Contact details
- Name:
- Ms Marika Sherwood
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Senior Research Fellow
- Fellowship term:
- 1991 to 31-Jul-2023
- Institute:
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies
- Location:
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies Senate House Russell Square London WC1E 7HU
- Phone:
- 01795 532088 (home)
- Email address:
- marikasherwood@outlook.com
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Human rights
- Regions:
- Africa, Caribbean, United Kingdom
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
- The history of peoples of African origins in the UK since the Roman period;
- Black Black political activism from late 19th century;
- Pan-Africanism 1930s onwards;
- Racism in the UK including education issues;
- Anti-imperialism
- Cold War in West Africa
- The Cold War in West Africa
- Use of profits from the slave trade and plantations
- Project summary relevant to Fellowship:
Currently working on:
Peoples of African origins/descent in the UK, especially in East Kent
Racism in the UK including education issues
Republication of books: Claudia Jones and Daniels Ekarte
BBC Sound program on Claudia Jones
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 01-Dec-2021 The All African People’s Congress (AAPC) called by Kwame Nkrumah -- and George Padmore’ Journal articles
,Contemporary Journal of African Studies, Vol 8 No 1 & 2, 2021 https://journals.ug.edu.gh/index.php/cjas/issue/current
01-Dec-2021 Claudia Jones: A Life in Exile. Monographs
With a new preface by Lola Olufemi and an appendix of additional research, Lawrence Wishart, 2021
01-Nov-2021 ‘Opinion: Why WW2 commemorations need to recognise the Black contribution’, History Extra, https://www.historyextra.com/period/second-world-war/opinion-why-ww2-commemorations-need-recognise-black-contribution/ , November 2021 Journal articles
History Extra, https://www.historyextra.com/period/second-world-war/opinion-why-ww2-commemorations-need-recognise-black-contribution/ , November 2021
01-Nov-2021 ‘What we don’t, but should know’, Articles
D. Thomas & J. Arday (eds), Doing equity and diversity for success in higher education: Redressing structural inequalities in the academy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021
01-Jul-2021 ‘Booker T Washington in England 1899’, Journal articles
History Matters Journal, 1/3, Summer 2021
01-Oct-2020 Why and how that Black Lives Matter became important to me. Articles
History Matters, 1/1 Autumn 2020
07-Feb-2020 Kwame Nkrumah and the Dawn of the Cold War 7 Feb.2020 Pan African Television Talk Time: hour long discussion on my book.
06-Feb-2020 Kwame Nkrumah and the Dawn of the Cold War 6 Feb 2020 The film of the launch of my book at Legon
01-Jan-2020 ‘E.P.Thompson, ‘The Making of the English (White) Working Class’ , Edited Book
Keith Flett (ed), E. P. Thompson’s The Making of the English Working Class at 50
31-Dec-2019 'Africa: the true cost of the Arab and trans-Atlantic slavery' Chapters
Africa Factbook, Addis Ababa: INSTAK, 2019
31-May-2019 Kwame Nkrumah and the Dawn of the Cold War: The West African National Secretariat (1945-48) Edited Book
Pluto Press, 2019; Sub-Saharans Publishers 2019
01-May-2019 ‘Amy Ashwood Garvey: Vibratory Spaces’ Journal articles
(with) Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa, Women on Aeroplanes, Inflight Magazine, # 4, 2019
28-Feb-2019 The beginning of the Cold War in the Gold Coast? Conference papers
David Featherstone & Christian Høgsbjerg (eds), , The Red and the Black: The Russian Revolution and the Black Atlantic, Manchester University Press
03-Nov-2018 BASA - 27 Year Review Papers
This is a film of the conference organised by Black History Walks. The other speaker was Professor Hakim Adi.
01-Aug-2018 ‘The Multi-ethnic Royal Navy and Merchant Marine, from the Seventeenth Century Onward’ Journal articles
Topmasts, #2, August 2018
01-Jul-2018 The Quest in the United Kingdom for African Unity 1945-48’, Journal articles
Contemporary Journal of African Studies, 5/1, 2018
02-May-2018 ’The All Colonial Peoples Conferences in Britain, 1945’ Journal articles
Lucas – Leeds African Studies Bulletin, #79, 2017-8, pp.113-124
01-Aug-2017 ‘How I learned to ask about forgotten history’, Research aids
21-Jul-2017 'Depiction of a Negro’ Articles
John Blanke Project, http://www.johnblanke.com/historians.html
28-Oct-2016 Explaining the Modern World: Migration Monographs
Published by Hodder Education for the GCSE course, but also for the 'general' reader. Written with Hakim Adi, Dan Lyndon-Johnson and Martin Spafford, with whom I also produced the course.
04-Aug-2016 ‘Britain, its colonies and WWII’ Articles
Pambazuka News, 4 Aug 2016
01-Aug-2015 'African Students Association of America and Canada, 1941 – 1945'’ Articles
The Lagos Historical Review, issue 14, 2015
11-Feb-2015 ’An information “black hole”: World War I in Africa’, in László Z. Karvalics (ed), Information History of the First World War UNESCO/ L’Harmattan Publishing, Chapters
László Z. Karvalics (ed), Information History of the First World War UNESCO/ L’Harmattan Publishing, 2016
30-Sep-2014 Robert Kweku Atta Gardiner’,(1914 - 1994) – an unrecognised Ghanaian Pan-Africanist Par-Excellence Articles
Contemporary Journal of African Studies 2/1, 2014
01-Jul-2014 ‘The birth of ‘Liberation’ Articles
Liberation, 57/1, 2014
31-Jan-2014 ‘Black sailors in the Royal Navy’ Naval Records Online
01-Jan-2013 World War II: Colonies and Colonials Savannah Press, 2013
01-Jan-2013 The Pan-African Conference, Kumasi, 1953 in T. Manuh & A. Sawyerr (eds), The Kwame Nkrumah Centenary Colloquium Proceedings, Accra: Kwame Nkrumah Centenary Committee, 2013
01-Jan-2012 Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Chapters
Entries on:
Dusé Mohamed Ali: http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/59530
Peter Blackman: http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/101295
Robert Broadhurst: http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/67910
William Davidson: http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/57029?docPos=3
Daniels Ekarté: http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/59529
Nathaniel Fadipe: http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/57270
Claudia Jones: http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/67681
Ras T. Makonnen: http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/50579
Henry Sylvester Williams: http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/69895
01-Jan-2012 ‘Two Pan-African political activists emanating from Edinburgh University: Drs John Randle and Richard Akinwande Savage’ in Afe Adogame and Andrew Lawrence (eds), Africa in Scotland, Scotland in Africa: Exploring Historical and Contemporary Relations in global contexts (Leiden: Brill)
01-Jan-2012 ‘The Pan-African Conference, Kumasi, 1953’ in T. Manuh (ed), The Kwame Nkrumah Centenary Colloquium Papers
01-Jan-2012 ‘Legitimate” traders, the building of empires and the long-term after-affects in Africa’ Chapters
in T. Green (ed), Brokers of Change: Atlantic Commerce and Cultures in Pre-Colonial Western Africa, Open University Press/British Academy
01-Jan-2012 ‘Nkrumah and Pan-Africanism 1942 – 1958’ in Lazare Ki-Zerbo (ed), Hands Off Africa
01-Jan-2012 The Life and Times of Albert Makaula-White, an African Farmer in Kent 1904-1937 Monographs
Savannah Press, 2012
01-Jan-2012 African and Caribbean British Political Activists’ Research aids
Podcasts available at the The Historial Association website
01-Jan-2012 "Legitimate" traders, the building of empires and the long-term after-affects in Africa Chapters
in T. Green
(ed), Brokers of Change: Atlantic Commerce and Cultures in Pre-Colonial Western Africa, (forthcoming, Manchester University Press, 2012)
01-Jan-2011 The Trade of Enslaved Africans and Slavery after 1807 Chapters
Chapter 2 in F. Brennan & John Parker, Colonialism, Slavery, Reparations and Trade: Remedying the ‘Past’, Taylor & Francis/Routledge, 2011
01-Jan-2011 Henry Sylvester Williams and his „descendant? George Padmore Articles
BASA (Black & Asian Studies Association) Newsletter, N 60-61, July/December 2011
01-Jan-2011 Entries on Bankole Awoonor-Renner, Daniels Ekarté, Dusé Mohamed Ali and George Padmore Research aids
in Dictionary of African Biography, OUP 2011
01-Jan-2011 ‘Gordon Riots’ Total Politics, June 2011
01-Jan-2011 ’William G. Allen in Britain’ Articles
Ethnicity and Race in a Changing World, 2/2, 2011
01-Jan-2011 ‘The trade in enslaved Africans’, Edited Book
in F. Brennan & John Parker, Colonialism, Slavery, Reparations and Trade: Remedying the ‘Past’, Taylor & Francis/Routledge
01-Jan-2011 ‘Pan-African Conferences, 1900 – 1953: what did Pan-Africanism mean?' in Charles Qudade and Frances Chiang (eds), From Colonization to Globalization, Dayspring Publishing
01-Jan-2010 Malcolm X: visits abroad April 1964 – February 1965 UK: Savannah Press 2010; USA: Tsehai Publishers, 2011
01-Jan-2010 The Origins of Pan-Africanism: Henry Sylvester Williams and the African Diaspora Routledge
01-Jan-2010 ‘’Africans in Britain 2000 years ago" New African, October 2010
01-Jan-2010 ‘Shall we ever learn the full story of Blacks in the Royal Navy?’ BASA Newsletter, #57, 2010
01-Jan-2010 ‘Racism by omission’ 01-Jan-2010 Review article on Carol Polsgrove, Ending British rule in Africa: Writers in a common cause IHR History Review, 2010
01-Jan-2010 Episode 33, ‘The African Diaspora in Britain in Africa Past and Present’ in The Podcast about African history, culture and politics
‘All Colonial Peoples Conferences, 1945’ (forthcoming, Kehinde Andrews (ed), Blackness in Britain (forthcoming, 2014) Conference papers
‘The Quest in the United Kingdom for African Unity 1945-48’, Contemporary Journal of African Studies, 5/1, 2018 Journal articles
Contemporary Journcal of African Studies, 5/1, 2018
‘The Quest in the United Kingdom for African Unity 1945-48’ Journal articles
, Contemporary Journal of African Studies, 5/1, 2018
‘E.P.Thompson, The Making of the English (White) Working Class’ Edited Book
Keith Flett (ed), E. P. Thompson’s The Making of the English Working Class at 50 (forthcoming, 2018)
'An Introduciton to the Black Population, Racism, and Black Organisations in the UK int he Early Twentieth Century' Conference papers
Helen Lauer & Kofi Anyidoho (eds), Reclaiming the Human Sciences and Humanities through African Perspectives, Sub-Saharan Publishers 2012. ISBN 978-9988-647-99-5
’An information “black hole”: World War I in Africa’ Edited Book
László Z. Karvalics (ed), Information History of the First World War, UNESCO/ L’Harmattan Publishing, 2015
’An information “black hole”: World War I in Africa’ Edited Book
L.Z. Karvalics (ed), 'Information History of the First World War', L'Harmattan/UNESCO, 2015
- Relevant Events
Related events:
Date Details 06-Feb-2020 Kwame Nkrumah and the Dawn of the Cold War: The West African National Secretariat (1945-48) Launch of my book at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana.
23-Jan-2020 Black British History Launch of seminar series by IHR and London South Bank University.
23-Jan-2020 Black British History: A Conversation Introductory seminar for a new series: 'Black British History', organised by Institute of Historical Research & School of Advanced Study University of London.
28-Sep-2019 Conference on 'the New wave on Nkrumaism' Organised by the London-based Pan-Nkrumaist Convention. I am the main speaker at the morning session.
23-Aug-2019 The trade in enslaved Africans Main contributor for TV program by NTV Broadcasting company of Russia. Screened on 23 August.
21-Feb-2019 Malcolm X in England This is a film funded by the Smithsonian Institution; I was one of the contributors filmed on 3rd January. Will be shown on the Smithsonian Channel.
08-Dec-2018 Amy Ashwood Garvey 'Women on Aeroplanes' exhibition at The Showroom Gallery by The Otolith Collective. Talk on AAG, who is one of the women in the exhibition. (I contributed much.)
06-Dec-2018 George Padmore 'Hands Off Africa!!' - ICWS conference to mark the 60th aniversary of the AAPC in Accra
03-Nov-2018 The work and campaigns of BASA Black and Asian Studies Association: A 27 year Review Conference
05-Sep-2018 Frantz Fanon and the struggle for African unity The Legacy of Fanon: Contemporary Challenges to Racism and Oppression,
Liverpool Hope University
04-Sep-2018 discussion I discussed additions to the Liverpool nternational Slave Trade Museum exhibition with its director, Dr Richard Benjamin.
01-Aug-2018 Porraimos - Romani Holocaust I was an invited guest
07-Jun-2018 This House Believes Israel is a Destabilising Force Durham Union Debate (one of eight speakers)
03-Feb-2018 Africans in East Kent since c.700AD Faversham Society History Fair
17-Oct-2017 Authors’ Round Table Christ Church University, Canterbury (with two other authors)
13-Oct-2017 The beginning of the Cold war in Ghana Institute for Black Atlantic Research, ‘The Red and the Black’, University of Central Lancashire
07-Jul-2017 interview 45 minute interview on 'Talk Time', Pan-African Television, Accra
29-Jun-2017 ‘Nkrumah, the West African National Secretariat and the Beginning of the Cold War in the Gold Coast’ Kwame Nkrumah Pan-African Festival, Institute of African Studies, Univ. of Ghana, Legon
22-Jun-2017 film: Dr. KWAME NKRUMAH I was filmed for a forthcoming film by RoomGreat Limited in Accra.
04-Mar-2017 Claudia Jones
Working Class Movement Library, Salford
05-Nov-2016 Introduction to peoples of African origins/descent in the UK for the past 2000 years 'Black History Day', organised by Kariku Community Action and Canterbury Ethnic Minority Independent Council
20-Oct-2016 Malcolm X in Manchester University of Manchester Students Union and Islamic Society
15-Oct-2016 Black Members of Unison: Black History Month Speaking on School Curricula
05-Oct-2016 Canterbury Christ Church University: 'Black Rights 2016' 'The school curricula in which you don't exist'
06-May-2016 Creating Joined-up Resources for a Diverse Curriculum I am on the panel of three 'experts' to discuss the Runnymede Trust's curriculum proposals..
16-Apr-2016 'The Making of the Black Working Class in Britain' - 30th Anniversary Event The event was organised by the TUC's Race Equality Team to acknowledge the importance of this book.
25-Feb-2016 'The West African National Secretariat: the beginning of the Cold War in the Gold Coast' special seminar at the Department of History, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana
18-Feb-2016 'The West African National Secretariat: the beginning of the Cold War in the Gold Coast' special seminar at Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon
21-Oct-2015 An overview of the history of peoples of African origins/descent in the UK Directorate of Social Work Celebrates Black History Month, University of Salford
20-Oct-2015 The forgotten war: World War I in Afirca Special event at Working Class Movement Library, Salford
03-Oct-2015 Life and Legacy of Claudia Jones Centenary Commemoration by East Oxford Community Centre
10-Sep-2015 'The West African National Secretariat and the failure of the Lagos Conference to materialise, 1948' The British International History Group 27th Annual Conference
08-Sep-2015 The Fifth Pan-African Congress Revisited 'Panel Discussion' at Autography, London
22-Aug-2015 Inspired Highlights About Claudia Jones Claudia Jones at 100
16-Aug-2015 'Recruiting for the war in Africa 1914-1919 BLACK SKIN WHITE FATIGUES Imperialist military recruitment of Black and Asian peoples
27-Jul-2015 Notting Hill Carnival forthcoming film by Blackstone Valentine Ltd
30-Jun-2015 BBC Wonder: Caribbean Soldiers consultant
18-Apr-2015 Changing Britain 1945-1979 - some of the immigrants Changing Britain Festival, Southbank Centre, London
06-Mar-2015 The Life and Legacy of Claudia Jones SERTUC Race Relations Event, TUC, London
26-Feb-2015 Colonies and Colonials in World War 2 Historical Association, Canterbury Branch
04-Dec-2014 Malcolm X: Visits abroad Malcolm X in Britain Conference
29-Jan-2014 Encounters with Four Trinidadian Radicals Lloyd Best Institute of the West Indies, Trinidad
24-Jan-2014 Britain's Historic Black Population Department of History, University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica
30-Nov-2013 Black Activists and The Making of the English Working Class Conference on 'The Making of the English Working Class at 50'
05-Oct-2013 Africa's Black Star - The political rise and fall of Dr Kwame Nkrumah Revision Film Season: 'Black History is World History', Portobello Road, London
(co-presenter with Dr Ama Biney and Asari-St-Hill)
04-Oct-2013 Struggles in Manchester before & after 1945's Pan-African Congress Working Class Movement Library, Black History Month, special event
03-Oct-2013 Colonies and colonials Manchester BBC
12-Sep-2013 Colonial Peoples' Conferences, 1945 Conference on Blackness in Britain, Newman University, Birmingham
22-May-2013 Africans in Kent since c. 700AD Faversham Society
21-Apr-2013 The hidden contribution of George Padmore, Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Lecture Series, Pan-Afrikan People's Phone-in
24-Oct-2012 An African farmer in Edwardian Kent Kent History and Library Centre, Maidstone
01-Jan-2012 History, the Nations and the Schools 30 June 2012, Bishopsgate Institute
01-Jan-2012 Musings of a Hungarian Pan-Africanist: From Henry Sylvester Williams to Malcolm X 13 February 2012, Social and Cultural Analysis, New York University
01-Jan-2012 Reducing reoffending for ethnic minority offenders 17 January 2012, BTEG/Runnymede Trust, House of Commons
01-Jan-2012 2012 Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Lecture London Branch of Ghana's Convention Peoples' Party
01-Jan-2012 Discover Black British History Beyond the Windrush 01-Jan-2012 Pan African Congress Debate 11 September 2012, Manchester Museum
01-Jan-2012 What does Pan-Africanism mean? NYU Department of Social and Cultural Analysis
01-Jan-2011 Pan-African Conference Tuesday 4 October 2011, 6.30-8pm
01-Jan-2011 Malcolm X: Visits Abroad Thursday, 20 October 2011 from 18:30 to 20:30
Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre (University of Manchester)
01-Jan-2011 Malcolm X, visits abroad April 1964-February 1965 Wednesday 19 October at 6.30pm
Working Class Movement Library in Salford
01-Jan-2011 Propagators of Pan-Africanism and the history of African Unity’ 22 October 2011, Central Scotland African Union, Stirling
01-Jan-2011 Black British History Education Event 08 Noviembre 2011, Institute of Education
01-Jan-2011 'Sylvester Williams, the Pan-African Congress and Pan-Africanism’ 3 March 2011, University of California, Berkeley
01-Jan-2011 'Henry Sylvester Williams and the origins of Pan-Africanise’ 7 March 2011, UCLA Dept of History
01-Jan-2011 Malcolm X: why was it necessary to kill him?’ 8 March 2011, Dept. of American Studies and Ethnicity, USC
01-Jan-2011 ‘Claudia Jones: a life of struggle and exile’ 10 March 2011, Ralph Bunche Center for African American Studies, UCLA
01-Jan-2011 ‘Black Britain: the Pan-African Conference of 1900’ (keynote speaker) 19 March 2011, North Carolina Central University, 3rd African Diaspora Studies Symposium: keynote speaker
01-Jan-2011 ‘Nkrumah and the Cold War’ 31 March 2011, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana,
01-Jan-2011 ‘The colonies, Black Britons and WWI and WWII’ 14 May 2011, Historical Associaton Annual Conference,
01-Jan-2011 'The Forerunner of Bandung: Subject Peoples’ Conference June 1945’ (guestspeaker) 26 May 2011, Africa Asia Scholars Global Network, Consultative Forum
01-Jan-2011 ‘Reflections on anglo-American civil rights protests’ 16 June 2011, University of Oxford, The Other Special Relationship: UK-US Protest Movements Conference
01-Jan-2011 ‘Henry Sylvester Williams and his “descendant” George Padmore' 25 June 2011, Black & Asian Studies Annual Conference
01-Jan-2011 ‘Peoples of African origins in Britain for the past 2000 years’ 2 May 2011, Faversham Library, Talk Time
01-Jan-2011 ‘Malcolm X’s visits abroad’ 14 June 2011, Centerprise Midsummer Literature Festival
01-Jan-2011 'Black people in Kent from the 16th century onward’ 25 June 2011, Faversham Festival
01-Jan-2011 'Malcolm X: visits abroad’ 2 July 2011, Northants Heritage Lives, book launch event
01-Jan-2011 Radio appearance 30 June 2011: two hours on the Breaking The Spell Radio Show
01-Jan-2011 Radio appearance 12 July, 2011 15 minutes on Colourful
01-Jan-2011 Speaker at George Padmore Blue Plaque unveiling 28 June 2011 Camden London
01-Jan-2011 ‘The challenges of Euro-Centric Curriculum’ 5 July 2011, Show Racism the Red Card: Tackling Racism and Promoting Race Equality, Reading, workshop
01-Jan-2010 ’History of Diversity’ August 12, 16, 19 2010: Kent Police, Mid-Kent Diversity Foundation Event
01-Jan-2010 ‘The importance of Herstories’ 15 October 2010, New Initiatives Youth & Community Association
01-Jan-2010 ‘Immigration’ 26 October 2010, Institute of Education, History Special Interest Group seminar
01-Jan-2010 Short speech on Malcolm X 29 October 2010, Collective Artists, the play ‘The Meeting’
01-Jan-2010 ‘The colonies and WWII’ 25 November 2010, Mill Hill County High Schools, The International Evening, Guest speaker
01-Jan-2010 ‘Black political Activism in Britain 1900 – 1965’ 20 May 2010, Seminar for IHR
01-Jan-2010 ‘The Pan-African Conference, Kumasi, 1953 ‘ 24 May 2010, Accra, Ghana: Kwame Nkrumah Centenary Colloquium, called by the African Union and Government of Ghana
01-Jan-2010 ‘Padmore et al: the work of the International African Service Bureau 1937 – 1939’ 5 June 2010, Black & Asian Studies Association Conference
01-Jan-2010 ‘Nkrumah’s attempts to work with Francophone Africans for African unity, 1945 – 1953’ 6-7 September 2010, ‘1960: the year of Africa’ and French de-colonisation revisited’ Conference, University of Portsmouth
01-Jan-2010 ‘Nkrumah and Pan-Africanism’ 15 December 2010, ICwS Commonwealth Research seminar series
WWII: Colonies & colonials Launches for my book at: The Global Centre, Exeter, 7 April, 2013; Northants Community Centre, 22 June 2013; Mustard Tree, Ancoats, 4 October 2013; Ahmed Iqbal Centre, University of Manchester, 3 October 2013
Magna Carta in Education workshop Magna Carta 800 Years Conference, organised by Human Rights Office