Dr Andreas Kokkinis

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Contact details

Dr Andreas Kokkinis
PhD, University College London LLM, London School of Economics LLB, National University of Athens
Position/Fellowship type:
Visiting Research Fellow
Fellowship term:
02-Jan-2024 to 31-Jul-2024
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Home institution:
University of Birmingham
Email address:

Research Summary and Profile

Research interests:
Summary of research interests and expertise:

Dr Kokkinis' research interests include corporate governance, bank corporate governance, and financial regulation.

Project summary relevant to Fellowship:

Financial Law and Regulation

I intend to put together the substantive basis for a grant application, jointly with Anat Keller from KCL, to be submitted in due course to an appropriate funding body. The aim of the research will be to partner up with the financial services industry to develop ambitious and effective practical tools to manage corporate culture in financial institutions and assess their effectiveness. This project will build upon my ongoing interdisciplinary project entitled “Operationalising Purposeful Culture in Financial Firms to Deliver Better Outcomes for Consumers: An Empirical Analysis”. The project is funded by a BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant (July 2022 – June 2024), and I am the first CoI with Anat Keller (KCL Law) being the PI and Professor Crawford Spence (King’s Business School) being the second CoI. Our aim is to shed light on the determinants of good and poor organisational culture in financial firms, and on the range of appropriate tools to manage culture internally, and to supervise culture externally. We are keen to build upon the findings and the networks that are being nurtured through this project – not least with the Chartered Bankers Institute which is the project’s partner – and conduct further research into developing tailored solutions for improving culture in finance. Such work requires a major grant due to its complexity and the need to hire full-time research assistants. It would be conducive to high-quality interdisciplinary academic publications and to measurable research impact, as it would transform the way partner firm(s) manage their corporate culture with an intended ultimate social benefit accruing to their customers as well as to their workforce. As a Fellow at IALS, I envisage organising a major workshop disseminating the findings of the BA project and developing academic and non-academic partnerships to enable a successful large funding bid as described above.

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