Contact details
- Name:
- Professor Henning Melber
- Qualifications:
- PhD (Political Sciences) Habilitation (Development Studies)
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Senior Research Fellow
- Fellowship term:
- 24-Jul-2015 to 31-Jan-2025
- Institute:
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies
- Home institution:
- Nordic Africa Institute
- Location:
- PO Box 1703 SE-75147 Uppsala Sweden
- Phone:
- +46-(0)706794411
- Email address:
- Henning.Melber@nai.uu.se
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Civil Rights, Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Communities, Classes, Races, Globalization & Development, History, Human rights, International Relations, Politics
- Regions:
- Africa
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Dag Hammarskjöld and the United Nations; (History of) Racism, Southern Africa, Namibia, Liberation Movements as Governments
- Project summary relevant to Fellowship:
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 26-Oct-2024 Colonialism, Genocide and Reparations : the German-Namibian Case Journal articles
In: Development and Change, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 773-799
03-Sep-2024 A 'Reconciliation Agreement' that isn't one: The German-Namibia Joint Declaration on the Genocide in German South West Africa Chapters
In: Andreas Eckl and Matthias Häussler with Martha Akawa (eds.), An Unresolved Issue: Genocide in Colonial Namibia. Windhoek: Friedrich Ebert Foundation, pp. 331-358
04-Jul-2024 The Long Shadow of German Colonialism. Amnesia, Denialism and Revisionism Monographs
London: Hurst, xii + 332 pp (also: New York: Oxford University Press)
27-May-2024 L'Allemagneet la Namibie: comment (ne pas) assumer le génocide Journal articles
In: Guerres mondiales et conflits temporaire, no. 293, 2024, pp. 41-59
30-Apr-2024 Solidarität mit Zimbabwe. 40 Jahre Zimbabwe Netzwerk. Geschichte, Analysen, Perspektiven Edited Book
In: Henning Melber (ed.), Solidarität mit Zimbabwe. 40 Jahre Zimbabwe Netzwerk. Geschichte, Analysen, Perspektiven
30-Apr-2024 Solidarität mit Zimbabwe Chapters
Editor. Frankfurt/Main: Brandes & Apsel, 215 pp.
16-Oct-2023 Challenging Global Development. Towards Decoloniality and Justice Edited Book
Co-editor (with Laura Camfield, Uma Kothari and Kees Biekart)
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2023, 260 pp.
16-Oct-2023 Rethinking Development and Decolonising Development Studies Chapters
Co-author (with Kees Biekart, Laura Camfield, and Uma Kothari)
In: Henning Melber/Uma Kothari/Laura Camfield/Kees Biekart eds.), Challenging Global Development. Towards Decoloniality and Justice. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2023, pp. 1-13
10-Oct-2023 Namibia Chapters
In: Seidu M. Alidu/Benedikt Kamski/Andreas Mehler/David Sebudububu (eds.), Africa Yearbook. Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2022. Leiden: Brill 2023, pp. 518-526
24-Jul-2023 Südafrika und BRICS Journal articles
In WeltTrends, vol. 31, no. 197, summer 2023, pp. 69-75
10-Jul-2023 Namibia - From liberation movement as government to government without liberation: Democracy under the governance of SWAPO (1990-2015). Chapters
In: Lesley Blaauw/Dennis U. Zaire (eds.), Dominant Parties as Governments in Southern Africa. Their changing nature and its implications for democracy and democratic consolidation. Windhoek: Konrad Adenauer Foundation, pp. 45-65
26-Jun-2023 'We will not move' from the Old Location to Katutura: Forced Resettlement in Windhoek, South West Africa (1959-1968) Articles
In: Historia, vol. 68, no. 1, 2023, pp. 54-85.
05-Jun-2023 Rassismus und Entwicklungspolitik Chapters
In: Manuela Boatca/Karin Fischer/ Gerhard Hauck (eds), Handbuch Entwicklungsforschung. 2nd, revised and updated edition. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 311-321
10-May-2023 Namibia and South Africa’s ruling parties share a heroic history - but their 2024 electoral prospects look weak Articles
How Swapo and the ANC respond to any further decline in electoral support will define the future of democracy in both countries.
08-May-2023 African middle classness, politics and protest: on the context of this issue Journal articles
With Antje Daniel and Florian Stoll. In: Journal of Contemporary African Studies, vol. 41, no. 1, 2023, pp. 1-12
08-May-2023 Explorations into middle class urbanites, social movements and political dynamics: impressions from Namibia’s capital Windhoek Journal articles
In: Journal of Contemporary African Studies, vol. 41, no. 1, 2023, pp. 94-105
02-Mar-2023 Citizenship Matters. Explorations into the Citizen-State Relationship in Africa. Journal articles
With Jesper Bjarnesen, Cristiano Lanzano and Patience Mususa. In: Forum for Development Studies, vol. 50, no. 1, 2023, pp. 35-58
28-Feb-2023 Polylog im Schatten afrikanischer Perspektiven oder: afrikanische Perspektiven im Schatten? Chapters
In: Franz Gmainer-Pranzl/Lara Hofner (eds), Polylog als Aufklärung? Interkulturell-philosophische Impulse. Wien: Facultas, pp. 123-138
20-Dec-2022 Ein “Versöhnungsabkommen“, das keines ist. Die deutsch-namibische Gemeinsame Erklärung zum Völkermord in Deutsch-Südwestafrika Journal articles
In: Zeitschrift für Genozidforschung, vol. 20, no. 2, 2022, pp. 290-305
12-Dec-2022 Abdullah Ibrahim: The healing power of music Chapters
In: Narnia Bohler-Muller/Vasu Reddy/Gregory Houston/Maxi Schoeman/Heather Thuynsma (eds.), The Texture of Dissent: Defiant Public Intellectuals in South Africa. Pretoria: HSRC Press, pp. 190-194
12-Dec-2022 Sibongile Khumalo: African nightingale Chapters
In: Narnia Bohler-Muller/Vasu Reddy/Gregory Houston/Maxi Schoeman/Heather Thuynsma (eds.), The Texture of Dissent: Defiant Public Intellectuals in South Africa. Pretoria: HSRC Press 2022, pp. 200-203
12-Dec-2022 Brenda Fassie: MaBrrr, the African Madonna Chapters
In: Narnia Bohler-Muller/Vasu Reddy/Gregory Houston/Maxi Schoeman/Heather Thuynsma (eds.), The Texture of Dissent: Defiant Public Intellectuals in South Africa. Pretoria: HSRC Press 2022, pp. 209-212
05-Dec-2022 Colonialism, reconciliation and education – learning from the past for the future – a keynote Journal articles
In: Journal of Namibian Studies, no. 32, 2022, pp. 165-172
24-Nov-2022 Namibia’s Resource Based Economy: Protection versus Exploitation on Nature. Chapters
In: Charles M. Fombad/Nico Steytler (eds.), Constitutionalism and the Economy in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 288-309
20-Oct-2022 Namibia Chapters
In: Albert K. Awedoba/Benedikt Kamski/Andreas Mehler/David Sebudubudu (eds), Africa Yearbook, volume 18. Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara 2021. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 515-523
10-Oct-2022 Jenseits von Mbembe – Geschichte, Erinnerung, Solidarität. Edited Book
Co-editor (with Matthias Böckmann, Matthias Gockel and Reinhart Kößler). Berlin, Metropol, 358 pp.
10-Oct-2022 Jenseits der Mbembe-Debatte – Geschichte, Erinnerung, Solidarität. Chapters
With Matthias Böckmann, Matthias Gockel and Reinhart Kößler. In: Matthias Böckmann/Matthias Gockel/Reinhart Kößler/Henning Melber (eds.), Jenseits von Mbembe, Berlin: Metropol, pp. 9-22
10-Oct-2022 Koloniale Amnesie, Verdrängung und Asymmetrie. (Post-)Koloniale Katerstimmung Made in Germany Chapters
In: Matthias Böckmann/Matthias Gockel/Reinhart Kößler/Henning Melber (eds.), Jenseits von Mbembe, Berlin: Metropol, pp. 317-336
15-Sep-2022 Germany and reparations: the reconciliation agreement with Namibia Journal articles
In: The Round Table, vol. 111, no. 4, 2022, pp. 475-488
10-Sep-2022 Zum Völkermord in Deutsch-Südwestafrika In: Henning Melber/Kristin Platt (eds), Koloniale Vergangenheit – postkoloniale Zukunft? Frankfurt/Main: Brandes & Apsel, pp. 41-54
10-Sep-2022 Koloniale Vergangenheit – postkoloniale Zukunft? Die deutsch-namibischen Beziehungen neu denken. Edited Book
Co-editor (with Kristin Platt). Frankfurt/Main: Brandes & Apsel, 252 pp.
30-Jun-2022 Africa’s Middle Classes Journal articles
Africa Spectrum, vol. 57, no. 2, 2022, pp. 204-219
20-Apr-2022 Namibia since Independence Articles
The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History. Oxford University Press
04-Mar-2022 The Struggle Continues: Namibia’s Enduring Land Question. Chapters
In: Freedom Mazwi, George Tonderai Mudimu and Kirk Helliker (eds): Capital Penetration and the Peasantry in Southern and Eastern Africa. Neoliberal Restructuring. Cham: Springer, pp. 79-99
01-Feb-2022 Populism in Southern Africa Under Liberation Movements as Governments: The Cases of Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe Chapters
In: Michael Oswald (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Populism. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan / Springer, pp. 497-509
30-Dec-2021 “One Namibia, One Nation”? Social Cohesion under a Liberation Movement as Government in Decline Articles
In: Stichproben. Vienna Journal of African Studies, vol. 21, no. 41, pp. 129-158
29-Nov-2021 Selective commemoration: coming to terms with German colonialism. Chapters
With Reinhart Kössler, in Tatjana Louis/Mokgadi Molope/Stefan Peters (eds), Dealing with the Past in Latin America, Southern Africa and Germany. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 87-106
01-Nov-2021 Namibia Chapters
In: Albert K. Awedoba/Benedikt Kamski/Andreas Mehler/David Sebudubudu (eds), Africa Yearbook, volume 17. Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara 2020. Leiden and Boston: Brill 2021, pp. 508-516
15-Oct-2021 Development Chapters
In: Ulf Engel (ed.), Yearbook on the African Union. Volume 1 (2020). Leiden: Brill 2021, pp. 51-67
11-Oct-2021 Kritik des deutschen Kolonialismus. Postkoloniale Sicht auf Erinnerung und Geschichtsvermittlung. Edited Book
Co-editor (with Wolfgang Geiger). Frankfurt/Main: Brandes & Apsel
01-Oct-2021 “La mort est un maître d’Allemagne” Chapters
In: Penser les génocides. Les chercheurs face aux génocides et crimes de masse. Paris: CNRS 2021, pp. 27-34
01-Jun-2021 Namibia’s Regional and Local Authorities Elections 2020: Democracy beyond SWAPO Articles
In: Journal of Namibian Studies, no. 29, 2021, pp. 73-83
01-Jun-2021 Deutsche Kolonialgeschichte als Gegenwart: Land und Entwicklung in Namibia Journal articles
Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 10-25
18-May-2021 Competitive Authoritarianism in a Constitutional Democracy: The Case of SWAPO in Namibia Chapters
In: Charles M. Fombad/Nico Steytler (eds), Democracy, Elections, and Constitutionalism in Africa. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 161-185
22-Mar-2021 Zimbabwe’s Foreign Policy Under Mnangagwa (with RogerSouthall) Journal articles
Journal of Asian and African Studies, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 234-250
31-Dec-2020 In the Shadow of Apartheid: The Windhoek Old Location Journal articles
Southern Journal for Contemporary History, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 33-58
07-Dec-2020 Die Welt aus der Perspektive der Entwicklungssoziologe. Festschrift für Dieter Neubert Edited Book
Co-editor (with Artur Bogner, Reinhart Kößler and Rüdiger Korff,) Baden-Baden: Nomos
12-Oct-2020 Namibia Chapters
In: Albert K. Awedoba/Benedikt Kamski/Andreas Mehler/David Sebudubudu (eds), Africa Yearbook, volume 16. Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara 2019. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 506-514
20-Aug-2020 Germany and Namibia: Negotiating Genocide Journal articles
Journal of Genocide Research, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 502-514
26-Jun-2020 Geingob 2.0. Namibia’s new government Journal articles
Journal of Namibian Studies, no. 27, pp. 101-121
20-Feb-2020 Namibia’s parliamentary and presidential elections: the honeymoon is over Journal articles
The Round Table, vol. 109, no. 1, pp. 13-22
03-Jan-2020 Sam Nujoma: Lebenslänglich Freiheitskämpfer. Chapters
In: Michael Epkenhans/Ewald Frie (eds), Politiker ohne Amt. Von Metternich bis Helmut Schmidt. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, pp. 239-256
02-Dec-2019 Global governance and human rights: South Africa and the United Nations Chapters
In: Vasu Reddy/Heather Thuynsma (eds), The undiscovered country. Essays in honour of Maxi Schoeman. Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies 2019, pp. 49-66
01-Nov-2019 No Rainbow yet in Sight: Southern Africa under Liberation Movements as Governments. Journal articles
The Round Table, vol. 108, no. 5, pp. 531-541
15-Oct-2019 Deutschland und Afrika. Anatomie eines komplexen Verhältnisses Edited Book
Frankfurt/Main: Brandes & Apsel. Including own chapters on Das Deutsche Afrika, pp. 7-21 and Herausforderungen deutscher Dekolonisierung, pp. 209-219
10-Oct-2019 Africa Yearbook, volume 15. Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara 2018 Edited Book
(Co-editor, with Victor Adetula, Benedikt Kamski and Andreas Mehler). Leiden: Brill Including own chapters on Southern Africa, pp. 415-423 and Namibia, pp. 487-495 and a co-authored chapter (with co-editors) on Sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 3-15
01-Jul-2019 Auf der Suche nach “Entwicklung”. Ein Abgesang auf eine Begriffsverwirrung. Chapters
In: Michaela Fink, Jonas Metzger and Anne Zulauf (eds), Was wird aus der Hoffnung? Interdisziplinäre Denkanstöße für neue Formen des Miteinanders. Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag, pp. 105-115
15-Apr-2019 Dag Hammarskjöld, the United Nations and the Decolonisation of Africa. Monographs
London: Hurst
10-Apr-2019 Elmar Altvater (1938-2018) Chapters
In: David Simon (ed), Key Thinkers on Development. Second (expanded) edition. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 18-23
10-Apr-2019 Dag Hammarskjöld (1905-1961) Chapters
In: David Simon (ed), Key Thinkers on Development. Second (expanded) edition. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 195-200
10-Apr-2019 Inge Kaul (1944-) Chapters
In: David Simon (ed), Key Thinkers on Development. Second (expanded) edition. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 234-239
05-Apr-2019 Populism in Southern Africa under liberation movements as governments. Journal articles
In: Review of African Political Economy, vol. 45, no. 158, 2018, pp. 678-686
30-Mar-2019 China in Namibia: An ’All-Weather-Friendship’ Examined. Journal articles
In: afriche e orienti, vol. 20, nos. 1-2, 2018, pp. 7-23
20-Mar-2019 Colonialism, Land, Ethnicity, and Class: Namibia after the Second National Land Conference Journal articles
In: Africa Spectrum, vol. 54, no. 1, 2019, pp. 73-86
01-Feb-2019 Knowledge Production, Ownership and the Power of Definition: Perspectives on and from Sub-Saharan Africa. Chapters
In: Isa Baud/Elisabetta Basile/Tiina Kontinen/Susanne von Itter (eds), Building Development Studies for the New Millennium. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 265-287
15-Dec-2018 Looking East/Going South: The Namibian-Chinese “All Weather Friendship” Journal articles
Stichproben. Vienna Journal of African Studies, no. 35, pp. 25-50
01-Nov-2018 Völkermord – Anerkennung ohne Entschuldigung und Entschädigung? Verwicklungen in verwobener Geschichte Chapters
Co-authored with Reinhart Kössler. In: Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst/Joachim Zeller (eds), Deutschland postcolonial? Die Gegenwart der imperialen Vergangenheit. Berlin: Metropol Verlag, pp. 223-242
15-Oct-2018 Africa Yearbook, volume 14. Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara 2017 Edited Book
Leiden: Brill
30-Aug-2018 United in Separation? Lozi Secessionism in Zambia and Malawi. Chapters
Co-authored with Wolfgang Zeller. In: Lotje de Vries, Pierre Englebert, Mareike Schomerus (eds), Secessionism in African Politics: Aspiration, Grievance, Performance, Disenchantment. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2018, pp. 293-328
01-Jun-2018 Knowledge Production and Decolonisation – Not Only African Challenges Journal articles
Strategic Review for Southern Africa
01-Apr-2018 The shifting grounds of emancipation: From the anti-colonial struggle to a critique of post-colonial society Chapters
UNAM Press
01-Dec-2017 Heroic narratives, patriotic history and Namibian politics: The case of (Herman) Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo (1924-2017) Journal articles
Journal of Namibian Studies
01-Dec-2017 Genocide Matters. Negotiating a Namibian-German Past in the Present Journal articles
Stichproben. Vienna Journal for African Studies
01-Oct-2017 Namibia. Gesellschaftspolitische Erkundungen seit der Unabhängigkeit. Monographs
Brandes & Apsel (2nd, enlarged edition)
01-Oct-2017 Explorations into modernity, colonialism and genocide: Revisiting the past in the present Journal articles
acta academica
01-Oct-2017 Explorations into modernity, colonialism and genocide: Revisiting the past in the present Journal articles
acta academica
01-May-2017 Völkermord - und was dann? Zur Politik deutsch-namibischer Vergangenheitsbearbeitung Monographs
Brandes & Apsel
01-May-2017 Africa Yearbook, volume 13. Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara 2016 Edited Book
01-May-2017 China and Namibia: an All-Weather Friendship Investigated Chapters
Palgrave MacMillan
01-May-2017 Agency Chapters
J.B. Metzeler
01-May-2017 Why we need a Constitution Chapters
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
01-May-2017 Mediating Decolonization. Dealing with conflict parties - the long way to Namibia's transition to independence Chapters
01-May-2017 Struggle Mentality versus Democracy: The case of SWAPO of Namibia Chapters
01-May-2017 The African Middle Classes - in the middle of what? Journal articles
in ROAPE Taylor and Francis
01-May-2017 Changing of the Guard? An Journal articles
in African Affairs
01-May-2017 How Democratic is Namibia's Democracy? Journal articles
in Taiwan Journal of Democracy
01-May-2017 Mission Impossible: Hammarskjöld and the UN Mandate for the Congo (1960-1961) Journal articles
in Africa Security, Tayler and Francis
01-Oct-2016 Rassismus und Entwicklungspolitik Chapters
01-Oct-2016 Wieviel Klasse hat die afrikanische Chapters
01-Oct-2016 Update: Journey for Truth - From Chapters
01-Oct-2016 Africa Yearbook, volume 12. Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara 2015 Edited Book
01-Oct-2016 The Rise of Africa's Middle Class Edited Book
01-Oct-2015 Africa Yearbook. Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2014. Edited Book
Co-editor (with Sebastian Elischer, Rolf Hofmeier and Andreas Mehler). Leiden: Brill
01-Mar-2015 Namibia. Gesellschaftspolitische Erkundungen seit der Unabhängigkeit. Monographs
Frankfurt/Main: Brandes & Apsel
01-Dec-2014 Understanding Namibia. The trials of Independence. Monographs
London: Hurst and Johannesburg: Jacana (also New York: Oxford University Press 2015)
01-May-2014 Peace Diplomacy, Global Justice and Inter-national Agency. Rethinking Human Security and Ethics in the Spirit of Dag Hammarskjöld Edited Book
Co-editor (with Carsten Stahn). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press