Contact details
- Name:
- Professor Johannes Baltussen
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Dorothy Tarrant Fellow
- Fellowship term:
- 14-Jan-2023 to 20-Feb-2023
- Institute:
- Institute of Classical Studies
- Home institution:
- University of Adelaide
- Email address:
- han.baltussen@adelaide.edu.au
- Website:
- https://ics.sas.ac.uk/people/professor-johannes-baltussen
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Classics
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Han Baltussen is the W.W. Hughes Professor of Classics at the University of Adelaide. His research focuses primarily on intellectual history of the Greco-Roman world from the classical period down to late antiquity, exploring enduring questions around human responses to life’s caprices, such as grief, consolation, and censorship. He has held fellowships at the Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies (Washington, D.C.), and the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton). He has published books on Aristotle’s school (Theophrastus Against the Presocratics and Plato, 2000; The Peripatetics, 2015) and the sixth century Platonist Simplicius (Philosophy an Exegesis in Simplicius. The Methodology of a Commentator, 2008), and co-edited three volumes on ancient commentators, on consolation, and on self-censorship, with two in preparation (cultural history of love; pain narratives in Greco-Roman writings). While at the ICS, he hopes to finalise a monograph on self-consolation. His new translation of Eunapius’ Lives of Philosophers and Sophists (Loeb vol. 134) will appear in early 2023.