Professor Godela Weiss-Sussex

Contact details

Professor Godela Weiss-Sussex
Staatsexamen Studienrat (FU, Berlin), MA (Cantab), PhD (London)
Professor in Modern German Literature/CCWW Co-Director
Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies
Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies School of Advanced Study University of London Senate House Malet Street London WC1E 7HU
020 7862 8968
Email address:

Research Summary and Profile

Research interests:
Gender studies, Language and Literature (German), Literatures in a modern language
Summary of research interests and expertise:

Professor Godela Weiss-Sussex's main research interests lie in the culture and literature of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in the following areas: women’s writing, the works of German-Jewish writers produced in Germany and in exile; multi- and translingualism; concepts of 'Heimat' and belonging. Her main current research projects focus on: German-Jewish women’s writing in the 20th and 21st centuries; translingual writing; postmigrant imaginaries of belonging.

Spoken Written
French Intermediate Intermediate
German Fluent Fluent
Publication Details

Related publications/articles:

Date Details
01-Mar-2024 'Allerbester GH'. Georg Hermanns postum veroeffentlichter Exilroman Die daheim blieben


Book chapter in 'Vom gesicherten und ungesicherten leben'. Neue Perspektiven auf das Werk von Georg Hermann, hg. von Christian Klein (Wallstein, 2024)

20-Sep-2023 Georg Hermann, Die daheim blieben

Edited Book

First edition of previously unpublished exile novel by Georg Hermann

20-Sep-2023 Nachwort to Georg Hermann, Die daheim blieben

Edited Book

pp. 401-42 

14-Aug-2023 Contested Communities. Small, Minority and Minor Literatures in Europe

Edited Book

edited volume by Kate Averis, Margaret Littler and Godela Weiss-Sussex

14-Aug-2023 German-Jewish Women's Writing in Early Twentieth-Century Berlin: Claiming Space for a (Multiple) Minority


Chapter in: Contested Communities. Small, Minority and Minor Literatures in Europe. Edited by Kate Averis, Margaret Littler and Godela Weiss-Sussex (Cambridge, 2023), pp. 25-37

01-Mar-2023 Barbara Honigmann

Edited Book

Book; co-edited with Robert Gillett, published in series 'Contemporary German Writers and Filmmakers', Peter Lang, Oxford

01-Mar-2023 Between Distance and Belonging: Space, Time and Multilingualism in 'Das ueberirdische Licht'


Book chapter, published in Robert Gillett and G. Weiss-Sussex (eds.), Barbara Honigmann 

01-Nov-2022 Transnational Neighbourhoods in Barbara Honigmann's 'Das ueberirdische Licht' (2008) and 'Chronik meiner Strasse' (2016)


Book chapter in Exploring the Transnational Neighbourhood. Perspectives on Community-building, Identity and Belonging, ed. by Stephan Ehrig, Britta C. Jung and Gad Schaffer (Leuven University Press, 2022)

11-Apr-2022 ‘Georg Hermann. A Writer’s Life, by John Craig-Sharples, Legenda, 2019, 302pp., £75, ISBN 9781781888551’


Book review in Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 

01-Dec-2020 Zur Vermittlung von Gegenwartsliteratur – mit Theodor Fontanes Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg als Ausgangspunkt’


Chapter (co-written with Gisela Holfter) in 'Was zu beginnen nicht aufhört - Facetten der Gegenwartsliteratur in der internationalen Germanistik und im Fach Deutsch als Fremdsprache', eds Almut Hille and Oliver Völkel (Munich: iudicium, 2020), pp. 150-164

04-Jun-2020 Rethinking Minor Literatures – Contemporary Jewish Womens’ Writing in Germany and Austria

Edited Book

Special Issue of Modern Languages Open, co-edited with Maria Roca Lizarazu

04-Jun-2020 ‘… dass diese tauben Geschichten aufflattern’: Narrative, Translingual Creativity and Belonging in Katja Petrowskaja, Vielleicht Esther (2014)’

Journal articles

Article in Rethinking Minor Literatures – Contemporary Jewish Womens’ Writing in Germany and Austria, ed. by Maria Roca Lizarazu and G. Weiss-Sussex (= Modern Languages Open, 2020(1): 11), pp. 1–18

01-Jul-2019 The Department Store as Habitat of the Sophisticated Urbanite: Georg Hermann's 'Der kleine Gast' (1925)


Chapter in 'Urban Microcosms, 1789-1940', ed. by Margit Dirscherl and Astrid Koehler (London: imlr books, 2019), pp. 101-13

26-Jun-2019 Wandern und Plaudern mit Fontane. Literarische Begegnungen mit der Mark-Brandenburg heute

Edited Book

Book; co-edited with Gisela Holfter. Publisher: Quintus, Berlin.

26-Jun-2019 Wandern und Plaudern mit Fontane: Vorwort


Introductory preface to edited volume

16-Jan-2019 Elisabeth Landau's Der Holzweg (1918): A German-Jewish Gendered Discussion of Heimat


Article in German Life and Letters, 72. 1, January 2019, Pages 89-100.

16-Jan-2019 Women Writing Heimat in Imperial and Weimar Germany: Introduction


Introduction to special issue of German Life and Letters, 72.1. (January 2019), co-written with Caroline Bland and Catherine Smale, pages 1-13.

16-Jan-2019 Women Writing Heimat in Imperial and Weimar Germany

Journal articles

Special Issue of German Life and Letters (72.1, January 2019), co-edited with Caroline Bland and Catherine Smale

01-Aug-2018 Modernity and the 'Jewess': Introduction

Journal articles

 Introduction to a Section of the Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook 2018

01-Jul-2017 The Monist Novel as Site of Female Agency: Grete Meisel-Hess’s Die Intellektuellen (1911)


Chapter in: Biological Discourses. The Language of Science and Literature around 1900, eds. Robert Craig and Ina Linge (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2017), pp. 111-133

01-Dec-2016 English and German Cultural Encounters: A.S. Byatt in Conversation with Martin Swales and Godela Weiss-Sussex

Edited Book

Publication of the 2015 Bithell Memorial Lecture

15-Apr-2016 Jüdin und Moderne. Literarisierungen der Lebenswelt deutsch-jüdischer Autorinnen in Berlin, 1900-1918 [Jewish Women and Modernity. Literary reflections on Jewishness, femininity and urban life by female German-Jewish authors in Berlin, 1900-1918]


Monograph. Publisher: De Gruyter (Berlin); 275pp

01-Nov-2015 Tales of Commerce and Imagination. Department Stores and Modernity in Film and Literature

Edited Book

Book; co-edited with Ulrike Zitzlsperger (Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang)

01-Nov-2015 'Einfuehrung'


Introductory chapter for edited volume 'Tales of Commerce and Imagination', pp. 9-19, co-written with Ulrike Zitzlsperger

01-Nov-2015 'Confronting Stereotypes: Department Store Novels byGerman-Jewish Authors, 1916-1925'


Chapter in volume 'Tales of Commerce and Imagination', pp. 89-106

01-Apr-2015 ‘Von der “Gefallenen” zur “Hüterin der Zukunft”. Außereheliche Mutterschaft in literarischen Texten des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts’


Chapter in: Zwischen Demontage und Sakralisierung. Revisionen des Familienmodells in der europäischen Moderne (1880-1945), eds Christine Kanz and Frank Krause (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2015), pp 151-168

01-Jan-2015 Protest and Reform in German Literature and Visual Culture, 1871-1918

Edited Book

Book; Co-edited with Charlotte Woodford (Munich: Iudicium)

01-Jan-2015 ‘Reformprogrammatik und Romanästhetik: Ruth Bré, Gabriele Reuter und Grete Meisel-Hess’


Chapter in 'Protest and Reform in German Literature and Visual Culture, 1871-1918', eds Godela Weiss-Sussex and Charlotte Woodford, pp 168-188

01-Jan-2015 ‘Introduction’


Chapter (with Charlotte Woodford), in 'Protest and Reform in German Literature and Visual Culture, 1871-1918', eds Godela Weiss-Sussex and Charlotte Woodford (see above), pp 7-12

01-Aug-2014 ‘Radical Feminist and Belligerent Journalist: Grete Meisel-Hess’


Chapter in Discovering Women's History. German-Speaking Journalists (1900-1950), ed. Christa Spreizer

01-Dec-2013 Das Berliner Warenhaus. Geschichte und Diskurse / The Berlin Department Store. History and Discourse

Edited Book

Book; co-edited with Ulrike Zitzlsperger (Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang)

01-Dec-2013 Einfuehrung / Introduction


Das Berliner Warenhaus. Geschichte und Diskurse / The Berlin Department Store. History and Discourse (Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang), pp. 7-15.

01-Jan-2012 Beyond Glitter and Doom. Contingency in the Weimar Republic

Edited Book

Book; co-edited with Jochen Hung and Geoff Wilkes (Munchen: Iudicium)

01-Apr-2011 Matt Frei, Berlin – a Clash of Histories

Edited Book

Publication of the 2010 Bithell Memorial Lecture

01-Jan-2011 Introduction


Chapter co-written with Katia Pizzi, in The Cultural Identities of European Cities (Oxford: Lang), pp. 1-5.

01-Jan-2011 ‘Berlin: Myth and Memorialization’


Chapter in 'The Cultural Identities of European Cities', eds Katia Pizzi and Godela Weiss-Sussex, pp 145-164

01-Jan-2011 The Cultural Identities of European Cities

Edited Book

Book; co-edited with Katia Pizzi (Bern: Lang)

01-Jan-2011 Giving People Ideas – Text and Concept. Literary Texts as Thought Experiments

Edited Book

Book; co-edited with Susanne Kord and Ernest Schonfield (= Publications of the English Goethe Society 80, numbers 2-3) (London: Maney)

01-Feb-2010 Gina Kaus: Schriftstellerin und Öffentlichkeit. Zur Stellung einer Schriftstellerin in der literarischen Öffentlichkeit der Zwischenkriegszeit in Österreich und Deutschland


Review in Austrian Studies, Vol 17, No 1, pp 210-212

01-Jan-2010 ‘Das Gewebe des Lebens. Anna Maria Jokls Die Reise nach London (1999)’

Article in 'Angermion. Yearbook for Anglo-German Literary Criticism, Intellectual History and Cultural Transfers', Vol 3, pp 19-31

01-May-2009 Peter Stein, Schillers ‘Wallenstein’-Trilogie auf der Bühne

Edited Book

Publication of the 2008 Bithell Memorial Lecture

01-Jan-2009 ‘The Mental Life of a Metropolitan Dweller. Georg Hermann’s Novel Die Nacht des Doktor Herzfeld (1912)’


Chapter in 'Topography and Literature: Berlin and Modernism', ed Reinhard Zachau (Göttingen: V & R unipress), pp 101-110

01-Jan-2009 ‘Else Croner und die “moderne Jüdin”'


Chapter in '‘Not an Essence but a Positioning’: German-Jewish Women Writers, 1900-1938', eds Andrea Hammel and Godela Weiss-Sussex, pp 55-76

01-Jan-2009 ‘Fragmentation of Identity as Opportunity for Individuation? Explorations of the German and British City Novel of the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries’


Chapter in 'The Racehorse of Genius. Literary and Cultural Comparison', eds Martin Liebscher, Ben Schofield and Godela Weiss-Sussex, pp 102-119

01-Jan-2009 ‘Not an Essence but a Positioning’: German-Jewish Women Writers, 1900-1938

Edited Book

Book; co-edited with Andrea Hammel (München: Meidenbauer)

01-Jan-2009 The Racehorse of Genius. Literary and Cultural Comparison

Edited Book

Book; co-edited with Martin Liebscher and Ben Schofield (München: Iudicium) (= London German Studies XII)

2009 On the Relationship between Hesse’s Painting and Writing: Wanderung, Klingsors letzter Sommer, Gedichte des Malers and Piktors Verwandlungen

chapter in: I. Cornils (ed), A Companion to the Works of Hermann Hesse. Rochester, NY: Camden House

2009 Georg Hermann

Article in Killy Literaturlexikon: W. Killy et als (ed), Autoren und Werke deutscher Sprache. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag, 2009.

01-Jan-2008 Verwisch die Spuren!’. Bertolt Brecht’s Work and Legacy. A Reassessment

Edited Book

Book; co-edited with Robert Gillett (Amsterdam: Rodopi) (= Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik 66).

01-Jan-2008 ‘“A Ridiculous Thing to Do”: Yvonne Kapp and Brecht in Translation’


Chapter in '‘Verwisch die Spuren!’. Bertolt Brecht’s Work and Legacy. A Reassessment', eds Robert Gillett and Godela Weiss-Sussex, pp 309-320

01-Jan-2007 ‘“Ich gehe und gehe [...] und gehe und sehe.” Female Experience of the City’


Chapter in 'Berlin: Kultur und Metropole in den Zwanziger und seit den Neunziger Jahren', eds Godela Weiss-Sussex and Ulrike Zitzlsperger, pp 46-61

01-Jan-2007 Berlin. Kultur und Metropole in den Zwanziger und seit den Neunziger Jahren

Edited Book

Book; co-edited with Ulrike Zitzlsperger (München: Iudicium)

01-Jan-2006 Urban Mindscapes of Europe

Edited Book

Book; co-edited with Franco Bianchini (Amsterdam: Rodopi) (= European Studies 23)

01-Jan-2006 ‘Berlin Literature and its Use in the Marketing of the “New Berlin”’


Chapter in 'Urban Mindscapes of Europe', eds Godela Weiss-Sussex with Franco Bianchini, pp 237-258

01-Jan-2004 ‘Impressionismus als Weltanschauung. Die Kunstkritik Georg Hermanns’


Chapter in 'Georg Hermann. Deutsch-jüdischer Schriftsteller und Journalist, 1871-1943', ed Godela Weiss-Sussex, pp 87-101

01-Jan-2004 Georg Hermann: Deutsch-jüdischer Schriftsteller und Journalist, 1871-1943

Edited Book

Edited volume (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer) (= Conditio Judaica 48)

01-Jan-2003 ‘Fontane und die englische Malerei: Die Briefe aus Manchester’


Article, Fontane Blätter 75 (2003), pp 64-80

01-Jan-2001 ‘Der Blick auf Berlin in Romanen exilierter Schriftsteller 1933 bis 1938’


Chapter in 'Berlin - Wien - Prag. Moderne, Minderheiten und Migration in der Zwischenkriegszeit', eds Susanne Marten-Finnis and Matthias Uecker (Bern: Lang), pp 185-206

01-Jan-2001 ‘Fontane’s and Georg Hermann’s Berlin. Relationships to Contemporary Painting’


Chapter in 'Theodor Fontane and the European Context: Literature, Culture and Society in Prussia and Europe', eds Helen Chambers and Patricia Howe (Amsterdam: Rodopi), pp 231-252

01-Jan-2001 Metropolitan Chronicles. Georg Hermann’s Berlin Novels, 1897 to 1912


Monograph (Stuttgart: Heinz) (= Stuttgarter Arbeiten zur Germanistik 379)

Publications available on SAS-space:

Date Details
Dec-2006 Urban Mindscapes of Europe


Urban mindscapes are structures of thinking about a city, built on conceptualisations of the city’s physical landscape as well as on its image as transported through cultural representation, memory and imagination. This book pursues three main strands of inquiry in its exploration of these ‘landscapes of the mind’ in a European context. The first strand concerns the theory and methodology of researching urban mindscapes and urban ‘imaginaries’. The second strand investigates some of the representations, symbols and collective images that feed into our understanding of European cities. It discusses representations of the city in literature, film, television and other cultural forms, which, in James Donald’s phrase, constitute ‘archives of urban images’. The third and last section of the volume concentrates on the relationship between the collective mindscapes of cities, urban policy and the practice of city marketing.

Georg Hermann.Deutsch-jüdischer Schriftsteller und Journalist,1871-1943


Im ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts war Georg Hermann ein international bekannter und beliebter Autor. Sein leicht ironischer Ton und die leise Melancholie seiner atmosphärischen Schilderungen sind unverwechselbar geblieben. Die Aufsätze des vorliegenden Bandes nehmen sich Hermanns als Romanautor, als Chronist Berlins, als Kunst- und Literaturkritiker und als Zeuge deutsch-jüdischen Erlebens an. Der Band enthält die Erstpublikation von Hermanns 1937 im holländischen Exil geschriebenen Novelle Bist du es oder bist du’s nicht?. The attached PDF contains a list of contents.

Dec-2006 Metropolitan Chronicles. Georg Hermann’s Berlin Novels 1897 to 1912


An abstract for Metropolitan Chronicles. Georg Hermann’s Berlin Novels 1897 to 1912 (Stuttgart: Heinz, 2001) ( = Stuttgarter Arbeiten zur Germanistik, Vol. 379)

Dec-2006 Berlin. Kultur und Metropole in den Zwanziger und Neunziger Jahren


An abstract for: (ed., with Ulrike Zitzlsperger): Berlin. Kultur und Metropole in den Zwanziger und Neunziger Jahren (München: Iudicium, 2007).

Dec-2006 Bertolt Brecht – A Reassessment of his Work and Legacy


An abstract for (ed., with Robert Gillett): Bertolt Brecht – A Reassessment of his Work and Legacy (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007).

Dec-2006 Berlin Literature and its Use in the Marketing of the “New Berlin”’, in Urban Mindscapes of Europe


An abstract for an article ‘Berlin Literature and its Use in the Marketing of the “New Berlin”’, in Urban Mindscapes of Europe, edited by Godela Weiss-Sussex with Franco Bianchini.

Impressionismus als Weltanschauung. Die Kunstkritik Georg Hermanns


Hermann’s main work as an art critic, which significantly influenced the content and style of his fiction, falls in the period from 1899 to 1908, the height of the Berlin Secession movement. Like the Secession artists, Hermann regards a personal style and individual expression as the main criteria for the evaluation of art. Like other critics close to the Secession movement, he considers the preintellectual, sensual reception of a work of art as central. – Reflecting 19th century aesthetics, he still considers art to a certain extent as the expression of a nation’s spirit. However, the difficulties he encounters with the reception of foreign, notably romanesque, art are experienced as an educational (and selfeducational) challenge and, unlike many of his contemporaries, do not lead him to reject foreign art. – One of Hermann’s main concerns is to fight the separation between art and life. Art, as he sees it, is supposed to distil the image of our environment to its essential core and to educate our perception of this environment. In this way, art can help the observer to gain a new world view, in the literal as well as the metaphorical sense. – Hermann is not a revolutionary champion of the avant-garde, but he does represent the progressive element of the ›Zeitgeist‹, and gives voice to the attitudes of the liberal, cosmopolitan middle class.

Dec-2006 ‘“A Ridiculous Thing to Do”: Yvonne Kapp and Brecht in Translation’, in Bertolt Brecht – A Reassessment of his Work and Legacy


An abstract for an article ‘“A Ridiculous Thing to Do”: Yvonne Kapp and Brecht in Translation’, in Bertolt Brecht – A Reassessment of his Work and Legacy, edited by Godela Weiss-Sussex and Robert Gillett.

Dec-2006 ‘Berlin – A City “Condemned to Forever Become and Never to Be”?, in The Cultural Identity of European Cities


An abstract for an article: ‘Berlin – A City “Condemned to Forever Become and Never to Be”?, in The Cultural Identity of European Cities, edited by Katia Pizzi and Godela Weiss-Sussex.

Else Croner und die "moderne Jüdin"


Im Gegensatz zu früheren Forschungsansätzen, die Croners Abhandlung 'Die moderne Jüdin' von 1913 als Beitrag zu dem unter jüdischen Frauen geführten Diskurs über Identitätsmodelle der deutschen Jüdin betrachtet haben, schlägt der vorliegende Aufsatz eine Lesart des Buches vor, die sich auf seine Kontextualisierung im Rahmen von Else Croners Gesamtwerk stützt, in dem es – außer in dieser einen Schrift – nie um Fragen deutsch-jüdischer Identität geht. Die Kontinuität zwischen den anderen Werken Croners und dem Buch über die moderne Jüdin wird nachgewiesen, und Croner stellt sich als hoch-akkulturierte christliche Autorin jüdischer Herkunft dar, für die nicht die Diskussion spezifisch jüdischer Weiblichkeit, sondern der Einsatz für die Rückkehr zu einem traditionellen Weiblichkeitsbild an sich zentral war.

On the Relationship between Hesse’s Painting and Writing: 'Wanderung',' Klingsors letzter Sommer', 'Gedichte des Malers' and 'Piktors Verwandlungen'


Tales of the Unexpected: German-Jewish Women Writers in Early 20th-Century Berlin


Aug-2018 Modernity and the 'Jewess': Introduction to a section of the Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook 2018


The articles collected in this section result from a symposium held at the Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London, on 20 October 2016. The theme, ‘Modernity and the “Jewess”’, reflects an interest in the perception and literary self-representation of Jewish women in early twentieth-century Germany and in exile, with a focus on their engagement with the rapid changes and the growing tensions, particularly in the political and social realms, that we subsume under the concept of modernity. In this introduction, I provide some context for this emphasis of enquiry by sketching the research field concerned with German-Jewish women’s writing in the early twentieth...

Research Projects & Supervisions

Research projects:

Concepts of Belonging in Postmigrant Literature

Joint research project with Lizzie Stewart (KCL)

Jewish women authors' writing in German as 'minor' literature

joint research project with Maria Roca Lizarazu (Birmingham)

Minor, Minority and Small Literatures in Europe

Joint research project with Margaret Littler (Manchester)

The German-Jewish Family Novel

Women Writing 'Heimat' in Imperial and Weimar Germany

Joint research project with Caroline Bland (Sheffield) and Catherine Smale (KCL)

, completed in 2019

Current PhD topics supervised:

Dates Details
From: 01-Oct-2021
German-Jewish Postmigrant Literary Discourses on Memory and Futurity

Candidate: Vivian Jochens

Past PhD topics supervised:

Dates Details
From: 2020
Until: 2024
Childhood in Exile: Identity, Displacement and Diaspora

Student: Monja Stahlberger

From: 2019
Until: 2023
The Concept of Enlightened Patriotism in Weimar Germany

Student: Jack Arscott

From: 01-Oct-2012
Until: 01-Oct-2015
Contested memory: Lower Silesia in historiography, geography and literature

student: Steven Jefferson

Until: 2018
From Satire to Silence: Hans Sachs's Commentary on Civic Decline

Student: Sharon Baker

Until: 2020
An Analysis of Genre in Narratives of the Kindertransport

Student: Stephanie Homer

Writing Home. German Women as Exiles in Britain: Transnational Identities

Angharad Mountford, completed February 2021

'Deutsche Jugend wohin?' Eine Untersuchung des Generationsdiskurses nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg am Beispiel von Zeitschriften der 'jungen Generation'

student: Steffen Stadthaus

Discourses of democracy, consumption, youth and women in the Weimar Republic newspaper Tempo (1928-1933)),

student: Jochen Hung

Available for doctoral supervision: Yes

Professional Affiliations

Professional affiliations:

Name Activity
The Higher Education Academy (HEA) member
Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG) member
Association for German Studies (AGS) member
Women in German Studies (WIGS) member
Selma Stern Zentrum fuer juedische Studien Berlin-Brandenburg associate / cooperation partner
Advisory Board of gfl (German as a Foreign Language) (journal) member
Editorial Board of imlr books member and editor of German-language books
Editorial Board of Publications of the Institute of Germanic Studies member
Editorial Board of Bithell Series of Dissertations chair
Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing (CCWW) co-director
King's College, Cambridge Fellow
Advisory Group for the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies member
German Studies Association (GSA), USA member
Editorial Board of Amsterdamer Beitraege zur neueren Germanistik (Rodopi/Brill) member


Name Type Activity Start date End date
AHRC-funded network on Motherhood in post-1968 European Literature AHRC research network member of steering committee 2013
Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing (CCWW) co-director
Network ‘Biological Discourses and German Literature around 1900’ co-organiser 2017
Network ‘Department Stores as Paradigm of Modernity’ co-organiser
Network 'European Shakespeare' co-organiser 2016
Network 'German in the World' co-organiser 2015
AHRC-funded London Arts and Humanities Partnership subject area representative
AHRC-funded Open World Research Initiative: Cross-Language Dynamics: Reshaping Community Leading sub-project 'Minority Literatures and Translingual Writing'
Transnational Urban Neighbourhoods co-organiser, research collaboration
Relevant Events

Related events:

Date Details
08-Nov-2024 From Minority Literatures to Postmigrant Writing

Paper delivered at 'Spineless Wonders' symposium, Slade School of Fine Art/SAS, 8 November 2024

03-Sep-2024 Narrating German-Jewish Experience of the 1930s through the Family Novel: Lion Feuchtwanger and Georg Hermann

Paper delivered at the Association for German Studies conference (AGS) , University of Leeds, 2-4 September

02-Jul-2024 Brittany, Scotland, Berlin. Multilingualism in Literature and Theatre

Co-organisation and chairing of panel discussion involving Zafer senocak (Berlin), Thomas Cloarec (Brest) and Peter Mackay (St Andrews). Co-organiser: Margaret Littler

18-Jun-2024 Encounter: Fatma Aydemir and Jon-Cho Polizzi

An author - translator conversation, co-organised with Lea Heim

06-Jul-2023 Encounter: Esther Dischereit with Iain Galbraith and DJ Ipek

Encounter / Performance organised in collaboration with the Goethe Institute London

05-Jul-2023 Postmigrant Reconfigurations: New Approaches to Contemporary German-language Jewish Cultural Production

Conference organised (with Maria Roca Lizarazu and Elizabeth Stewart) at ILCS

03-May-2023 Catherine the Great - A Celebrity Across Time

Panel discussion

28-Apr-2023 2023 Sylvia Naish Postgraduate Lecture

Speaker: Sophia Buck

29-Sep-2022 Weather in Translation, Time, Place and Sound

Panel discussion with the creative team behind the sound installation 'A Thousand Words for Weather'

16-Mar-2022 Writing Freely

Panel Discussion organised and introduced as part of the SAS series 'Open for Discussion: Free Speech', 2022

23-Feb-2022 Zusammen weiter schreiben

Panel discussion and reading with Anika Reich, Widad Nabi and Annett Groeschner; organised and chaired in the context of the 2022 DAAD/IMLR German Language Competition

02-Jul-2021 Encounter: Mascha Dabic and Leigh Bailey

An author-translator conversation

14-Jun-2021 Encounter: Annett Groeschner and Katy Derbyshire

An author - translator conversation

27-May-2021 2021 Bithell Memorial Lecture

Speaker: Raphael Gross

24-May-2021 2021 Sylvia Naish Postgraduate Lecture

Speaker: Laura Lux

11-May-2021 Encounter: Doerte Hansen and Anne Stokes

An author - translator conversation

22-Apr-2021 Transnational Approaches to Building a Post-Covid Society

Panel Discussion co-organised and co-chaired as part of the SAS series 'Open for Discussion', 22 April 2021

24-Mar-2021 Das Wort der Zukunft

An online public prize-giving event to celebrate the 2020/2021 IMLR/DAAD German language competition

19-Mar-2021 Pedagogies in Modern Languages, Area Studies and Linguistics

Inaugural AMLUK symposium

24-Nov-2020 Theorizing Crisis Imaginaries

A Joint Research Workshop, organised by the UCD Humanities Institute and the IMLR. Using the idea of a ‘crisis imaginaries’ as a springboard, the workshop investigated the social, political and historical functions of crisis narrations from interdisciplinary perspectives. Speakers: Janet Roitman (Anthropology; New School for Social Research, New York), Ansgar Nünning (English and American Literature; University of Gießen), Joseph Ford (French Studies; IMLR, University of London), Sarah Churchwell (Public Understanding of the Humanities; University of London), Anne Fuchs (German Studies; Humanities Institute, University College Dublin), Marek Tamm (History; Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University).

23-Nov-2020 Capturing the Zeitgeist. Tracking Words in German and English Dictionaries

Online Panel discussion in the context of the 2020 DAAD/IMLR German Language Competition 'Das Wort der Zukunft'. Panellists: Kathrin Kunkel-Razum, Editor-in-Chief of the German publishing house DUDEN, and Wendalyn Nichols, Publishing Manager at Cambridge University Press. Introduced by Ralf Teepe (German Embassy London), and chaired by Rosie Goldsmith, Director of The European Literature Network.

17-Nov-2019 At Home I Speak

Participation in a Panel Discussion on Growing up Multilingually; part of the being Human Festival, Rich Mix Cultural Centre, Bethnal Green

01-Nov-2019 Initiatives Promoting Women in Translation: the Encounters Seminar Series

Contribution to a Panel Presentation and Discussion at the 'Translating Women' conference, IMLR

25-Oct-2019 'Wandern & Plaudern mit Fontane': Book Launch and Talk

Book launch event organised with the Fontane-Archiv, Universitaet Potsdam; Haus der Brandenburgisch-Preussischen Geschichte, Potsdam

25-Sep-2019 Exploring the Transnational Neighbourhood. Integration, Community and Co-Habitation

Two day conference, co-organised by IMLR and Humanities Institute, Dublin; 25-26 September 2019

28-Jun-2019 Writing Victoria and Albert: A Conversation with 'Victoria' scriptwriter Daisy Goodwin

Event to celebrate the prize-winners of the 2019 DAAD/IMLR German writing competition, German Embassy London.

30-May-2019 Across Languages: Translingualism in Contemporary Women's Writing

A 2-day conference, organised at the IMLR, 30-31 May 2019

30-May-2019 Encounter: Katja Petrowskaja and Shelley Frisch

A Conversation with Petrowskaja and Frisch about Petrowskaja's book 'Vielleicht Esther' and Frisch's translation 'Maybe Esther'.

30-Apr-2019 Making Theatre in Exile

Performance of IMLR archive texts involving the theatre group 'Foreign Affairs', co-organised with Clare George, discussion and Q&A.

25-Feb-2019 ‘Damals, dann und danach’. Symposium in Honour of the 70th Birthday of Barbara Honigmann

 Symposium, co-organised with Robert Gillett (QMUL), at the IMLR

30-Aug-2018 Jewishness in the German Studies Curriculum

 Paper given as part of a panel on 'Expanding the German Studies Curriculum' at the AGS at Bangor University

25-Jun-2018 Transnational and Translingual Urban Writing

 A workshop co-organised with UCD  at the IMLR

27-Apr-2018 Contemporary Jewish Women's Writing in Germany and Austria: A 'Minor' Literature?

 Workshop, co-organised with Dr Maria Roca-Lizarazu, IMLR

16-Apr-2018 The Importance of Literature in Modern Languages

 Paper presented at the conference 'Our Uncommon Ground: Modern Languages & Cultures for the 21st Century', Durham University

01-Mar-2018 'A New Language - a New Life?' Translingual Writing by Contemporary Women Authors

 Symposium organised at the IMLR

27-Jun-2017 'Metropolis' (4-day DAAD-sponsored Summer School for postgraduate students in German)

 Summer school organised at the IMLR

25-Nov-2016 Germanistik in the UK: current situation and initiatives

Contribution to a one-day symposium at the Sorbonne, Paris: 'Teaching and Research in 'Strategically Important' Languages. A Comparative Perspective between France and the UK'

21-Oct-2016 Gadji Beri Bimba

Public engagement activity as part of 'Cabaret Voltaire', an event on DADA poetry at the Bloomsbury Festival

24-Oct-2015 What Have You Got in Your Pockets? Poetry and Translation Workshop

Public engagement activity as part of the Bloomsbury Festival

15-Oct-2015 AS Byatt in Conversation with Martin Swales and G. Weiss-Sussex

Biennial Bithell Memorial event; public engagement activity

30-Sep-2015 Translation Competition: Walpurgistag

Public engagement activity, launched in cooperation with the DAAD

12-Dec-2014 'Dinggedicht' poetry competition

Public engagement activity. Collaboration with the DAAD and the British Museum (Oct-Dec 2014); including a prize-giving event at the British Museum (12 December 2014), supported by the German Embassy

12-Dec-2014 ‘The Power of the Object in German Literature’

Public engagement event. Collaboration with the British Museum: Lecture and Reading at British Museum Late Event

11-Dec-2014 'Die Biographie des Dings'

Public engagement activity. Writing workshop led by Berlin author Annett Groeschner

05-Jul-2012 Auf der Spur alter Berliner Warenhaeuser

Public Engagement activity. Guided tour through Berlin with Michael Bienert: locations of early 20th century Berlin department stores

05-Jul-2012 Das Berliner Warenhaus - Kommerz und Imagination

Public engagement event: reading by Berlin author Annett Groeschner; Literaturhaus Berlin

01-Mar-2012 Narratives and Ageing

Public engagement event: Reading by Jane Gardam and Martin Walser

03-Jul-2011 Shakespeare - a German Writer

Public engagement event. With Globe Education (Globe Theatre London): Two performances of lecture-cum-performance plus additional public lecture at the International Shakespeare Festival, Globe Theatre, Neuss am Rhein, Germany

11-Nov-2010 Berlin: A Clash of Histories

Public engagement event. Bithell Memorial Lecture by broadcaster Matt Frei

14-Oct-2010 Shakespeare - ein deutscher Dramatiker

Public engagement event. With Globe Education (Globe Theatre London): production of lecture-cum-performance at Shakespeare’s Globe, London

22-Sep-2009 The Good German

Public Engagement event. Reading by American writer Joseph Kanon

Knowledge transfer activities:

Writing the Lives of Those that Stayed Behind. Georg Hermann’s Long-Lost Exile Novel ‘Die daheim blieben’

Invited Talk (Leo Baeck Institute and Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies), London; 21 March 2024

Reporting the Other

Organisation and Chairing of Panel discussion with BBC- , Sky News and ARD journalists, 25 october 2024, SAS

Writing the Lives of Those that Stayed Behind. Georg Hermann’s Long-Lost Exile Novel ‘Die daheim blieben’

in-conversation event with ewout van der Knaap, Utrecht University, 19 November 2024

Writing the Lives of Those that Stayed Behind. Georg Hermann’s Long-Lost Exile Novel ‘Die daheim blieben’

In conversation event with Arnon Grunberg, German Embassy Den Haag, 20 November 2024

Writing the Lives of Those that Stayed Behind. Georg Hermann’s Long-Lost Exile Novel ‘Die daheim blieben’

In conversation event with Jochen Hung, Goethe Institute Amsterdam, 21 November 2024

Postmigrantisch schreiben? Multilinguale Verfahren und narrative Neudeutungen in zeitgenössischer deutsch-jüdischer Literatur

Invited paper at the University of Innsbruck, 1 June 2023

'allerbester GH'. Georg Hermanns unveröffentlichter Exilroman Die daheim blieben

Paper presented at conference ‚Vom gesicherten und ungesicherten Leben. Neue Perspektiven auf das Werk des deutsch-jüdischen Schriftstellers Georg Hermann‘ in Wuppertal, 25 March 2022

'But Are they Any Good?' Researching German-Jewish Women Writers of the Early 20th Century

Paper presented at inaugural SASiety symposium, 8 March 2021

Covid and the Woman Writer

Conference co-organised with Caragh Wells (Bristol), 30 April 2021, IMLR/ CCWW (online)

panel ‘Chick Lit as World Literature(s): minor reputation and major circulation, transitions and transformations’

Chair and respondent at this panel of the conference ‘World Literature and the Minor’, University of Leuven, 6 May 2021 (online)

Kerstin Hensels Oderbruch-Text ‘Die Flötenfinger des Birnbaums’ (2019) als Antwort auf Fontanes Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg

Paper presented at conference 'Kerstin Hensel: Critical Anatomies of the Everyday / Kritische Anatomien des Alltags', University of Glasgow (online), 4 June 20201


Conference co-organised with Robert Leucht and Angela Sanmann-Graf (Lausanne); 2 July 2021, online

‚Ljubljú tebjá. Schrecklich sehr!‘ Mehrsprachigkeit und Identitätskonstruktion in Texten deutsch-jüdischer Autorinnen

Paper presented at the quintennial IVG conference in Palermo, 26 July 2021 (online)

‘S schewó natschináetjsa ródina, was ist es, womit Heimat beginnt?’. Multilingualismus und Zugehörigkeit in deutschen Texten jüdischer Autorinnen der 2010er Jahre

Paper presented at AGS annual conference, Swansea (online), 2 September 2021

'Berlin department store novels 1900-1930: between populist pulp and emancipatory counter-discourse'.

Talk for the Book and Print Initiative, SAS, 21 October 2021.

From 'Where are you from?' to 'Where shall we go together?'. Re-imagining Home and Belonging in 21st-Century Women's Writingy

A two-day conference, co-organised with Maria Roca Lizarazu; IMLR, 23-24 September 2020 (online conference)

Space, Time and Language in Das überirdische Licht

 Paper presented at ‘Damals, dann und danach’. Symposium in Honour of the 70th Birthday of Barbara Honigmann, IMLR, 25 February 2019

Translingual Writing: Definitions and Parameters

Introductory paper at conference 'Across Languages: Translingualism in Contemporary Women's Writing', 30 May 2019, IMLR

'Wandern & Plaudern mit Fontane'

Book preview at the annual Fontane Fruehjahrstreffen conference, German Historical Institute, 10 May 2019

Moving Beyond the 'Heimat' Concept: German-Jewish Perspectives

Paper presented at the MLA International Symposium (Remembering Voices Lost) in Lisbon, Portugal, on 24 July 2019

Women's Voices in the German Heimat Discourse Before, During and After the First World war

Panel Convened at the MLA Symposium, Lisbon, July 2019

Monism, Eugenics and (the Limits of) Female Agency

 Invited talk presented as part of the Medical Histories and Humanities Seminar series at the University of Exeter, 8 February 2018

Translingual Creativity and Belonging in Katja Petrowskaja's Vielleicht Esther (2014)

 Paper presented at Symposium 'A New Language - a New Life?' Translingual Literature by Contemporary Women Writers, IMLR, 1 March 2018

'Du bist frei, deine Heimat hat dich freigegeben!' Elisabeth Landau's literary assessment of the situation of the German Jews after the First World War

 Paper presented at the conference 'Literatur, Sprache und Kultur zur Zeit der Weimarer Republik', at the University of Bucharest, 25 October 2018

Elisabeth Landau's Novel 'Der Holzweg' (1918): A Gendered Discussion of Heimat and Nation

Paper presented at the MLA Annual Convention in Philadelphia, 5 January 2017

Gender and Nation: German-Jewish Women Authors, 1870-1918

Organisation of a Special Session at the MLA Annual Convention in Philadelphia, 5 January 2017

'Das doppelte Martyrium des Weibseins und des Judentums': Femininity and Jewishness in the Works of Female German-Jewish Writers in Berlin (1900-1918)

Invited Talk at the University of Nottingham (School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies Research Seminar Series)on 22 March 2017

'Jeder Stern schien mir ein geheimer Verwandter zu sein': Heimat, Language, and Identity in Katja Petrowskaja, 'Vielleicht Esther' (2014)

Paper presented at the Forty-first Annual Conference of the German Studies Association (US), Atlanta, GA, on 6 October 2017

Ein weiblicher Entwurf der Befreiung aus unheimlicher Heimat: Elisabeth Landaus Roman 'Der Holzweg' (1918)

Paper presented at the conference 'Unheimliche Heimatraeume' at the Facultad de Letras, University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz, on 20 September 2017

Heimattreue oder nomadische Emanzipation? Elisabeth Landaus Roman Der Holzweg (1918)

Paper presented at the conference 'Women and Heimat in German Literature and Visual Culture, 1871-1933', 12-13 May, IMLR (co-organisers: Caroline Bland and G. Weiss-Sussex)

Berlin: Early 20th-Century Department Stores

Paper presented at SAS launch event of Cities@SAS research hub, 1 June 2016

Juedin und Moderne

Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for German Studies (AGS), Newcastle, 2 September 2016

Department Stores and the Discourse of Modernity in early 20th-Century Berlin Fiction

Invited talk at the Centre for Metropolitan History seminar series, Institute for Historical Research (IHR), School of Advanced Study, University of London, on 12 October 2016

Book launch: 'Juedin und Moderne'

Paper presented at the conference 'Juedin und Moderne: German-Jewish Women's Writing in the early 20th Century and in Exile', 20 October, IMLR

Feminism, Motherhood and Eugenics in pre-WWI Berlin; or: How to promote reform through literary writing?

Paper presented at Multi-disciplinary Gender Research Seminar (16/2/15), University of Cambridge

The department store as habitat of the sophisticated urbanite: Georg Hermann’s 'Der kleine Gast' (1925)

Conference paper presented at the conference 'Urban Microcosms' at the University of Bristol, 14-16 September

Book Launch: Tales of Commerce and Imagination

Paper presented at the launch of this volume on the department store as symbol of modernity in film and Literature, co-edited by G Weiss-Sussex and U. Zitzlsperger.

'Confronting Stereotypes: Department Store Novels by German-Jewish Authors, 1916-1925’

Paper presented at the School of Humanities, University of Exeter (research seminar)

Die Literarisierung naturwissenschaftlicher Weltanschauung: Die Form des monistischen Entwicklungsromans

Paper presented at the conference 'German Literature and Biological Thought around 1900' at the IMLR

Ein deutsch-jüdischer Zeitroman aus weiblicher Perspektive: Audnals 'Der Holzweg' (1918) als Absage an das Projekt der Assimilation

Paper presented at the annual Women in German Studies (WIGS)conference

'Modern Women'

Paper presented (with Flora Willson) at King's College, Cambridge (Research Seminar)

'Femininity, Jewishness and the City: Jewish Women Writers in Early 20th-Century Berlin'

Paper presented at Director's Seminar series at the IMLR

Großstadtjüdinnen. Konzepte einer literarischen Figur in Romanen jüdischer Autorinnen um 1900

Paper presented at the annual Women in German Studies (WIGS)conference

Tales of the Unexpected: German-Jewish Women Writers in early 20th Century Berlin

Paper presented at the German Department, University of Cambridge (research seminar)

Feminismus, Eugenik und Judentum: Grete Meisel Hess

Keynote at conference ‘Deutsch-jüdische Schriftstellerinnen um 1900’ in Porto, Portugal

Femininity, Jewishness and the City: Jewish Women Writers in Early 20th-Century Berlin

Invited Lecture at City University, New York (CUNY)

‘Reformprogrammatik und Romanästhetik: Romane aus dem Umkreis des Bunds fuer Mutterschutz'

Paper presented at the conference 'Protest and Reform in Wilhelmine German Culture' at the IMLR

'Juedische Reaktionen auf antisemitische Warenhaus-Literatur'

Paper presented at the conference 'Kommerz und Imagination II: Literarische und filmische Beiträge zur Warenhaus-Debatte im frühen 20. Jahrhundert' at the Literaturhaus Berlin

Tales of the Unexpected: German-Jewish Women Writers in early 20th Century Berlin

Paper presented as part of the Dean's Seminars series at SAS

'Juedische Schriftstellerinnen in Berlin'

Invited Lecture at the Freie Universitaet Berlin

‘Nun sind sie da, für die du gekämpft.’ Grete Meisel-Hess (1879-1922) als Autorin in der Nachfolge Hedwig Dohms (1831 – 1919)

Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for German Studies (AGS)

‘The Mental Life of a Metropolitan Dweller. Georg Hermann’s Novel Die Nacht des Doktor Herzfeld (1912)’

Keynote at conference ‘Topography and Literature: Berlin and Modernism’ in Sewanee, Tennessee (The University of the South)

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