Contact details
- Name:
- Professor Warren Chernaik
- Qualifications:
- BA (Cornell), MA, PhD (Yale)
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Senior Research Fellow, Emeritus Professor
- Institute:
- Institute of English Studies
- Home institution:
- King's College London
- Location:
- 124 Mansfield Road London NW32JB
- Phone:
- 020 7485 1930
- Email address:
- warren.chernaik@kcl.ac.uk
- Website:
- http://www.kcl.ac.uk/schools/humanities/depts/english/people/warren.html
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Early Modern, English Literature
- Regions:
- England, Europe, United Kingdom
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Primary Interest: Early Modern English Literature
Secondary Interest: History - Project summary relevant to Fellowship:
Member of:
The British Milton Seminar
British Shakespeare Seminar
London Shakespeare Seminar
World Shakespeare Congress
Milton Society of America
Renaissance Society of America
British Society of Eighteenth Century Studies
President of University of London Extra Mural Literature AssociationAdvisory editor, The Works of Aphra Behn
Organising Committee Member of International Milton Seminar
Consultant on manuscripts submitted to Wiley-Blackwell, Cambridge University Press, University of Toronto Press, Manchester University Press,Oxford University Press,Restoration, The European Legacy, Shakespeare Quarterly, Milton Quarterly, other academic journals
Contributor to Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 01-Jan-2022 'Power Unbounded and a Will Confined: Waller's Politics' Chapters
in Edmund Waller (1606-1687): New Perspectives, ed. Philip Major (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2022), pp. 19-46
01-Jan-2022 Review of 'Thomas Heywood and the Classical Tradition' Review
Cahiers Elisabethains, 107 (April 2022), 151-5.
01-Jan-2022 Donne, Milton, and the Understanders Chapters
in Milton in Strasbourg, ed. Christophe Tournu, John K. Hale, and Neil Forsyth (Bruxelles and Oxford: Peter Lang, 2022), pp. 471-486
01-Jan-2021 Review-essay on John Milton, Epistolarum Familiarium, ed. Estelle Haan Review
Review-essay in Modern Language Review, 116 (2021), 15-20
01-Jan-2020 Review of Ariosto, the Orlando Furioso and English Cultuire, ed. Jane Everson et al Review
in Modern Language Review, 115 (2020) 698-9
01-Jan-2020 'Laurels for the Conquered: Cowley, Epic, and History', in Royalists and Royalism in 17th-century Literature Chapters
Chapter in Royalists and Royalism in 17t-centuryLiterature, ed. Philip Major (2020), pp. 46-70
01-Jan-2020 Theatrical Companies and their Plays: Shakespeare and Marlowe Articles
in Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England, 33 (2020), 167-87
01-Jan-2020 Review of Early Shakespeare 1588-1594, ed. Loughnane and Power Review
in Modern Philology, 118 (2020)
01-Jan-2020 Review of Matthew Augustine, Aesthetics of Contingency Review
in Modern Philology, 117 (2020), E253-6
01-Jan-2020 Review of Christopher Hill, Milton and the English Revolution Review
in Cercles (2020)
01-Jan-2020 Review of Rachel Hammersley, James Harrington: An Intellectual Biography Review
in Cercles (2020)
01-Jan-2020 Review of Gordon Teskey, Spenserian Moments Review
in Cercles (2020)
01-Jan-2019 Review of William Poole, Milton and the Making of Paradise Lost Review
in Cercles (2018)
01-Jan-2019 The Need to Tell Your Story Articles
Review-article on Zwerdling, The Rise of the Memoir, in The European Legacy, 24 (2019), 432-6
01-Jan-2019 Review of Greenblatt, The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve Review
Review of Greenblatt, The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve, in The European Legacy, 24 (2019), and, in expanded and revised version, in Milton Quarterly (2019)
01-Jan-2019 Review of Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, directed by Gregory Doran (RSC), 22 Oct 2019 Review
Review in Shakespeare, 15 (2019), 195-7
01-Jan-2018 'Milton's Fit Audience' Chapters
In 'MIlton Studies', edited by Laura Knoppers, 60 (2018), 109-134
01-Jan-2018 Review of Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale Review
Review of Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale at Shakespeare's Globe, 27 June 2018, in 'Shakespeare'. 14 (2018).
01-Jan-2018 Harsh Remedies: Satire and Politics in 'Last Instructions to a Painter' Chapters
Chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Andrew Marvell, ed. Martin Dzelzainis and Edward Holberton, Oxford University Press, 2018
01-Jan-2018 Choosing a Captain Back for Egypt: Milton and the Restortion Chapters
in From Revolution to Restoration, ed. Janet Clare (Manchester University Press, 2018), 245-66
01-Jan-2017 Review of John Donne, ed. Janel Mueller Review
Review of John Donne, ed. Janel Mueller (Oxford University Press, 2015), in The Seventeenth Century, 32 (2017), 217-20
01-Jan-2017 Review of Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Early Modern England Review
Review of The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Early Modern England, ed, Kevin Killee et al (Oxford University Press, 2015), in MIlton Quarterly, 51 (2017), 124-7.
01-Jan-2017 Review of Richard Wilson, Worldly Shakespeare Review
Review of Richard Wilson, Worldly Shakespeare (Edinburgh, 2016), in Shakespeare Jahrbuch, 2017, 30-31.
01-Jan-2017 Review of William Walker, Antiformalist, Unrevolutionary, Illiberal Milton Review
Review of William Walker, Antiformalist, Unrevolutionary, Illiberal Milton (Farnham: Ashgate, 2014), in The European Legacy, 22 (2017),358-61
01-Jan-2017 Review of Milton in the Long Restoration, ed. Blair Hoxby and Anne Baynes Coiro Review
Review of MIlton in the Long Restoration, ed. Blair Hoxby and Anne Baynes Coiro (Oxford University Preess, 2016), in The European Legacy, 22 (2017), forthcoming
01-Jan-2017 Milton and the Burden of Freedom Monographs
Cambridge Univesity Press, 2017
01-Jan-2016 “The Death of the Roman Republic: Julius Caesar and Cicero” Chapters
in Julius Caesar: A Critical Readeer, ed. Andrew James Hartley (Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2016), pp. 175-99, 255-9.
01-Jan-2016 Crossing the Red Sea: The Ceremonial Law, Typology, and the Imagination Chapters
Chapter in Thomas Traherne and Seventeenth Century Thought (Boydell and Brewer, 2016), pp. 107-129
01-Jan-2016 Review of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice Review
Review of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice at Shakespeare's Globe, in "Shakespeare", 12 (2016), 71-73.
01-Jan-2016 Review of Shakespeare's Measure for Measure Review
Review of Shakespeare's Measure for Measure at Shakespeare's Globe, in "Shakespeare", 12 (2016),
01-Jan-2016 Review of The Arden Shakespeare Coriolanus, ed. Peter Holland Review
Shakespeare Quarterly, 66 (Winter 2015), 463-5.
01-Jan-2016 Review of Rachel Foxley, The Levellers: Radical political thought in the English Revolution Review
Review of Rachel Foxley, The Levellers: Radical political thought in the English Revolution, in The European Legacy, 20 (2015), 783-4
01-Jan-2015 Pepys and the Restoration Theatre Chapters
Chapter in Samuel Pepys: Plague, Fire, Revolution, ed, Margarette Lincoln (Thames and Hudson, 2015), pp. 80-89.
01-Jan-2014 Review of Ian Gentles, Oliver Cromwell: God’s Warrior and the English Revolution Review
Review of Ian Gentles, Oliver Cromwell: God’s Warrior and the English Revolution, in The European Legacy, 19 (2014).
01-Jan-2014 Review of Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi at Shakespeare’s Globe Review
Review of Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi at Shakespeare’s Globe, in Shakespeare, 10 (2014), 346-8.
01-Jan-2014 Shakespeare at Work: Four Kings and Two Shrews Articles
Cahiers Elisabethains, 85 (Spring 2014), 21-38.
01-Jan-2014 Instruments of Darkness: Witches and the Supernatural in Four Versions of Macbeth Articles
in Shakespeare on Screen: Macbeth, ed, Sarah Hatchuel, Nathalie Vienne-GUerrin and Victoria Bladen. Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2013, 37-52
01-Jan-2014 Shakespeare as Co-Author: The Case of 1 Henry VI Journal articles
in Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England, 27 (2014), 192-220
01-Jan-2014 Review of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus at Shakespeare's Globe Review
Review of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus at Shakespeare's Globe in Shakespeare, 9 (2013), 128-31.
01-Jan-2013 Review essay on five plays in Globe to Globe season, Shakespeare's Globe, April-June 2012 In Shakespeare, 9 (2013), 241-7
01-Jan-2013 Choosing a Captain Back for Egypt: Milton and the Restoration Chapters
Accepted for publication in From Republic to Restoration: Legacies and Departures, ed. Janet Clare (Manchester University Press, 2013).
01-Jan-2013 Dying Young: Shakespeare's Children Journal articles
in English, 62 (2013), 103-26
01-Jan-2013 The Hebrew Bible and the Propaganda Wars. Review essay of Achsah Guibbory, Christian Identity, Jews, and Israel in Seventeenth Century England, in The European Legacy, 18 (2013), 479-82.
01-Jan-2013 Review of Shakespeare's Richard III at Shakespeare's Globe In Shakespeare, 9 (2013), 128-31.
01-Jan-2013 Review of Shakespeare's Henry V at Shakespeare's Globe In Shakespeare, 9 (2013), 125-7
01-Jan-2013 The Myth of Rome in Shakespeare and his Contemporaries Monographs
Cambridge University Press, 201.Paperback edition, 2013
01-Jan-2012 The Dyer's Hand: Jonson and Shakespeare Chapters
Chapter in The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare and Contemporary Dramatists, ed. Ton Hoenselaars. Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 54-69
01-Jan-2012 'Paradise Recovered: Milton and Traherne' Articles
Gabor Ittyes and Miklos Peti, eds. Milton Through the Centuries. Budapest: L'Harmattan Publishing, 2012
01-Jan-2012 'Tragic Freedom in Samson Agonistes' Journal articles
Joseph Shub, ed. John Milton, European, Part 1: The European Legacy, 17.2 (April 2012), pp. 197-211.
01-Jan-2012 "Areopagitica: The Known Rules of Antient Libertie" Journal articles
in John Milton, European, Part 2, ed. Joseph Shub. The European Legacy, 17.3 (June 2012), pp. 317-331.
01-Jan-2012 Review of Shakespeare's Much Ado about Nothing at Shakespeare's Globe, May 2011 Review
In Shakespeare, 8 (July 2012), 262-3
01-Jan-2012 Review of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus at Shakespeare's Globe, June 2011 Review
In Shakespeare, 9 (2013), 128-31
01-Jan-2011 Review of Julie Sanders, ed., Ben Jonson in Context Review
Cahiers Elisabethains, 79 (Spring 2011)
01-Jan-2011 Review of Antony and Cleopatra, Royal Shakespeare Company, May 2010 Review
Shakespeare, 7 (April 2011)
01-Jan-2011 Review of Henry VIII, Shakespeare's Globe, May 2010 Shakespeare, 7 (April 2011)
01-Jan-2011 “Linked Sweetness: Milton and Music” The Seventeenth Century Journal articles
The Seventeenth Century, 26 (2011). 23-43
01-Jan-2011 “Sex. Tyranny, and the Problem of Allegiance: Political Drama in the Restoration”, in Theatre and Culture in Early Modern England: Leviathan to Licensing Act, ed. Catie Gill Chapters
Ashgate, 2010 pp. 87-105
01-Jan-2009 The Poet's Time: Politics and Religion in the Work of Andrew Marvell Monographs
Cambridge University Press. Reprinted 2009.
01-Jan-2008 "Such a king as no chisel can mend": Marvell, Charles II, and Republicanism Chapters
In New Perspectives on Andrew Marvell, ed. Gilles Sambras. Reims, Epure, 2008, pp. 97-111
01-Jan-2007 The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare's History Plays Monographs
Cambridge University Press, 2007
01-Jan-2005 "Was Marvell a Republican?" Journal articles
The Sewventeenth Century , 20 (2005), 77-96
01-Jan-2005 The Merchant of Venice Writers and their Work series. Tavistock: Northcote House, in association with the British Council
01-Jan-2004 Review of Brian Vickers 'Shakespeare, Co-Author: A Historical Study of Five Collaborative Plays' Review
Review of Brian Vickers 'Shakespeare, Co-Author: A Historical Study of Five Collaborative Plays', Modern Language Review, 99
01-Jan-2004 Review of 'The Prose Works of Andrew Marvell' Review
Review of 'The Prose Works of Andrew Marvell', ed. Annabel Patterson et al, Review of English Studies, 55.
01-Jan-2004 Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Research aids
Lives of Edmund Waller, Katherine Philips, Thomas Stanley, William Chillingworth, James Nokes, Dorothy Spenser Countess of Sunderland, Richard Ames, John Ayloffe, Alexander Radcliffe, Car Scrope, William Hicks, Henry Parrot, and Robert Mylne.
01-Jan-2003 Review of Odai Johnson 'Rehearsing the Revolution: Radical Politics in the English Restoration' Review
Review of Odai Johnson 'Rehearsing the Revolution: Radical Politics in the English Restoration', Modern Language Review, 98.
01-Jan-2002 Captains and Slaves: Aphra Behn and the Rhetoric of Republicanism' The Seventeenth Century 17
- Relevant Events
Related events:
Date Details 27-Jul-2022 Exiles' Return: Cowley, Waller, Hobbes International Conference on the theme of exile in the Restoration (1660 and after), Bangor, 27 July 2022
24-Jun-2022 Service and Servitude in Herbert and Marvell International Conference on George Herbert, Cambridge, 24 June 2022
01-Jan-2022 The Universal Wolf: Thersites' War International Shakespeare Conference, Stratford upon Avon, 24 July 2018. Accepted for publication in Cahiers Elisabethains (2022)
19-Jun-2019 Friends and Readers: Donne, Milton, and Marvell International Milton Symposium, 17-21 June 2019. Accepted for publication in a collection of essays from this seminar, ed. Christophe Tournu. To be published 2002-03.
01-Jan-2019 Donne, Milton, and the Understanders Conference on Difficulty in Early Modern Literature, King's College London, 26/7 October 2018
and (in revised form) International Milton Symposium, Strasbourg, 17-19 June 2019.
01-Jan-2019 History as Warning: Middleton, Massinger, and the Censors Seminar paper in 'Changing Histories' conference, King's College London, July 2019
01-Jan-2018 Theatrical Companies and their Plays: Shakespeare and Marlowe In 'Marlowe and Shakespeare'Conference, Kingston Shakespeare Seminar and the Marlowe Society, Rose Theatre Kingston, 17/18 November 2017
01-Jan-2018 Mine Iron Heart: Grace and Despair in Donne Paper on John Donne, invited speaker at Exeter University, 20 January 2018 and at ULELMA (University of London), 27 December 2017
01-Jan-2017 Eve's Turning Point: Politics and Theology in Paradise Lost (1667) Seminar paper, Bangor Conference on the Restoration, July 2017
01-Jan-2016 God's Just Yoke: Justice in Paradise Lost British MIlton Seminar, October 2015, and International Association of University Professors of English, London, July 2016
01-Jan-2015 Providence and Freedom in Milton International Milton Symposium, University of Exeter, July 2015
15-Mar-2014 Tyrannie must be: Milton and the Restoration Seminar paper, British Milton Seminar, Bermingham, March 2014
01-Jan-2014 Mark Twain and America: A Studey in Contradictions Lecture delivered at University of London Extra-Mural Association, December 2013.
01-Jan-2014 The Death of the Roman Republic: Julius Caesar and Cicero Seminar paper, International Shajkespeare Conference, Stratford upon Avon, August 2014
01-Jan-2014 Pepys and the Restoration Theatre Essay to be included in a catalogue for an exhibition on Samuel Pepys at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, in 2015.
01-Jan-2013 "Shakespeare as Co-Author: The Case of 2 Henry VI" Accepted for publication in Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England, 27 (2014)
01-Jan-2013 Crosing the Red Sea: 'The Ceremonial Law', Typology, and the Imagination Accepted for publication in a volume of essays on Thomas Traherne
01-Jan-2013 "Monarchy and Servitude: The Politics of Paradise Lost" Seminar paper, conference on Images of Monarchy, 1649-=1714, Bangor University, July 2013
01-Jan-2013 "Myths of Rome: Julius Caesar and Coriolanus Seminar paper, ESRA conference on Shakespeare and Myth, Montpellier, France, June 2013
01-Jan-2013 "I banish you: Shakespeare's Coriolanus Programme note for production of Coriolanus by The Shakespeare Theatre, |Washington, DC, USA, March-June 2013.
01-Jan-2012 Shakespeare at Work: Four Kings and Two Shrews seminar paper, International Shakespeare Conference, Stratford upon Avon, 6-10 August 2012. Accepted for publication in Cahiers Elisabethains, 2014
01-Jan-2011 “Tragic Freedom in Samson Agonistes” British Milton Seminar
01-Jan-2011 Instruments of Darkness: Witches and the Supernatural in Four Versions of Macbeth World Shakespeare Congress, Prague, Czech ;Republic, 19 July 2011. Accepted for publication in Shakespeare on Screen: Macbeth.
01-Jan-2011 Julius Caesar and Republicanism: Shakespeare. Jonson;, and some contemporaries seminar paper, Ancient Rome and Early Modern England conference, Jesus College Osvord, 21-22 May 2011.
01-Jan-2010 Political Shakespeare Conference paper. International Shakespeare Seminar, 9-11 August 2010
01-Jan-2010 The Early Shakespeare and Pembroke's Men Seminar. British Shakespeare Association conference, 11-13 September 2010
01-Jan-2009 Dying young: Shakespeare's children Keynote speaker. Canterbury Christ Church University, 28-29 March 2009.
01-Jan-2009 Linked sweetness: Milton and Music Conference paper. Oxford University, 24-5 March 2009. Accepted for publication in The Seventeenth Century (2011).
01-Jan-2009 Julius Caesar and Republicanism Conference Paper. Newcastle University, 16-18 July 2009
history as warning: Middleton, Massinger, and the Censors Accepted for publication in Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England (2023)