The social construction of unconventional gas extraction: Towards a greater understanding of Socio-economic impact of unconventional gas development.

Project Summary

This project is hosted by: Institute of Commonwealth Studies

Research interests:
Social Sciences
Project period:
01-Aug-2018 - 31-Jan-2021
Project categories:
Library grant
Project summary:

Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) - Unconventional hydrocarbons in the UK energy system: environmental and socio-economic impacts and processes

Management Details

Lead researcher & project contact:

Name Position Institute Organisation Contact
Dr Paul Brent Stretesky Fac of Arts, Design and Social Sciences Northumbria University



Name Position Institute Organisation Contact
Damien Short



Funder Grant type Award
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Unconventional hydrocarbons in the UK energy system: environmental and socio-economic impacts and processes £376,196