Contact details
- Name:
- Dr Anne Simon
- Qualifications:
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Associate Fellow
- Fellowship term:
- 01-Aug-2013 to 31-Dec-2021
- Institute:
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies
- Location:
- Institute of Modern Languages Research University of London Senate House Malet Street London WC1E 7HU
- Email address:
- anne.simon@sas.ac.uk
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Early Modern, Language and Literature (German)
- Regions:
- Europe
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Dr Anne Simon’s main research interests lie in the literature, art and culture of the Middle Ages and Early Modern period; and the impact of these periods on subsequent eras, up to and including the present. Her particular research expertise covers: the History of the Book; Travel Literature; the Reformation; the Relationship between Text and Image; Early Modern Women’s Letters; Saints’ Cults; and the city of Nuremberg, in particular the politics of trade, cultural patronage and urban branding. Currently she is working on two projects: an edition of the letters of the sixteenth-century nun Katerina Lemmel; and a study of Nuremberg’s construction of a “brand image” in the Middle Ages and its subsequent exploitation by the city itself and by others, including the National Socialists.
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 01-Jan-2012 Saint and the City: Nuremberg and the Cult of St. Katherine of Alexandria Monographs
(Farnham: Ashgate, 2012)
01-Jan-2010 Unbinding Medea. Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Classical Myth from Antiquity to the 21st Century Edited Book
Ed. with Heike Bartel(Oxford: Legenda)
01-Jan-2005 Texttyp und Textproduktion in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters Edited Book
Ed. with Elizabeth Andersen and Manfred Eikelmann (Berlin: de Gruyter)
01-Jan-2000 Festivals and Ceremonies. A Bibliography of Works Relating to Court, Civic and Religious Festivals in Europe 1500-1800 Edited Book
Ed. with Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly (London: Mansell)
01-Jan-1998 Sigmund Feyerabend's Das Reyßbuch deß heyligen Lands. A Study in Printing and Literary History (Wiesbaden: Reichert) Monographs
(Wiesbaden: Reichert)
01-Jan-1998 Autor und Autorschaft im Mittelalter. Kolloquium Meißen 1995 Conference papers
Ed. with Elizabeth Andersen, Jens Haustein, and Peter Strohschneider (Tübingen: Niemeyer)