Contact details
- Name:
- Mr Graham Shaw
- Qualifications:
- B. A.
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Senior Research Fellow
- Institute:
- Institute of English Studies
- Home institution:
- formerly British Library
- Email address:
- shawgraham3@gmail.com
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Digital resources, Digitisation, History of the book, Typography
- Regions:
- Asia
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
History of the book in South Asia; Asian studies librarianship; digitisation and digital resources
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 01-Aug-2024 Mofussil versus metropolis, subalterns versus seniors: the rise and demise of The Meerut Universal Magazine Chapters
The Edinburgh companion to British colonial periodicals ed. David Finkelstein, David Johnson and Caroline Davis (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2024), pp. 81-96.
22-Feb-2024 The unexpected dynamics of Christian text transmission in colonial South Asia and Myanmar Chapters
James Raven ed., Global exchanges of knowledge in the Long Eighteenth Century: ideas and materialities c. 1650-1850 (Martlesham: Boydell & Brewer, 2024), pp. 293-320.
01-Jul-2023 Sri Lanka: the ‘back door’ for Indian nationalists Articles
South Asia at LSE
01-Oct-2022 Going dutch at Colombo: the earliest years of the British Government Press in Ceylon Journal articles
Contextual Alternate Vol. I (2021), pp. 168-201.
21-Apr-2021 Subaltern squibs and sentimental rhymes: the Raj reflected in light verse Edited Book
Jadavpur: Jadavpur University Press, 2021. 747 p.
01-Sep-2020 South Asia Chapters
The Oxford illustrated history of the book ed. James Raven (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), pp. 253-280.
01-Jan-2020 South Asia Chapters
A companion to the history of the book. Second edition (Blackwell Companions to Literature & Culture) ed. Simon Eliot & Jonathan Rose (Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2020), Vol. I pp. 269-281.
01-Dec-2018 ‘The history of the book as a field of study within the humanities: A retrospect [by Ian Willison], and a prospect by Graham Shaw’ Journal articles
Alexandria; The Journal of National and International Library and Information Issues Vol. 28 Issue 2 (2018), pp. 112-130.
01-Oct-2017 Preparing for the second coming: the production and distribution of the first Hebrew books printed in India’ Chapters
in Reflections on Armenia and the Christian Orient: studies in honour of Vrej Nersessian ed. Christiane Esche-Ramshorn (Yerevan: Ankyunacar Publishing, 2017), pp. 208-228.
01-Aug-2017 Turning the page: new directions in South Asian book history Journal articles
27-May-2016 First English book in India Journal articles
The Hindu Literary Review 27 May 2016
01-Jan-2016 On the wrong end of the Raj: some aspects of censorship … Part 2 Chapters
in A. Gupta & S. Chakravorty ed. Founts of knowledge: book history in India Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, 2016, pp. 222-316
01-Sep-2015 'A slow, not swift, battle of the books: Christian literature in nineteenth-century India' Journal articles
Livre et Religion - Religion and the Book: Memoires du livre - Studies in Book Culture Vol. 6 No. 2 (Spring 2015)
01-Jan-2014 ‘An initiative that backfired: ... what the first Indian Bible printed 300 years ago ... achieved' Journal articles
The Hindu Literary Review 4-5 Jan. 2014
01-Jan-2014 From conversion to subversion: 250 years of the printed book in India (with John Randall) Monographs
Rye: John Randall (Books of Asia), 2014. v, 251 p.
01-Jul-2013 ‘English books around the world: the East India Company and the globalization of the English book and book-trade’ Journal articles
Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 88 (2013), pp. 180-203.
01-Jun-2013 'Calcutta: birthplace of the Indian lithographed book' Chapters
Reprinted in F. Orsini ed. The history of the book in South Asia. Farnham: Ashgate, 2013, pp. 159-181.
01-Nov-2012 'Non-Latin scripts and printing technologies: triumphs and tribulations' Chapters
in F. Ross & V. Singh ed. Non-Latin scripts from metal to digital. London: St. Bride Library, 2012. pp. 11-33.
01-Sep-2012 ‘From Goa to the Gutenberg Award: the story of Indian typography’ Journal articles
Typo 49, pp. 8-15.
01-Jan-2009 'The British Book in India' Chapters
in M. F. Suarez & M. L. Turner ed. The Book in Britain Volume V 1695-1830. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. pp. 560-75.
01-Jan-2008 'On the wrong end of the Raj: some aspects of censorship in British India and its circumvention' Chapters
in A. Gupta & S. Chakravorty ed. Moveable types: book history in India. Ranikhet: Permanent Black, 2008. pp. 94-171.
01-Jan-2007 'A pedigree mongrel: some reflections on the historical development of the South Asian collections .... Chapters
in W. Kirsop ed. The Commonwealth of books: essays and studies in honour of Ian Willison. Melbourne: Monash University, 2007. pp. 181-96.
01-Jan-2007 'South Asia' Chapters
in S. Eliot & J. Rose ed. A Companion to the history of the book. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2007. pp. 126-37.
01-Jan-2007 'India' Chapters
in Bill Bell ed. The Edinburgh history of the book in Scotland Vol. 3. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007. pp. 455-64.
01-Jan-2005 'Amalgam and anomaly: the case of the India Office Records' Chapters
in T. Awaya ed. Creating an archive today. Tokyo: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2005. pp. 5-16.
01-Jan-2004 'Communications between cultures: difficulties in the design and distribution of Christian literature in nineteenth-century India' Chapters
in R. N. Swanson ed. The church and the book. Woodbridge: published for the Ecclesiastical History Society by the Boydell Press, 2004. pp. 339-56.
01-Jan-2002 '"In Place": making the British Library's collections 'local' as well as 'national'' Journal articles
LIBER Quarterly Vol. 12, pp. 199-207.
01-Jan-2002 The Arabic manuscripts of the British Library: a treasure house of Arab and Islamic heritage Monographs
Dubai: Turboglen Educational Supplies, 2002. 32 p.
01-Jan-1998 'Calcutta: birthplace of the Indian lithographed book' Journal articles
Journal of the Printing Historical Society No. 27, pp. 89-111.
01-Jan-1997 'The history of printing and publishing in South Asia: a survey of research since 1970' Journal articles
Leipziger Jahrbuch fur Buchgeschichte Band 7, pp. 305-23.
01-Jan-1996 'The history of the book in South Asia' Journal articles
Octavo No. 10, pp. 2-3.
01-Jan-1994 'Experience, concentration and a good memory: Stephen Austin and oriental printing' Journal articles
OIOC Newsletter No. 50-51, pp. 10-12.
01-Jan-1994 'The introduction of lithography and its impact on book design in India' Journal articles
Vihangama Vol. 2, pp. 13-14.
01-Jan-1993 'The Copenhagen copy of Henriques' Flos Sanctorum' Journal articles
Fund og Forskning Vol. 32, pp. 39-50.
01-Jan-1993 'Lithography v. letter-press in India' (2 parts) Journal articles
South Asia Library Notes & Queries Vols. 29 (1993), pp. 1-11 & 30 (1994/95), pp. 1-10.
01-Jan-1991 'Printing and publishing in Dhaka, 1849-1900' Chapters
in S. U. Ahmed ed. Dhaka past present future. Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 1991. pp. 89-121.
01-Jan-1991 'The first Bengali book printed in Bangladesh' Journal articles
OIOC Newsletter No. 45, p. 13. (Bengali version published Bicitra Vol. 19 (1991), pp. 42-3.)
01-Jan-1990 Reorientation: towards an integrated British Library oriental service and collections (& M. I. Waley) Monographs
London: The British Library, 1990. vii, 30 p. (British Library R & D Report 6002.)
01-Jan-1990 'Printing by the British in Sri Lanka at the end of the 18th century' Journal articles
Factotum No. 32, pp. 21-23.
01-Jan-1989 'The beginnings of printing in Bombay' Chapters
in P. Rohatgi & P. Godrej ed. India: a pageant of prints. Bombay: Marg Publications, 1989. pp. 111-24.
01-Jan-1989 'Matba'a 4. In Muslim India. 5. In Afghanistan' Articles
in The Encyclopaedia of Islam (new ed.) Vol. VI fascs. 111-112. Leiden: Brill, 1989. pp. 804-7.
01-Jan-1987 South Asia and Burma retrospective bibliography (SABREB) Stage 1: 1556-1800 Monographs
London: The British Library, 1987. x, 554 p.
01-Jan-1987 'An unexpected legacy, and its contribution to early Indian typography' (with Fiona Ross) Journal articles
Matrix Vol. 7, pp. 69-79. (Reprinted in Type & typography: highlights from Matrix ... (New York: Mark Batty, 2003), pp. 168-81.)
01-Jan-1986 'Retrospective bibliographic control for South Asia' Journal articles
IFLA International Cataloguing Vol. 15, pp. 40-3.
01-Jan-1985 Publications proscribed by the Government of India: a catalogue ... (with Mary Lloyd) Monographs
London: The British Library, 1985. xv, 203 p.
01-Jan-1984 'Les debuts de l'imprimerie gouvernementale et commerciale en Inde' Journal articles
Revue francaise d'histoire du livre Vol. 53, pp. 371-80. (Reprinted in J. P. Drege ed. Le livre et l'imprimerie en Extreme-Orient et en Asie du Sud (Bordeaux, 1986), pp. 321-30.)
01-Jan-1983 'Examples of Indian scripts in Purchas his pilgrimes' Journal articles
The LIbrary 6th Series Vol. 5, pp. 165-9.
01-Jan-1983 'A letter from James Augustus Hicky' Journal articles
The Library 6th Series Vol. 5, pp. 395-8.
01-Jan-1982 The bibliography of South Asian periodicals .... (with Salim ud-Din Quraishi) Monographs
Sussex: The Harvester Press, 1982. xii, 135 p.
01-Jan-1982 'A 'lost' work of Henrique Henriques: the Tamil confessionary of 1580' Journal articles
Bodleian Library Record Vol. 11, pp. 26-34.
01-Jan-1981 Printing in Calcutta to 1800: a description and checklist of printing ... Monographs
London: The British Library, 1981. xi, 249 p.
01-Jan-1981 'Scaliger's copy of an early Tamil catechism' Journal articles
The Library 6th Series Vol. 3, pp. 239-43.
01-Jan-1980 'Printing in Devanagari' Journal articles
The Monotype Recorder New Series Vol. 2, pp. 28-32.
01-Jan-1979 'Art and archaeology' Chapters
in J . D. Pearson ed. South Asian bibliography: a handbook and guide. Sussex: The Harvester Press, 1979. pp. 143-58.
01-Jan-1979 'The first printing-press in the Punjab' Journal articles
The Library Chronicle Vol. 43, pp. 159-79.
01-Jan-1979 'The printer of the first book published in Bombay' Journal articles
The Library 6th Series Vol. 1, pp. 83-5.
01-Jan-1978 Early printing in India (exhibition leaflet) Monographs
London: The British Library, 1978. 4 p. (reprinted in Newsletter of the Printing Historical Society No. 45 Supplement (1979) and in Mudran Vidya Vol. 17 (1979), pp. 43-5.)
01-Jan-1978 'The Tanjore "Aesop" in the context of early Marathi printing' Journal articles
The Library 5th Series Vol. 33, pp. 207-14.
01-Jan-1977 'The Cuttack Mission Press and early Oriya printing' Journal articles
British Library Journal Vol. 3, pp. 29-43. (Oriya version published Paurusha Vol. 15 (1982), pp. 29-34.)
01-Jan-1977 'Printing at Mangalore and Tellicherry by the Basel Mission' Journal articles
Libri Vol. 27, pp. 154-64. (Kannada version published Manavika Karnataka Vol. 8 (1978), pp. 61-9.)
01-Jan-1977 'Manuscripts of the Chatraprakas' Journal articles
Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica Vol. 8, pp. 289-304.
- Relevant Events
Related events:
Date Details 01-Jan-2011 'English books around the world: India and the globalization of the English book trade' The 7th Annual Kenneth Karmiole Lecture on the History of the Book Trade, the William Andrews Clark Library, University of California Los Angeles, 19th November 2011.
01-Jan-2010 'Printing precarious: the beginnings of missionary printing and publishing in India ...' 'Legacies of the Book: Early Missionary Printing in Asia and the Americas', University of San Francisco, San Francisco, 24th September 2010.
01-Jan-2009 'Sacred: Discover what we share' 'Exhibiting Religions, Faith Communities and Religious Identity', The American Association of Museums Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 4th May 2009.
01-Jan-2008 'The 'other' gazes back: the portraits in L'Inde francaise ... 'On the road: writing travel and travellers' conference, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 6th November 2008.
01-Jan-2007 'From Buddhist scrolls to graphic novels: facets of South Asian book history' Non-Latin Typeface Design conference, St. Bride Library, 18th September 2007.
01-Jan-2006 Keynote address 'New word order: emerging histories of the book' SHARP regional conference, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 30th January 2006.
01-Jan-2005 'The Endangered Archives Program at the British Library' 'The Global Record: Understanding Its Use and Ensuring Its Survival', Center for International and Area Studies Global Resources Network conference, Yale University, New Haven, 21st June 2005.
01-Jan-2004 'In or out? - South Asia and a global history of the book' The 9th Annual McKenzie Lecture, University of Oxford, 28th April 2004.