Commodities of Empire

Project Summary

This project is hosted by: Institute of Latin American Studies

Research interests:
Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Contemporary History, Globalization & Development, History, Modern History , Regional history, Social Sciences
Africa, Africa, Asia, Asia, Australasia, Australasia, Caribbean, Caribbean, Europe, Europe, Middle East, Middle East, North America, North America, South America, South America, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Project period:
04-Jan-2007 - 30-Mar-2030
Project categories:
Research project
Project summary:

 The project aims to explore the networks through which a range of commodities
circulated within, between and beyond empires during the rise of global capitalism
from the eighteenth century to present day, through comparisons between
different spatial contexts in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. It seeks to assess the
differential impact of commodity networks on regions and societies in 'south' and
'north', drawing on new historical perspectives to interrogate earlier as well as
more recent periods of globalisation. Building on the project's track record since
2007, its web presence, growing network of scholars, research, publications and
events, our specific aims over the current 2016-2021 five-year period are to foster
innovative international research collaboration on commodity frontiers,
quadrupeds and commodity processing; develop the application of comparative
historical GIS methods; co-organise three major international conferences;
explore publication of a Bloomsbury Academic Commodities series; and widen our
outreach with audio-visual materials.

Management Details

Lead researcher & project contact:

Name Position Institute Organisation Contact
Professor Jean Stubbs Associate Fellow Institute of Languages, Cultures & Societies/CLACS SAS



Name Position Institute Organisation Contact
Dr Jonathan Curry-Machado Associate Fellow Institute or Languages, Cultures & Societies/CLACS SAS


Other collaborative organisations:

Name URL Contact
Centre for Modern and Contemporary History, University of Birmingham



Funder Grant type Award
British Academy Academy Research Project (ARP) £25,000 (2025-2030)


Related Activities

Related events:

Title Details Date
Threads of Empire: Modes, Materials and the Making of Textiles

The British Academy ‘Commodities of Empire’ Academy Research Project invites paper proposals for an international, two-day workshop on the theme: Threads of Empire: Modes, Materials & the Making of Textiles. The workshop will be hosted at the University of Glasgow (Scotland) on 8-9 September, 2025. The deadline for submitting a paper abstract is 28th March 2025. The lead organisers are Dr Jelmer Vos (, Dr Sally Tuckett ( and Dr Meha Priyadarshini (



Related publications/articles:

Title Details Publication date
Working Paper Series

The Commodities of Empire Working Papers series provides a space in which both members of the Commodities of Empire project, and others whose research is related to the aims of this project, can publish their findings in a form that enables rapid dissemination in the public domain. It is hoped that this will help to stimulate debate, and further develop project-related knowledge and ideas.