Professor Fiona Cownie

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Contact details

Professor Fiona Cownie
BA, LLB, PGCE, LLM, Barrister of Lincoln's Inn
Position/Fellowship type:
Senior Associate Research Fellow
Fellowship term:
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Home institution:
University of Keele
Email address:

Research Summary and Profile

Research interests:
Summary of research interests and expertise:
Fiona Cownie’s research interests centre on legal education and the legal system. Her work covers all areas of legal education. It includes analysis of the ways in which law is taught, especially arguments about the importance of educational theory and philosophy to legal education. It also includes work on the purpose of the law school and on relationships between the academic study of law and vocational training as required by the legal professions. Professor Cownie has also made a major contribution to debates about the academic staff who work in law schools; she has carried out extensive empirical research in this area, both in the U.K. and in Canada, and has written a monograph and a series of articles exploring different aspects of legal academic life.
Publication Details

Related publications/articles:

Date Details
23-Oct-2017 An Examined Life: Research into University Legal Education in the United Kingdom and the Journal of Law and Society

Journal articles

Journal of Law and Society, vol. 44, S129-S143

27-Jun-2017 How to Study Law (8th Ed.)

Edited Book

A Bradney, F Cownie, A Neal, D Newell and J Masson, Sweet and Maxwell (2017)

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