Women and US Foreign Policy Interview Project

Project Summary

This project is hosted by: Institute of Latin American Studies

Research interests:
Contemporary History, Cultural memory, Digitisation, Gender studies, Political Institutions
Africa, Asia, North America, United Kingdom
Project period:
01-Nov-2011 - 30-Nov-2013
Project summary:
This project promotes and facilitates research into US and gender politics by creating and sustaining an online repository of interview data relating to the multidimensional relationship between US foreign policy (USFP) and women. With the questions being informed by you, the community, the project becomes a repository of your research data. It will be freely available to scholars, the public, governments and NGOs. The increase in the number and rank of elite women in the US government is mirrored by an explicit gender agenda within US foreign policy, which aims to promote women’s rights. This resource will provide detail into this gender concerned foreign policy by questioning the people involved. To add a further dimension to the relationship between foreign policy and women this project also examines how USFP, and in particular regime change and democratisation, has directly impacted the lives of women in affected states. This examination is achieved by asking these women their experiences of USFP.

Interviews are conducted with four categories of people: women involved in making or shaping US foreign policy; people who are involved in promoting a gender-concerned foreign policy; women affected by US foreign policy, and experts discussing different dimensions of the relationship between women and US foreign policy. Therefore, this project supports the investigation of a wide variety of political issues as well as gender-based and historical studies.

Management Details

Lead researcher & project contact:

Name Position Institute Organisation Contact
Dr Matthew Hill Institute for the Study of the Americas matthew.hill@sas.ac.uk


Related Activities

Related websites:

Title Details
Women and US Foreign Policy Interview Online Hub Welcome to the women and US foreign policy hub. The aim of this site is to provide a platform for research into the multidimensional relationship between women and US foreign policy.

What you get from interviewing the people that made important decisions or were directly impacted by these important decisions are first-hand accounts. It gives us details about personalities that help us understand and empathise. It creates a vertical link from the grower of foreign policy, to the worker that implements the foreign policy to the recipient of that policy. And at times the link between all three is more exigent when all three are talking about the same event. Think for example, of a woman that decides as Secretary of State to use military force and diplomacy to free Kosovars from Serbian aggression in 1999, of a woman that was involved in implementing democratising programmes for USAID in Kosovo, and then of a Kosovar woman who lived in Pristina and was a beneficiary of a USAID project to implement civil society building programmes.
Women and US Foreign Policy Interview Project page Project homepage at the Institute for the Study of the Americas.