Professor Geoffrey Crossick

Contact details

Professor Geoffrey Crossick
Position/Fellowship type:
Honorary Fellow
Institute of Historical Research
Home institution:
School of Advanced Study
Email address:

Research Summary and Profile

Research interests:
Summary of research interests and expertise:

Social history of Britain and continental Europe in the 19th & 20th centuries, with special expertise in the history of the petite bourgeoisie of shopkeepers and master artisans. Currently working on the photographs of shopkeepers in early-20th century Britaina and France. Recently written about the ways in which craft was talked about in the long 19th century, for publication in a Bloomsbury series on the cultural history of craft.

Publication Details

Publications available on SAS-space:

Date Details
Jul-2017 The value of culture: economics, diversity and understanding in the 21st century


This article, drawing on a report for the UK Arts & Humanities Research Council, asks whether statistical indicators alone can capture the value cultural engagement brings to individuals and society. It broadens the approach to include diverse forms of cultural provision, emphasises personal cultural experience which shapes reflective individuals, and questions aspects of the familiar narrative with respect to economy, cities, health and education. It calls for greater use of arts and humanities methods in providing understanding, often through case studies, that can escape large-scale trawls for data.

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