Professor Susan Powell

Contact details

Professor Susan Powell
Position/Fellowship type:
Visiting Research Fellow
Fellowship term:
01-May-2017 to 30-Apr-2018
Institute of English Studies
Home institution:
University of Salford
Email address:

Research Summary and Profile

Research interests:
Medieval History
Summary of research interests and expertise:

Susan (Sue) Powell is Emeritus Professor of Medieval Texts and Culture (University of Salford). Her research focuses on late-medieval religious and devotional texts and institutions, with a particular emphasis on manuscripts and early printed books.

She considers herself primarily an editor of manuscripts and early printed books, and her most recent edition is John Mirk’s Festial in two volumes, EETS OS 334/335 (Oxford, 2009, 2011). Her most recent book, co-edited with Vincent Gillespie, is A Companion to the Early Printed Book in Britain 1476-1558 (Cambridge, 2014), but a monograph, The Birgittines of Syon Abbey: Preaching and Print, is to be published by Brepols Press in 2017. She is currently preparing an edition of the household papers of Lady Margaret Beaufort for the British Academy (Records of Social and Economic History).

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