Contact details
- Name:
- Dr Sara Miglietti
- Qualifications:
- PhD Philosophy 2012 (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa & Université Paris 5-Descartes); PhD Renaissance Studies 2016 (University of Warwick)
- Position:
- Senior Lecturer in Cultural and Intellectual History
- Institute:
- Warburg Institute
- Location:
- Woburn Square WC1H 0AB London
- Email address:
- Sara.Miglietti@sas.ac.uk
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Classics, Early Modern, History, History of the book, Language and Literature (French), Language and Literature (Italian), Manuscript studies, Philosophy
- Research keywords:
- Intellectual History, Renaissance Studies, Translation Studies, Book History, History of Political Thought, Environmental Humanitiies, History of Philosophy, Print Culture, Classical Reception
- Regions:
- Europe
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
I am an intellectual historian with primary expertise in Renaissance and early-modern Europe (esp. Italy and France). My interests include the history of political thought, natural and moral philosophy, book history, translation studies, the relationship between Latin and vernacular cultures, classical reception, and the history of environmental ideas.
I have published 30+ articles and chapters on various aspects of European intellectual history, ancient to modern. My main publications include a genetic edition with Italian translation of Jean Bodin's Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem (2013); Governing the Environment in the Early Modern World (Routledge, 2017, co-edited with John Morgan); Reading Publics in Renaissance Europe (special issue of History of European Ideas, 2016, co-edited with Sarah Parker); and Climates Past and Present: Perspectives from Early Modern France (special issue of Modern Language Notes, 2017).
I am currently working on two outputs from the research project Writing Bilingually 1465-1700, based at the Warburg Institute and funded by the Leverhulme Trust: an annotated catalogue of self-translated books produced in Italy and France from the early age of print to the end of the 17th century; and an anthology of primary sources, many of which never before available in English, which will allow students and scholars to gain deeper insights into the motives, strategies, and impact of early modern self-translators. Both the catalogue and the anthology will appear with Brill in 2026.
I am also working on two monographs: one (under contract with Johns Hopkins University Press) on early modern "climate theories"; the other on the theory and practice of self-translation in early modern France.
- Languages:
Spoken Written French Fluent Fluent German - Intermediate Italian Fluent Fluent Latin - Fluent Other: Classical Greek, Spanish, Portuguese - Intermediate reading knowledge Dutch - basic reading knowledge
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 01-Apr-2024 Translations of self-translations in early modern Europe: preliminary remarks and exploratory case studies Articles
In Marie-Alice Belle & Brenda Hosington (eds), "Mediated Translation in Early Modern Europe", special issue of Philological Quarterly
08-Jan-2024 What is an annotator? Renaissance marginalia as a textual form Chapters
In: Anthony Grafton, Nicholas Popper, William Sherman (eds), Gabriel Harvey and the History of Reading. Essays by Lisa Jardine and others (London: UCL Press, 2023)
01-Jan-2024 Flood, Fire and Tears: Imagining Climate Apocalypse in Scheuchzer’s De portione (1707/08) Chapters
In: Ovanes Akopyan and David Rosenthal (eds), Disaster in the Early Modern World Examinations, Representations, Interventions (Routledge, 2024)
28-Apr-2023 Ambiente Chapters
In: Il lessico della modernità. Continuità e cambiamenti fra ’400 e ’700, ed. Simonetta Bassi (Pisa: ETS, 2023)
21-Dec-2022 The private is political: Anna Becker on the Renaissance household’ Review
Review of Anna Becker, Gendering the Renaissance Commonwealth (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020), ISBN: 978-1-108-48705-4. Intellectual History Review (2022).
01-Aug-2022 Un caso di autotraduzione medico-scientifica nel Rinascimento: Il Pourtraict de la santé / Diaeteticon polyhistoricon di Joseph Duchesne (1606) Chapters
In: Jean-Louis Fournel and Ivano Paccagnella (eds), Traduire - tradurre - translating. Vie des mots et voies des œuvres dans l’Europe de la Renaissance (Geneva: Droz, 2022)
01-Apr-2022 Jean Bodin, une pense´e en mouvement. Etude des variantes entre les deux rédactions de la Methodus (1566, 1572) Articles
In: Seizième Siècle (20)
01-Jan-2022 Climate Theories in Italy Research aids
In: The Renaissance World (Routledge Resources Online)
01-Jul-2021 Sara Miglietti, Jean Bodin’s République Chapters
In: Reading Texts on Sovereignty: Textual Moments in the History of Political Thought, ed. Stella Achilleos and Antonis Balasopoulos (London: Bloomsbury, 2021), pp. 65-72.
01-Dec-2020 Review of: Lydia Barnett, After the Flood: Imagining the Global Environment in Early Modern Europe (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019), ISBN: 9781421429519. Review
American Historical Review, 125/5 (2020): 1951-1952.
01-Dec-2020 Review of: Howell A. Lloyd, Jean Bodin, ‘This Pre-eminent Man of France’: An Intellectual Biography (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), ISBN 978-0-19-880014-9. Review
History of Political Thought, 41/4 (2020): 676-680.
Earth Sciences History, 39/2
24-Mar-2020 Between Nature and Culture: The Integrated Ecology of Renaissance Climate Theories Chapters
In: Pauline Goul and Philip Usher (eds), Early Modern Ecologies: Beyond English Ecocriticism (Amsterdam University Press)
01-Jan-2020 Jean Bodin on Action and Contemplation: A Reappraisal Chapters
In: Penser et agir à la Renaissance / Thought and Action in the Renaissance, eds. Philippe Desan and Véronique Ferrer (Droz)
31-Dec-2019 Climate theory: an invented tradition? Chapters
Spreading Knowledge in a Changing World, ed. Charles Burnett and Pedro Mantas-España (UCO Press)
01-Apr-2019 En langage latin et francoys communiqué: Antoine Mizauld's Astro-Meteorological Self-Translations Articles
Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2/2019
01-Dec-2017 Sara Miglietti (ed.), Climates Past and Present: Perspectives from Early Modern France Edited Book
Special issue of Modern Language Notes
01-Jan-2017 Sara Miglietti and John Morgan (eds), Governing the Environment in the Early Modern World: Theory and Practice Edited Book
Routledge, Environmental Humanities Series
01-Jul-2016 Sara Miglietti and Sarah Parker (eds), Reading Publics in Renaissance Europe, 1450-1650 Edited Book
Special issue of History of European Ideas
01-Jul-2016 Sara Miglietti, Wholesome or Pestilential? Giovanni Battista Doni (1594-1647) and the Dispute on Roman Air Articles
In: The Renaissance Dialogue, ed. Roberta Ricci and Simona Wright. Special issue of NeMLA Italian Studies 38 (2016): 203-220.
01-Jul-2016 Sara Miglietti, The Censor as Reader: Censorial Responses to Bodin’s Methodus in Counter-Reformation Italy (1587-1607) Articles
In: Reading Publics in Renaissance Europe, 1450-1650, ed. Sara Miglietti and Sarah Parker. Special issue of History of European Ideas 45/2 (2016): 707-721
01-Jul-2015 Sara Miglietti, Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem; Bodin, Jean Chapters
IN: Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History. Vol. 6: Western Europe (1500-1600), ed. David Thomas & al. (Leiden: Brill, 2015), 778-787 and 775-778.
01-Jul-2014 Sara Miglietti, Al di là dell’“auteur d’un seul livre”: Cesare Vasoli lettore di Jean Bodin Articles
In: Rinascimento 54 (2014): 133-146.
01-Jul-2014 Sara Miglietti, Meaning in a Changing Context: Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach to Authorial Revision Articles
In: History of European Ideas 40/4 (2014): 474-494.
01-Jul-2013 Sara Miglietti, Le souverain remède. Letture machiavelliane della crisi in Francia (1573-1579) Articles
IN: Rinascimento 53 (2013): 73-110.
01-Jul-2013 Sara Miglietti, Reading from the Margins: Some Insights into the Early Reception of Bodin’s Methodus Chapters
In: The Reception of Bodin, ed. Howell A. Lloyd (Leiden: Brill, 2013), 193-217.
01-Jul-2013 Jean Bodin, Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem. Text, translation, genetic apparatus, and commentary by Sara Miglietti Monographs
Pisa, Edizioni della Normale
Publications available on SAS-space:
Date Details Feb-2019 "En langage latin et françoys communiqué": Antoine Mizauld's Astrometeorological Self-Translations PeerReviewed
This article explores the phenomenon of philosophical and scientific self-translation in sixteenth-century France, focusing on the «astrophile» physician Antoine Mizauld (c. 1512-1578) who, in the 1540s and 1550s, translated several of his own astrometeorological works from French into Latin. By paying as much attention to the textual and paratextual features of Mizauld’s self-translations as to Mizauld’s cultural milieus, marketing strategies, and possible goals in self-translating, the article aims at studying Renaissance self-translation not only as a literary practice but also as a social practice of cultural mediation, shaped by contextual pressures such as book market dynamics, changing reading publics, and the political implications of language use in a time of nation-building.
Jan-2018 Sovereignty, Territory, and Population in Jean Bodin's "République" PeerReviewed
This article offers a re-interpretation of Jean Bodin’s Six livres de la République (1576), a work that deeply transformed European political discourse at the time of the French Wars of Religion and that had important repercussions on the later ‘reason of state’ tradition. Highlighting the ties between Bodin’s definition of sovereignty in Book 1 and his discussion of demographic growth and territorial expansion in Books 4, 5, and 6, the article shows that Bodin’s critical contribution to early modern political thought, far from being limited to his reframing of the juristic concept of souveraineté or maiestas, extends to his novel understanding of the territory as a non-juridical ‘technologie politique’ (Michel Foucault). Through an examination of Bodin’s work and its later reception, the article argues that Bodin’s insights about territorial and demographic matters played a fundamental role in the early modern ‘territorialisation de la politique’ (Romain Descendre), in that they helped redefine the very terms in which the notion of territory would be understood and discussed in the following decades.
Mar-2015 An Eighteenth-Century Thought Experiment on Climate Change: Johann Jakob Scheuchzer's "De ignis seu caloris certa portione Heluetiae adsignata" (1708) PeerReviewed
Johann Jakob Scheuchzer’s De ignis seu caloris certa portione Heluetiae adsignata (1708) is one of a series of scientific papers that the prominent Swiss physician and naturalist (1672-1733) sent to the Royal Society in the early 1700s. This particular essay provides an original contribution to physico-theological thought. Unlike most natural-theological works, it emphasises the dangers of human intervention in nature. As an early modern thought-experiment on climate warming and its expected consequences on Alpine and European ecosystems, it seems to anticipate modern anxiety over climate change. But it is also a fine piece of Neo-Latin mountain-writing in the tradition of earlier authors such as Henricus Glareanus (1488-1563) and Conrad Gesner (1516-1565). This article offers the first edition of De ignis seu caloris certa portione, based on Scheuchzer’s autograph in the Royal Society collections in London. Scheuchzer’s text is accompanied by an English translation, a full textual commentary, a short biography of the author, and an appendix providing the details of Scheuchzer’s papers and letters to the Royal Society for 1703-1708.
Aug-2010 Amitié, harmonie et paix politique chez Aristote et Jean Bodin PeerReviewed
La crise politique et religieuse de la seconde moitié du xvie siècle ouvre la voie en France à un débat enflammé concernant les limites du pouvoir souverain et le rôle du peuple au sein de l’État. Dans les Six livres de la République (1576), Jean Bodin développe un programme de réforme éthico-politique envisageant l’amitié entre les citoyens comme pierre angulaire de l’État. Bien que s’inspirant largement des réflexions d’Aristote sur le même sujet (Éthique à Nicomaque, Politique), il remplace toutefois la théorie aristotélicienne de l’amitié-égalité (laquelle entraîne chez le Stagirite une vision égalitariste de la société et un net refus de la monarchie) par une nouvelle théorie de l’amitié-harmonie qui lui permet de justifier la nature hiérarchique et monarchique de sa « République bien ordonnée ».
Jun-2010 "Justice et liberté". Des volontaires italiens en Catalogne (1936-1937) PeerReviewed
Analyse de l'expérience des volontaires italiens de "Giustizia e Libertà" dans la Guerre Civile d'Espagne à travers leurs reportages de guerre, carnets personnels et lettres privées, pour faire ressortir le caractère existentiel et philosophique de leur militantisme
Jan-2016 Debating Greatness from Machiavelli to Burton PeerReviewed
From early humanist treatises on city government in Italy to Rousseau’s "Social Contract", “greatness” (grandezza, grandeza, grandeur) was often presented as both the aim that political communities should pursue and the touchstone to measure their relative success. But what exactly should be understood by “greatness”, and how could it be achieved? Although most authors agreed that it took more than a large territory for a state to be truly “great”, they all seemed to prioritise different things: political liberty, military strength, material wealth, absence of strife, a solid social and political order, or the happiness and overall wellbeing of the citizens. In an age of state- and empire-building, the debate on the nature of political “greatness” raised critical questions and contributed to shaping the agenda and the self-representation of European powers. By concentrating on a few selected thinkers (Machiavelli, Bodin, Botero, Bacon, Burton) whose works form a complex network of mutual influences, this chapter seeks to investigate an exemplary case of unceasing dialogue between the Renaissance and the early modern period.
New Worlds, Ancient Theories: Reshaping Climate Theory in the Early Colonial Atlantic PeerReviewed
Jul-2019 Climate Theory: An Invented Tradition? PeerReviewed
The article responds to recent claims that the term ‘climate’ was never used in a physical or meteorological sense until the mid-eighteenth century, and that consequently the notion of 'climate theory' (often used to denote doctrines of environmental influence from Antiquity to the Enlightenment) is an anachronistic scholarly construct to be avoided at all costs. The article discusses a number of ancient and early modern examples to show that the pre-modern meaning of ‘climate’ (in its various linguistic forms) was richer than is sometimes assumed, and that a physical and/or meteorological usage of the term was in fact not completely alien to pre- modern writers. The article also raises broader methodological questions, asking whether it may be legitimate to use ‘etic’ (observer-oriented) rather than ‘emic’ (actor-oriented) categories to study the history of climate ideas.
Jan-2020 Jean Bodin on Action and Contemplation: A Reappraisal PeerReviewed
This essay offers a new interpretation of Bodin’s stance on the classic issue of action and contemplation -- a vexata quaestio of Bodinian scholarship that takes us to the heart of Bodin's views on ethics, politics, and theology. Taking into account the entire arc of Bodin's production, from the Methodus to the Paradoxon, the article considers Bodin's changing views on the 'best form of life' and argues that towards the end of his life Bodin came to redefine completely the problem by positing a third stage of human experience, which he called "reflection" (actus reflexus in Latin, reflexion in French) and described as the passive enjoyment of God's light reflected in the human soul as in a mirror. The article explores how Bodin's theory of reflection relates to his theology and spirituality, on the one hand, and to his ethical views on the other. By raising the question of Bodin’s sources for this theory, the article also uncovers his profound debts to late-medieval Scholasticism and Christian mysticism, especially that of Nicholas of Cusa.
Jan-2020 Between Nature and Culture: The Integrated Ecology of Renaissance Climate Theories PeerReviewed
This essay examines French Renaissance “climate theories” as a privileged locus for rethinking the relationship between “nature” and “culture” in a dynamic and non-dualistic way (B. Latour). Climate theories, first advanced in ancient Greece by authors such as Hippocrates and Aristotle, were widely invoked in the Renaissance to explain temperamental differences among individuals as well as cultural and ethnic differences among human collectives. While scholars often bring such theories together under the umbrella term of “climatic determinism”, this article argues that Renaissance climate theories are in fact predominantly anti-deterministic, as they acknowledge the possibility for humans to shield themselves from climate’s influence in a variety of ways, including diet, music, and a liberal education. Far from postulating an absolute power of “nature” over “culture”, Renaissance climate theories draw attention to the peculiar “epistemic space” (lieu epistémique, J.-B. Fressoz) in-between nature and culture, as they seek to illuminate the mutually-constitutive interactions between the two. Thus, climate theories also shed light on the radical embeddedness of humans in nature, helping us to evisage man not as “external to nature” and standing in a relation of “domination or opposition” to it, but as deeply inscribed in natural processes (C. Larrère). Building on foundational scholarship by Bruno Latour and others, this essay proposes an analysis of some better- and lesser-known examples of French Renaissance climate theories (e.g. Louis Le Roy, Jean Bodin, Nicolas Abraham de La Framboisière) in order to reflect on what the “environmental reflexivity” of early modern societies can bring to a new “integrated ecology” of nature and human culture (J.-B. Fressoz, C. Larrère).
Jan-2017 Introduction: Ruling "Climates" in the Early Modern World NonPeerReviewed
Introduction to Sara Miglietti and John Morgan (eds). Governing the Environment in the Early Modern World: Theory and Practice. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2017
Jan-2016 Botero, Giovanni PeerReviewed
Encyclopedia entry
Jan-2019 Nicodemism PeerReviewed
Encyclopedia entry
Apr-2022 Jean Bodin: une pensée en mouvement. Etude des variantes entre les deux rédactions de la Methodus (1566, 1572) PeerReviewed
Cette étude porte sur l’évolution de la théorie politique de Jean Bodin entre 1566 et 1576, une période tout à fait décisive pour le penseur angevin, notamment par rapport au développement de ses idées sur la nature et les limites de la souveraineté. C'est dans cette période que Bodin change d'avis sur certains points-clés de sa théorie politique : passage d’un concept de souveraineté comme fonction juridictionnelle à celui de souveraineté comme fonction législative ; découverte ou clarification des « marques » de perpétuité, indivisibilité et autonomie comme propres du véritable pouvoir souverain ; mise à point d’une distinction claire entre potestas (puissance publique, de nature juridico-politique) et dominium (puissance privée, de nature économique-propriétaire). L'étude comparée des deux rédactions de la Methodus (1566, 1572) par rapport à la première République (1576) montre que cette évolution se fit de manière graduelle et pour des raisons qui ont affaire à la logique interne de la pensée bodinienne tout autant, sinon plus, qu’aux circonstances historiques dans lesquelles Bodin écrivait ses œuvres.
Un Caso Di Autotraduzione Medico-Scientifica Nel Rinascimento: Il Pourtraict De La Santé / Diaeteticon Polyhistoricon Di Joseph Duchesne (1606) PeerReviewed
Medico paracelsiano alla corte di Enrico IV e prolifico autore di testi di medicina e di filosofia naturale, il calvinista Joseph Duchesne, detto anche Quercetanus (c. 1544 – 1609), è noto da tempo agli storici della medicina e della scienza per il contributo fondamentale che portò alla diffusione del paracelsismo e della nuova filosofica chimica in Francia a cavallo tra Cinque e Seicento. Molto meno noto è il suo doppio trattato di dietetica del 1606, uscito quasi simultaneamente in francese (Le Pourtraict de la santé) e in latino (Diaeteticon polyhistoricon), e rimasto ancora relativamente inesplorato dalla critica. Si tratta tuttavia di un testo di eccezionale interesse, in particolar modo per la sua natura di testo autotradotto. Il presente contributo si propone di riesaminare brevemente il «dittico» di Duchesne sotto il profilo della sua dimensione bilingue, traendo qualche conclusione preliminare sulle strategie autotraduttive di Duchesne e sui suoi possibili obiettivi.
Jun-2020 Environmental Ethics For A Fallen World: Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (1672–1733) And The Boundaries Of Human Agency PeerReviewed
This article traces the formation of a (self-)critical discourse around human environmental agency in early Enlightenment Europe, focusing on the Swiss naturalist Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (1672–1733) and the Royal Society milieus to which he was connected. In manuscript and printed writings, and particularly in his beautifully illustrated Physica sacra (1731–1735), Scheuchzer used a combination of biblical exegesis, thought experiments, and ecological insights to reflect about the relationship between God, humankind, and nature. Against claims that the tradition of natural theology in which Scheuchzer belonged “prevented and delayed the acknowledgment of the earth as vulnerable” (Kempe 2003b, p. 166), the article shows how different thinkers could use the Bible to support competing claims regarding the role of humans as agents in God’s creation. While some authors enthusiastically upheld contemporary ideologies of environmental ‘improvement’, others—including Scheuchzer himself—called for greater self-restraint and developed a biblically-grounded form of precautionary environmental ethics.
Feb-2022 Ambiente NonPeerReviewed
A study of the evolution of the term and notion of "ambiente" (Italian for environment) from classical antiquity to the 19th century, with a focus on semantic changes in the early modern period.
May-2022 Climate theories in Italy PeerReviewed
“Climate theory” is a modern umbrella term for various historical doctrines that highlighted the impact of climatic and geographical factors (e.g., temperature, winds, relief, etc.) on human bodies, minds, and behaviours. Such doctrines were often associated with ethnic stereotyping, as different regions of the earth were thought to engender distinctive “national characters”: e.g., the gluttonous German, the vengeful Italian, the fickle French. While the origins of climate theory date back to classical antiquity, with the Hippocratic school of medicine and the theory of the humors, the early modern period is often considered the heyday of this tradition. Modern surveys of climate theory generally highlight the role played by French thinkers such as Jean Bodin (1529-1596), who wrote extensively about the impact of climate on national character and about its implications for politics and law-making. Yet climate theory was not the monopoly of any one thinker or nation. On the contrary, it circulated widely throughout Europe, crisscrossing geographic and linguistic borders through the medium of print, translation, and epistolary networks of intellectual exchange. At the same time, climate theory particularly flourished in places where universities, academies, and princely courts fostered continued engagement with ancient and medieval texts steeped in that tradition. Italy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries was just such a place. Doctors, philosophers, theologians, and political thinkers discussed these theories from various standpoints, sometimes engaging in heated controversies. In particular, three major points of debate were the scale at which environmental influences should be studied, the relationship between environment and ethics, and the accommodation of classical ideas to Catholic doctrine and to the missionary agenda of the Counter-Reformation Church.
- Research Projects & Supervisions
Research projects:
Details Writing Bilingually, 1465–1700: Self-Translated Books in Italy and France Warburg Institute
Project period: 04-Jan-2023 - 31-Mar-2026Research interests: Classics, History of the book, Language and Literature (French), Language and Literature (Italian), Manuscript studies
Antiquity and Its Uses: Reception and Renewal A programme of meetings, mutual visits, and exchanges (including both academic staff and PhD students) around the topic ‘Antiquity and its Uses: Reception and Renewal’, between Warwick's Centre for the Study of the Renaissance and Johns Hopkins University's Charles Singleton Center for Pre-Modern History. The project ran between 2015-2017. PI: David Lines (Warwick). CIs Ingrid De Smet (Warwick), Sara Miglietti (JHU), Eugenio Refini (JHU)
The Power of Place This project examines the long history of 'climate theories' (i.e. theories about the power of place and climate on human character) and how these theories shaped early modern Europeans' attitudes towards nature. The results will be shared in a book under contract with Johns Hopkins University, tentatively entitled 'The Power of Place: Climates and Characters in Early Modern Thought'. Several shorter publications have already emerged from this project, as detailed under "Publications".
Writing Bilingually, 1465-1700: Self-Translated Books in Italy and France LEVERHULME PROJECT GRANT RPG-2022-221 (January 2023-March 2026), PI Sara Miglietti
Early modern Europe was a multilingual world: while Latin was still the lingua franca of international scholarly exchanges, vernacular languages were increasingly being used for both literary and scientific endeavours. Mediating between these realms were legions of translators, but also a surprisingly large number of authors who chose to translate their own works, mainly between Latin and a vernacular. This project aims to produce the first annotated catalogue of prose self-translations printed in Italy and France between 1465 and 1700, alongisde an anthology of relevant primary sources in English translation. Both the catalogue and the anthology will appear with Brill in 2026, while several shorter publications by the PI Sara Miglietti and/or postdoctoral research assistant Marco Spreafico have already appeared or are forthcoming in journals or edited volumes.
Current PhD topics supervised:
Dates Details From: 04-Jan-2023
Until:Self-Translation and the Questione della Lingua in Renaissance Italy Eugenia Sisto (part of Leverhulme project Writing Bilingually 1465-1700) - in progress
Until:The Passions Across Mind, Body and Soul: Transforming the Theory of Emotion in Seventeenth Century England Daniel Samuel - in progress
Until:Women in Arms: Female Warriors in Italian art, 1500-1700 Elisa Stafferini - in progress
Until:Scientific Instruments and Clocks in a Florentine Workshop: the Della Volpaia Family Marisa Addomine - in progress
Until:Pierre Gassendi and the Epicurean Anatomists, 1620-1680 Guillermo Willis (deferred start January 2021)
Past PhD topics supervised:
Dates Details From:
Until:Reformations after the Reformation: Defining Protestantism and Reformed Catholicism in France, 1580-1616 Claire Konieczny (Johns Hopkins University) - successfully defended 2022
Until:The Renaissance of Platonic Theurgy from Ficino to Agrippa Merlin Cox (Warburg) - successfully defended 2022
Until:Giovanni Pontano's Convivial Humanism: The Art of Living Together in Quattrocento Naples George Brocklehurst, 2020-2024 (passed)
Available for doctoral supervision: Yes
- Professional Affiliations
Professional affiliations:
Name Activity International Association for Neo-Latin Studies Member Renaissance Society of America Discipline Representative for Philosophy Renaissance Society of America Member Collaborations:
Name Type Activity Start date End date Rinascimento (journal) Editorial board member 2024 De Gruyter book series "Renaissance Mind: Studies on the History of Knowledge" Advisory board member 2022 Brepols book series Editorial board member 2021 From East to West, and Back Again: Student Travel and Transcultural Knowledge Production in Renaissance Europe (c. 1470- c. 1620) Advisory board 2020 The Archaeology of Reading Advisory board 2015 2019 - Relevant Events
Related events:
Date Details 01-Feb-2019 Interventions: The Intellectual History Podcast Episode on "Bodin, self-translation, and the environment in early modern Europe"
- Consultancy & Media
- Media experience:
- Yes