Contact details
- Name:
- Julia Kienast
- Institute:
- Refugee Law Initiative
- Home institution:
- Aarhus University
- Email address:
- jk@law.au.dk
- Website:
- https://rli.sas.ac.uk/people/julia-kienast
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Law
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Julia Kienast is a postdoctoral researcher at the Aarhus University. Her research focus lies with international and European human rights, particularly in connection with refugee law. She recently completed her PhD thesis at the University of Vienna on mass migration governance and the use of “crisis tools” in Austria. For her Postdoc she continues to focus on the human rights implications of crisis policies in the area of asylum and takes part in the ASILE project as well as in the TemPro project.
- Kienast, ‘Artikel 9 GFK – Anwendungspraxis in Österreich’ in Hruschka (ed), Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention (Nomos 2021) (forthcoming)
- Kienast, ‘Die „Krise“ Rechtsbegriff oder politisches Instrumentarium?’ (2021) 3 juridikum (forthcoming)
- Kienast, ‘Forced Migrants as a Security Threat: Challenging Criminalization Trends in Austria under Presumed Links of Asylum and Terrorism’ in Simeon (ed), Terrorism and Asylum (Brill Nijhoff 2020)
- Kienast, ‘An Introduction to the Common Security Narrative of Terrorism and Asylum and its Influence on Austrian Migration Law’ in Simeon (ed), Terrorism and Asylum (RLI Working Paper Series 2019)
- Kienast/Merli/Mörth/Rosenmayr/Werni, ‘Lennox Luis Petutschnigg – Demonstrant wider Willen’ in Müller/Weber (eds), Casebook Öffentliches Recht (Verlag Österreich 2018)
- Kienast, ‘Umfang und Ausmaß der Schlepperei in Österreich’ in Schloenhardt (ed), Schlepperkriminalität in Österreich (NWV 2017)
- Kienast, ‘Diskussionsrunde „Jugendgerichtsbarkeit in Österreich“ 2014’ in Platzer et al (eds), Jugendliche im Gefängnis: Entwicklungen im österreichischen Jugendstrafvollzug von 2013 bis heute (ACUNS, BMJ 2015)
- Kienast, ‘Fazit’ in Platzer et al (eds), Jugendliche im Gefängnis: Entwicklungen im österreichischen Jugendstrafvollzug von 2013 bis heute (ACUNS, BMJ 2015)
- Schauer/Kienast, ‘The Law of Persons’ in Grabenwarter/Schauer (eds), Introduction to the Law of Austria (Wolters Kluwer 2015)
- Kienast/Lakner/Neulet, ‘The Role of Female Offenders in Sex Trafficking Organizations’ (RAUN 2015) available at http://www.ra-un.org/raun-best-papers-of-the-year.html(Opens in new window)
- https://pure.au.dk/portal/en/persons/julia-kienast(9695c02b-92c3-4cc0-97b1-816622a2c101)/cv.html?id=223152881(Opens in new window)
- https://www.asileproject.eu/aarhus-university-2/(Opens in new window)
- https://www.cmi.no/projects/2506-temporary-protection#people