Contact details
- Name:
- Dr Francois Quiviger
- Qualifications:
- B.A., Art history, University of Montreal (1980); M.A., Art History, University of Montreal (1982); Ph.D. Combined Historical Studies, Warburg Institute, University of London (1989)
- Position:
- Associate Fellow
- Institute:
- Warburg Institute
- Location:
- Email address:
- Francois.Quiviger@sas.ac.uk
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Academic Support, Classics, Cultural memory, Digital resources, Digitisation, Early Modern, History of art, Medieval History, Modern History , Photography
- Regions:
- Europe
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
The relation that representational arts bear to ancient and modern theories of the mind and of sensory perception.
Early modern ideas and beliefs about imagination images.
History and representation of wine and wine consumption. - Languages:
Spoken Written German Intermediate - Italian Fluent Intermediate Latin Intermediate - Portuguese Intermediate - French Fluent Good Spanish Intermediate -
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 01-Feb-2014 Review of James McHugh’s Sandalwood and Carrion: Smell in Indian Religion and Culture Articles
Review of James McHugh’s Sandalwood and Carrion: Smell in Indian Religion and Culture’, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 77/1, February 2014, pp. 241-243.
01-Jan-2014 Arts and the Senses: Representation and Reception of Renaissance Sensations’, in A Cultural History of the Senses Edited Book
‘Arts and the Senses: Representation and Reception of Renaissance Sensations’, in A Cultural History of the Senses, vol. X, ed. Herman Roodenburg, London, Bloomsbury Publishers, 2014, p. 169-201;
12-Jun-2013 From Paris to Rome, Hamburg and London. Aspects of the Afterlife of Giordano Bruno in the Twentieth Century' Conference papers
In: Turning Traditions Upside Down: Rethinking Giordano Bruno's Enlightenment..., Budapest-New York 2013, pp. 237-247.
04-Jun-2010 The sensory World of Italian Renaissance art London: Reaktion Books
01-Jan-2010 Images of the pagan gods : papers of a conference in memory of Jean Seznec London: The Warburg Institute. My contribution is a digital collection of the source material discussed by the contributors to the volume.
01-Jan-2008 Aby Warburg, Giordano Bruno and Mnemonics in Mnemosyne Articles
01-Jan-2008 'Célébrations académiques et débats sur l'art : Benvenuto Cellini et l’Orazione in Lode della pittura de Lionardo Salviati Conference papers
Les Académies dans l’Europe humaniste. Idéaux et pratiques. Geneva
01-Jan-2007 Memento mori Chapters
Essay in the catalogue of an exhibition held at Hamiltons, London, 6-22 June 2007.
01-Jan-2007 Relief is in the mind: observations on Renaissance Low-Relief sculpture Chapters
01-Jan-2005 Signifier le vide: la nature morte au melon de Juan Sanchez Cotán Articles
Littératures classiques. 56. (Discours et enjeux de la vanité).
01-Jan-2004 Fleurs éparpillées dans deux tableaux du Cinquecento vénitien : essai d'iconographie olfactive Articles
Flore au Paradis. Glasgow Emblem Studies. 9
01-Jan-2003 Honey from Heaven : aspects of the topos of the bees in Renaissance artistic literature Articles
Visuelle Topoi. Erfindung und tradiertes Wissen in den Künsten der italienischen Renaissance. München-Berlin.
01-Jan-2003 'The brush in poetry and practice: Agnolo Bronzino's Capitolo del pennello Chapters
Poetry on Art Renaissance to Romanticism, ed. T. Frangenberg, Donnington 2003.
01-Jan-2003 Seeing and looking in the Renaissance Chapters
Essay in the catalogue: La vista y la visión, Valencia
01-Jan-2002 Postural sense and Human figure in Renaissance art Conference papers
01-Jan-2002 Renaissance Art Theories Chapters
From: A companion to art theory, ed. P. Smith, C. Wilde, Oxford 2002
01-Jan-2000 'Imagining and composing stories in the Renaissance Pictorial Composition from Medieval to Modern Art. London-Turin
01-Jan-1997 Andromède et ses commentateurs au XVIe siècle Offprint from: Andromède ou le héros à l'épreuve de la beauté. Actes du colloque... 1995. 1997.
Subject Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D. Metamorphoses -- Commentaries. Andromeda (Greek mythology) in literature.01-Jan-1995 The presence of artists in literary academies Italian academies of the sixteenth century. London
01-Jan-1992 Caravaggio Monographs
Scala Books : London
01-Jan-1991 An Academic Banquet in Siena: Delle feste fatte da' Filomati Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. 54
01-Jan-1990 Arts visuels et exégèse littéraire à Florence de 1540-1560 Conference papers
Les commentaires et la naissance de la critique littéraire: France/Italie (14e-16e siècles). Actes du colloque, Paris 1988.
01-Jan-1988 Arts visuels, iconographie et déraison dans l'oeuvre d'Anton Francesco Doni Articles
Trois. 3.
01-Jan-1987 Benedetto Varchi and the visual arts Articles
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. 50.
01-Jan-1987 Il dolce inganno : art d'aimer et art de peindre au temps de la Renaissance Articles
Trois. 2
- Relevant Events
Related events:
Date Details 25-Oct-2013 Bacchic Sculpture in Rome Sculpture in Rome, Rethinking Classicism Questioning Materiality
A workshop exploring the commissioning, making and marketing of sculpture in sixteenth-century Rome; The Warburg Institute 25 October 201313-Oct-2013 Aby Warburg, Art, Neuroscience and Psychonalysis Round-table day 1 A two day symposium held at the Helix Center, Institute of Psychoanalysis, New York
24-May-2013 Visual representations of non-visual sensations in early modern painting Pictorial Paradoxes: Philosophy, Psychology and the Visual Arts, Institute of Philosophy, Senate House, 23-24 May 2013
09-May-2013 Bacchus in Academy Convegno Internazionale Le virtuose adunanze. Emblemi, simboli, linguaggi, Sperlonga. 9 -10 May 2013,
- Consultancy & Media
- Available for consultancy:
- Yes