Contact details
- Name:
- Professor David Killingray
- Qualifications:
- BSc (Econ), PhD, PGCE, FRHistS
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Senior Research Fellow
- Fellowship term:
- 25-Sep-2007 to 31-Jan-2025
- Institute:
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies
- Phone:
- 01732 453008
- Email address:
- dmkillingray@hotmail.com
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Communities, Classes, Races, Modern History
- Regions:
- Africa
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
History of imperialism, Christian missionary activity, the Black diaspora, decolonisation and post-colonial relationships, the United Kingdom Overseas Territories, empire and British localities.
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 01-Jan-2016 The contribution of black people to the British war effort in two World Wars Chapters
in H.J. Storm and Ali Tuma, eds, Colonial Soldiers in Europe 1914-1945: Aliens in uniform (London: Routledge) (forthcoming)
01-Jan-2016 Pan-African endeavours in the Black Atlantic World, 1890s-1913 Chapters
in Ulrike Kirchenberger, ed., Global Diasporas in the Age of High Imperialism (Leiden: Brill) (forthcoming)
01-Jan-2015 Book Review Review
In Journal of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies; Archaeologia Cantiana.
01-Jan-2015 Demobilization in British and French Africa at the end of the First World War Articles
(with Richard Fogarty), Journal of Contemporary History 50, 1 (2015), pp. 100-123.
01-Jan-2015 Hands joined in Brotherhood: the rise and decline of a movement for faith and social change, 1875-2000 Chapters
in Anthony R. Cross, Peter J. Morden, and Ian M. Randall, eds, Pathways and patterns in history. Essays on Baptist, evangelical, and the modern world in honour of David Bebbington (Didcot: Spurgeon’s College and The Baptist Historical Society, 2015), pp. 319-339.
01-Jan-2015 St Nicholas Parish church, Sevenoaks, Kent. A short history Monographs
(Sevenoaks, 2015), 20 pp.
01-Jan-2015 The Diaries of Thomas Brem Wilson, 1899-1925 Edited Book
transcribed and edited. With accompanying essay on this pioneer Pentecostal leader in Britain.
01-Jan-2015 Ayub Suliaman Diallo Articles
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, online (Oxford University Press) – 1000 words.
01-Aug-2014 Godly examples and agents: training African missionary workers in British institutions in the nineteenth century Chapters
in Judith Becker & Brian Stanley, eds, Europe as the Other. External Perspectives on European Christianity (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht: vol. 103 in the “Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte. Beihefte” series VIEG. Beihefte, 2014), pp. 165-195.
01-Aug-2014 The Revd. Dr Theophlilus Scholes (1856-1940?): black Baptist critic at the heart of Empire Chapters
in Anthony r. Cross and John H.Y. Briggs (eds) Freedom and the Powers: Perspectives from Baptist History (Didcot: Proceedings of the Baptist Historical Society, 2014), pp. 175-202.
06-Jan-2014 'The War in Africa' Edited Book
Hew Strachan, ed., The Oxford Illustrated History of the First World War. New edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
01-Jan-2012 The non-independent territories of the Caribbean and Pacific: Continuity and change Edited Book
ed. with Peter Clegg (School of Advanced Study: University of London, 2012).
Sevenoaks. An historical dictionary [ed. with Elizabeth Purves] (Phillimore: Chichester, 2012)01-Jan-2012 British decolonisation and the smaller territories: origins of the UK Overseas Territories [revised version] in Peter Clegg and David Killingray, eds, The non-independent territories of the Caribbean and Pacific: Continuity or change? (Institute of Commonwealth Studies, Schools of Advanced Study, University of London, 2012), pp. 1-18.
01-Jan-2012 Significant black South Africans in Britain before 1912: Pan-African organisations and the emergence of South Africa’s first black lawyers’ Articles
South African Historical Journal 64, 3 (2012), pp. 393-412.
01-Jan-2011 ‘African slaves in Britain in the early modern period’ Chapters
Klaus Bade, Pieter C. Emmer, Leo Lucassen and Jochen Oltmer, eds. The Encyclopaedia of Migration and Minorities in Europe. From the Seventeenth century to the Present (Cambridge U.P.), pp. 211-13.
01-Jan-2011 ‘New research on the British Empire and the Second World War: Africa at war: voices from below’ Articles
special issue of Global War Studies 8, 1 (2011), pp. 7-13, ed. by Ashley Jackson.
01-Jan-2011 ‘“Gossiping the Gospel”: indigenous mission in Africa’ Articles
Transformation,28, 2 pp. 1-10.
01-Jan-2011 Immigrant communities and British local history Articles
The Local Historian. 41, 1 (February 2011), pp. 4-12.
01-Jan-2010 The War in Africa Chapters
John Horne, ed., A Companion to World War I(Blackwell: Oxford), pp. 112-26.
01-Jan-2010 Fighting for Britain: African soldiers in the Second World War Edited Book
(Boydell & Brewer: Woodbridge 2010; pb edn James Currey, Oxford, 2012)
01-Jan-2010 Influences shaping the human landscape of the Sevenoaks area since c.1600 Articles
Archaeologia Cantiana vol. CXXIX (2010), pp. 35-64
01-Jan-2010 Empire and Christian Missions: Opposition, opportunities, obstacles Christianity & History Forum Bulletin (Spring 2010), pp. 31-43
01-Jan-2010 ‘“Tin trunk literati” and beyond: hidden sources for Africa’s history’ Articles
African Research & Development. No. 112 (2010), pp. 5-13.
01-Jan-2010 ‘Thomas Brem-Wilson – Pentecostal pioneer in London and Ghana, 1865-1925’ Papers
given as a paper to one seminar and for another in 2010
01-Jan-2010 ‘Germs of independence? White prestige, black soldiers and African nationalism after the Second World War’ to Conference on ‘War colours. Black soldiers in European wars’, Amsterdam, 22 January 2010.
01-Jan-2010 ‘An African Pentecostal pioneer in Peckham: the “hidden” life of Thomas Brem-Wilson (1865-1929)’ Papers
Modern Religious History seminar, Institute of Historical Research, London, 3 February 2010.
01-Jan-2010 ‘Milestones in Mission’ St Deniol’s Library, Hawarden, 14 April 2010, and also Wheaton College IL, October 2010.
01-Jan-2010 ‘Slave owners in south-east England’ Papers
paper to the Legacies of British slave-ownership workshop, University College London, 3 July 2010.
01-Jan-2010 ‘Gossiping the Gospel: indigenous missionaries in Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries’ Papers
lecture to Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, 13 July 2010
01-Jan-2010 ‘Transatlantic Pentecostal origins: the diaries of Thomas Brem Wilson, 1899-1925’ Papers
lecture to Dept of History/Institute for the Study of Evangelicalism, Wheaton College, IL, 20 September 2010.
01-Jan-2009 ‘The impact of immigrant communities on British local history’ Papers
paper to conference on ‘Local history in Britain after Hoskins’, Leicester University, July 2009.
01-Jan-2009 ‘How global is the history of the First World War?’ Papers
roundtable paper to International Conference on the First World War, Imperial War Museum, London, 10-12 September 2009.
01-Jan-2009 ‘Africans at war’ Papers
plenary lecture to Conference on Africa and the Second World War, University of Birmingham, December 2009.
01-Jan-2009 ‘Rethinking the Pan-African Conference 1900’ Papers
(given as a paper to a seminar 2009).
01-Jan-2009 Rights, land, and labour: Black British critics of South African polices before 1948 Articles
Journal of Southern African Studies, 35, 2 (2009), pp. 375-398.
01-Jan-2009 Grassroots politics in West Kent since the mid-eighteenth century Articles
Archaeologia Cantiana, CXXVIII, pp. 33-54.
01-Jan-2009 'A Good West Indian, a Good African, and, in Short, a Good Britisher' Black and British in a Colour-Conscious Empire, 1760-1950’ Chapters
Robert Holland and Sarah Stockwell, eds, Ambiguities of Empire (Routledge,London
01-Jan-2009 A pandemia de gripe de 1918-1919: causas, evolução e consequências Chapters
José Manuel Sobral et al., eds, A Pandemia Esquecida: Olhares comparados sobre a pneumónica 1918-19 (Forgotten Pandemic: Comparative views on the Spanish ‘Influenza: 1918-19). Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2009), pp. 41-61.
01-Jan-2008 ‘Black evangelicals in darkest Britain, 1760s-1930s’ Chapters
Evangelical Identities, Vol. 1, ed. M. Smith (Paternoster, Carlisle), pp.128-42
01-Jan-2008 The Pleasant Sunday Afternoon movement: Revival in the West Midlands Chapters
K. Cooper & J. Gregory, (eds), Revival and Resurgence in Christian History (Blackwell, Studies in Church History, vol. 44), pp. 262-74
01-Jan-2008 ‘Getting into print: Black writers in Britain, 1770-1950’ Papers
given as a paper to two seminars, 2008 and 2009
01-Jan-2007 Black Voices: the shaping of our Christian experiences Edited Book
[with Joel Edwards] (IVP: Nottingham, 2007)
01-Jan-2007 ‘Amgoza LoBagola’, and ‘Felix Hercules’ Chapters
H. Gates & Higginbotham (eds,) African-American Dictionary of Biography (OUP, NY, 2008), (Oxford U.P), Vol. 4, pp. 201-3, and Vol. 5, pp. 286-7.
01-Jan-2007 Frederic Schön’, ‘George Ekim Ferguson’ J. Harrison, ed., Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (supplement on-line) [2,000 words].
01-Jan-2007 'Afrikanische Sklaven in Grossbritannien in der Frueher Neuzeit' Chapters
in Klaus J.Bade, Pieter C. Emmer, Leo Lucassen und Jochen Oltmer, eds, Enzyklopädie Migration in Europa vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart (Ferdinand Schoningh, Paderborn & Wilhelm Fink, Munich, 2007), pp. 362-364.
01-Jan-2007 ‘Kent and the abolition of the slave trade: a county study, 1760s-1807’ Chapters
Archaeologia Cantiana CXVIII (2007), pp. 107-25
01-Jan-2007 An African hermeneutic: Quobna Ottobah Cugoano and slavery 1787 Chapters
Anvil. An Anglican evangelical journal for theology and mission, 24, 2 (2007), pp.105-27
01-Jan-2007 ‘Britain, the slave trade and slavery to 1807’ Chapters
Christianity and History Bulletin, 3 (2007), pp. 5-19.
01-Jan-2007 ‘Lessons from history: great pandemics of the past’ Papers
symposia on Key Advances in the Clinical Management of Influenza, The Royal Society of Medicine, 12 February 2007.
01-Jan-2007 ‘The Black contribution to nineteenth-century West African travel’ Papers
conference on Exploring and being Explored: Africa in the Nineteenth Century, National Maritime Museum, 30-31 March 2007.
01-Jan-2007 ‘African mortality in the influenza pandemic 1918-19’ Papers
conference on Death in Africa, University of Cambridge, 4-5 May 2007.
01-Jan-2007 Nonconformity and abolition Papers
lecture, Friends House, London, 25 October 2007
01-Jan-2007 ‘The influenza pandemic 1918-19: causes, courses, and consequences’ Papers
Instituto de Ciências Socials, Lisbon, November 2007
01-Jan-2006 ‘Sounds of weeping and the silence of history: the influenza pandemic of 1918-19’ Chapters
in Pekka Hämäläinen, ed., When disease makes history: Epidemics and great historical turning points (University of Helsinki Press), pp. 227-55.
01-Jan-2006 ‘African civilians in the era of the Second world War, c.1935-1950’ Chapters
in John Laband, ed., Daily Life of Civilians in wartime Africa: From slavery days to Rwandan genocide (Greenwood Press, 2006), pp. 139-67.
01-Jan-2006 ‘Black people in Britain since 1550’, ‘Wilberforce’, ‘Harold Moody’ Chapters
Encyclopedia of African Atlantic Relations, ed. A. Rice & A.M. Leonard(ABC-CLIO, 2006).
01-Jan-2005 The United Kingdom Overseas Territories: Past, present and future Edited Book
(ed. with David Taylor) (Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London, 2005)
- Relevant Events
Related events:
Date Details 06-Jul-2015 Black British Christians 1770-1890: responses to slavery and the slave trade Paper to ‘Slavery and its Legacies Project’ seminar, Open University, Camden Town, London 6 July 2015.
30-Jun-2015 Black voices on Britain’s Two World Wars Paper to conference on ‘Minorities in Armies: Ethnicity, Race, and Alienage’, Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick, 30 June 2015.
22-May-2015 The Shaping of Chinese Christianity Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, Oxford, 22-23 May 2015.
15-Apr-2015 Black clergy of the Established Church in England 1765-c.1950 Christianity & History forum conference, All Nations Christian College, Easneye, Herts, 15-17 April 2015.
15-Apr-2015 Black clergy of the Established Church in England 1765-c.1950 Christianity & History forum conference, All Nations Christian College, Easneye, Herts, 15-17 April 2015.
23-Dec-2014 Four lectures on aspects of the Indian Oceanic world Four lectures on aspects of the Indian Oceanic world, ‘Cruises in Antiquity’, Indian Ocean, 23 December 2014-7 January 2015.
20-Nov-2014 Whose Remembrance discussant at a roundtable, University of Leeds. 20 November 2014.
11-Nov-2014 The impact of the Great War on Africa 1911-26(?) Guest lecture: University of Hull, 11 November 2014.
02-Oct-2014 Catastrophe or catalyst? The Great War and Africa 1911-26(?) Conference on ‘Africa and World War One’, Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies, Bayreuth University, Germany, 2-4 October 2014.
22-Sep-2014 PhD examinar Nottingham University
10-Sep-2014 'The demand for rights: pan-Africanism in the black Atlantic world 1890s-1913'' Paper to conference on 'Global diasporas in the age of high imperialism', Kassel University, Germany
16-Jul-2014 'The Forgotten Soldiers' Roundtable discussion to panel on 'The Great War and the World', British Library
11-Jul-2014 Anglo-American Conference 2014 On panel of organisers, and chair of session at the annual conference, Institute of Historical Research, University of London
05-Jun-2014 'Writing Black British Biography' Paper to Fellows seminar, Institute of Commonwealth Studies
14-Mar-2014 'Politics in the Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies' Co-organiser (with Dr Peter Clegg) for the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, at University College London
28-Feb-2014 'Localities, nations and empire: Britain and Ieland in times of crisis, 1912-22' Co-organiser and contributor of a paper to conference on 'Experiences of World War One: Strangers, differences and locality'. A local history workshop organised by the BALH/ICwS at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London
27-Feb-2014 Africa and the Great War: comparative perspectives Closing summary and general discussion: ‘Africa and the Great War: comparative perspectives’, Workshop, St Cross College, Oxford, Friday 27 February 2015.
25-Feb-2014 'Hartslands, Sevenoaks - the development of a working class 'village' in a Kent market town, 1841-1912' Paper (with Dr Iain Taylor) to Regional and Local History seminar, Institute of Historical Research, University of London
06-Feb-2014 'The impact of the Great War on sub-Saharan Africa' Opening Lecture in series on 'The Great War', Trondheim University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
11-Jan-2014 'Black colonial soldiers in the British Army in the two World Wars' Paper to symposium on 'Colonial soldiers in Europe (1900-1950)', Institute for History, Leiden University.
07-Dec-2013 'A small but persistent presence: people of African origin and descent in Kent since c.1600' Organiser with Dr Elizabeth Edwards, and paper to conference on 'Kent: immigration and emigration', University of Kent, Canterbury
28-Nov-2013 'East Africa' Paper to Workshop on 'The Great War in Africa: the feedback effects', Trinity College Dublin
13-Nov-2013 'The Revd Dr Theophilus Scholes: Baptist missionary and critic of Empire' Paper to Global Mission seminar, University of London
03-Oct-2013 'Black travellers in 19th century Africa' Paper to African History seminar, Michigan State University, East Lansing MI.
01-Aug-2012 PhD supervisor Co-supervisor of two PhD students, one at the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, the other at Spurgeon's College London