Contact details
- Name:
- Professor Jane Everson
- Qualifications:
- MA Hons, DPhil
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Associate Fellow
- Fellowship term:
- 01-Aug-2016 to 31-Jul-2021
- Institute:
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies
- Home institution:
- Royal Holloway, University of London
- Email address:
- j.everson@rhul.ac.uk
- Website:
- http://pure.rhul.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/jane-everson
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Early Modern, Language and Literature (Italian)
- Regions:
- Europe
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
My principal research interests are in the literature and culture of Italy from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, in particular: • narrative poetry and the romance epic genre from the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries including the Carolingian tradition in Italy, narratives about Alexander the Great, and the fusion of classical, romance and chivalric material in epic texts. I am currently senior editor for a volume on Charlemagne narratives in Italy. • The Italian learned Academies of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. • The history of the book in Italy including illustrations to early printed vernacular texts, printing by the learned Academies, and library collections of Italian books. • Ariosto and the Orlando furioso, including its legacy in European literature and culture, on which I am co-editing a volume of essays. I have a particular interest in the work of the late fifteenth-century poet Francesco Cieco da Ferrara and his contemporaries and am currently ediing his major work Il Mambriano.
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 31-Jan-2019 Ariosto, the Orlando Furioso and English Culture Edited Book
edited by Everson, Jane E and Hiscock, A and Jossa, S (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019) Proceedings of the British Academy 221. xv+355 pp. ISBN 978-0-19-726650-2 A volume of essays arising from the conference held at the British Academy, April 2016, in celebration of the fifth centenary of the publication of the first edition of the Orlando Furioso.
31-Jan-2019 Ariosto in England in the Eighteenth Century: from Antipathy and Ambivalence to Enthusiasm Chapters
Everson, Jane E. Chapter in edited volume Ariosto, the Orlando Furioso and English Culture (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), pp. 147-168
01-Mar-2017 L’Accademia degli Infecondi e la letteratura d’occasione: Ecfrasi e attualità Chapters
in Intrecci virtuosi. Letterati, artisti e accademie nell’Italia centrale tra Cinque e Seicento. Roma e Firenze, ed by C.Chiummo, A. Geremicca and P. Tosini (Rome: De Luca, 2017), pp. 255-71.
01-Dec-2016 Lettore in Lessico critico ariostesco, ed by Annalisa Izzo (Florence: Carocci 2016), pp. 199-224
01-Sep-2016 ‘Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo: figure di regnanti non-cristiani nel Mambriano di Francesco Cieco da Ferrara’, Articles
Everson, J. E.(2014) Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo: figure di regnanti non-cristiani nel Mambriano di Francesco Cieco da Ferrara, Rassegna europea di letteratura italiana, 44, pp. 29-43.ISSN 1122-5580
05-May-2016 Introduction’ Chapters
with L. Sampson, in The Italian Academies 1525-1700. Networks of Culture, Innovation and Dissent, ed.by J. E. Everson, D. V. Reidy and L. Sampson, with an introduction by J. E. Everson and L. Sampson (Cambridge-Abingdon: Legenda, MHRA-Routledge, 2016), pp. 1-20.
04-May-2016 The Italian Academies 1525-1700. Networks of Culture, Innovation and Dissent Everson, J. E., Reidy, D. V., and Sampson, L. (eds) (2016), The Italian Academies 1525-1700. Networks of Culture, Innovation and Dissent, introduction by J. E. Everson and L. Sampson (Cambridge-Abingdon: Legenda, MHRA-Routledge). ISBN 978-1-909662-7-5
01-Mar-2016 Orlando Furioso Canto XXI Chapters
Everson,J. E. (2016) Canto XXI in Lettura dell’‘Orlando Furioso’, ed. by G. Bucchi and F. Tomasi, 2 vols (Firenze: Edizioni del Galluzzo), I, pp.496-519. ISBN 978-88-8450-669-6
01-Feb-2016 E più e men che re”: Carlo Magno nel Mambriano Chapters
Everson, J. E. (2016) ‘E più e men che re': Carlo Magno nel Mambriano, in Carlo Magno in Italia e la Fortuna dei Libri di Cavalleria, ed. by J. Bartuschat and F. Strologo (Ravenna: Longo,), pp. 385-402.
01-Sep-2015 'Storie di Alessandro Magno nella tradizione volgare: Medioevo, Rinascimento e tempi moderni Articles
Everson, J. E. (2013), Storie di Alessandro Magno nella tradizione volgare: Medioevo, Rinascimento e tempi moderni, Rassegna europea di letteratura italiana, 41, pp. 31-58. ISSN 1122-5580
15-Jul-2015 Le Accademie italiane del Cinque e Seicento: nuove ricerche e una nuova risorsa on-line Chapters
Everson, J. E. (2015) Le Accademie italiane del Cinque e Seicento: nuove ricerche e una nuova risorsa on-line in Le Virtuose Adunanze: la cultura accademica tra XVI e XVIII secolo, ed. by Clizia Gurreri and Ilaria Bianchi (Avellino: Edizioni Sinestesie,), pp. 15-35. ISBN 978-8898-169900
01-Jun-2015 Critical authorities, canonical traditions and occasional literature: Chapters
Everson, J. E. (2015) Critical authorities, canonical traditions and occasional literature: the case of the early modern Italian Academies, in Authority, Innovation and Early Modern Epistemology. Essays in Honour of Hilary Gatti, ed. Martin McLaughlin, Ingrid D. Rowland and Elisabetta Tarantino (Oxford: Legenda, pp. 74-96. ISBN 978-1907-975752
01-Oct-2013 Il linguaggio di Venere e il linguaggio del vero amore: la disputa per l’anima di Sinodoro (Mambriano XXIX, 22-69) Everson,J. E. (2013) ‘Il linguaggio di Venere e il linguaggio del vero amore: la disputa per l’anima di Sinodoro (Mambriano XXIX, 22-69)’, in ‘D’un parlar ne l’altro.’ Aspetti dell’enunciazione dal romanzo arturiano alla ‘Gerusalemme liberata’, ed. by Annalisa Izzo, (Pisa: Edizioni ETS), pp. 91-112.
03-Jun-2013 Propaganda, dibattito scientifico o autori e pubblicazioni a proprie spese (APS): le Accademie del Cinque e Seicento e il mondo della stampa. Chapters
Everson, J. E. (2013) ‘Propaganda, dibattito scientifico o autori e pubblicazioni a proprie spese (APS): le Accademie del Cinque e Seicento e il mondo della stampa.’ in Dissonanze concordi. Temi, questioni e personaggi intorno ad Anton Francesco Doni, ed. by G.Rizzarelli, (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp.123-47.
01-Nov-2012 The melting pot of science and belief: studying Vesuvius in seventeenth-century Naples Articles
Everson, J. E.(2012), The melting pot of science and belief: studying Vesuvius in seventeenth-century Naples, Renaissance Studies, 26 (5) pp. 691-727.ISSN 0269-1213