Contact details
- Name:
- Dr Adalgisa Giorgio
- Qualifications:
- PhD
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Associate Fellow
- Fellowship term:
- 01-Jan-2016 to 31-Jan-2026
- Institute:
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies
- Home institution:
- University of Bath
- Location:
- Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY
- Phone:
- 01225 386171
- Email address:
- a.giorgio@bath.ac.uk
- Website:
- http://www.bath.ac.uk/polis/staff/adalgisa-giorgio/
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Culture, Gender studies, Language and Literature (Italian), Literatures in a modern language
- Regions:
- Australasia, Europe, United Kingdom
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 12-Apr-2023 Maria Morelli, Queer(ing) Gender in Italian Women’s Writing: Maraini, Sapienza, Morante, Oxford and New York: Peter Lang, 2021, pp. x + 306. Review
Adalgisa Giorgio. Moderrn Italy, 2023, pp. 1-3.
11-Jul-2022 Paola Nitido, Le vite degli altri abitano la mia. La scrittura del sé nell’opera di Fabrizia Ramondino. Testimonianze di G. Cacciapuoti, A. Cirillo, G. Fofi, M. Liguori, T. Marrone. M. Martone, G. M. Scamardella, E. Tatafiore, P. Valerio, Naples: Fridericiana Editrice Universitaria, 2021, pp. 96+viii. Review
Adalgisa Giorgio.Italian Studies, 77(3), 2022, pp. 356-357.
01-Nov-2021 Luciano Parisi, Giovani e abuso sessuale–2018), pp. VII+351. Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2021. Review
Adalgisa Giorgio. Italian Culture, 39(2), 2021, pp. 242-245.
13-Sep-2021 Alessia Ricciardi, Finding Ferrante. Authorship and the Politics of World Literature, New York: Columbia University Press, 2021, 2021, pp. 240+xii. Review
Adalgisa Giorgio. Italian Studies, 76(4), 2021, pp. 502-504.
07-May-2021 ‘Reading Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Novels with the Grain. The View of a Female Academic from Southern Italy’ Chapters
Adalgisa Giorgio. In Women in Transition Crossing Boundaries, Crossing Borders, edited by Maria-José Blanco and Claire Williams. New York and Abingdon: Routledge, 7 May 2021, pp. 185-203.
31-Dec-2020 ‘Hybrid Identities: Maoi Italians Challenging Racism and the Maori/Pakeha Binary’ Articles
Adalgisa Giorgio and Carla Houkamau. Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture. Vol. 27, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 20-43.
14-Nov-2019 Tiziana de Rogatis, Elena Ferrante. Parole chiave. Rome: Edizioni e/o, 2018, pp. 295. Review
Adalgisa Giorgio. Italian Culture, 37(2), 2019, pp. 177-179.
13-Jul-2019 ‘Flexible identities: Narratives of Maori Italians in New Zealand’ Articles
Adalgisa Giorgio and Carla A. Houkamau. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 48(2), 2019, pp. 27-40.
05-May-2018 ‘Napoli tra essenza e processo: il caso di Antonella Cilento’ Chapters
Adalgisa Giorgio. In Prospettive culturali fra intersezioni, sviluppi e svolte disciplinari in Italia e in Ungheria, edited by Ilona Fried. Budapest, Hungary: Eotvos Lorand Todomanyegyetem, 2018, pp. 165-183.
17-Jun-2017 Motherhood in Literature and Culture. Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Europe Edited Book
Ed. Gill Rye, Victoria Browne, Adalgisa Giorgio, Emily Jeremiah, and Abigail Lee. New York and London: Routledge
17-Jun-2017 ‘Introduction: Motherhood in Literature and Culture' Chapters
Gill Rye, Victoria Browne, Adalgisa Giorgio, Emily Jeremiah, and Abigail Lee Six, In Motherhood in Literature and Culture. Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Europe, edited by Gill Rye, Victoria Browne, Adalgisa Giorgio, Emily Jeremiah, and Abigail Lee Six. New York and London: Routledge, June 2017, pp. 1-13.
17-Jun-2017 ‘Matrixial Creativity and the Wit(h)nessing of Trauma: Reconnecting Mothers and Daughters in Marosia Castaldi’s Novel Dentro le mie mani le tue: Tetralogia di Nightwater’ Chapters
Adalgisa Giorgio. In Motherhood in Literature and Culture. Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Europe, edited by Gill Rye, Victoria Browne, Adalgisa Giorgio, Emily Jeremiah, and Abigail Lee Six. New York and London: Routledge, June 2017, pp. 137-150.
01-Dec-2016 ‘Minori a Napoli tra globale e locale: Voci e autorappresentazioni dopo Gomorra’ Articles
Nuova Corvina, 29, December 2016, pp. 71-83 (invited republication).
01-Dec-2015 Motherhood and Work in Italy: A Socio-cultural Perspective Journal articles
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2015), Motherhood and Work in Italy: A Socio-cultural Perspective. Special Issue on Mothering and Work in Italy in the Twentieth-First Century: Culture and Society, edited by Adalgisa Giorgio. Journal of Romance Studies, 15 (3), pp. 1-21. ISSN: 1473-3536
01-Dec-2015 Mothering and Work in Italy in the Twentieth-First Century: Culture and Society Journal articles
Giorgio, Adalgisa (ed.) (2015) Mothering and Work in Italy in the Twentieth-First Century: Culture and Society, Special Issue Journal of Romance Studies, 15 (3), December. ISSN: 1473-3536
01-Sep-2015 Mothering and Migration: Interdisciplinary Dialogues, European Perspectives and International Contexts. Introduction Journal articles
Christou, Anastasia, Giorgio, A. and Rye, G. (2015) Mothering and Migration: Interdisciplinary Dialogues, European Perspectives and International Contexts. Introduction. Special Section on Mothering and Migration. Interdisciplinary Dialogues, European Perspectives and International Context. Women's Studies International Forum, 52, September–October, pp. 49-52.
01-Sep-2015 The Italian Family, Motherhood and Italianness in New Zealand. The Case of the Italian Community of Wellington Journal articles
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2015) The Italian Family, Motherhood and Italianness in New Zealand. The Case of the Italian Community of Wellington. Special Section on Mothering and Migration. Interdisciplinary Dialogues, European Perspectives and International Contexts, edited by Anastasia Christou, Adalgisa Giorgio, and Gill Rye. Women's Studies International Forum, 52, September–October, pp. 53-62.
01-Jun-2015 Some reflections on the relevance of mammismo in the Italian diaspora in Wellington Journal articles
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2015) Some reflections on the relevance of mammismo in the Italian diaspora in Wellington, in Penelope Morris and Perry Willson (eds.), Forum: Mothers and mammismo in the Italian diaspora. Altreitalie, 50, January-June, pp. 152-155.
01-Dec-2014 Napoli e le scrittrici “napoletane” in Inghilterra. Alcune riflessioni teorico-metodologiche, a partire da Fabrizia Ramondino Chapters
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2014) Napoli e le scrittrici “napoletane” in Inghilterra. Alcune riflessioni teorico-metodologiche, a partire da Fabrizia Ramondino. In Letteratura meridionale. Contesti nazionali e sovranazionali, edited by Rita Nicolì. Roma: Adi Editore, pp. 34-44. ISBN: 9788890790539
01-Oct-2013 Dalla Serata a Colono a Terremoto con madre e figlia: Elsa Morante e Fabrizia Ramondino Chapters
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2013) Dalla Serata a Colono a Terremoto con madre e figlia: Elsa Morante e Fabrizia Ramondino. In 'Non sto quindi a Napoli sicura di casa’. Identità, spazio e testualità in Fabrizia Ramondino (1936 2008), edited by Adalgisa Giorgio. Perugia: Morlacchi University Press, pp. 214-249.
01-Oct-2013 ‘Non sto quindi a Napoli sicura di casa’. Identità, spazio e testualità in Fabrizia Ramondino Edited Book
Giorgio, Adalgisa (ed.) (2013) ‘Non sto quindi a Napoli sicura di casa’. Identità, spazio e testualità in Fabrizia Ramondino. Perugia: Morlacchi University Press. 393 pages.
01-Dec-2012 Un esempio di postmoderno napoletano: Santa Mira di Gabriele Frasca Chapters
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2012) Un esempio di postmoderno napoletano: Santa Mira di Gabriele Frasca. In “Sul fil di ragno della memoria”. Studi in onore di Ilona Fried, edited by Franciska d’Elhoungne Hervai and Dávid Falvay. Budapest: Ponte Alapítvány, Budapest ELTE BTK Olasz Nyelv és Irodalom Tanszék, pp. 199-212.
01-Dec-2012 Minori a Napoli tra globale e locale: Voci e autorappresentazioni dopo Gomorra Chapters
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2012) Minori a Napoli tra globale e locale: Voci e autorappresentazioni dopo Gomorra. In Identità italiana e civiltà globale all’inizio del ventunesimo secolo. Meticciati, relazioni, attraversamenti – rapporto con la modernità, edited by Ilona Fried. Budapest: Ponte Alapítvány, Budapest ELTE BTK Olasz Nyelv és Irodalom Tanszék, pp. 333-350.
01-Nov-2012 Review of Cinzia Sartini Blum, Rewriting the Journey in Contemporary Italian Literature: Figures of Subjectivity in Progress Review
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2012) Review: Cinzia Sartini Blum, Rewriting the Journey in Contemporary Italian Literature: Figures of Subjectivity in Progress. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 2008, pp. 381+viii. Italian Studies, 67 (3), pp. 445-447.
01-Dec-2011 Precarietà allora/ora. Una testimonianza femminile dal mediterraneo Journal articles
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2011) Precarietà allora/ora. Una testimonianza femminile dal mediterraneo. La Libellula, Primo Quaderno: Precarietà e Postautonomia, edited by Monica Jansen and Federica Colleoni, December, pp. 4-11.
01-Nov-2011 Eleonora De Fonseca Pimentel e la rivoluzione napoletana: Una donna eccezionale tra storia, memoria e invenzione Articles
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2011) Eleonora De Fonseca Pimentel e la rivoluzione napoletana: Una donna eccezionale tra storia, memoria e invenzione. Italian Studies: Cultural Studies Issue, 66 (3), November, pp. 301-317.
22-Apr-2011 Natalia Ginzburg’s “La madre”: Exposing Patriarchy’s Erasure of the Mother Chapters
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2011) Natalia Ginzburg’s “La madre”: Exposing Patriarchy’s Erasure of the Mother. In Short Story Criticism (Vol. 150), edited by Jelena Krstovic. Thomson Gale Publisher/Cengage Learning, 22 April. (An invited republication of a 1993 MLR article).
01-Mar-2011 Review of Manuele Gragnolati and Sara Fortuna eds., The Power of Disturbance: Elsa Morante’s Aracoeli. London: Legenda/MHRA and Maney Publishing, 2009, pp. 189+xii Review
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2011) Review of Manuele Gragnolati and Sara Fortuna (eds.) The Power of Disturbance: Elsa Morante’s Aracoeli. London: Legenda/MHRA and Maney Publishing, 2009, pp. 189+xii. Italian Studies, 66 (1), pp. 144-146.
01-Jul-2010 Didattica della sessualità e del genere tra Svizzera, Gran Bretagna e Italia Journal articles
Giorgio, Adalgisa, Chemello A., Crivelli T. and Wood S., Didattica della sessualità e del genere tra Svizzera, Gran Bretagna e Italia. Italian Studies, 65 (2), pp. 251-262.
01-Jun-2010 Writing Versions of Home: Marosia Castaldi’s Per quante vite and the Poetics of the Visible Journal articles
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2010) Writing Versions of Home: Marosia Castaldi’s Per quante vite and the Poetics of the Visible. Journal of Romance Studies, 10 (2), Summer, pp. 77–96. Print ISSN: 1473-3536. Online ISSN: 1752-2331
01-May-2010 Mutazioni del lavoro, comunità e pensiero meridiano: Antonio Pascale e Fabrizia Ramondino Journal articles
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2010) Mutazioni del lavoro, comunità e pensiero meridiano: Antonio Pascale e Fabrizia Ramondino. Narrativa. Letteratura e azienda (University of Paris 10, Nanterre), 31-32, pp. 175-187. ISBN: 978-2-84016-062-5
01-Mar-2010 Archetipi napoletani in veste postmoderna. Venti anni di narrativa su Napoli Chapters
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2010) Archetipi napoletani in veste postmoderna. Venti anni di narrativa su Napoli. In Tradizione e modernità nella cultura italiana contemporanea. Italia e Europa, edited by Ilona Fried. Budapest: ELTE, pp. 295-312.
13-Aug-2009 Review of Anna Bravo, A colpi di cuore. Storie del sessantotto, Roma-Bari, Gius. Laterza & Figli, 2008 Review
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2009) Review of Anna Bravo, A colpi di cuore. Storie del sessantotto, Roma-Bari, Gius. Laterza & Figli, 2008. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 14 (3), pp. 374-376. ISSN 1354-571X. DOI: 10.1080/13545710903033545
01-Jul-2009 Review of Laura Benedetti. The Tigress in the Snow. Motherhood and Literature in Twentieth-Century Italy. Toronto:University of Toronto Press, 2007 Review
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2009) Review of Laura Benedetti. The Tigress in the Snow. Motherhood and Literature in Twentieth-Century Italy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. Modern Language Review, 104 (3), pp. 889-892.
01-Nov-2008 Tra Pirandello e Judith Butler: Forma e performatività nella narrativa di Marosia Castaldi Journal articles
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2008) Tra Pirandello e Judith Butler: Forma e performatività nella narrativa di Marosia Castaldi. Narrativa: Femminile/Maschile nella letteratura italiana degli anni 2000, 30, pp. 97-109. ISBN: 978-2-84016-038-0
01-Dec-2007 Coscienza etico-politica e realtà napoletana nella scrittura di Ermanno Rea Journal articles
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2007) Coscienza etico-politica e realtà napoletana nella scrittura di Ermanno Rea. Narrativa. Letteratura e politica nell’Italia degli anni 2000 (University of Paris 10 Nanterre), 29, pp. 227-239. ISBN: 978-2-84016-019-9
01-Nov-2007 The Legacy of Elsa Morante: The “Case” of Mariateresa Di Lascia Chapters
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2007) The Legacy of Elsa Morante: The “Case” of Mariateresa Di Lascia. In Women’s Writing in Western Europe: Gender, Generation and Legacy, edited by Adalgisa Giorgio and Julia Waters. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 149-167.
01-Nov-2007 Introduction: Gender, Generation, Legacy Chapters
Giorgio, Adalgisa and Waters J. (2007) Introduction: Gender, Generation, Legacy. In Women’s Writing in Western Europe: Gender, Generation and Legacy, edited by Adalgisa Giorgio and Julia Waters. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 1-19.
01-Nov-2007 Women’s Writing in Western Europe: Gender, Generation and Legacy Edited Book
Giorgio, Adalgisa and Waters, J. (eds) (2007) Women’s Writing in Western Europe: Gender, Generation and Legacy. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, i-xiii + 463 pages.
01-Jun-2007 «Allegorie» di Napoli. Marosia Castaldi e Giuseppe Montesano tra tradizione e innovazione Journal articles
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2007) «Allegorie» di Napoli. Marosia Castaldi e Giuseppe Montesano tra tradizione e innovazione. Nuova Corvina (Budapest), 19, pp. 121-139.
01-Dec-2006 “Bad Girls” in the 1970s and 1990s: Female Desire and Experimentalism in Italian Women’s Writing Edited Book
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2006) “Bad Girls” in the 1970s and 1990s: Female Desire and Experimentalism in Italian Women’s Writing. In The Value of Literature in and after the Seventies. The Case of Italy and Portugal, edited by Monica Jansen and Paula Jordão. Utrecht: Igitur, pp. 729-745.
01-Jan-2006 Speaking Out and Silencing: Culture, Society and Politics in Italy in the 1970s Edited Book
Giorgio, Adalgisa and Cento Bull, A. (eds) (2006) Speaking Out and Silencing: Culture, Society and Politics in Italy in the 1970s. Oxford: Legenda/MHRA/Italian Perspectives & Maney Publishing, January, i-xvi + 240 pages.
01-Jan-2005 From Naples to Europe to the Global Village. Identity, Time and Space in Fabrizia Ramondino’s L’isola riflessa (1998) Journal articles
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2005) From Naples to Europe to the Global Village. Identity, Time and Space in Fabrizia Ramondino’s L’isola riflessa (1998). The Italianist, 25 (1), pp. 72-96. DOI: 10.1179/026143405X61044
01-Apr-2002 Writing Mothers and Daughters: Renegotiating the Mother in Western European Narratives by Women Edited Book
Giorgio, Adalgisa (ed.) (2002) Writing Mothers and Daughters: Renegotiating the Mother in Western European Narratives by Women. Oxford: Berghahn,i-xiv + 258 pages. ISBN 978-1-57181-953-6 and ISBN 978-1-57181-341-1.
01-Apr-2002 The Passion for the Mother: Conflicts and Idealizations in Contemporary Italian Narrative by Women Chapters
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2002) The Passion for the Mother: Conflicts and Idealizations in Contemporary Italian Narrative by Women. In Writing Mothers and Daughters: Renegotiating the Mother in Western European Narratives by Women, edited by Adalgisa Giorgio. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 119-154.
01-Apr-2002 Writing the Mother-Daughter Relationship: Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Literary Criticism Chapters
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2002) Writing the Mother-Daughter Relationship: Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Literary Criticism. In Writing Mothers and Daughters: Renegotiating the Mother in Western European Narratives by Women, edited by Adalgisa Giorgio. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 11-45.
01-Apr-2002 Mothers and Daughters in Europe: Mapping the Territory Chapters
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2002) Mothers and Daughters in Europe: Mapping the Territory. In Writing Mothers and Daughters: Renegotiating the Mother in Western European Narratives by Women, edited by Adalgisa Giorgio. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 1-9.
01-Dec-2000 The Novel: 1965-2000 Chapters
Giorgio, Adalgisa (2000) The Novel: 1965-2000. In A History of Women’s Writing in Italy, edited by Letizia Panizza and Sharon Wood. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 218-237. ISBN-13: 978-0521570886