-Sep-2022 The One and the Many: Pagan Philosophy and Christian Faith Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, From Constantine to Charlemagne: Europe 300-800 course, opening lecture
23-Sep-2022 Unity and Variety in Christendom: Early Heresies and the Rise of Islam Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, From Constantine to Charlemagne: Europe 300-800 course, opening lecture
20-Sep-2022 Aristotle: Discovery, Recovery, Integration Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, From Paris to Pisa: Europe 1250-1350 course, opening lecture
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01-Mar-2022 Renaissance Humanism: Revival and Renewal Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, From Flanders to Florence: Europe 1350–1450 course, opening lecture
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20-Oct-2021 ‘The Architecture of Paradise’ Community & Concepts of Resilience La Biennale di Venezia Italian Pavillon 2021, Ideal Spaces.
24-Sep-2021 The One and the Many: Pagan Philosophy and Christian Faith Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, From Constantine to Charlemagne: Europe 300-800 course, opening lecture
24-Sep-2021 Unity and Variety in Christendom: Early Heresies and the Rise of Islam Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, From Constantine to Charlemagne: Europe 300-800 course, opening lecture
21-Sep-2021 Aristotle: Discovery, Recovery, Integration Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, From Paris to Pisa: Europe 1250-1350 course, opening lecture
14-Sep-2021 Mapping Paradise in the Middle Ages: Dante and the Garden of Eden The British Library, London
07-Aug-2021 Dante: l’uomo con le radici in cielo Azienda del Turismo, Madonna di Campiglio
23-Feb-2021 Renaissance Humanism: Revival and Renewal Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, From Flanders to Florence: Europe 1350–1450 course, opening lecture
21-Jan-2021 Maps of Paradise: A Visual History of Heaven on Earth Italian Cultural Institute, Dublin
25-Sep-2020 The One and the Many: Pagan Philosophy and Christian Faith Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, From Constantine to Charlemagne: Europe 300-800 course, opening lecture
25-Sep-2020 Unity and Variety in Christendom: Early Heresies and the Rise of Islam Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, From Constantine to Charlemagne: Europe 300-800 course, opening lecture
22-Sep-2020 Aristotle: Discovery, Recovery, Integration Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, From Flanders to Florence: Europe 1350–1450 course, opening lecture
22-Sep-2020 Integration in Education: The Rise of Medieval Universities Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, From Flanders to Florence: Europe 1350–1450 course, opening lecture
03-Mar-2020 Renaissance Humanism: Revival and Renewal Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, Late Medieval to Early Renaissance 1250–1500 course, opening lecture
27-Sep-2019 Regular and Secular: Cultivating Life in the Early Middle Ages Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, Early Medieval 300-1250 course, opening lecture
27-Sep-2019 Union and Dissolution in Christendom: Early Heresies and the Rise of Islam Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, Early Medieval 300-1250 course, opening lecture
24-Sep-2019 Lady Philosophy and The Eye of Providence: Action and Contemplation in the Late Middle Ages Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, Late Medieval to Early Renaissance 1250–1500 course, opening lecture
24-Sep-2019 Translation, Transition, Transformation: The Ageing of the Middle Ages Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, Late Medieval to Early Renaissance 1250–1500 course, opening lecture
10-Sep-2019 ‘Mapping the Siege of a Male Heart: Matthäus Seutter’s Symbolic and ingenious representation (1745)’ Travelling Maps: Cartography’s Nomadic Languages Across Art, Literature, Politics and Media Bibliotheca Hertziana Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte
08-Apr-2019 ‘A New Road to the Past: The History of Cartography in the Age of Space’ (Opening Lecture) A època do espazo. Estado e novas perspectivas / The Epoch of Space: State and New Perspectives Facultade de Filoloxía, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
26-Feb-2019 Renaissance Humanism: Revival and Renewal Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, Late Medieval to Early Renaissance 1250–1500 course, opening lecture
23-Jan-2019 ‘Dall’alba dello spazio al tramonto del tempo: Ugo di San Vittore e la geo-storia della salvezza cristiana nella cartografia medievale’ La cultura dei Vittorini e la letteratura medievale Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
30-Apr-2018 ‘Jerusalem and Eden in Piedmont: Christ’s Passion and Adam’s Fall in Early Modern Italy’ Glorious Cities: The Presence of Jerusalem in the Urban European Landscape The Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS) The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
24-Apr-2018 Luce, il coraggio di essere: la gioia di trasumanare Rome, Teatro Nazionale Torlonia
17-Apr-2018 Ravvedimento, tensione alla speranza: lo sforzo dell’ascesa Rome, Teatro Nazionale Torlonia
10-Apr-2018 Buio, caduta in disperazione: l’angoscia del limite Rome, Teatro Nazionale Torlonia
06-Mar-2018 Renaissance Humanism: Revival and Renewal Learning Academy, Victoria & Albert Museum, Late Medieval to Early Renaissance 1250–1500 course, opening lecture
08-Nov-2017 Mapping Eden: Medieval to Modern Au seuil de la Renaissance: continuités et ruptures; Université Catholique de Louvain; Louvain-la-Neuve
24-May-2017 ‘Natura perfetta nell'Eden? Un'utopia medievale’ (Lectio magistralis) Rappresentazioni della natura nel Medioevo Università di Padova. Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale
08-Mar-2017 ‘The Design of the Euro and the Issue of a Common European Culture’ Regional and National Identities in Europe Department of Italian (SELCS); University College London
26-Jan-2017 Die Suche nach dem Paradies , directed by Andreas Sawall Participation Ifage Filmproduktion (Wiesbaden) for Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen
06-Dec-2016 Sex in Utopia The End of Utopia?’ , Senate House Library, London
25-Nov-2016 ‘Von der Regel der Nähe bis zur mathematischen Vermessung: Die Kartierung des Garten Eden im Europa des Mittelalters und der Fru¨hen Neuzeit’ Mittelalterliche Bildgeometrie Technische Universität Dresden; Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden; Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris
08-Nov-2016 ‘Landscapes of Religious Heritage: Pilgrims and Tourists in Search of Transcendence’ (Opening Keynote Address) Tourists, Travellers & Pilgrims: Encountering Religious Heritage in Today’s Europe Future for Religious Heritage Biennial conference, Vicenza
03-Jun-2016 ‘Et in Arcadia Ego? Is Sex Even in Arcadia?’ Arcadia: Real and Ideal Institute of Classical Studies, The Hellenic Institute, Royal Holloway, University of London; The International Society for Arcadia
10-Apr-2016 ‘Beware of the Eyes of the Houris: the Christian Critique of the Islamic Paradise’ Inter-Religious Relations: Re-Examining the Texts Brais Conference 2016 The School of Advanced Study, University of London
03-Mar-2016 Sex in Paradise: Late Medieval and Early Modern Views Late Medieval and Early Modern Italian History Seminar Institute of Historical Research, University of London
23-Nov-2015 Thinking Divinely: Dante’s journey to God National Gallery, London
07-Oct-2015 Sex and the Garden: Augustine, Eden and Perfect Pleasure The Warburg Institute, University of London
24-Sep-2015 ‘Luthers geflutete Paradies’ Kolumbus, Luther und Copernicus. Die Welten des 16. Jahrhunderts Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Verein für Reformationgeschichte, Nürnberg.
10-Feb-2015 Beyond the Boundary: The Transformation of Soul and Body in Dante’s Afterlife University College Cork, Ireland
09-Feb-2015 On the Peak of Darkness: From the Abyss to the Light with Dante Italian Institute of Culture, Dublin
12-Nov-2014 ‘Mapping Astronomical Time and Biblical Space: The Pseudo-Isidorean Vatican Map of the World’ Calendars in Antiquity and the Middle Ages University College London
10-Oct-2014 Lectura Dantis Andreapolitana, Purgatorio XXX. University of St Andrews
01-Sep-2014 Le Paradis? Histoire d’une représentation en Occident directed by Florence Mauro Participation Zadig Productions (Paris) for Arte
17-Jun-2014 Hermaphroditism in the Garden of Eden University of York
12-Jun-2014 ‘Marriage or Celibacy in the Garden of Eden? The Medieval Tradition’ Impacts of myth and metaphor in medieval Europe: Political, ideological, and cognitive entailments of marriage symbolism The Norwegian Institute in Rome, University of Oslo
06-Mar-2014 Where is Nowhere? Paradise on the Medieval Map Royal Holloway, University of London
16-Jan-2014 Sculpture in Rome: Rethinking Classicism, Questioning Materiality, with M. Ajmar and C. La Malfa The Warburg Institute, University of London, and Victoria & Albert Museum
05-Dec-2013 Where Is Paradise? With Alberto Manguel and John Took. Italian Cultural Institute, London
24-Aug-2013 Mappe del paradiso. L’atlante del cielo in terra. Festival dei sensi. Martina Franca, Puglia, Italy
31-May-2013 ‘The Physicality of Dante’s souls in Hell’. The Place of Hell: Topographies, Structures, Genealogies The Warburg Institute, University of London, King’s College, London
27-Feb-2013 Where is Nowhere? Mapping the Garden of Eden in the Middle Ages. Medieval Seminar Series, jointly organized by the Humanities Research Centre and the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, The University of Warwick. February 2013.
09-Nov-2012 ‘Measuring the Immeasurable: Eden and the Emergence of Mathematical Scale in Late Medieval Mapping’ Size Matters: Questions of Scale in Art History Kunsthinstorisches Institut, Florence
06-Nov-2012 Serata dantesca in casa Besso cento anni dopo: Frammenti fantastici di un poema sinfonico Fondazione Marco Besso, Rome
12-Oct-2012 ‘L’umanesimo dantesco e i mosaici ravennati’ Ravenna e la Romagna, crocevia di itinerari culturali tra Medioevo e Rinascimento. Umanesimo, Rinascimento e Cultural Heritage Università di Bologna (Ravenna Campus)
14-Jul-2012 Sulla cima del buio: dall’abisso alla luce con Dante Il mistero dei monti Museo Regionale Scienze Naturali, Turin; Azienda Turismo Campiglio
16-Jun-2012 ‘Wedded Bliss? Early Medieval Views on the Place of Marriage in Eden’ Sacramentum magnum: The Sacrament of Marriage in the Middle Ages Internationale Gesellschaft für Theologische Mediävistik, Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
06-Jun-2012 Finding the Way to Nowhere: Representations of Eden on Western Maps MA in Renaissance Studies, Summer Term Guest Lecture Birkbeck College, University of London
11-May-2012 ‘New Garments for Old: The Transformation of Soul and Body in Dante’s Afterlife’ Trecento Seminar, Translating Cultures University of Edinburgh, University of Glasgow, University of St Andrews
10-May-2012 ‘Landscape Aesthetics: Meaning and Experience in Christian Pilgrimage’ (with Avril Maddrell). Sacred Practice in Everyday Life Conference AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Programme, University of Edinburgh
02-Apr-2012 ‘Se tu segui tua stella: le stelle di Dante nella Biblioteca di Warburg’ Lo sguardo sugli astri: scienza, cultura e arte Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome
17-Mar-2012 ‘La sopravvivenza dell’apoteosi classica nella tradizione geografica medievale: le Colonne d’Ercole, segno cartografico della divinizzazione cristiana’. Becoming God: Apotheosis between Antiquity and the Middle Ages Università di Bologna (Ravenna Campus)
09-Mar-2012 Maps and Diagrams The Warburg Institute, University of London
18-Feb-2012 ‘kulturwissenschaftliches Kuriosum aus dem Gebiete der Musikgeschichte: Aby Warburg tra scienza della cultura e storia della musica’ I molti rinascimenti di Aby Warburg XIV Settimana di Alti Studi Istituto di Studi Rinascimentali, Ferrara.
07-Dec-2011 Mapping the Religious Mind: India and the Medieval Geography of Religion The School of Advanced Study, University of London
27-May-2011 The Nile in Medieval Thought, with Ch. Burnett and P. Blazek The Warburg Institute, University of London
27-May-2011 ‘The Nile in Medieval Cartography’ The Nile in Medieval Thought The Warburg Institute, University of London
06-May-2011 ‘Divinità del Canto! Il preludio dannunziano al poema sacro di Dante’ D’Annunzio e il Medioevo Fondazione Il Vittoriale degli Italiani, Gardone Riviera, Brescia.
15-Apr-2011 ‘Defining Subiaco: Tourists, Humanists and Pilgrims in Search of Benedict’s Cave’ Landscapes and spaces of renewal: retreat, recreation, pilgrimage Association of American Geographers - 2011 Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington
16-Feb-2011 “Un'aura dolce, sanza mutamento": Dante, l'Eden e la cartografia medievale Istituto di Studi Rinascimentali, Ferrara
13-Jan-2011 ‘Vere locus iste sanctus est in quo orant: Visiting the Monastery of Sacro Speco in Subiaco’ Spaces of Renewal. Defining the Sacred in the Leisure-Tourism-Heritage-Pilgrimage Nexus University of the West of England, Bristol
12-Dec-2010 Eden and Ethiopia. Mapping Paradise in Africa The Warburg Institute, University of London The Anglo-Ethiopian Society
06-Dec-2010 ‘Mapping the End. Apocalypses in Medieval and Renaissance Cartography’ Apocalypse Now and Then University of Durham, Institute of Advanced Study
16-Nov-2010 ‘From Jerusalem to Subiaco: Comparing Biblical and Non-Biblical Holy Places’ Visual Constructs of Jerusalem The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
11-Oct-2010 Mapping Paradise, from Asia to Africa Peterhouse College, Cambridge
04-Jul-2010 ‘Sessualità e ritorno a Dio: la condanna duecentesca di Giovanni Scoto Eriugena’ Ortodoxia i heterodoxia religioses a l’edat mitjana, Studium Medievale, Besalú
17-Jun-2010 Euro Silence: The Absence of the Human Figure in the European Single Currency Peterhouse College, Cambridge
11-Nov-2009 ‘La Porta Bronzea di San Pietro: Filarete, Roma e la Città Ideale’ La basilica di San Pietro: Fortuna e Immagine Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Rome
01-Jun-2009 ‘Mapping the Dangers of Love’ Mapping Dangerous Spaces London, The British Library and the University of Kent
28-May-2009 ‘The Naked Philosophers: India and the Medieval Geography of Religion’ Mapping Medieval Geographies UCLA, Los Angeles
19-May-2009 Mapping Paradise in the Western Tradition. Institutul Italian de Culturæ, Bucureøti; Centrul Cultural Italian, Cluj; Universitatea Babeø-Bolyai
18-Dec-2008 Per una storia della cartografia del paradiso Dott.to di ricerca SUM in Letteratura e cultura europea. Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
22-Oct-2008 ‘Des noms d’Adam’ Adam, le Premier Homme Université de Lausanne; Micrologus; Sismel.
07-Sep-2008 Per una cartografia dell’amore Scintille Festivaletteratura 2008, Mantua
06-Sep-2008 Chi comanda? La donazione di Costantino nella storia e nell’arte Festivaletteratura 2008, Mantua
05-Sep-2008 Le mappe dell’Eden (with Alberto Manguel) Festivaletteratura 2008, Mantua
30-Aug-2008 San Francesco, chiesa di Dante: un viaggio virtuale nello spazio e nel tempo Scuola internazionale studi danteschi, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Ravenna
28-Jul-2008 ‘Where’s “Utopia” gone?’ Moscow School of Political Studies
09-Jul-2008 ‘Mapping the Nile, 1200-1400’ International Medieval Conference 2008, University of Leeds
28-Feb-2008 A Cardinal in Paradise The Warburg Institute, University of London
08-Dec-2007 ‘Warburg and Böcklin: Myths in Word and Image’ Towards a Science of Art History Finnish National Gallery, Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki
Maps and Society, Seminars in the History of Cartography with C. Delano-Smith and T. Campbell The Warburg Institute, University of London
Dante’s Heaven; Medieval Mapping; Medieval Maps of Paradise Serious Science
The Last Supper Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519 exhibition, Milan, Palazzo Reale Author and speaker of the audioguide (both Italian and English version) Antennaudio
- Consultancy & Media
- Media experience:
- Yes