Dr Corinne Lennox

Contact details

Dr Corinne Lennox
BA (McMaster), MA (Essex), MSc, PhD (LSE)
Co-Director of the Human Rights Consortium; Reader in Human Rights
Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Senate House Malet Street London WC1E 7HU
020 7664 5582
Email address:

Research Summary and Profile

Research interests:
Communities, Classes, Races, Globalization & Development, Human rights, International Law, International Relations, Journals, Political Institutions, Politics
Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America
Summary of research interests and expertise:

Research interests include: human rights of ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities and indigenous peoples; civil society mobilisation; human rights and development; social mobilisation of Afro-descendants in Latin America; Dalits and caste-based discrimination; international relations and human rights; the role of international organisations in the protection of minority and indigenous rights, the human rights of LGBT+ persons.

Spoken Written
French Intermediate Good
Publication Details

Related publications/articles:

Date Details
02-Sep-2024 Academic freedom in online learning, in Academic Freedom in a Plural World: Global Critical Perspectives, Nandini Ramanujam and Frédéric Mégret (eds.), CEU Press.


The notion of academic freedom dates back to the creation of universities and has long been understood to be central to their vocation. This freedom has come under attack by different actors throughout its history. In the current context, rising threats to democracy and human liberties, the corporatization of research, concerns about diversity and increased societal polarization, are putting a considerable pressure on its exercise. However, academic freedom is also a concept that suffers from persistent ambiguities associated with the general notion of freedom as well as debates about the function of universities.

This edited collection addresses the question of academic freedom by situating it in its broader global context. More conceptual treatments contribute to an understanding of academic freedom as distinct and separate from, although related to, freedom of expression, or student rights. These conceptual treatments are combined with studies of actual struggles over the scope of academic freedom in specific universities. The contributions come from a broad variety of sites seek to deprovincialize the conversation beyond North America or the English-speaking world.

Corinne Lennox and Kasia Kaczmarksa, “Academic freedom in online learning”, in Academic Freedom in a Plural World: Global Critical Perspectives, Nandini Ramanujam and Frédéric Mégret (eds.), CEU Press

01-Nov-2022 International Order, Diversity Regimes and Minority Rights: A Longue Duree Perspective


This book addresses the impact of a range of destabilising issues on minority rights in Europe and North America.

This collection stems from the fact that liberal democracy did not bring about the ‘end of history’ but rather that the transatlantic region of Europe and North America has encountered a new era of instability, particularly since the global financial crisis. The transatlantic region may have appeared to be entering a period of stability, but terrorist attacks on the soil of Euro-Atlantic states, the financial crisis itself, and other changes including mass migration, the rise of populism, changes in fundamental political conceptions, technological change, and most recently the Covid pandemic, have brought increasing uncertainties and instabilities in existing orders. In these contexts, the book investigates the resulting difficulties and opportunities for minority rights. Bringing together scholars from a range of disciplines, and engaged in work on various unstable orders, the book provides a unique, and largely neglected, perspective on present developments as well as addressing the pressing issue of the future of the minority rights regime at global, regional, and national levels.

01-Nov-2021 Protecting Academic Freedom in Distance Learning Education


The delivery of higher education by distance learning is increasing and is set to change the way Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) teach both in the UK and overseas. Threats to academic freedom in the context of distance learning education are distinct and require a targeted response from HEIs to protect
academic staff and students. Distance learning education can take place in the UK, either by home or overseas students based in the UK (as has been the requirement for most UK HEIs during the Covid-19 pandemic) or for students (and sometimes academic staff) based primarily overseas. Students based outside the UK will often be ‘independent learners’, meaning they are not based in any UK overseas campus or associated teaching centre in a national host
institution. Each of these scenarios presents different challenges regarding jurisdiction and regulatory regimes

21-May-2021 Cultural and Language Rights of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples

Journal articles

Dr Corinne Lennox has co-edited a special issue of the International Journal of Human Rights (Vol 25, Issue 5, 2021) on Fulfilling the Cultural and Language Rights of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples (https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fjhr20/25/5).  The co-editors were Dr Katarina Hatzikidi, Associate Fellow of the Institute of Latin American Studies, and Professor Alexandra Xanthaki, Brunel University.  


This special issue emerges from a conference that was organised jointly by the Human Rights Consortium and Institute of Modern Languages Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London, and Brunel University Law School. The conference was supported by the IMLR’s Open World Research Initiative (OWRI) project entitled ‘Cross-language dynamics: reshaping community’, funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Additional funding was secured from the Cassal Trust to host the keynote speaker, Dr Fernand de Varennes, UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues, who is an expert in the rights of linguistic minorities.    


30-Nov-2020 The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A Contemporary Evaluation

Edited Book

The development and adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) was a huge success for the global indigenous movement. This book offers an insightful and nuanced contemporary evaluation of the progress and challenges that indigenous peoples have faced in securing the implementation of this new instrument, as well as its normative impact, at both the national and international levels.

The chapters in this collection offer a multi-disciplinary analysis of the UNDRIP as it enters the second decade since its adoption by the UN General Assembly in 2007. Following centuries of resistance by Indigenous peoples to state, and state sponsored, dispossession, violence, cultural appropriation, murder, neglect and derision, the UNDRIP is an achievement with deep implications in international law, policy and politics. In many ways, it also represents just the beginning – the opening of new ways forward that include advocacy, activism, and the careful and hard-fought crafting of new relationships between Indigenous peoples and states and their dominant populations and interests.


This book was originally published as a special issue of The International Journal of Human Rights.

30-Oct-2020 Corinne Lennox, Monica Tabengwa and Matthew Waites, Contesting Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Human Rights in the Commonwealth, in Worldwide Perspectives on Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals (Vol 3), Paula Gerber (ed.), Praeger, 2020.


This chapter begins by offering an introduction to the Commonwealth and an overview of the legal regulation of sexual orientation in Commonwealth member states, particularly with respect to the criminalization of consensual same-sex sexual conduct. Next, the chapter considers the efforts within Commonwealth institutions to address LGB rights, giving particular attention to the elements of success evident at the most recent Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (CHOGMs). The chapter then surveys key activist work, including the formation of the Commonwealth Equality Network (TCEN) as a new transnational activist network. The final section considers the relationship between grassroots, national and international contexts and concludes that transnational activism with the Commonwealth has the potential to be beneficial, but this needs to utilize decolonizing strategies embodying consciousness of how imperialism continues to shape global power relations, especially given the risks of reaction from governments and movement leaders in states that still criminalize. This three-volume set is a resource for readers in any discipline interested in understanding the global, regional, and domestic experiences of LGB people, addressing LGB rights, research, and protections against discrimination. Volume 1 focuses on history, politics, and culture relating to LGB rights; Volume 2 focuses on laws governing LGB rights; and Volume 3 provides snapshots of the current state of LGB experience in countries worldwide, presented by geographical region—Europe, the Americas, Africa, Middle East and Asia/Pacific region.

02-Jan-2020 Transnational Social Moblisation and Minority Rights: Identity, Advocacy and Norms


This book explores the ways in which minority groups across the world are reshaping the international minority rights protection system. It documents the actions of four major groups that are using transnational social mobilisation to achieve recognition of their identities and their rights.?The result is a greater pluralism in global identity politics and a wide range of new group-specific standards that can inform policies on multiculturalism, political participation, and socio-economic inclusion in the national and international spheres. The book begins by summarising the learning from the global movements of indigenous peoples and Roma. The book then focuses in greater depth on the cases of Afro-descendants in Latin America and of Dalits and caste-affected groups in South Asia and beyond. Each case study shows the historical roots of group-specific transnational mobilisation and how activists have constructed a distinct identity frame out of shared experiences. The book explores key parallels and differences between the discourse, framing strategies, organisational structures and political opportunities used in each case to show which factors have influenced the success or failures of their norm entrepreneurship.? The role that international institutions have played in supporting these efforts is given special attention, including intergovernmental bodies such as the UN, the EU and the OAS, and international non-governmental organisations. The UN World Conference Against Racism is explored as a particularly significant political opportunity across the cases.

01-Jan-2020 Activist Scholarship in Human Rights (with Yesim Yaprak Yildiz)

Journal articles

Activist scholarship in human rights has made valuable contributions to the fulfillment of human rights globally but there is very little critical self-reflection on what activist scholarship in human rights means or how it should be pursued. This article seeks to open up discussion on these points by drawing on the wider discourse of activist scholarship. Activist scholarship is distinguished by new and critical approaches to knowledge production, whereby researchers and activists collaborate in politically engaged research and use research for the purpose of furthering justice and equality of various forms. While general human rights scholarship often shares these aims, activist scholarship in human rights goes further by adopting specific methodologies and employing critical theories. The article distinguishes between the pursuits of scholarship and activist scholarship in human rights and outlines the perils and dilemmas that activist scholars in human rights can face. The article ends by proposing what a human rights-based approach to activist scholarship in human rights might consist of, drawing from the core human rights principles of non-discrimination, the right to participation and the obligation of accountability. Corinne Lennox & Yesim Yaprak Yildiz (2020) Activist scholarship in human rights, The International Journal of Human Rights, 24:1, 4-27

23-Jan-2019 Towards new development paradigms: the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a tool to support self-determined development (with Jeremie Gilbert)

Journal articles

Since the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, indigenous peoples’ agency and ideas of development have become more central to wider development processes. This change finds its roots in the concept of ‘self-determined development’ (SDD), which has been fortified by the adoption of UNDRIP. SDD is built around key norms of UNDRIP, such as the rights of self-determination, free, prior and informed consent, the links between cultural rights and development and rights pertaining to land and natural resources. The normative shift towards SDD is surveyed in this article by looking at three topics: the jurisprudence of regional human rights courts on case law concerning development on indigenous peoples’ land; the advocacy of indigenous peoples around the indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals; and the adoption of community bio-cultural protocols by indigenous peoples to regulate development of their land, natural resources and cultural heritage. In each example, UNDRIP has influenced positive changes in law and policy concerning indigenous peoples’ views on development. Jérémie Gilbert & Corinne Lennox (2019) Towards new development paradigms: the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a tool to support self-determined development, The International Journal of Human Rights, 23:1-2, 104-124

01-Oct-2018 Human Rights, Minority Rights, Non-Discrimination and Pluralism: A Mapping Study of Intersections for Practitioners


Respect for diversity is a foundational component of human rights and minority rights law, and has been enshrined in international treaties, declarations and conventions for decades. As such, securing human rights is a necessary precondition for achieving pluralism. However, in order to be characterized as universal, human rights law has been created on the basis of consensus between elite actors, and in the interests of states. A pluralism lens on diversity issues can prove to be an invaluable tool in overcoming the structural limitations of international human rights law, and taking respect for diversity above and beyond the foundations laid by international actors such as the UN. Published by the Global Centre for Pluralism

01-May-2017 Foreword: Envisioning Global LGBT Human Rights: (Neo)colonialism, Neoliberalism, Resistance and Hope

Edited Book


01-Oct-2016 Global Governance on Minority Rights: Assessing the Participation of Non-State Actors (NSAs) in the UN Forum on Minority Issues

Conference papers

01-Oct-2016 UN Forum on Minority Issues


01-Dec-2015 Introduction


Lennox, C. and Short, D. (2015), "Introduction", in Corinne Lennox and Damien Short (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

01-Dec-2015 Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights

Edited Book

Co-edited with Damien Short (ICS)

01-Jul-2015 Minority and Indigenous Peoples' Rights in Urban Areas


Lennox, C. (2015), "Minority and Indigenous Peoples' Rights in Urban Areas", in Minority Rights Group International (ed), State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2015, London: Minority Rights Group International.

01-Mar-2015 The role of international actors in norm emergence: supporting Afro-descendants’ rights in Latin America


Kymlicka, W. and Boulden, J. (eds.) (2013) International Approaches to Manageing Ethnic Diversity, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

01-Jan-2014 Some cross-cutting issues and their policy implications


Vandenhole, W., Lennox, C., Gready, P. and Stokke, H. (2014), Some cross-cutting issues and their policy implications”, in Human Rights and Development in the new Millennium: Towards a Theory of Change, Paul Gready and Wouter Vandenhole (eds), Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

01-Jun-2013 Addressing Health Inequalities in the post-2015 Development Framework


Lennox,C. (2013),‘Addressing Health Inequalities in the post-2015 Development Framework’, in State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2013, London: Minority Rights Group International.

01-Jan-2012 Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Commonwealth: Struggles for Decriminalisation and Change

Edited Book

Co-edited with Matthew Waites (Glasgow)

01-Jan-2012 Natural Resources Development and the Rights of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples


State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2012. London: Minority Rights Group International.

01-Jan-2012 Good Practice in Combating Discrimination in Access to Education and Health: International Norms and Local Strategies


A Resource Paper for the Indian Institute of Dalit Studies

01-Jan-2011 Introductory study: Civil society organisations and the international protection regime for minorities

Journal articles

International Journal of Minority and Group Rights, Vol. 18, No. 2 (co-authored with Anna-Maria Biro)

01-Jan-2011 Inclusion of Afro-descendents in ethnic data collection: towards visibility

International Journal of Minority and Group Rights, Vol. 18, No. 2 (co-authored with Carlos Minott)

01-Jan-2011 Minority Women and the Millennium Development Goals

State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2011, London: Minority Rights Group International

01-Jan-2010 Marginalised Minorities in Development Programming: a UNDP Resource Guide and Toolkit

New York, NY: United Nations Development Programme

01-Jan-2010 Religious Minorities and the Millennium Development Goals

State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2010, London: Minority Rights Group International

01-Nov-2009 Reviewing Durban: Examining the outputs and forthcoming review of the 2001 World Conference Against Racism

Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, Vol. 27, No. 2

01-Jan-2007 Canada Profile

World Directory on Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, London: Minority Rights Group International (contributing author)

Publications available on SAS-space:

Date Details
Working Group II on Human Rights and Development Tools: Policy Briefs


AHRI members of COST Action IS0702 on the role of the EU in UN Human Rights reform have established since 2009 a specific Working Group II of researchers focused on the sub-topic of human rights and development tools, including a particular focus on EU and UN institutions.

The Human Rights Based Approach and Development Agendas: Bridging the Gap


A human rights-­‐based approach (HRBA) to development is a cross-­cutting approach that can strengthen existing development commitments by underpinning them with a universal standard of achievement for both process and outcome. The HRBA also has a legally-­binding basis that can help protect people from harms as they move towards the realisation of the right to development. This policy brief will give a summary of how the HRBA and current global development agendas are complementary and mutually reinforcing. It will also highlight some ways in which current global development agendas are being used to harm or ignore human rights.

Sexual orientation, gender identity and human rights in the Commonwealth: from history and law to developing activism and transnational dialogues


Conclusion: comparative analysis of decriminalisation and change across the Commonwealth


Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the The Commonwealth: Struggles for Decriminalisation and Change.


Human rights in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity are at last reaching the heart of global debates. Yet 78 states worldwide continue to criminalise same-sex sexual behaviour, and due to the legal legacies of the British Empire, 42 of these – more than half – are in the Commonwealth of Nations. In recent years many states have seen the emergence of new sexual nationalisms, leading to increased enforcement of colonial sodomy laws against men, new criminalisations of sex between women and discrimination against transgender people. "Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in The Commonwealth: Struggles for Decriminalisation and Change" challenges these developments as the first book to focus on experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) and all non-heterosexual people in the Commonwealth. The volume offers the most internationally extensive analysis to date of the global struggle for decriminalisation of same-sex sexual behaviour and relationships

Nov-2015 Introduction


Nov-2015 Notes on Contributors


Consultancy reports:

Date Details
2007 Achieving the Millennium Development Goals for Minorities: A Review of MDG Country Reports and Poverty Reduction Strategies

Addendum to the Annual Report of the UN Independent Expert on minority issues, UN Doc. A/HRC/4/9/Add.1

Government/policy work:

Date Details
2010 Marginalised Minorities in Development Programming: a UNDP Resource Guide and Toolkit

New York, NY: United Nations Development Programme

2005 The Millennium Development Goals: Helping or Harming Minorities?

Working Paper requested by the UN Working Group on Minorities, Eleventh Session, June 2005. UN Doc E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.5/2005/WP.4

2004 An Examination of Approaches by International Development Agencies to Minority Issues in Development.

Working Paper requested by the UN Working Group on Minorities, Tenth Session, March 2004. UN Doc E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.5/2004/WP.5

2002 Minority Rights and Development: Overcoming exclusion, discrimination and poverty

Working Paper requested by the UN Working Group on Minorities, Eighth Session, May 2002. UN Doc E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.5/2002/WP.6

Research Projects & Supervisions

Research projects:


Indigenous Peoples' and Minority Rights Human Rights Consortium
Project period: 01-Oct-2012 - 31-Mar-2015

Research interests: Civil Rights, Communities, Classes, Races, Human rights

Human Rights Poetry Human Rights Consortium
Project period: 01-Jan-2013 - 30-Apr-2015

Research interests: English Literature, Human rights

Academic Freedom and Online Learning

The research is contributing to a book chapter on 'Academic Freedom and Online Learning' for the forthcoming edited volume, Academic Freedom in a Plural World: Global Critical Perspectives (CEU Press 2023, forthcoming). The chapter is co-authored with Dr Kasia Kaczmarska, University of Edinburgh.

Addressing caste-based discrimination in UK businesses and supply chains

This project is funded by a Knowledge Exchange Fund grant under the Higher Education Innovation Funding awarded at SAS.   This project is an exciting new initiative to train UK business on how to combat caste-based discrimination. This is the first training of its kind in the UK.  Caste-based discrimination occurs within UK businesses and within supply chains that feed into UK production.  The project partners SAS with the Dalit Solidarity Network-UK, the Ethical Trading Initiative and the International Dalit Solidarity Network to identify training needs, develop a new training programme, document the training experience, and publicly disseminate the findings in a concluding event.  The first component was completed following an online survey that was sent to over 100 businesses that are members of the ETI and a webinar that was attended by 21 participants, representing 14 different UK businesses.   The data was used to develop the training programme, which was be delivered in mid-July 2023 and attended by represenatative of nine UK businesses.  A final, public dissemination event was held on 18 July.  The learning from the project will be documented in a final report and will be used to inform future initiatives to combat caste-based discrimination in UK businesses.  The project has built the knowledge and capacity of UK businesses to identify and address caste-based discrimination in their operations and will contribute to a reduction in caste-based discrimination and greater equality and fair labour practices in the workplace.

Assessing the Equal Rights Coalition as a Tool of Informal International Governance

The Equal Rights Coalition is a multilateral alliance that brings together member states and civil society organisations with a shared interest in the protection of the rights of LGBTI+ persons. Member states provide leadership by actively engaging in thematic groups and commit to working closely with LGBTI+ civil society organisations who meet regularly as part of thematic groups.  This research will examine the functions of the ERC and its role as an informal inter-governmental organisation.   It will study the history and emergence of the coalition, its functions, its membership and its role and significance in international society.   The proposed methodology is desk-based research along with elite interviews with 8-15 actors from foreign ministries and international NGOs that have knowledge of the ERC and its activities.  This research is conducted with Dr Felicity Daly, Visiting Fellow, Institute of Commonwealth Studies.

COST Action IS0702: The Role of the EU in UN Human Rights Reform

Joint research project with members of the Association of Human Rights Institutes; member of Working Group 2 on Development and Human Rights

Global Governance of Minority Rights

Dr. Corinne Lennox of The Human Rights Consortium (HRC) and Dr Anna-Maria Biro of the Tom Lantos Institute (TLI) have been working on a joint research project titled Global Governance of Minority Rights – Assessing the UN Forum on Minority Issues since 2015. Our aim in this research project is to understand how the Forum is being used and how it could be more effective in fulfilling its purpose for dialogue, reviewing of the UN Declaration on the Rights of National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, and sharing good practice. The Forum provides a key space for minority groups, states, experts and inter-governmental organisations to exchange views and practices. As part of this project, we launched in 2018 at the UN in Geneva a new web-based resource: minorityforum.info. This database compiles all statements made in the 2008-2016 sessions of the UN Forum on Minority Issues, as well as key minority rights standards, reports of the UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues, and recommendations in the field of minority rights.?

Strong in Diversity, Bold on Inclusion: Promoting LGBT+ Inclusion in Five African Cities

Strong in Diversity - Bold on Inclusion The Institute of Commonwealth Studies is one of eight partners in a new and ambitious programme of action and research to counter discrimination and economic inequality against LGBT+ people in five major African cities. Funded by the Department for International Development (DFID) the £12 million ‘Strong in Diversity – Bold on Inclusion’ project is a consortium led by the organisation Hivos. The partner organisations will work together in five cities for four years (2019-2022). By bringing together African LGBT+ networks, research institutes and international NGOs the project takes an innovative and inclusive approach. The ICwS is working closely with partners at the University of Pretoria and the University of Glasgow to lead the research stream of this project. Dr Corinne Lennox, ICwS, coordinates the research team. See also: https://southern-africa.hivos.org/program/strong-in-diversity-bold-on-inclusion/

Current PhD topics supervised:

Dates Details
From: 03-Oct-2020
Richard Dwomoh - China’s Media Influence on Press Freedom in Africa: An Examination of the Role of ‘Agency’ in the Ghanaian Context

Dr. Corinne Lennox (Main Supervisor) 

Professor Philip Murphy (2nd Supervisor) 

From: 02-Mar-2020
Sonya Rahaman - The relationship between the extractive industries, free, prior and informed consent and the rights of indigenous women

Dr Corinne Lennox and Dr Julian Burger, supervisors

From: 01-Oct-2012
Karen Hunte - The Political Sociology of the British Caribbean Population

Doctoral Supervision (joint)

Past PhD topics supervised:

Dates Details
From: 03-Oct-2016
Until: 01-Dec-2020
Lilija Alijeva - Minority Right to Effective Public Participation: Comparative case study of the Russian-speaking minority in independent Estonia and Latvia

From: 03-Oct-2012
Until: 05-Dec-2022
Esther Ojulari - Decolonising Transitional Justice: a framework for historical reparation for the Afro-descendant people in Colombia

From: 01-Oct-2020
Until: 01-Nov-2023
Indira Boutier - The (in)visibility of human rights violations: Discriminatory Legislation, Judicial Practices and policies against minorities in a context of ethnic nationalism

Dr Corinne Lennox and Dr James Chiryankandath, supervisors


From: 01-Oct-2012
Until: 17-Jun-2019
Connie Sozi - The legal reality that faces indigenous communities’ land rights in Kenya

Doctoral supervision

From: 01-Jan-2017
Until: 31-Mar-2020
Rahul Ranjan - The Politics of Cultural Memory: Making of Birsa Munda in Contemporary Postcolonial India.

Doctoral supervision

Professional Affiliations

Professional affiliations:

Name Activity
Essex Human Rights Alumni Association
Indian Institute of Dalit Studies
Association of Human Rights Institutes
Dalit Solidarity Network-UK
UK Network on Minority Groups and Human Rights
Technical Advisory Group - Global Centre for Pluralism Research advice
Minority Rights Solidarity Network Research coordination and knowledge exchange
Associate Editor, International Journal of Human Rights
Fellow, Human Rights Centre, University of Essex,
Co-Editor, Journal of Human Rights Practice Journal editor
International Studies Association


Name Type Activity Start date End date
Routledge Handbook on the History of the International Protection of Minorities, 1919-2001 Co-editor Research facilitation; scholarship publication 20-Jun-2022
Academic Freedom and Internationalisation Working Group Academic Policy development 09-Sep-2019
Brunswick/Bloomsbury film project Event and teaching related collaboration Advisor 07-Jan-2010 01-Dec-2010
International Dalit Solidarity Network + Dalit Solidarity Network - UK Policy-related network - domestic and international Advisor; Chair - DSN UK 01-Mar-2010
Relevant Events

Related events:

Date Details
06-Jun-2024 Carving out a Norm at the UN, Invited keynote speaker, Roundtable On the Rights of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent, Online, 6 June 2024.

This event was hosted by the Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on the Basis of Work and Descent.  Dr Lennox presented a keynote lecture on her book Transnational Social Mobilisation and Minorities Rights: Identity, Advocacy, and Norms  (Routledge 2021), followed by chairing an international roundtable discussion on prospects for UN norm development on rights concerning communities discriminated on work and descent.

01-Dec-2023 Legal and Structural Approaches to More Inclusive Societies, Invited expert, UN Forum on Minority Issues 16th Session, Geneva, 1 December 2023.

Dr Lennox was an invited expert speaker for the UN Forum on Minority Issues for the panel on 'Legal and Structural Approaches to More Inclusive Societies'.

18-Jul-2023 Caste-based Discrimination in UK Business and Global Supply Chains

This event will examine how UK businesses can eliminate caste-based discrimination in their UK activities and in their supply chains.  It will bring together leading activists and human rights organisations in the UK and in South Asia that are working with affected communities to secure human rights and dignity in the workplace. This event will also share reflections on the first UK training on caste-based discrimination in business and supply chains, piloted with a Knowledge Exchange Fund grant from the University of London.

18-Jul-2023 Dalit Defenders - Film screening and lecture

Dalit Defenders’. The image of a Dalit woman is widespread in rural areas as weak and objectified. But there are many Dalit women who are not only defending their rights but also the rights of women and people in their communities. Giving voice to silence, and sharing experiences and struggles, is the impetus of the first documentary film by the Berlin filmmakers, which was produced in 2021. The film runs 1h25m and will be followed by a Q&A with Manjula Pradeep, who is a Human Rights Activist working for the rights of marginalised communities, in particular Dalits and women, for more than three decades in India. She is the Director of Campaigns at the Dalit Human Rights Defenders Network, which focusses on combatting negligence in violations of Dalit human rights.  

13-Jul-2023 Training on addressing caste-based discrimination in UK business and supply chains

The training will support UK businesses to address caste-based discrimination in the UK workplace and in supply chains from South Asia. This is the first training of its kind in the UK.  Caste-based discrimination occurs within UK businesses and within supply chains that feed into UK production.  The project partners the Human Rights Consortium at the School of Advanced study with the Dalit Solidarity Network-UK, the Ethical Trading Initiative, the International Dalit Solidarity Network and the National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights.  The training is offered free as part of a Knowledge Exchange Fund grant.


11-May-2023 REFORM of the UN Minority Rights Regime

On the 30th anniversary year of the UN Declaration on Minorities, this is a pertinent time to undertake a stocktaking exercise of the current UN framework for the protection of minorities and explore whether now is the time to pursue the adoption of a treaty for the protection of minorities or whether other options for reform can serve the same purpose. Significantly, the option of a UN treaty has been put back on the table by the current UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues.

This event brings together academics, practioners and minority representives to reflect on the current minority rights regime and identify how this can be strengthened moving forward.

Anna-Maria Bíró (Tom Lantos Institute) and Corinne Lennox (Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London) ‘Global Governance on Minority Rights: Assessing Participation and Normative Trends in the UN Forum on Minority Issues’

14-Nov-2022 The Consequences of War and their Interdependence. Bringing Human Security Back to the Global Political Agenda

Dr Corinne Lennox and Professor Damien Short co-hosted with partners a conference with the Centre for Human Rights ‘Antonio Papisca’, University of Padua.  SAS has a long-standing Erasmus cooperation with the Centre for Human Rights, soon to become a partnership under the new Turing mobility scheme.  

On the theme, ‘The Consequences of War and their Interdependence. Bringing Human Security Back to the Global Political Agenda’, the hybrid conference was held at the University of Padova, 14-15 November 2022.  The conference brought together scholars and doctoral students from different disciplinary perspectives, experts and practitioners at all levels of governance to exchange their perspectives and critical views on two main issues. First, how the consequences of the war in Ukraine and of the other ongoing armed conflicts are affecting the enjoyment of human security worldwide. Second, how human security is being conceived and pursued in current international affairs, also in consideration of the ambitious goals set forth in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and in the 2021 ‘Our Common Agenda’ presented by the UN Secretary-general. Professor Short convened a panel on the Environmental Consequences of War and Dr Lennox convened a panel on the Consequence of War on the Rights of Minorities.  Both panels featured former students and fellows of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies and Human Rights Consortium.

22-Sep-2022 Descent Based Discrimination and the 30 years of the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Minorites

On September 22nd the Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (GFoD) and The Inclusivity Project (TIP), together with Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR) Indigenous and Minority Unit, Amnesty International, Minority Rights Group International and the Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP) hosted a consultation that commemorated the 30th anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorites. Taking place at the UN Church Center during the UN General Assembly, the event provided a space for participants to examine the legacy of the Declaration which, when applying today´s knowledge, standards, and advances in the fields of human rights in recent decades, may seem incomplete when considering the extensive ongoing realities of oppression and discrimination faced by minorities across the world. In particular, the speakers examined how Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) – which includes those discriminated against due to caste, inherited slave status, and other analogous systems – can be better incorporated into the international human rights framework. 

Dr Corinne Lennox was an invited panel speaker at this event and she presented a paper on ‘Paths towards addressing long-standing challenges in protecting the rights of minorities belonging to descent-based communities.’ 


29-Jun-2022 Academic Freedom and Internationalisation Model Code of Conduct – Parliamentary Launch

The Academic Freedom & Internationalisation Working Group (AFIWG), the All-Party Parliamentary Human Rights Group (PHRG) and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Anti-Corruption and Responsible Tax are pleased to invite you attend the above event, chaired by Alicia Kearns MP, member of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee.

The Academic Freedom and Internationalisation Working Group (AFIWG) is an independent initiative which brings together academics from several UK Higher Education institutions, supported by civil society representatives and the PHRG, who share a common concern for the protection of academic freedom and the academic community in the context of internationalisation of UK HE. 

The Parliamentary Roundtable will bring together UK HE sector stakeholders, relevant government officials and members of the academic community to improve understanding of the risks related to academic freedom and internationalisation of the UK HE and to raise awareness about AFIWG’s work and its revised Model Code of Conduct which has been a useful tool in ongoing university policy-making processes.  The first half of the event featuring short speaker presentations will be live-streamed and recorded, followed by a private discussion with those attending in-person, facilitated by the Chair.

25-May-2022 30 anniversary of the UN Declaration on Minority Rights - Strengthening protection of minority rights under the Declaration

In 2022, we celebrate and commemorate the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities (hereinafter UNDM). The world and the situation of minorities within have been shaped both by long standing challenges (such as lack of participation or statelessness) and new ones (climate change or the COVID-19 pandemic). This closed roundtable event sought the input of academic, policy makers and activists on the future of UN action on minority rights protection.

02-May-2022 UN Regional Forum on Minority Issues: Europe and Central Asia

The Special Rapporteur on minority issues, in coordination with the Tom Lantos Institute, has organized a series of Regional Forums focusing on different themes. The main purpose of the Regional Forums is to strengthen links with regional organisations so as to raise awareness of minority issues and the protection the rights of minorities, and to provide regional insights and expertise which feed into the thematic work of the Special Rapporteur for his report to the UN Human Rights Council and UN General Assembly.

03-Mar-2022 Academic Freedom and Internationalisation Model Code of Conduct – Chatham House event

UK HE institutions have a unique opportunity to lead and set an example on how best to mitigate risks to academic freedom in the context of internationalisation. By committing to measures of transparency and accountability, and putting these into practice in their own charters and procedures, universities may demonstrate that they are protecting academic freedom from financial, political, security and other pressures. 

The purpose of this online panel discussion is to highlight existing best practice in the sector and to have an honest discussion about risk management and the necessity for transparency and self-regulation. It will look at the background and context of the Academic Freedom & Internationalisation Working Group(AFIWG)’s Model Code of Conduct, and how useful it has been as a tool in ongoing policy-making processes within HE institutions.

14-Jun-2021 Human Rights and Foreign Policy - 7th International Studies Association Joint Human Right Conference

In light of geopolitical rebalancing of power, challenges to human rights from a number of quarters, and waning international support for human rights, the role of human rights in foreign policy requires urgent investigation. For human rights to thrive internationally, states need to support them not only domestically but also in their foreign policies, both in their bilateral relations and multilaterally. Yet, there is significant divergence of practice. Clear challenges appear in the policies of traditional supporters of human rights. This includes actions of the US administration on multiple fronts, as well as European states and the EU as a whole.


Whereas a certain set of middle powers have traditionally been supporters of human rights internationally, and have explicitly incorporated human rights into their foreign policies, emerging powers in the developing world represent a much more diverse set of actors and perspectives on human rights and international institutions which, while providing opportunities for new kinds of engagement, also pose significant challenges.

An overarching question for the conference is: in 2021, what does foreign policy support for human rights look like?

25-Jun-2020 Debating Challenges for Minority Protection

The protection of minority rights is central to the realisation of the three pillars of the United Nations: Human Rights, Peace and Security, and Development. Across the globe, there are long-standing situations of minority rights violations, and more recent crisis and challenges that result from these injustices. The UN has created two principal mechanisms with a specific mandate to review these situations: the Special Rapporteur on minority issues and the UN Forum on Minority Issues. This webinar series aims to support the work of both of these mechanisms by debating recent and future thematic priorities and discussing relevant country case studies. Webinar 1: Education, language and the human rights of minorities Webinar 2: The critical challenges of tackling hate speech, xenophobic rhetoric and incitement to hatred against minorities Webinar 3: The interrelationship between conflicts: minority rights and the promotion of inclusiveness and stability

11-Oct-2018 Fulfilling Indigenous Peoples’ and Minority Rights to Culture and Language

2018 marks the 15th anniversary of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003). Building on this occasion, this conference intends to reflect on the particular rights of indigenous peoples and ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities in the domain of cultural and language rights. Both indigenous peoples and minorities have cultural life at the core of their collective identities. There are major weaknesses and also some opportunities in the existing international human rights law framework to address these rights, both in principle and in practice. Instruments such as the UNESCO Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage complement existing human rights law and offer additional pathways to protection. The preservation and development of distinct ways of life, languages, values, sciences, legal systems, philosophies, beliefs, and other aspects of culture are both evolving and also under threat. The conference seeks to place culture at the centre of discussions. The UN distinguishes between tangible and intangible cultural heritage, but how does this equate with indigenous peoples’ and minorities’ own understanding of culture? In what ways do cultural rights, such as language rights, facilitate the realisation of other human rights for these groups? How have states accommodated cultural rights through legal or policy frameworks? What are the intersections between cultural rights and key issues of access to justice, land rights, gender equality or forms of autonomy and self-determination?

28-Jun-2017 'Activist Scholarship in Human Rights: New Challenges'

The first HRRN annual conference 'Activist Scholarship in Human Rights: New Challenges' was held on Wednesday, 28th of June 2017 at the Senate House, University of London. The conference brought together scholars, activists and NGO practitioners to reflect on the challenges facing activist scholarship from both within and outside, including the relationship between knowledge production on human rights and eradication of human rights violations, and the role of the scholar in bringing social change. A Special Issue of the International Journal of Human Rights 24:1 (2020) was produced as an outcome of the conference.

08-Jul-2015 Human Rights Research Students’ Conference

This conference is co-organised by the Human Rights Consortium at the School of Advanced Study, University of London and the Human Rights Centre at the University of Essex.

03-Jun-2015 Human Rights Research Soup

The Human Rights Consortium at the School of Advanced Study, University of London and the Human Rights Researchers Network is pleased to announce the first Human Rights Research SOUP event! This is an exciting new opportunity for graduate students to pitch ideas for their human rights research project to an audience of their peers and win funding. What is a SOUP? Started in Detroit, the SOUP is a community-based event to crowd-source funding for projects that will benefit the local community. People pay a small entry fee to hear individuals pitch their project ideas to the local audience. The audience discusses the proposals over a simple meal of ‘soup’ and then vote for their favourite project. That project wins the proceeds generated from the entry fee to kick-start their winning idea. What is a Human Rights Research SOUP? Students doing an MA/MSc/LLM dissertation in human rights over the Summer term 2015 are invited to apply to pitch their research idea to an audience of their peers. 5 students will have 5 minutes each to share their project idea. Other students and human rights researchers attending the SOUP will vote on their favourite. The winner will receive the entrance fee proceeds to fund their dissertation research this summer. The winner will produce a short piece on the outcomes of their research and make their dissertation available to the wider human rights research community via the Human Rights Consortium website and promoted in the Human Rights Researchers Network Newsletter.

18-Feb-2015 Key Questions in Human Rights: Debates for a New Wave of Advocates

What are the human rights challenges of the future? This free, one-day event seeks to introduce and expand upon key questions at the cutting edge of several human rights issues. Attendees have previously expplored the rights of refugees to seek asylum, environmental destruction and its links to human rights, and challenges to human rights in the developing world. This year, key debates around the following issues will be explored: •Children's Rights •Genocide •Human Rights in Latin America This conference is free to attend and attendees are encouraged to come for one panel or as many sessions as they wish.

04-Feb-2015 ‘Examining gaps in the UDHR: Minority rights and LGBT rights protection’

Invited presentation, Human Rights in the Modern Day Commonwealth: Magna Carta to Commonwealth Charter, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association-UK, London, UK, 3-6 February 2015.

30-Sep-2014 2014 AHRI Human Rights Conference -

On 29-30 September, The Danish Institute for Human Rights and the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen hosted 200 participants for the 2014 AHRI Human Rights Research Conference titled "Human Rights Under Pressure: Exploring norms, institutions, and policies". The conference brought together participants from over 100 different institutions around the world to engage within human rights research. 90 presentations and a number of plenary sessions took place during the conference highlighting various areas within human rights.

14-Apr-2014 Dr. Ambedkar: an Innovator in Human Rights’

Invited presentation, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar’s 123rd Birth Anniversary Celebration, High Commission of India, London, UK, 14 April 2014

09-Sep-2013 AHRI's 14th Annual Conference ‘Emerging Research in Human Rights’

The 14th Annual Conference of the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI) took place in London on 9 and 10 September 2013 and was generously hosted by The Human Rights Consortium, School of Advanced Study, University of London. The objective of the conference was to stimulate an open-ended discussion about the themes and activities to be pursued within the AHRI network in the years to come. To this aim, all AHRI members were invited to suggest topics for workshops, and as a result a number of workshops covering a diverse range of topical themes convened during the conference. Experts opened the sessions on both days with thematic panels in plenary. Please find below a description of each workshop and the summaries from the workshop discussions, which also include suggestions for future avenues as well as contact detail of the workshop chairs. The conference concluded with the annual AHRI Assembly Meeting, followed by a reception hosted by the Centre for the Study of Human Rights, LSE.

10-Jun-2013 Norm Entrepreneurship on Caste-Based Discrimination

Department of Legal Studies, Central European University

01-Jan-2012 The Internationalisation of Dalit and Adivasi Activism

The Internationalisation of Dalit and Adivasi Activism
25-26 June 2012
Senate House, University of London

Jointly organised by the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London and the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at SOAS.

This inter-disciplinary conference aims to advance social scientific understandings of key dimensions of the internationalisation of Dalit and Adivasi activism that has gained momentum in the past two decades. These dimensions include the accountability of activists, conflicting or competing frames, divergent interventions by international actors, and the influence of emerging international norms on domestic norms. This conference seeks to discuss aspects of the internationalisation of both types of activism, with three major foci:

The relationship between international and national/local activism: How do constraints in the international system differ from those faced by Dalit and Adivasi activists domestically? How have different constraints shaped activism and mobilisation at different levels?

The role of international organisations: How do international organisations navigate caste-based discrimination and the specificity of indigenous rights? Do international organisations take different approaches?

Connections between Dalit, Adivasi, and other networks in international fora: How have activists cooperated or competed with each other on the international stage? What lessons have they learned from each other? Does the existence of diaspora groups make a difference for the strategies followed by the activists?

01-Jan-2012 The realisation of Human Rights in India: A colossal challenge

Speaker: Miloon Kothari, Convenor, Working Group on Human Rights in India and the UN

Mr. Kothari is also the coordinator of the South Asian Regional Programme of Habitat International Coalition’s Housing and Land Rights Network and is founding member of the International NGO Committee on Human Rights in Trade and Investment (INCHRITI). Mr. Kothari was the UN Special Rapporteur on adequate housing (2000-2008).

In May 2012 the United Nation’s Human Rights Council, the UN’s highest policy making inter-governmental body on human rights, conducted a comprehensive peer-review (called the Universal Periodic Review) of India’s human rights record. The preparation for this review by civil society groups and independent human rights institutions, including the national human rights commission, has clearly demonstrated that India faces an adverse and deepening human rights crisis. This crisis ranges from violations of civil and political rights (including torture, extra-judicial killings, disappearances, the prevalence of intense levels of violence against women, tribals, Dalits, minorities, children) to violations of economic, social and cultural rights (malnutrition, very high levels of maternal and child mortality, continued prevalence of high rates of poverty, large-scale internal displacement, lack of adequate housing for the vast majority of low-income people). The lecture will also outline progressive policies and laws in existence in the country. An attempt will be made to identify the solutions to the human rights crisis including how to overcome the many obstacles that prevail including reasons for the lack of adequate implementation of laws and policies that are human rights based.

01-Jan-2012 AHRI's 13th Annual Conference Empower Human Rights

Final Conference of the COST Action IS0702
“The Role of the EU in UN Human Rights Reform”
13th AHRI (Association of Human Rights Institutes) Conference
10 – 12 September 2012
Hotel Schloss Wilhelminenberg, Vienna

01-Jan-2011 “Africa and People of African Descent: Issues and Actions to Re-Envision the Future”, Howard University

Organised panel and paper presentation on theme of “The Role of International Organizations in the Promotion and Protection of Afro-descendants’ Rights”, with Professor Gay McDougall, former UN Independent Expert on minority issues, as Chair.

01-Jan-2011 AHRI's 12th Annual Conference, "The right(s) moment is now!"

The Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI), consists of 32 member institutions that carry out research and education in the field of human rights. The objective of AHRI is to promote research, education and discussion in the field of human rights.

01-Jan-2011 LGBT Rights in the Commonwealth: Historical Legacies and Contemporary Reforms

Collaboration with the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative on a 1-day research conference to feed into internaitonal advocacy on LGBT rights in Commonwealth states.

01-Jan-2011 London Debates 2011: The Future of Human Rights in a non-Western World

Co-convenor of conference to review the impact of rising power states on the international protection regime for human rights.

01-Jan-2011 Changes in Caste Hierarchies in Rural India and Their Political Implications

Interdisciplinary conference jointly organised by the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Yale University and the University of London’s School of Advanced Study.

01-Jan-2010 International Approaches to Governing Ethnic Diversity: Security, Democracy and Minority Rights

Invited conference paper: 'The role of international actors in norm emergence: Afro-descendants in Latin America'

01-Jan-2010 The Commonwealth Conference 2010: Citizenship in the Commonwealth - what does it mean?

Paper presentation: Dalits and Global Citizenship: Transnational Mobilisation on Caste-Based Discrimination in the Commonwealth

01-Jan-2010 International Studies Association Annual Convention

Presentation of a conference paper: ‘Transnational mobilisation of Afro-descendants in Latin America: Shaping a new rights regime through norm entrepreneurship’

01-Jan-2009 OXFID - Oxford Forum for International Development

Keynote speaker at Conference- 'A Critical Introduction to a Human Rights-Based Approach to Development'

01-Jan-2009 Recovering Stolen Generations, Land, and Culture: Indigenous Rights & Truth Commissions

Invited panel presentation: 'Transnational Mobilisation by Indigenous Peoples: The Indigenous Influence in the International Sphere'

01-Jan-2008 Alumni Conference on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Human Rights Centre, University of Essex

'Human Rights and Development'. Invited panel presentation, Human Rights: Interpretation and Implementation

Knowledge transfer activities:

Demystifying the Journal Process

This webinar will introduce research students to the inner-workings of two leading academic journals in the field of human rights.  Professor Damien Short and Dr Corinne Lennox, Co-Directors of the SAS Human Rights Consortium, will also answer questions on how to approach the submission of articles, the review process and other ways to enhance dissemination of your journal publications.  

From Peoples’ Declaration to a UN Declaration

I was invited by the Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent to present at a global strategy meeting on insights from other social movements in securing UN declarations in recognition of their rights.

Global Minority Rights Summer School 2023

I was academic co-organiser of the Global Minority Rights Summer School, July 10—15, 2023. The theme for 2023 was Decolonization and Minority Rights.  Dr Lennox was also a presenter at the summer school.   Around 30 students attended from more than 15 different countries.

The Summer School is organized by the Tom Lantos Institute (TLI), the University of Public Service (Budapest), and the Human Rights Consortium (School of Advanced Study, University of London). The summer school is held in-person at the University of Public Service (Budapest). 

Advocacy Meeting on a Draft Treaty on International Minority Rights

I was invited by the UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues to attend a meeting on possible ways forward for a new UN treaty on minority rights.  I also commented on a draft treaty tabled by the Special Rapporteur in his annual report.

UN Forum on Minority Issues

I gave a statement at the UN Forum on Minority Issues regarding the theme of UN reform.  The Forum theme was "Review. Rethink. Reform.
30th anniversary of the UN Declaration on Minority Rights".

International human rights protection of minorities belonging to descent-based communities

I was invited to speak at a side meeting of the UN Forum on Minority Issues in Geneva on the 'International human rights protection of minorities belonging to descent-based communities'.  This intervention was aimed at recommendations for better attention to addressing discrimination based on work and descent at the UN.

Global Minority Rights Summer School 2022

The Tom Lantos Institute (TLI), the University of Public Service (Budapest), the Human Rights Consortium (School of Advanced Study, University of London), and Minority Rights Group International, are organizing their tenth international summer school on minority rights, which will have a special focus on the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities (UNDM).

Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent

The Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent convened a global conference to strategise on UN advocacy plans.  I was invited to prepare and deliver two pre-sessional training days on using the UN for human rights advocacy.  I also attended and co-led a 3 day workshop in New York in July 2022, with a focus on developing a global advocacy plan, and a particular aim of working towards a new UN Declaration on the Rights of People Discriminated on the basis of Work and Descent.

Global Minority Rights Summer School 2021

The Tom Lantos Institute (TLI), the National University of Public Service (NUPS), the Human Rights Consortium (School of Advanced Study, University of London), and Minority Rights Group International, are organizing their ninth international summer school on minority rights, which will have a special focus on ethnocultural diversity, conflict, and the human rights of minorities.

Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service, International Symposium on Inter-disciplinary Human Rights Practice

Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service is pleased to host the First International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Human Rights Practice. The Symposium is designed to provide participants with a unique opportunity to gain knowledge of contemporary social issues and the application of skilled practice using human rights principles. The Symposium is committed to creating an opportunity for meaningful exchange around human rights practice at multiple levels. Symposium participants represent a wide range of practice professionals, policy makers, faculty and students.

Minority Rights Summer Course

Middlesex University, Lecture on Minority Rights and the MDGs

International norms against caste-based discrimination: strengthening domestic capacities for advocacy and research

I used the Knowledge Transfer Grant to share my research on the evolution of international norms on caste-based discrimination with academics and activists in both India and the UK. I was based in New Delhi for 5 weeks over April and early May 2012. I built a new relationship between the School of Advanced Study/Institute of Commonwealth Studies and the Delhi-based Indian Institute of Dalit Studies. I co-organised an international and inter-disciplinary conference on the internationalisation of Dalit and Adivasi Activism. I produced a new policy paper on non-discrimination in access to health and education. I trained grass-roots activists on Dalit rights in international norms and comparative movements. I continue to work with the UK Dalit Solidarity Network in developing a capacity-building workshop for UK domestic activists on international mechanisms for combating caste-based discrimination.

International Training Program: HR4DEV - Human Rights for Development

The training programme consists of a general part (two weeks on human rights and development), and a thematic part (two weeks on children's rights and globalization). It targets 'leaders of the future' in practice, policy and academia, from South and North.

HR4DEV is a joint initiative of two Flemish interuniversity partnerships: the Flemish Interuniversity Research Network on Law and Development (LAW&DEV) and the Children's Rights Knowledge Centre (KeKi), in cooperation with the Institute of Development Policy and Management (University of Antwerp).

Decade of Dalit Rights at the UN

Presentation and strategic advice to global planning meeting on 2011-20: Decisive Decade against Discrimination
based on Work and Descent

International Consulation on Caste-Based Discrimination: Good Practices for Eliminating Caste-Based Discrimination

With the aim to enhance international, national, and local engagement to eliminate caste-based discrimination, the International Dalit Solidarity Network (IDSN) is organising an International Consultation on “Good Practices and Strategies to Eliminate Caste-based Discrimination” in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 29 November -1 December 2011. I will be attending as a rapporteur, declaration drafting committee member, and workshop facilitator.

International Dalit Solidarity Network annual meeting

Presentation and strategic advice: 'Transnational norm entrepreneurship on caste-based discrimination'

UN Forum on Minorities 2010

Prepared the draft recommendations of the UN Forum on Minority Issues on the theme of effective participation of minorities in economic life.

Consultancy & Media
Available for consultancy:
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