Contact details
- Name:
- Dr Sabrina Rahman
- Qualifications:
- Oberlin College, Ohio: BA (Art History); University of California, Berkeley: MA (German Literature and Culture); University of California, Berkeley: PhD (German Studies)
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Leverhulme Trust Visiting Fellow, 2012/13
- Fellowship term:
- 16-Apr-2012 to 31-Mar-2013
- Institute:
- Central Services of the School
- Home institution:
- Wien Museum, Vienna, Austria and University of California, Berkeley
- Location:
- Wien Museum Karlsplatz 1040 VIENNA, Karlsplatz 8 AUSTRIA and Department of German 5319 Dwinelle Hall UC Berkeley CA 94720-3243 USA
- Phone:
- 00 43-1-505 87 47-0 and 001 510-643-2004
- Email address:
- sabrina.rahman@sas.ac.uk
- Website:
- http://german.berkeley.edu/
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Cultural memory, History of art
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Imperial History
- Project summary relevant to Fellowship: