Contact details
- Name:
- Mariana Gkliati
- Institute:
- Refugee Law Initiative
- Home institution:
- Radboud University in Nijmegen
- Email address:
- mariana.gkliati@ru.nl
- Website:
- https://rli.sas.ac.uk/people/mariana-gkliati
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Human rights
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Mariana Gkliati is an Assistant Professor of International and EU Law at Radboud University in Nijmegen. She has received a Graduate Diploma in Law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Magna Cum Laude) and a Legal Research Master at Utrecht University (Summa Cum Laude).
She completed her PhD at the Institute of Immigration Law/Europa Institute of Leiden University on the legal responsibility and the accountability of Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, under the supervision of Prof. Peter Rodrigues (Leiden University) and Prof. Leonard Besselink (University of Amsterdam). The PhD research has been supported by the Meijers Research Institute and Graduate School of the Leiden Law School.
She is further a Research Affiliate to the Refugee Law Initiative (RLI) and teaches on the RLI MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies at the University of London. She has previously taught at Leiden University and the Migration Law Clinic of Roma Tre University, and has given several guest lectures and seminars in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Greece, Belgium, and Italy.
She has published broadly within migration, refugee and human rights law, including on the domestic implementation of the EU Turkey Deal, the reception of refugees, anti-smuggling policies, and the accountability of Frontex.
She currently runs the externally funded project ‘European Border and Coast Guard Agency: Systemic Accountability in Practice’, which engages a 8-members research team and aims at expanding the research on responsibility and accountability upon the specific activities of the agency, and engaging with evidence-based policy-making in materialisation of systemic accountability.
Mariana regularly undertakes training to lawyers and NGOs, and has been consulted as a legal analyst by several national and international organisations, law firms, and the European Parliament; and written expert reports on migration, borders, and human rights.
She has been visiting Research Fellow at the School of Advanced Study, University of London (2016) and the Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law at the the Free University of Amsterdam (2019/2020).
Over the last years, she has acted as PhD representative and member of the Steering Committee of the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights Research, and as co-founder and co-chair of its Migration & Borders Working Group. She has also been a member of the Editorial Bord of the Refugee Law Initiative Working Paper Series and an External Affiliate to Statewatch (Frontex Observatory).
Prior to starting her PhD, Mariana worked at the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) in the area of asylum, migration, and borders, and as a legal case reporter and commentator for Oxford Reports on International Law. She has had an earlier carrier as a radio journalist, and has voluntarily worked for the Asylum NGO AITIMA.
Publications/recent projects
- Article: The EU-Turkey Deal and the Safe Third Country Concept before the Greek Asylum Appeals Committees, Movements (forthcoming).
- Book Review: Frontex and Non-Refoulement: The International Responsibility of the EU, by Roberta Mungianu. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016)' (2017) 54 Common Market Law Review, Issue 6, pp. 1895–1897.
- Blog: Greek Gold disrupting the internal market: A case of illegal state aid, environmental destruction, and tax evasion, Leiden Law Blog, 19 June 2017.
- Blog: A Co-operative Way Out of Exploitation: Reflections on the Manolada Strawberries Case(Opens in new window), Leiden Law Blog, 20 April 2017 (co-author: Morshed Mannan).