Contact details
- Name:
- Professor Michelle Brown
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Professor Emerita of Medieval Manuscript Studies
- Institute:
- Institute of English Studies
- Location:
- Senate House Malet Street London WC1E 7HU
- Phone:
- 020 7664 4858
- Email address:
- michelle.brown@sas.ac.uk
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Archaeology, Cultural memory, Culture, History, History of art, History of the book, Irish Studies, Manuscript studies, Medieval History, Palaeography, Regional history
- Regions:
- England, Europe, Ireland, Middle East, Scotland, United Kingdom, Wales
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
The role of the book as a cultural medium. The palaeography, codicology, art history and socio-historical context of medieval manuscripts. Late antique and early medieval history, archaeology and the material culture of Europe and the Levant. Art and spirituality, historic and contemporary.
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details Forthcoming 'The Eastwardness of Things: Relationships between the Christian Cultures of the Middle East and the Insular World ' In M. Hussey and J. D. Niles, eds, The Genesis of Books: Studies in the Interactions of Words, Text, and Print in Honor of A.N. Doane (Brepols: Turnhout, forthcoming).
03-Jul-2017 Reading the Lindisfarne Gospels: Text, Image, Context Chapters
in R. G. Gameson, ed., The Lindisfarne Gospels (Brill: Leiden, 2017)
01-Jan-2017 Strategies of Visual Literacy in Insular and Anglo-Saxon Book Culture Chapters
Transformation in Anglo-Saxon Culture: Toller Lectures on Art, Archaeology and Text
ed. G. Owen-Crocker and C. Insley
(Oxbow, 2017)
01-Dec-2016 Imagining, Imaging and Experiencing the East in Insular and Anglo-Saxon Cultures: New Evidence for Contact Journal articles
Proceedings of the ISAS conference, Madison, 2012, ed. J. D. Niles, et al. ACMRS Essays in Anglo-Saxon Studies 6 (Arizona Univ. Press, 2016), pp. 49-88.
01-Feb-2016 ‘The Gulval Evangelists’ Articles
60. M. P. Brown and T. Goskar, British Archaeology 146
01-Jan-2016 61. ‘Imagining, Imaging and Experiencing the East in Insular and Anglo-Saxon Cultures: New Evidence for Contact’ Conference papers
Proceedings of the ISAS conference, Madison, 2012, ed. J. D. Niles, et al. (Arizona Univ. Press, 2016)
01-Jan-2016 Art of the Islands: Celtic, Pictish, Anglo-Saxon and Viking Visual Culture c.450-1050 Monographs
(Bodleian: Oxford, 2016). ISBN 978 1 85124 446 1
01-Jan-2016 St Michael's Way, a Walk Through Time: History and Mystery Monographs
(Friends of St Michael's Way, Penzance, 2016)
01-Jan-2016 ‘A good woman’s son’: Aspects of Aldred’s Agenda in Glossing the Lindisfarne Gospels’ Chapters
The Old English Gloss to the Lindisfarne Gospels (ANGB 51), ed. by Julia Fernández Cuesta and Sara M. Pons-Sanz (de Gruyter, 2016)
01-Jan-2016 Judging a book by its cover: medieval book bindings and their social context Articles
'Mind and Matter, Material in the Making'
The New Bookbinder 36 (2016), pp 45-50
20-Oct-2014 Beowulf and the Origins of the Old English Vernacular Monographs
02-Sep-2013 Visons and Eremitic Vocation in the “Deserts” of the North Papers
'Visons and Eremitic Vocation in the “Deserts” of the North:
The Iconography of Insular Hagiography', Ikon 6 (2013), .pp. 7-1702-Sep-2013 Mercian Manuscripts: the implications of the Staffordshire Hoard, other recent discoveries, and the ‘new materiality Papers
‘Mercian Manuscripts: the implications of the Staffordshire Hoard, other recent discoveries, and the ‘new materiality’, Inaugural Lecture to the Chair of Medieval Manuscript Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 22 June 2010, in E. Kwakkel, ed., Writing in Context: Insular Manuscript Culture,500-1200 (Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2013), pp. 23-66.
02-Sep-2013 Medieval Christian Biblical Manuscripts: the Art of Writing and Illumination Papers
J. Attwood and M. P. Brown, ‘Medieval Christian Biblical Manuscripts: the Art of Writing and Illumination’ in J. Pattengale et al, eds, The Book of Books: Biblical Canon, Dissemination and its People (Bible Lands Museum, Jerusalem, 2013), pp. 82-99.
01-Jan-2013 ‘Images to be read and words to be seen: the iconic role of the early medieval book’ Articles
In J. W. Watts, ed, Iconic Books and Texts (Equinox)
01-Jan-2012 '"Excavating" Northumbrian Manuscripts: reappraising regionalism in Insular manuscript studies' Articles
In S. Turner, and D. Petts, eds, Early Medieval Northumbria: Kingdoms and Communities, Studies in the Early Middle Ages 24 (Turnhout: Brepols)
01-Jan-2012 The Lindisfarne Gospels Articles
With C. A. Farr
Oxford Online Bibliographies (2012)
01-Jan-2011 'Writing in the Insular World' Chapters
In R. G. Gameson, ed., A History of the Book in Britain Volume 1: From the Romans to the Normans(Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, forthcoming).
01-Jan-2011 The Book and the Transformation of Britain, c550-1050: A Study in Written and Visual Literacy and Orality Monographs
British Library and Univ. of Chicago Press
01-Jan-2011 ‘Bearded Sages and Beautiful Boys: Insular and Anglo-Saxon Attitudes to the Iconography of the Beard’ Articles
In Listen, O Isles, unto me: Studies in Medieval Word and Image in honour of Jennifer O’Reilly, ed. E. Mullins and D. Scully (Cork: University College Cork, 2011), pp. 278-290.
01-Jan-2011 ‘Southumbrian Book Culture: the interface between Insular and Anglo-Saxon’ Articles
In C. Hourihane, ed., Insular and Anglo-Saxon Art (Princeton University Press)
01-Jan-2010 ‘The Cross and the Book: the Cross-Carpet Pages of the Lindisfarne Gospels as Sacred Figurae' Articles
In K. Jolly, C. Karkov and S. Keefer, eds, The Cross and Cruciform in the Anglo-Saxon World (W. Virginia University Press)
01-Jan-2010 The Lindisfarne Gospels and the Early Medieval World Monographs
British Library and Univ. of Chicago Press
2010 Lambeth Palace Library: Treasures from the Library of the Archbishops of Canterbury London: Scala
01-Jan-2010 ‘The Lead Tablet’ in C. Loveluck et al., eds, Rural Settlement, Lifestyles and Social Change in the Later First Millennium AD at Flixborough, Lincolnshire: Anglo-Saxon Flixborough in Its Wider Context (Excavations at Flixborough) vol. 2. Chapter co-author. 5600 words
2009 Ghid de Art? Cre?tin? Oradea: Casa Cartii
2009 The Lord of the Manor’s Psalter and the Poor Man’s Bible: ‘reading’ two Medieval Treasures Birkbeck Review
01-Jan-2009 'From Jerusalem to Jarrow: the Christian Cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean and post-Roman Britain and Ireland' Articles
Ars Tranylvaniae
01-Jan-2009 'The Scribe as Evangelist: Illuminated images of biblical transmission, from the Lindisfarne Gospels to the York Gospels' 'The Scribe as Evangelist: Illuminated images of biblical transmission, from the Lindisfarne Gospels to the York Gospels', for a festschrift for Jennifer O'Reilly, ed. E. Mullin (2009).
01-Jan-2009 'The Lead Tablet' M. P. Brown and E. Okasha, 'The Lead Tablet', in C. Loveluck et al ., eds, Rural Settlement, Lifestyles and Social Change in the Later First Millennium AD at Flixborough, Lincolnshire: Anglo-Saxon Flixborough in Its Wider Context (Excavations at Flixborough) vol. 2 (Oxford: Oxbow, 2009).
01-Jan-2009 The Gulbenkian Apocalypse The Gulbenkian Apocalypse, N. J. Morgan, ed. (Moleiro: Barcelona, 2002).
01-Jan-2008 'The Lichfield / Llandeilo Gospels Reinterpreted' 'The Lichfield / Llandeilo Gospels Reinterpreted' in R. Kennedy and S. Meecham-Jones, eds, Authority and Subjugation in Writing of Medieval Wales (Palgrave Macmillan: New York & Basingstoke, 2008), pp. 57-70.
01-Jan-2008 'Janet Backhouse' 'Janet Backhouse', Oxford Dictionary of National Bibliography (Oxford, 2008).
01-Jan-2008 'When illuminated manuscripts are not what they seem: the cases of the Holkham Bible Picture Book and a newly discovered Croatian altarpiece' 'When illuminated manuscripts are not what they seem: the cases of the Holkham Bible Picture Book and a newly discovered Croatian altarpiece', Ikon 1 (2008).
01-Jan-2008 'An Early Outbreak of 'Influenza'? Aspects of Influence, Medieval and Modern' 'An Early Outbreak of 'Influenza'? Aspects of Influence, Medieval and Modern', in A. Bovey and J. Lowden, eds, Under the Influence: The Concept of Influence and the Study of Illuminated Manuscripts (Brepols: Turnhout, 2008), pp. 1-10.
01-Jan-2008 'Making History at the British Library' 'Making History at the British Library' for the Making History online project, IHR, SAS, University of London (2008).
01-Jan-2008 The Lion Companion to Christian Art The Lion Companion to Christian Art (Lion Hudson : Oxford, 2008)
01-Jan-2008 Manuscripts from the Anglo-Saxon Age Manuscripts from the Anglo-Saxon Age ( British Library & Toronto University Press: London & Toronto , 2008)
01-Jan-2008 The Holkham Bible Picture-Book The Holkham Bible Picture-Book , a facsimile with accompanying commentary, transcription and translation (Folio Society & British Library: London, 2008), Folio Soc. and BL edns.
01-Jan-2007 'A British Curator Abroad: Curating 'In the Beginning: Bibles Before the Year 1000' 'A British Curator Abroad: Curating 'In the Beginning: Bibles Before the Year 1000',Freer and Sackler Galleries, Smithsonian Institute, Washingon DC , October 2006-January 2007'; AMARC Newsletter (2007), 3-4.
01-Jan-2007 'The Medieval Museum' 'The Medieval Museum', in C. Rudolph, ed., The Blackwell Companion to Medieval Art (Blackwell: Oxford and Malden, MA, 2007), pp. 639-655.
01-Jan-2007 'The Triumph of the Codex: the manuscript book before 1100' 'The Triumph of the Codex: the manuscript book before 1100', in S. Eliot and J. Rose, eds, The Blackwell Companion to the History of the Book (Oxford, 2007), pp. 179-193.
01-Jan-2007 'Illuminating the Middle Ages' 'Illuminating the Middle Ages', Illustration (2007), 19-24.
01-Jan-2007 'The Barberini Gospels: Context and Intertextuality' 'The Barberini Gospels: Context and Intertextuality', in A. Minnis and J. Roberts, eds, Text, Image, Interpretation: Studies in Anglo-Saxon Literature and its Insular Context in honour of Eamonn Ó Carragáin (Brepols: Turnhout, 2007), pp. 89-116.
01-Jan-2007 'Sidelong Glances and Silent Screams: the Emotional World of the Luttrell Psalter' 'Sidelong Glances and Silent Screams: the Emotional World of the Luttrell Psalter', in M. Hofmann & C. Zöhl, eds, Quand La Peinture était dans les Manuscrits: Melanges Francois Avril (Bibl. Nat. de France & Brepols: Paris , 2007), pp. 45-56.
01-Jan-2007 'The Book as Sacred Space' 'The Book as Sacred Space', in J. and P. North, eds, Sacred Space: House of God, Gate of Heaven, a Celebration of the 75 th Anniversary of the Anglican Shrine of Walsingham (Continuum: London, 2007).
01-Jan-2007 'The Lichfield Angel and the Manuscript Context: Lichfield as a Centre of Insular Art' 'The Lichfield Angel and the Manuscript Context: Lichfield as a Centre of Insular Art', Journal of the British Archaeological Association 160 (2007), 8-19.
01-Jan-2006 You're History: How People Make the Difference Edited Book
You're History: How People Make the Difference, M. P. Brown and R. J. Kelly, eds, (Continuum: London, 2006). Authored introduction and own essay, 'It's Positively Medieval'.
01-Jan-2006 How Christianity Came to Britain and Ireland Monographs
How Christianity Came to Britain and Ireland (Lion Hudson : Oxford, 2006). Reissued as Pagans and Priests: The Coming of Christianity to Britain and Ireland (Reader's Digest, 2007).
01-Jan-2006 In the Beginning: Bibles Before the Year 1000 Exhibition Catalogue, Freer and Sackler Museum, Smithsonian Inst. (Smithsonian Institute: Washington DC , 2006).
01-Jan-2006 St Paul 's Cathedral Monographs
St Paul 's Cathedral (Jarrold: Norwich, 2006).
01-Jan-2006 The Luttrell Psalter, a facsimile with accompanying commentary The Luttrell Psalter, a facsimile with accompanying commentary, (Folio Society & British Library: London , 2006), Folio Soc. edn and BL trade edn.
01-Jan-2006 The World of the Luttrell Psalter The World of the Luttrell Psalter (British Library: London, 2006)
01-Jan-2005 'The Tower of Babel: the architecture of the early western written vernaculars' 'The Tower of Babel: the architecture of the early western written vernaculars', in A. J. Duggan, J. Greatrex and B. Bolton, eds, Omnia Disce. Medieval Studies in Memory of Leonard Boyle, O.P. (Ashgate, Aldershot , 2005).
01-Jan-2005 'Fifty Years of Insular Palaeography, 1953-2003: an Outline of some Landmarks and Issues' 'Fifty Years of Insular Palaeography, 1953-2003: an Outline of some Landmarks and Issues', in W. Koch & T. Kölzer, eds, Archiv fur Diplomatik: Schriftgeschichte Siegel- und Wappenkunde (Proceedings of the CIPL conference, 2003) (Böhlau Verlag: Cologne, Weimar & Vienna, 2005), pp. 277-325.
01-Jan-2005 'The Insular Contribution to the Transmission of Biblical Texts' 'The Insular Contribution to the Transmission of Biblical Texts', a chapter in the Vatican's History of the Bible, La Bibbia, Formi e Modeli , ed. P. Cherubini (Vatican Publications: Vatican City, 2005).
01-Jan-2003 The Lindisfarne Gospels: Society, Spirituality and the Scribe The Lindisfarne Gospels: Society, Spirituality and the Scribe (British Library, Faksimile Verlag & Toronto University Press: London , Lucerne & Toronto 2003), pp. 479.
Issued in h/b and p/b, as a stand alone book (nominated for the British Academy Prize and the TLS International Book of the Year; reviewed in the TLS and the NY Review of Books, inter alia ) and as a commentary volume accompanying the facsimile of The Lindisfarne Gospels (Faksimile Verlag & British Library: Lucerne and London , 2003).01-Jan-2003 Painted Labyrinth. The World of the Lindisfarne Gospels Monographs
Painted Labyrinth. The World of the Lindisfarne Gospels (British Library: London, 2003).
01-Jan-2003 'House-Style in the Scriptorium: Scribal Reality and Scholarly Myth' 'House-Style in the Scriptorium: Scribal Reality and Scholarly Myth', in G. Brown & C. Karkov, eds, Anglo-Saxon Styles (New York, 2003).
01-Jan-2002 'Mercian Manuscripts? The 'Tiberius' Group and its Historical Context' 'Mercian Manuscripts? The 'Tiberius' Group and its Historical Context', in M. P. Brown and C. Farr, eds, Mercia: An Anglo-Saxon Kingdom in Europe (Leicester University Press: Leicester, 2002).
01-Jan-2002 'Gerald of Wales and the 'Marvels of the East': the role of the author in the development of marginal illustration' 'Gerald of Wales and the 'Marvels of the East': the role of the author in the development of marginal illustration', in English Manuscript Studies Vol X: Decoration and Illustration in Medieval English Manuscripts, ed. A. S. G. Edwards (British Library: London, 2002); reptd in the Journal of the International Association for the Study of the Irish Language, Japan, 2005.
01-Jan-2002 The Sherborne Missal, Turning the Pages CD-Rom The Sherborne Missal, Turning the Pages CD-Rom (British Library: London , 2002).
01-Jan-2001 Mercia: An Anglo-Saxon Kingdom in Europe Edited Book
M. P. Brown & C. Farr, eds, Mercia: An Anglo-Saxon Kingdom in Europe (Leicester University Press: Leicester , 2001; h/b and p/b edns).
01-Jan-2001 'Female book-ownership and production in Anglo-Saxon England: the Evidence of the Ninth-Century Prayerbooks' 'Female book-ownership and production in Anglo-Saxon England: the Evidence of the Ninth-Century Prayerbooks', in C. Kay & L. Sylvester, eds, Lexis and Texts in Early English: Papers in Honour of Jane Roberts (Brill: Amsterdam, 2001)
01-Jan-2001 'The Life of St Fursey: what we know and why it matters' 'The Life of St Fursey: what we know and why it matters', The Inaugural Fursey Lecture (Diocese of Norwich: Norwich, 2001).
01-Jan-2000 `A Fifteenth-Century Revision of the Glastonbury Epitaph to King Arthur' M. P. Brown & J. Carley, `A Fifteenth-Century Revision of the Glastonbury Epitaph to King Arthur', Arthurian Literature 12 (1993), 179-192. Reptd in J. Carley, ed., Glastonbury Abbey and the Arthurian Tradition (Boydell: Woodbridge, 2000).
01-Jan-2000 '"In the Beginning was the Word": Books and Faith in the Age of Bede' '"In the Beginning was the Word": Books and Faith in the Age of Bede', The Jarrow Lecture, 2000 ( Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2000).
01-Jan-2000 'The Benedictional of St Ethelwold' 'The Benedictional of St Ethelwold', The New Bookbinder (2000).
1991 A Palaeographer's View: Selected Writings of Julian Brown Harvey Miller: London
1990 A Guide to Western Historical Scripts from Antiquity to 1600 British Library & Toronto University Press: London & Toronto
Graphic Devices and the Early Decorated Book Edited Book
M. P. Brown, I Garipzanov, and B. C. Tilghman, eds.
(Woodbridge, forthcoming)
The Latin Manuscripts of the holy Monastery of St Catherine's, Sinai Forthcoming
Reading the Lindisfarne Gospels: Text, Image, Context Chapters
Reading the Lindisfarne Gospels: Text, Image, Context
R. G. Gameson, eg.
(Brill, forthcoming)
'The Insular System of Scripts' and 'The Lindisfarne Scriptorium' Chapters
The Oxford Handbook of Palaeography
ed. F. Coulson and R. Babcock
(Oxford University Press: Oxford, forthcoming)
Illuminated Manuscripts Chapters
Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Art of Archaeology of Late Antiquity
ed. L. Reuters et al. (forthcoming)
The Jellinge Stone; from Prehistoric Monument to Petrified 'Book' Chapters
Medieval Knowledge
M. Cesario, H Magennis et al., eds,
(Mancester University Press: Manchester, forthcoming)
Starcraeft and the Interface between Faith and Science in Anglo-Saxon England, from Bede to Byrhtferth ... and Beyond Chapters
Festschrift for Kevin Kiernan
D. Johnson ed.,
Concealed and Revealed: Insular visualisations of the Word Chapters
Clothing Sacred Scripture
D. Ganz and B. Schellewald, eds,
The Bridge in the Desert: towards establishing an historical context for the newly discovered Latin Manuscripts of St. Catherine's Sinai Articles
Rivista degli Studi Orientali
(Supplement, forthcoming)
The Visual Rhetoric of Insular Decorated Incipit Openings Chapters
Visualcy, Literacy, Graphicacy: Graphic Devices and the Early Decorated Book
M. P. Brown, I. Garipzanov and B. Tilghman,
(Boydell: Woodbridge, forthcoming)
Making Manuscripts and Mappaemundi Chapters
A Companion to English Mappaemundi of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
N. Millea & D. Terkla, eds,
(Boydell & Brewer, forthcoming)
Hagiography or History? Early Medieval Approaches to Establishing Origin and Provenance for Insular Copies of Scripture Chapters
Insular Odyssey: Manuscript Culture in Early Christian Ireland and Beyond
ed. R. Moss, F. O'Mahony and J. Maxwell
- Research Projects & Supervisions
Research projects:
Details London Palaeography Summer School Director
Medieval Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age Director; AHRC-funded one-week course, IES
- Relevant Events
Related events:
Date Details 01-Jan-2016 Lay Canon Truro Cathedral
01-Jan-2015 Senior Researcher University of Oslo
01-Jan-2014 PhD Supervisor University of Arts, London
01-Jan-2013 Distinguished Scholar Green Scholars Initiative
01-Jan-2013 PhD Supervisor University of Falmouth/University of the Arts
01-Jan-2013 PhD Supervisor Heythrop College, London
01-Jan-2012 Historical Consultant Colm Cille's Spiral Project, a series of arts commissions across Ireland and the UK to celebrate Londonderry, City of Culture 2013, in association with King's College London and Difference Exchange
01-Jan-2012 Adviser on Medieval manuscripts Green Collection
01-Jan-2012 Historical Adviser The Tapestry of Light Project, University of Melbourne
01-Jan-2012 Summer School Lecturer Cambridge University
01-Jan-2012 Professor Emerita University of London
01-Jan-2012 Visiting Professor University College London
01-Jan-2012 Visiting Professor Dept of Classics, Baylor University (Texas)
01-Jan-2012 Invited Lecturer Stanford University
01-Jan-2012 Lieftinck Lecturer Leiden University
01-Jan-2012 Invited Lecturer King's College London
01-Jan-2012 Invited Lecturer Trinity College Dublin
01-Jan-2012 Invited Lecturer Cambridge University
01-Jan-2012 Invited Lecturer Oxford University
01-Jan-2012 Keynote Speaker Aldred Conference, University of Westminster. April.
01-Jan-2012 Speaker University of Bergen
01-Jan-2012 Public Lecture Course One-day lecture course at Sutton Hoo. 28 April 2012.
01-Jan-2012 Invited Lecturer Grosseteste Society, Lincoln.
01-Jan-2012 Director and Lecturer, Insular MSS Study Day Institute of English Studies
01-Jan-2012 Medieval MSS Studies in the Digital Age Director and lecturer. IES/Warburg/KCL/Cambridge Unversity.
01-Jan-2012 Invited Lecturer Baylor University, Texas
01-Jan-2012 Invited Lecturer Cleethorpes Cultural Association
01-Jan-2012 Plenary Lecturer Anglo-Russian Conference, SAS
01-Jan-2012 Invited Lecturer Companions of Sts Alban and Sergius (Greek Orthodox Churches)
01-Jan-2012 Invited Lecturer Shropshire Scribes
01-Jan-2011 Keynote Speaker Ikon Conference at Rijeka Univeristy, Croatia
01-Jan-2011 Keynote Speaker ISAS conference, Madison WI
01-Jan-2011 Director of Funded Student Training Course on the Materiality of Anglo-Saxon Mss ISAS conference, Madison WI
01-Jan-2011 Teacher Lancashire and Cumbria Theological Partnership, Ordination Training Programme
01-Jan-2010 ‘Evidence for Contact Between the Near East and the Insular World’ Art History Dept., Cambridge University, 2010.
01-Jan-2010 ‘Southumbrian Book Culture Before Alfred’ Index of Christian Art, Princeton University, 2010
01-Jan-2010 ‘The Implications of the Inscription’ Symposium on the Staffordshire Hoard, British Museum, 2010.
01-Jan-2010 ‘Anglo-Saxon E. Anglia, Its Books and Archaeology’ Southend Museum, 2010
01-Jan-2010 ‘The Holkham Bible and its Maker’ Suffolk History Society, Stowmarket, 2010.
01-Jan-2010 ‘The MacDurnan Gospels’ Lambeth Palace Library, Exhibition lecture series, 2010.
01-Jan-2010 ‘Anglo-Saxon Lichfield, its Gospelbook and Recent Archaeological Discoveries ’ Keele University, 2010.
01-Jan-2010 ‘The Raman Laser Analysis of Pigments in Early Medieval Manuscripts’ University of Piedmont, Vercelli, conference on science and manuscript studies, 2010.
01-Jan-2010 ‘The Luttrell Psalter and the Holkham Bible: English MS Art in the Early 14th Century’ Shropshire Scribes, Shrewsbury, 2010.
01-Jan-2010 ‘Mercian Manuscripts: the implications of the Staffordshire Hoard, other recent discoveries, and the “new materiality”’ Inaugural lecture, Professor of Medieval MS Studies, SAS, 2010.
01-Jan-2010 ‘Material Culture and the Conversion of E. Anglia’ The Annual St Fursey Lecture, Diocese of Norwich, and address in Norwich Cathedral, 2010.
01-Jan-2010 ‘Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts’ Wadhurst History Society, 2010
01-Jan-2009 ‘The Anglo-Saxons and Their Books’ Sutton Hoo Study Centre, 2010
01-Jan-2009 ‘The Lindisfarne Gospels’ Oxford Cathedral, 2010.
01-Jan-2009 ‘Sacred Texts: the monotheistic faiths and their manuscripts’ BL on location lecture, Leicester Central Library, 2009
01-Jan-2009 ‘Strategies of Visual Literacy in Insular and Anglo-Saxon Book Culture’, The Toller Lecture, Manchester University, 2009
01-Jan-2009 Invited International Lecturer Medieval and Renaissance Studies Centre, University of Notre Dame, USA, 2009
01-Jan-2009 ‘Goths at the Gate: : what does ‘Gothic’ mean in the context of the medieval book?' keynote speaker at conference - Gothic Art and Thought in the Middle Ages, Index of Christian Art, Princeton University, 2009
01-Jan-2009 ‘The St John’s Bible: the art of the hand-made book’ Public lecture, Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, USA, 2009
01-Jan-2009 ‘From Columba to Cormac: the Contribution of Irish Scribes to the Insular System of Scripts’, 57th Settimana di studio della Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo, ‘L’Irlanda e gli Irlandesi nell’Alto Medioevo’, CISAM, Spoleto, Italy, 2009.
01-Jan-2009 ‘Anglo-Saxon Manuscript Studies’ University of Rome, Il Tre, Italy, 2009
01-Jan-2009 ‘Medieval Studies and the History of Communication’ History of Communication Seminar, IES, 2009.
01-Jan-2009 ‘Medieval Treasure Bindings’ Society of Bookbinders’ Conference, Warwick University, 2009
01-Jan-2009 ‘The St Andrew’s Psalter’ Andrew’s University, 2009
01-Jan-2009 ‘The Luttrell Psalter’ Oxford Scribes, Anniversary Lecture, Market Harborough, 2009
01-Jan-2009 ‘The Luttrell Psalter and the Holkham Bible: the English booktrade on the eve of the Black Death’ Wynkyn de Worde Soc. lecture, Artworkers’ Guild, London, 2009
01-Jan-2009 ‘Manuscripts from Anglo-Saxon Canterbury’ Canterbury Cathedral, 2009
01-Jan-2009 ‘Adventures in Palaeography’ The Language Show, Olympia, London, 2009
01-Jan-2009 ‘The Lindisfarne Gospels: Making and Meaning’ Glasgow University, 2009
01-Jan-2009 ‘Illuminating the Word: the rise of the decorated manuscript in the medieval West’ Library Assoc. of Ireland, National Library of Ireland, 2009.
01-Jan-2009 ‘The Holkham Bible: Pater Noster Row and the Medieval Booktrade’ Letter Exchange, Artworkers’ Guild, London, 2009.
01-Jan-2009 The Book and the Transformation of Britain, c.550-1050: a Study in Orality and Visual and Written Literacy The Sandars Lectures in Bibliography, Cambridge University Library, 2009
01-Jan-2009 Toller lecture Invited to deliver the Toller lecture (Manchester Univ) 2009.
01-Jan-2009 Sandars Lectures Sandars Lectures, Cambridge University Library, in 2009.
01-Jan-2009 PhD Supervisor University of London
01-Jan-2007 Keynote at Univ. of Wisconsin Keynote at retirement colloque for Nick Doane, Univ. of Wisconsin, 2007.
01-Jan-2007 ISAS conference, London, 2007 Co-organiser of ISAS conference, London, 2007.
01-Jan-2007 'In the Beginning: Bibles Before the Year 1000' Guest Curator of 'In the Beginning: Bibles Before the Year 1000' at the Smithsonian Institute, Oct. 2006-Jan. 2007. Atten Attended by almost 200,000 and accompanied by a two-day conference which I co-organised.
01-Jan-2006 Inst. of Medieval Studies, Univ. of New Mexico Keynote Lecture to the Inst. of Medieval Studies, Univ. of New Mexico, 2006.
01-Jan-2006 Keynote Medieval Academy of America Keynote Medieval Academy of America, 2006.
01-Jan-2004 'Treasures from the British Library, with a Northern Focus' Content planning and creation for 'Treasures from the British Library, with a Northern Focus', a travelling exhibition initially at Leeds Public Library, June-July 2004, and for several regional panel / IT exhibitions focusing on a regional 'treasure' from the BL's collections, 2004-7.
01-Jan-2004 University of London 's Annual Palaeography Lecture University of London 's Annual Palaeography Lecture, 2004
01-Jan-2004 Holy Island Heritage Centre permanent exhibition Content creation for the Holy Island Heritage Centre permanent exhibition, 1999 and 2004 and for the Laing Gallery's Lindisfarne Gospels exhibition, 2000.
01-Jan-2003 Labyrinth: the World of the Lindisfarne Gospels Curator of Painted Labyrinth: the World of the Lindisfarne Gospels, BL, 2003. Attended by over 141,440.
01-Jan-2003 CIPL Keynote Lecturer to the CIPL Colloque, 2003.
Distinguished Senior Fellow ISR, Baylor University (Texas)