Contact details
- Name:
- Professor Simon Eliot
- Qualifications:
- BA, MA, PhD
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Senior Research Fellow, Professor Emeritus
- Fellowship term:
- 01-Dec-2005
- Institute:
- Institute of English Studies
- Location:
- Senate House Malet Street London WC1E 7HU
- Phone:
- 020 7664 4883
- Email address:
- simon.eliot@sas.ac.uk
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Communications, Digital resources, Digitisation, History of the book, Library, Modern History , Typography
- Regions:
- Europe, North America, United Kingdom
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Quantitative history of the book; printing history 1780-1914; history of publishing 1700-present; history of libraries 1840-1919; history of reading; reading by candlelight; John Camden Hotten; Chatto and Windus; History of Oxford University Press; History of Communication.
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 30-Jun-2017 Recasting Book History Articles
The Book Collector, Summer 2017, pp. 362-375
01-Jun-2017 The History of Oxford University Press, Volume IV Edited Book
(volume editor, Keith Robbins) 1970-2004 Oxford: Oxford University Press
01-Dec-2012 The Business of Victorian Publishing - revised chapter Chapters
in The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Novel, edited by Deirdre A. David (Cambridge: CUP, 2012), second edition, pp. 36-61. ISBN 978-1-107-00513-6, ISBN 978-0-521-18215-7.
01-Nov-2012 From Few and Expensive to Many and Cheap: The British Book Market 1800-1900 Chapters
Reprinted in Robert L. Patten (ed) Dickens and Victorian Print Cultures (Farnham: Ashgate, 2012).
01-Jan-2011 Common Bonds: John Camden Hotten and the Transatlantic Trade in Family History and Pornography Chapters
New World Order: Transmational Themes in Book History. Edited by Swapan Chakravorty and Abhijit Gupta. Delhi: Worldview Publications, 2011. pp:80-93.
01-Jan-2011 The Early Years of the Clarendon Press Series 'The Early Years of the Clarendon Press Series' in The Culture of the Publisher's Series, Volume One. Palgrave Macmillan
01-Jan-2010 'Fiction and Non-Fiction: One- and Three-Volume Novels in Some Mudie Catalogues, 1857-94' Publishing History, 2009
2010 Has Book History a Future? Knygotyra, Volume 54 (Vilnius: University of Vilnius)
2010 J. C. Hotten promotes his books Cambridge: ProQuest
01-Jan-2005 'Format, Copyright, Price: Some Material Vectors in Literary Culture' 'Format, Copyright, Price: Some Material Vectors in Literary Culture' in Novoje literaturnoje obozrenie [ New Literary Review ], ( Moscow : No 73, June 2005), pp.360-66
01-Jan-2003 'An International History of the Book?' Journal articles
'An International History of the Book?' in SHARP News, Vol. 12, No.1 (Winter 2003)
01-Jan-2003 'Continuity and Change in British Publishing, 1770-2000' 'Continuity and Change in British Publishing, 1770-2000' in Publishing Research Quarterly , Vol. 19, No. 2 (Summer 2003), ( New Jersey : Transaction Periodicals), pp. 37-50.
01-Jan-2002 '"To you in your vast business": Some Features of the Quantitative History of Macmillan 1843-1891' '"To you in your vast business": Some Features of the Quantitative History of Macmillan 1843-1891' in Macmillan: A Publishing Tradition, edited by Elizabeth James ( Basingstoke : Palgrave, 2002), pp. 11-51. ISBN0-333-73517-X.
01-Jan-2002 'Electronic Catalogues, Electronic Registers, Electronic Texts - and a Gentle Warning' 'Electronic Catalogues, Electronic Registers, Electronic Texts - and a Gentle Warning' in Electronic Publications in Libraries ( Krakow : Jagiellonian University Press, 2002), pp.121-134.
01-Jan-2002 'Very Necessary but not Quite Sufficient: A Personal View of Quantitative Analysis in Book History' 'Very Necessary but not Quite Sufficient: A Personal View of Quantitative Analysis in Book History' in Book History ( Pennsylvania : Penn State Press, 2002), pp. 283-293.
01-Jan-2002 'Two Catalogues, Three Projects - and a Tentative Proposal' 'Two Catalogues, Three Projects - and a Tentative Proposal' in Digital Access to Book Trade Archives ( Leiden : Academic Press Leiden , 2002), pp. 69-83.
01-Jan-2001 'Books and their Readers - Part 3', 'Books and their Readers - Part 4' 'Books and their Readers - Part 3', 'Books and their Readers - Part 4' in The Nineteenth-Century Novel: Idealisms, edited by Dennis Walder ( London : Routledge, 2001), chapters 8 and 15.
01-Jan-2001 'Sir Walter, Sex and the SoA' in Re-constructing the Book 'Sir Walter, Sex and the SoA' in Re-constructing the Book edited by Maureen Bell, Simon Eliot, Lynette Hunter and James West ( Burlington , VT : Ashgate, 2001), pp.100-11. ISBN 0 7546 0360 1 Re-constructing the Book: Literary Texts in Transmission, edited by Maureen Bell, Shirley Chew, Simon Eliot, Lynette Hunter, James L. W. West III (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2001), ISBN 0 7546 0360 1
01-Jan-2001 'Never Mind the Value, What about the Price?; Or, How much did Marmion cost St. John Rivers?' 'Never Mind the Value, What about the Price?; Or, How much did Marmion cost St. John Rivers?' in Nineteenth -Century Literature, Volume 56, Number 2 ( Los Angeles : University of California Press , September 2001), pp.160-197.
01-Jan-2001 'The Centre for Writing, Publishing and Printing History at the University of Reading' 'The Centre for Writing, Publishing and Printing History at the University of Reading' in Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook 2000 ( Detroit : Gale Group, 2001), pp. 361-64. ISBN 0-7876-2522-1.
01-Jan-2000 'Books and their Readers - Part 1', 'Books and their Readers - Part 2' 'Books and their Readers - Part 1'(chapter 1, pp.5-39), 'Books and their Readers - Part 2' (chapter 8, pp.197-228) in The Nineteenth-Century Novel: Idealisms, edited by Delia da Sousa Correa ( London : Routledge, 2000). ISBN 0 415 23826 9.
01-Jan-2000 '"Mr. Greenhill, whom you cannot get rid of ": Copyright, Legal Deposit and the Stationers' Company in the 19th Century' '"Mr. Greenhill, whom you cannot get rid of ": Copyright, Legal Deposit and the Stationers' Company in the 19th Century', a chapter in Libraries and the Book Trade edited by Robin Myers, Michael Harris and Giles Mandelbrote ( Winchester : St Pauls Bibliographies, 2000), pp. 51-84. ISBN 1873040 60 1.
01-Jan-2000 'The Business of Victorian Publishing' 'The Business of Victorian Publishing' in The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Novel, edited by Deirdre A. David (Cambridge: CUP, 2000), pp. 37-60. ISBN 0 521 64150 0, ISBN 0 521 64619 7.
01-Jan-2000 '"Hotten, Rotten, Forgotten"?: An Apologia for a General Publisher' '"Hotten, Rotten, Forgotten"?: An Apologia for a General Publisher' in Book History ( Pennsylvania : Penn State Press, 2000), pp.61-93. ISBN 0-271-02050-4.
01-Jan-1999 A Handbook of Literary Research A Handbook of Literary Research (London: Routledge, 1999). ISBN 0 415 189593, ISBN 0 415 198607.
01-Jan-1999 'Author, publisher and literary agent: making Walter Besant's novels pay in the provincial and international markets of the 1890s' 'Author, publisher and literary agent: making Walter Besant's novels pay in the provincial and international markets of the 1890s', Publishing History, XLVI (Autumn 1999). ISSN 0309-2445.
01-Jan-1999 `Sir Walter Besant: a Bibliography' `Sir Walter Besant: a Bibliography' for The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, Third Edition (CBEL3), Volume 4 (Cambridge: CUP, 1999). ISBN 0 521 39100 8.
1999 A Handbook to Literary Research London: Routledge
01-Jan-1998 `Patterns and Trends and the NSTC: some initial observations' `Patterns and Trends and the NSTC: some initial observations' Part II, Publishing History, XLIII (Spring 1998). ISSN 0309-2445.
01-Jan-1997 `Patterns and Trends and the NSTC: some initial observations' Articles
`Patterns and Trends and the NSTC: some initial observations' Part I, Publishing History, XLII (Autumn 1997). ISSN 0309-2445.
1997 Patterns and Trends and the NSTC: some initial observations Part I, Publishing History, XLII
'Reading while Travelling' Articles
Open University Learning Space
- Research Projects & Supervisions
Research projects:
Details 'Make Do and Mend': A Publishing and Communication History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-45 Institute of English Studies
Project period: 01-Oct-2013 - 01-Oct-2017Research interests: Contemporary History, History of the book, Manuscript studies
The Publishing and Communication History of the Ministry of Information 1939-45. Generously funded by the AHRC, this project will be launched in 2014.
The Reading Experience Database Established by me in the 1990s at the Open University, this is available on the Web and now has over 30,000 records documenting the history of reading in the British Isles between1450 and 1945.
The Virtual Museum of Writing Based on the Museum of Writing housed in the Institute of English Studies, we hope to launch this on the Web in early 2014.
Current PhD topics supervised:
Dates Details From: 30-Sep-2009
Until:Publishing Individual Plays in Britain 1800-1860 Mrs Valerie Fairbrass
From: 30-Sep-2006
Until:Drawing Manuals 1780-1860 Mr Vernon Barnes
Past PhD topics supervised:
Dates Details From: 30-Sep-2008
Until: 08-Dec-2012Book and Periodical Illustrations of Arthur Hughes Mrs Maroussia Oakley
From: 30-Sep-2005
Until: 30-Sep-2010The Publishing History of Theodore Roosevelt Mr Jonathan Arnold
From: 30-Sep-2001
Until: 31-Aug-2007Top Secret Printing in the UK 1939-1945 with particular reference to Oxford University Press Ms Atalanta Myerson
From: 30-Sep-1993
Until: 30-Sep-2004The Distribution and Consumption of Printed Matter in Monmouthshire c.1830-90 Ms Rachel Constance-Hughes.
From: 30-Sep-1987
Until: 30-Apr-1992Poetry and Piety: Sunday Reading 1850-75 Miss Rosemary Scott
From: 10-Jan-1993
Until: 30-Sep-2004Poetry and Critical Standpoints in Catholic Periodical Literature 1870-1914 Mr Terence Standford
From: 01-Sep-1995
Until: 30-Sep-2004The Bookseller: an Index and Quantitative Analysis of the Early Years of a Victorian Trade Journal, 1858-80 Mr Richard Freebury