Contact details
- Name:
- Professor Pilar Nieva de la Paz
- Position/Fellowship type:
- CCWW International Advisory Board Member / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid
- Institute:
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies
- Home institution:
- Spanish National Research Council
- Email address:
- pilar.nieva@cchs.csic.es
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Language and Literature (Spanish)
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Pilar Nieva-de la Paz holds a doctorate in Hispanic Philology from the Autonomous University of Madrid (1992), and is a Scientific Researcher at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) as well as Head of InGenArTe Research Group [Gender Studies Group in Cultural Industries and Performing Arts], founded with Francisca Vilches-de Frutos (CSIC) in 2001. She has held various institutional management positions at the CSIC, including Counsellor of its Governing Council and Control Commission (2014-16), and Member of the Women and Science Commission (2007-12). She was Co-founder and Coordinator of the Red Transversal de Estudios de Género en Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Jurídicas. GENET (2007-2011), and served as Vice President (2011-14) and President of Asociación GENET. Red de Estudios de Género (2015-16). She is currently Deputy Coordinator of CSIC Global Society Area (2023–).
Nieva-La Paz’s research has focused mainly on the study of Spanish women writers, the analysis of their works, and the representations of female identity in their literature and theatre in the 20th and 21st centuries. In this context, she has directed several national research projects (with competitive funding) as well as specialized postgraduate courses and international seminars. She has also given presentations at conferences held at prestigious centres and universities in the USA, Belgium, France, Germany, Mexico and the UK.
She has published around one hundred essays, including articles ‘Mitos, relaciones de pareja y tradición cultural en La Sinrazón (1960), novela del exilio de Rosa Chacel’ (Boletín de la Real Academia Española, 2022); ‘Iconos femeninos contemporáneos: propuestas desde la escena actual’ (Estreno, 2019); ‘Identidad femenina, maternidad y moral social: Yerma (1934), de Federico García Lorca’ (Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea, 2008); and ‘Voz autobiográfica e identidad profesional: las escritoras españolas de la Generación del 27’ (Hispania, 2006). Her monographs and editions include: Mitos e identidades en las autoras hispánicas contemporáneas (Peter Lang, 2022); Escritoras españolas contemporáneas – Identidad y Vanguardia (Peter Lang, 2018); Roles de género y cambio social en la Literatura española del siglo XX (Rodopi, 2009); Mujer, Literatura y Esfera pública: España 1900-1940 edited with S. Wright, C. Davies and F. Vilches-de Frutos (SSSAS, 2008); Narradoras españolas en la Transición política (Fundamentos, 2004); and Autoras dramáticas entre 1918 y 1936: texto y representación (CSIC, 1993).
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 28-Nov-2022 Mitos e identidades en las autoras hispánicas contemporáneas Edited Book
Peter Lang
01-Jan-2022 ‘Mitos, relaciones de pareja y tradición cultural en La Sinrazón (1960), novela del exilio de Rosa Chacel’ Journal articles
Boletín de la Real Academia Española, 102 (326), 593–622
01-Jan-2019 ‘Iconos femeninos contemporáneos: propuestas desde la escena actual’ Journal articles
Estreno. Cuadernos del Teatro Español Contemporáneo Especial, 190-205
26-Apr-2018 Escritoras españolas contemporáneas – Identidad y Vanguardia Monographs
Peter Lang