Contact details
- Name:
- Dr Beatriz Eugenia Sánchez-Mojica
- Qualifications:
- Ph.D. in Human Rights
- Position/Fellowship type:
- IE University Law Faculty
- Institute:
- Refugee Law Initiative
- Home institution:
- IE University Law Faculty
- Email address:
- beasanchezmojica@gmail.com
- Website:
- https://rli.sas.ac.uk/people/dr-beatriz-eugenia-sanchez-mojica
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Human rights
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Dr. Beatriz Eugenia Sánchez-Mojica is a lawyer and has a Ph.D. in Human Rights. She is an expert in International Human Rights Law and forced migration issues. Her work, as academic and consultant, critically analyses the ability of International Law to weave a protective net in a globalized world. Her research is particularly focused on vulnerable populations, such as refugees, internal displaced persons, people uprooted due to disasters and climate change, as well as victims of armed conflict. She has taught law in various universities both in Colombia and Spain and has been a consultant on forced migration issues for OIM, UNDP and the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID).
Currently, she teaches at IE University Law Faculty and at Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. She is also a fellow researcher at Instituto de Estudios Sobre Conflictos y Acción Humanitaria (IECAH). Moreover, she coordinates the Latin American Network on Internally Displaced Persons (LANID).
Recent publications
- “Bittersweet Symphony: Challenges and Lessons Learned of Network Building in Latin America” in Susan McGrath and Julie E. Young (Eds.) Mobilizing Global Knowledge: Refugee Research in an Age of Displacement, Toronto: Univerisity of Calgary Press, 2019
- Territorios en transformación, derechos en movimiento. Cambio ambiental y movilidad humana en Colombia, Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes, 2018
- “Refugiados colombianos ante la firma de la paz en Colombia: ¿un retorno no deseado?” in Ángela Iranzo and Woodly Louidor (Eds) Entre la guerra y la paz: Los lugares de la diáspora colombiana, Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2018.
- “Colombian Development-Induced Displacement – Considering the Impact of International Law on Domestic Policy”, Groningen Journal of International Law, Migration and International Law, volume 5, issue 1, 2017.
- “A silenced exodus: intra urban displacement in Medellin” in David Cantor and Nicolás Rodríguez (Eds.), The new refugees. Crime and forced displacement in Latin America, Institute for the Study of the Americas, Londres 2016.