Contact details
- Name:
- Professor Sir Brian Vickers
- Qualifications:
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Honorary Fellow
- Institute:
- Institute of English Studies
- Email address:
- brian.vickers@sas.ac.uk
- Website:
- http://www.brianvickers.uk/
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 22-Apr-2016 'Shakespeare’s kind of play?', review of Peter Kirwan, Shakespeare and the Idea of Apocrypha Review
Times Literary Supplement, pp. 8-9.
01-Jan-2016 'Marlowe in Edward II: Lender or Borrower?' Articles
Joseph Candido (ed.), The Text, the Play, and the Globe. Essays on Literary Influence in Shakespeare’s World and His Work in Honor of Charles R. Forker (Madison, Teaneck: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2016), pp. 43-74.
01-Jan-2016 Review of Lawrence Manley and Sally-Beth MacLean, 'Lord Strange’s Men and Their Plays' Review
Modern Philology 113 (2015): E81–E86.
01-Jan-2016 'The One King Lear' Monographs
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2016), pp. xxi + 387. ISBN 9780674504844.
01-Aug-2015 Review of A. S. McGrade (ed.), Richard Hooker, Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. A critical Edition with modern spelling Review
Review of English Studies, 66 (2015): 575-7
01-Aug-2015 'Evaluating Collaborators' Articles
Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen (eds), William Shakespeare and Others: Collaborative Plays, Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 252 (2015): 353-65.
01-Jan-2014 Review of J.C. Scaliger, Poetices libri septem. Sieben Bücher über die Dichtkunst, Band VI: Indices Review
Renaissance Studies, 28: 799−800
01-Jan-2014 Review of Standish Henning (ed.), Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors. A New Variorum Edition Review
Review of English Studies, 65: 733−7
01-Jan-2013 Review of symposium: ‘Remembering W.W.Greg’ in A. S. G. Edwards (ed.), Textual Cultures, 4 Review
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 106: 131−3
01-Jan-2013 Review of David Bevington, Martin Butler, and Ian Donaldson (eds.), The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Ben Jonson Review
01-May-2012 'All's Well that Ends Well - An Attribution Refuted' Journal articles
Co-author with Marcus Dahl. Times Literary Supplement.
01-Jan-2012 The Library of a Polymath | Essay review of Urs B. Leu, Raffael Keller and Sandra Weimann, Conrad Gessner’s Private Library (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2008) Review
Annals of Science, 69:571−4
01-Jan-2012 Identifying Shakespeare's Additions to The Spanish Tragedy (1602): A New(er) Approach Articles
In Shakespeare Vol 8, Nos 1-4: 2012. pp. 13-43
01-Jan-2012 The Oxford Francis Bacon I: Early Writings 1584-1596 Edited Book
General Editor. The Oxford Francis Bacon I: Early Writings 1584-1596. Ed. Alan Stewart. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2012. Pp. lxi, 1066.
01-Jan-2011 ‘Shakespeare and Authorship Studies in the Twenty-First Century’ Journal articles
Shakespeare Quarterly (62:1): 106–142.
01-Jan-2011 The Collected Works of John Ford (Vol I) Edited Book
Monsarrat, Gilles, Brian Vickers and R.J.C. Watt (eds.) Oxford: Oxford University Press
01-Jan-2010 ‘Disintegrated. Did Middleton really adapt Macbeth?’ Articles
Times Literary Supplement 28 May 2010, pp. 13-14.
01-Jan-2008 'Francis Bacon, Feminist Historiography, and the Domain of Nature' Journal articles
Journal of the History of Ideas (69): 117-141
01-Jan-2008 'Co-authors and Closed Minds' Journal articles
Shakespeare Studies (36): 111-127
01-Jan-2008 'The Authentic and Inauthentic Hamlet' Journal articles
Editionen der Kritik (2008:2): 15-42
01-Jan-2007 Shakespeare, 'A Lover's Complaint', and John Davies of Hereford Monographs
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. xii, 329
01-Jan-2007 'Incomplete Shakespeare: Or, Denying Coauthorship in 1 Henry VI' Journal articles
Shakespeare Quarterly (58:3): 311-352
01-Jan-2005 Shakespeare: The Critical Tradition. The Merchant of Venice Edited Book
Eds. William Baker and Brian Vickers (London and New York: Continuum), pp. xli, 437. General Editor's Preface, pp. ix-xli.
01-Jan-2004 General Editor's Preface, Coriolanus Edited Book
General Editor's Preface, Coriolanus, ed. by David George: Shakespeare: The Critical Tradition Series (Continuum Books, March 2004), pp. xxvi, 445
01-Jan-2004 'Neither Proper nor Useful': Jesuit Orthodoxy and Galiliean Science Journal articles
Essay review of Mordechai Feingold (ed.), The New Science and Jesuit Science: Seventeenth-Century Perspectives. Annals of Science (61): 213-218
01-Jan-2003 'Shakespeare, "A Lover's Complaint"' Journal articles
'Shakespeare, "A Lover's Complaint"', in the Times Literary Supplement (5 December 2003)
01-Jan-2002 Shakespeare, Co-author: A Historical Study of Five Collaborative Plays Monographs
Oxford University Press, pp. xxxix, 561
01-Jan-2002 'Counterfeiting' Shakespeare: Evidence, Authorship, and John Ford's Funerall Elegye Monographs
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.xxvii, 568
01-Jan-2002 '"Words and Things - Or Words, Concepts, and Things?" Rhetorical and Linguistic Categories in the Renaissance' Chapters
E. Kessler and I. Maclean (eds.) Res et Verba in der Renaissance (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz), pp. 287-335
01-Jan-2000 'The Myth of Fancis Bacon's "Anti-Humanism"' Chapters
Jill Kraye and M.W.F. Stone (eds.) Humanism and Early Modern Philosophy (London: Routledge), pp. 135-158
01-Jan-1999 English Renaissance Literary Criticism Edited Book
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. xv, 655
01-Jan-1999 Francis Bacon, The Essays and Counsels, Civil and Moral Edited Book
Oxford World's Classics, pp. xliii, 216
01-Jan-1996 Francis Bacon Edited Book
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. li, 813 ('The Oxford Authors')
01-Jan-1993 Appropriating Shakespeare: Contemporary Critical Quarrels Monographs
New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. xvi, 501. Paperback ed. 1994, reprinted 1996
01-Jan-1988 In Defense of Rhetoric Monographs
Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. xi, 508
01-Jan-1988 'The Atrophy of Rhetoric: Vico to de Man' Journal articles
Rhetorica (6): 21-56
01-Jan-1986 'Rites of Passage in Shakespeare's Prose' Journal articles
Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft West: Jahrbuch 1986, pp. 45-76
01-Jan-1985 'The Royal Society and English Prose Style: A Reassessment' Chapters
Rhetoric and the Pursuit of Truth: Language Change in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Los Angeles: The William Andrews Clark Memorial Library), pp. 1-76
01-Jan-1984 'Steevens or Whalley? A Question of Authorship' Journal articles
Shakespeare Quarterly (35:2): 196-201
01-Jan-1983 'Epideictic and Epic in the Renaissance' Journal articles
New Literary History (14): 497-537
01-Jan-1981 Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage (Vol VI) 1774-1801 Edited Book
London and Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 650
01-Jan-1981 'The Emergence of Character Criticism, 1774-1800' Journal articles
Shakespeare Survey (34): 11-21
01-Jan-1979 Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage (Vol V) 1765-1774 Edited Book
London and Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. xvi, 569
01-Jan-1976 Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage (Vol IV) 1753-1765 Edited Book
London and Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. xiv, 583
01-Jan-1975 Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage (Vol III) 1733-1752 Edited Book
London and Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. xii, 487
01-Jan-1974 Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage (Vol I) 1623-1692 Edited Book
London and Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. xi, 448
01-Jan-1974 Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage (Vol II) 1693-1733 Edited Book
London and Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. xi, 549
01-Jan-1973 Towards Greek Tragedy Monographs
London: Longman, pp. xvi, 658. Reprinted 1979
01-Jan-1971 'Shakespeare's Use of Rhetoric' Chapters
K. Muir and S. Schoenbaum (eds) A New Companion to Shakespeare Studies (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 83-98
01-Jan-1971 'Bacon's Use of Theatrical Imagery' Journal articles
Studies in the Literary Imagination (4): 189-226
01-Jan-1970 Classical Rhetoric in English Poetry Monographs
London: Macmillan, pp. 180
01-Jan-1968 The Artistry of Shakespeare's Prose Monographs
London: Methuen, pp. ix, 452
01-Jan-1968 Francis Bacon and Renaissance Prose Monographs
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. xi, 316
01-Jan-1968 'King Lear and Renaissance Paradoxes' Journal articles
Modern Language Review (63): 305-314
- Relevant Events
Related events:
Date Details 12-Aug-2013 'Much Ado About Who: Is It Really Shakespeare?' Quoted extensively in New York Times article, by Jennifer Schuessler. August 12, 2013.
20-Sep-2012 'Editing John Ford' Editing Now: Early Modern Performance and Modern Textual Scholarship. University of Durham. 19-21 September 2012
01-Jan-2011 ‘Suffering and attempted consolation in Shakespeare’ University of Cambridge Shakespeare Summer School, August 2011.
01-Jan-2007 'From the Consolatio to Counselling: Grief Therapy, Ancient and Modern' John Coffin Lecture in Intellectual History (School of Advanced Study, University of London)
01-Jan-2004 'Shakespeare's Teachers' John Coffin Memorial Lecture in English Literature (School of Advanced Study, University of London)