Professor Constantin Stefanou

Contact details

Professor Constantin Stefanou
BA (NEC) (Summa Cum Laude), MA (Essex), MPhil. (Essex), PhD (Kent).
Director, Sir William Dale Centre for Legislative Drafting
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Charles Clore House 17 Russell Square London WC1B 5DR
020 7862 5861
Email address:

Research Summary and Profile

Research interests:
International Relations, Law, Political Institutions
Research keywords:
Legislative Drafting, Law Reform, Post legislative scrutiny, Regulatory Impact Analysis, Legislative Studies, Legislative Drafting and Policy Process, RIA, Drafting Manuals for RIA, Brexit, Transposition of EU Law, EU Criminal Law, EU Integration Theory, EU Enlargement, Reform in Greece, COmparative Legislative Studies, Drafting Constitutional Provisions, Drafting Regulations, Drafting secondary legislation, Drafting statuatory instruments
Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, North America
Summary of research interests and expertise:

Legislative Drafting; Legislative Drafting and the Policy Process; Post Legislative Scrutiny, Legislative Studies, Law Reform, Regulatory Impact Analysis, Drafting Manuals for RIA, Manual for Legislative Drafting, EU Politics & Law; EU Criminal Law; EU Enlargement; International Relations Theory.

Publication Details

Related publications/articles:

Date Details
19-Sep-2024 Alternatives to Regulation

Conference papers

Stefanou, C. (2024), “Alternatives to Regulation”, Implementing the executive state model to law-making: Greek aspirations and inspirations, High level event organised in the framework of the project “Improve coordination and quality in the regulatory cycle, by introducing forward looking, effective legislative practices”, Presidency of the Government, Hellenic Republic, Athens, Greece, 19 September 2024.

16-Jul-2024 Comparative Presentation of Education Actions for Public Sector Officials, the UK, France and Germany

Conference papers

Stefanou, C. (2024), “Comparative Presentation of Education Actions for Public Sector Officials, the UK, France and Germany”, Workshop on Good Legislation in Greece, Expertise France & National School of Public Administration and Self Government, Athens, Greece, 16 July 2024.

17-Dec-2023 Guidelines for the Scrutiny of the Quality of Urban Legislation: A Manual for Parliamentarians

Edited Book

Amin, A, Mousmouti, M and Stefanou, C (2023), “Guidelines for the Scrutiny of the Quality of Urban Legislation: A Manual for Parliamentarians”, United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat), HS Number: HS/001/23E, Nairobi.

01-Mar-2023 Legislation in the executive state


Mousmouti, M and Stefanou. C. (2023) “6. Η Νομοθεσια στο Επιτελικο Κρατος” (Legislation in the executive state) in EKDDA, Εκπαιδευση δημοσιων υπαλληλων (δ.υ) για την ενταξη στον κλαδο Π.Ε. επιτελικων στελεχων (Civil service Training Manual for executive officers), EKDDA Civil Service Programme Manual, March 2023.

01-Mar-2023 Regulatory Impact Analysis


Mousmouti, M and Stefanou. C. (2023) “5. Αναλυση Συνεπειων Ρυθμισης” (Regulatory Impact Analysis) in EKDDA, Εκπαιδευση δημοσιων υπαλληλων (δ.υ) για την Ενταξη στον κλαδο Π.Ε. επιτελικων στελεχων (Civil service Training Manual for executive officers), EKDDA Civil Service Programme Manual, March 2023.

01-Feb-2023 Effective Political Communication


Stathopoulou, D. and Stefanou, C. (2023) “9. Αποτελεσματικη Επικοινωνια Πολιτικης” (Effective Political Communication), EKDDA Δρασεις Συνεχιζομενης καταρτησης 2014-2021 (Continuous Training Actions 2014-2021), EKDDA Civil Service Programme Manual, February 2023.

01-Dec-2022 Square pegs in round holes: post-pandemic lessons from common law drafting via the law on the executive state


Stefanou, C. (2022), (Square pegs in round holes: post-pandemic lessons from common law drafting via the law on the executive state) “Στρογγυλα πουλια σε τετραγωνες τρυπες: μετα-πανδημικα μαθηματα απο τη Αγγλοσαξωνικ? Νομοτεχνικ? μ?σω του Ν?μου γι? το Επιτελικο Κρατος”, in Πρακτικα Συνεδραου Αναβαθμιση & Αναπροσανατολισμος των δεξιοτητων στο συγχρονο επιτελικο κρατος, ΕΚΔΔΑ, Εθνικο Τυπογραφειο, EKDDA, Athens, pp.195-200.

12-Feb-2021 Common Law Solutions for Civil Law Problems: Lessons from Greece's Legislative Drafting Reforms

Conference papers

Stefanou, C. (2021), “Common Law Solutions for Civil Law Problems: Lessons from Greece's Legislative Drafting Reforms”, 2020 International Association of Legislation Conference Organised by the General Secretariat for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Presidency of the Hellenic Government, 11-12 February 2021, Greece.

09-Dec-2020 Regulation Impact Assessment Manual

Edited Book

Stefanou C. et al  (2020) Regulation Impact Assessment Manual, Presidency of the Government General Secretariat for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Athens.

01-Oct-2020 Legislation in the UK


Stefanou, C. and Xanthaki. H. (2020) “Legislation in the UK” in U. Karpen and H. Xanthaki (eds) Legislation in Europe A country by country Handbook for Scholars and Practitioners, Hart & Nomos.

01-Sep-2020 Modern Trends in Drafting and Negotiating Bills


Stefanou, C. and Xanthaki. H. (2020) “Modern Trends in Drafting and Negotiating Bills” in R. Zbíral (ed) The Cradle of Statutes, Nomos, Baden-Baden.

15-Nov-2019 The Legislative Side of Brexit

Conference papers

Stefanou, C. and Xanthaki, H. (2019) , “The Legislative Side of Brexit” in Sixth Annual International Conference on Legislation and Law Reform, DC Bar, 15 November 2019, Washington, USA.

29-May-2018 Brexit in the context of European Integration


Stefanou, C. (2018) “Brexit in the context of European Integration?” Paper delivered at the Postgraduate Program, School of Law, University of Athens, Greece, May 2018.

03-Nov-2017 Is Brexit a bad thing


Paper delivered at the School of Law, University of Athens, Greece, 3 November 2017 (Erasmus Exchange)

05-Jul-2017 The Policy-side of effectiveness

Effective Law and Regulation, Conference organised by the Sir William Dale Centre for Legislative Studies, IALS, 5 July 2017

31-Dec-2016 Comparative Legislative Drafting: Comparing Across Legal Systems

Journal articles

European Journal of Law Reform, 2/2016, pp.123-138.

28-Sep-2016 Legislative Drafting for Climate Change: Is there a wrong way and a right way

Conference papers

Legislating the Paris Climate Agreement, Climate & Development Knowledge Network, Simmons & Simmons, London, 28 September 2016.

15-Jul-2016 Good Legislation and Good Governance

Conference papers

Urban Law Day 2016 - Good Urban Legislation in Resource-Poor Settings: Challenges and Practical Solutions, IALS-UN Habitat, 15 July 2016.

01-Nov-2015 Is Legislative Drafting a Form of Communication


in H. Xanthaki (ed) Enhancing Legislative Drafting in the Commonwealth: A Wealth of Innovation, Routledge, London and New York, 2015, pp.4-13.

01-Dec-2014 Chapter III: Trends and challenges in victim support measures


in 'Comparative Report and Policy Recommendations Protecting Victims’ Rights in the EU: the theory and practice of diversity of treatment during the criminal trial', 2014, pp.132-159,

17-Jan-2014 Use of Databases to combat Organised Crime

Conference papers

Prevenzione della corruzione: il ruolo delle banche dati, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Roma Tre, Italy, 17 January 2014. 

01-Apr-2013 Anglosaxon Legislative Drafting

Keynote Speaker, Legislative Process and Legislative Drafting, Panteion University, Athens, Greece, 1 April 2013.

05-Dec-2012 Sources and Hierarchy of the UK Constitution

Conference papers

Keynote Speaker, Conferência Internacional sobre o Systema Juridico Inglês, British Council/FIEPE/TJPE, Recife, Brazil, 5-7 December 2012.

25-May-2012 Drafting the Turkish Constitution

Conference papers

Keynote Speaker, House of Lords, 4th International Democracy Forum, The Need for a Civil Constitution For Turkey, 25 May 2012.

01-Jan-2011 Is Legislative Drafting a Form of Communication?

Journal articles

Commonwealth Law Bulletin, Vol.37, No.3, pp.407-416.

01-Jan-2011 OLAF at the Crossroads: Action against EU Fraud


Hart Publisher (co-authored with S. White and H. Xanthaki)

01-Jan-2011 Legislative Drafting as a form of Communication


in L. Mader and M. Travares-Almeida (eds), Quality of Legislation Principles and Instruments, Nomos, Baden-Baden, pp.308-320.

01-Jan-2010 Databases as a Means of Combating Organised Crime within the EU

Journal articles

Journal of Financial Crime, Vol.17, No.1, pp.100-115.

01-Jan-2008 Drafters, Drafting and the Policy Process


in C. Stefanou and H. Xanthaki (eds), Drafting Legislation: A Modern Approach, Ashgate, Aldershot, pp.321-333.

01-Jan-2008 Introduction: How did the idea of a European Criminal Record come about


in C. Stefanou and H. Xanthaki (eds), Towards a European Criminal Record, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp.1-24.

01-Jan-2008 The European Criminal Record: Political Parameters


in C. Stefanou and H. Xanthaki (eds), Towards a European Criminal Record, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp.59-78.

01-Jan-2008 Conclusions


in C. Stefanou and H. Xanthaki (eds), Towards a European Criminal Record, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp.378-384.

01-Jan-2008 Drafting Legislation: A Modern Approach,

Edited Book

Ashgate, Aldershot. (co-edited with H. Xanthaki)

01-Jan-2008 Towards a European Criminal Record, .

Edited Book

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (co-edited with H. Xanthaki)

01-Jan-2007 The Dynamic of the Maastricht Process,


Bruylant/Sakkoulas, Brussels/ Athens.

01-Jan-2006 Organised Crime and the Use of EU-wide Databases


in I. Bantekas and G. Keramidas (eds), International and European Financial Criminal Law, Butterworths, Lexis-Nexis, London, pp.215-243.

01-Jan-2006 Final Report – Proposals


co authored with H. Xanthaki, in N. Klamaris (ed.), National and Horizontal Study towards the Compatibility of Rules on Civil Procedural Matters – Euro-Action, Sakkoulas, Athens, pp.621-644.

01-Jan-2006 European Criminal Law and European Integration Theory

Journal articles

European Journal of Law Reform, Vol.8, No.2, pp.325-342.

01-Jan-2005 National Criminal Records as a Means of Combating Organised Crime: the Political Parameters


in C. Stefanou and H. Xanthaki (eds), Financial Crime in the EU: Criminal Records as effective Tools or Missed Opportunities, Kluwer Law International, pp.43-56.

01-Jan-2005 Beyond Transposition of the Acquis: Can Cyprus Maintain the Momentum


in C. Stefanou (ed), Cyprus and the EU: The road to accession, Ashgate, Aldershot, pp.259-272

01-Jan-2005 Introduction


in C. Stefanou (ed), Cyprus and the EU: The road to accession, Ashgate, Aldershot, pp.1-10.

01-Jan-2005 The Policy Process and Legislative Drafting


in C. Stefanou and H. Xanthaki (eds), Legislative Drafting Manual, DFID/IALS/Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Kiev, pp.1-5.

01-Jan-2005 Ethics and Legislative Drafting


in C. Stefanou and H. Xanthaki (eds), Legislative Drafting Manual, DFID/IALS/Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Kiev, pp.6-7.

01-Jan-2005 Dealing with Regulation: the British Approach


in C. Stefanou and H. Xanthaki (eds), Drafting for EU Approximation, DFID/IALS/Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Kiev, pp.35-49.

01-Jan-2005 Cyprus and the EU: The road to accession

Edited Book

Ashgate, Aldershot

01-Jan-2005 Financial Crime in the EU: Criminal Records as effective Tools or Missed Opportunities?

Edited Book

Kluwer Law International, The Hague (co-edited with H. Xanthaki)

01-Jan-2005 Legislative Drafting Manual

Edited Book

DFID/IALS/Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Kiev (co-edited with H.Xanthaki)

01-Jan-2005 Drafting for EU Approximation

Edited Book

DFID/IALS/ Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Kiev (co-edited with H. Xanthaki)

01-Jan-2003 National Means of Implementation of Third Pillar Instruments

Journal articles

co-authored with H. Xanthaki, European Current Law Review, January-February ’03, pp.xi-xvii.

01-Jan-2003 Recent Developments in the EU’s Third Pillar

Conference papers

European Commission Grotius Civil Study, IALS, London May 2003.

01-Jan-2002 Trade in Human Organs: Political Reviser’s Report

Conference papers

Trade in Human Organs, European Commission Falcone Project Study, 1-2 November 2002, Thessaloniki, Greece.

01-Jan-2000 The EU Draft Money Laundering Directive: A case of Inter-institutional Synergy

Journal articles

co-authored with H. Xanthaki, Journal of Money Laundering Control, Vol.3, No.4, pp. 325-335.

01-Jan-2000 A Legal and Political Interpretation of Article 215(2) [new Article 288(2)] of the Treaty of Rome: The Individual Strikes Back


Ashgate, Aldershot (co-authored with H. Xanthaki)

01-Jan-1999 The Principle of the Effective Protection of the Individual in EC Law and the Dialectic of European Integration Theory

Journal articles

co-authored with H. Xanthaki, in Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, Vol.50, No.2, pp.213-233.

01-Jan-1999 Il risarcimento del danno nel contesto della responsa-bilità concorrente ex Articolo 288 par. 2 tce e la dialettica delle teorie dell’integrazione europea

Journal articles

co-authored with H. Xanthaki,Rivista Italiana di Diritto Pubblico Comunitario, Vol.IX, No.5, pp.1059-1088.

01-Jan-1999 Restitution for EU companies under Article 215(2)EC and Integration Theory

Journal articles

co-authored with H. Xanthaki, European Financial Services Law, Vol.6, No.2, pp.58-66.

01-Jan-1999 Greece: Money Laundering

Journal articles

co-authored with H. Xanthaki, Journal of Money Laundering Control, Vol.3, No.2, pp.161-172.

01-Jan-1999 Political Reviser’s Report

The Use of Criminal Records as a means of preventing organised crime in the areas of money-laundering and public procurement, European Commission FALCONE Study (Ref. No. 1999/FAL/197).

01-Jan-1997 A Legal and Political Interpretation of Articles 224 and 225 of the Treaty of Rome, The FYROM Cases


Dartmouth/Ashgate, Aldershot (co-authored with H. Xanthaki)

01-Jan-1997 Are national remedies the only way forward? Widening the scope of Article 215(2) of the Treaty of Rome


co-authored with H. Xanthaki, in J. Lonbay and A. Biondi (eds), Remedies for Breach of EC Law, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp.85-101.

01-Jan-1996 I Elliniki parapompi sto DEK gia to embargo sta Skopja” (The Greek referral to the ECJ for the embargo on Skopje)

Journal articles

co-authored with H. Xanthaki, Hellenic Atlantic Treaty Association Review, March ’96, pp.38-47.

01-Jan-1995 Article 224 of the Treaty of Rome and the repercussions of case C-120/94

Journal articles

co-authored with H. Xanthaki, in Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, No.3. This article is reprinted in: M. Allen (ed.), Web Journal of Current Legal Issues 1995 Yearbook, Blackstone, London, 1995, pp.141-161.

01-Jan-1990 Institutional Implications of European Integration

Journal articles

co-authored with Emil J. Kirchner, in Saint Louis University Public Law Review, Volume IX, No.1, pp.61-82.

Publications available on SAS-space:

Date Details
The Principle of the Effective Protection of the Individual in EC Law and the Dialectic of European Integration Theory


Preprint of an article by Dr Constantin Stefanou, Research Fellow in Legislative Studies and Senior Project Officer for the Ukraine LDP; Sir William Dale Centre for Legislative Studies and Dr Helen Xanthaki, Senior Lecturer in Legislative Studies and Academic Director, Sir William Dale Centre for Legislative Studies at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, published in Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly.

Welcome to the IALS Student Law Review


The IALS Student Law Review is a new open access journal from the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies made freely available online through the School of Advanced Study's Open Journals System. The journal publishes scholarly articles or developing work format and will focus on legal studies within the main expertise of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), School of Advanced Study (SAS) University of London.In this Editorial Jules Winterton (Director, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies), Professor Avrom Sherr (Woolf Professor of Legal Education and Director on Sabbatical, IALS), Dr Constantin Stefanou (Director of Taught Courses, IALS and Academic Editor IALS Student Law Review) and Nima Mersadi Tabari on behalf of the IALS Student Law Review Editorial Board welcome you to our inaugural issue.The IALS Student Law Review aims to provide a unique forum for all those who are interested in legal studies to present their scholarly contributions. The unique offering of the IALS Student Law Review is that it allows for publication on multi-dimensional legal studies. In addition, it proactively encourages analytical and comparative studies. Papers that investigate legal issues from single or multiple vantage points whether topically or jurisdictionally are equally welcomed, as are papers examining law-related interdisciplinary work.The IALS Student Law Review is run by IALS PhD legal research students assisted by an academic member of staff at IALS. The journal is intended as a showcase for legal scholars from postgraduate students and early career scholars to well-established academics; and intends to target both members of the legal academia and practitioners in addition to students.Submissions from legal practitioners are also welcomed. Scholars working on related topics are encouraged to put together several papers for consideration as special themed issues or dossiers.

Additional Publications

Publications available in Senate House Libraries

Consultancy reports:

Date Details
2003 Preparing for Judicial Reform

Report for the World Bank study Preparing for Judicial Reform in Bulgaria (PHRD Grant No. TF051882), co-authored with H. Xanthaki.

Government/policy work:

Date Details
2024 Pre and Post legislative Scrutiny

Stefanou, C. (2024) Keynote Speaker, “Pre and Post legislative Scrutiny”, University of Querétaro & The Senate of the Mexican Republic  Certificate Course on Legislative Impact Assessment, Mexico, 27 April 2024.

2023 Foresight Research and Assessment of Future Developments

Stefanou, C. (2023) Keynote Speaker, “Foresight Research and Assessment of Future Developments”, Foresight Investigation and Evaluation of Transformations, Hellenic Evaluation Society, Athens, Greece, 9 November 2023.

2023 Presentation of Education Actions for Public Sector Officials

Stefanou, C., (2023) Speaker, “Presentation of Education Actions for Public Sector Officials”, Training for civil service personnel Career development in the public sector, Workshop, Expertise France & Hellenic Interior Ministry, Athens, Greece, 26 October 2023.

2019 Legislative Drafting Seminar

Stefanou, C. (2019) ”Legislative Drafting Seminar”, Greek Parliament, Athens, Greece, 21-22 October 2019.

2017 Italian Chamber of Deputies, Chair of the Roundtable on “ICT and Process of Political Representation”

 Stefanou, C., (2017), Chair of the Roundtable on “ICT and Process of Political Representation” in the The EUPADRA Conference, Transformation of Parliamentary Procedures by Technology Innovation, Italian Chamber of Deputies, Sala del Mappamondo, Rome, Italy, 6 October 2017.

2016 Legislative Drafting Seminars

 Keynote Speaker, Wellington, NZ, 22-27 February 2016. Seminars organized by New Zealand’s Electricity Authority, the Civil Aviation Authority, the Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand Transport Agency and Maritime New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.

2016 “Secondary Legislation and Parliamentary Scrutiny", Written Evidence, House of Lords Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee's Response to the Strathclyde Review Inquiry.

Stefanou, C., Xanthjaki, H. (2016), “Secondary Legislation and Parliamentary Scrutiny", Written Evidence, House of Lords Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee's Response to the Strathclyde Review Inquiry. 

2007 Written Evidence, House of Commons Home Affairs Committee, “Justice and Home Affairs issues at European Union Level”,

3rd Report of session 2006-2007, HC76-I, 5 June 2007, p.Ev 173, co-authored with H. Xanthaki

2006 “Final Report-Proposals” in National and Horizontal Study towards the Compatibility of Rules on Civil Procedural Matters – Euro-Action

European Commission Grotius Civil Programme Study, co-authored with H. Xanthaki.

2005 “ ‘Strengthening OLAF’ towards greater effectiveness in the protection of the Communities’ financial interests: the revision of the OLAF regulation 1073/99”,

Hearing on The Revision of the Regulation on the European Anti-Fraud Office, European Parliament’s Committee on Budgetary Control (COCOBU), European Parliament, 12-13 July 2005, Brussels, co-authored with Helen Xanthaki

2005 “ ‘Strengthening OLAF’ towards greater effectiveness in the protection of the Communities’ financial interests: the revision of the OLAF regulation 1073/99

Interim Presentation on The Revision of the Regulation on the European Anti-Fraud Office, European Parliament’s Committee on Budgetary Control (COCOBU), European Parliament, April 2005, Brussels. co-authored with H. Xanthaki

2005 “Final Report” in Feasibility study on the creation of a database on prosecutions and investigations,

European Commission AGIS Programme Study (Ref. No. JAI/AGIS/ 2003/002), co-authored with H. Xanthaki

2005 “Political Reviser’s Report” in Feasibility study on the creation of a database on prosecutions and investigations,

European Commission AGIS Programme Study (Ref. No. JAI/AGIS/ 2003/002).

2005 Written Submission, House of Lords, European Union Committee, The Hague Programme: a five year agenda for EU justice and home affairs

10th Report of Session 2004-5, Minutes of Evidence taken before the European Union Committee (Sub-Committee E) 26 January 2005, pp.51-52.

2004 Written Submission, House of Lords, European Union Committee, Strengthening OLAF, the European Anti-Fraud Office

24th Report of Session 2003-04, Minutes of Evidence taken before the European Union Committee (Sub-Committee E) 5 May 2004, pp.79-82, co authored with H. Xanthaki.

2004 Memorandum by Dr Constantin Stefanou and Dr Helen Xanthaki, House of Lords, European Union Committee,

23rd Report of Session 2003-04, Judicial Cooperation in the EU: the role of Eurojust, Minutes of Evidence taken before the European Union Committee (Sub-Committee F) 16 June 2004, pp.92-96.

2004 Oral Evidence, House of Lords, European Union Committee, Judicial Cooperation in the EU: the role of Eurojust

Stefanou, C. and Xanthaki, H. (2004), 23rd Report of Session 2003-04, Minutes of Evidence taken before the European Union Committee (Sub-Committee F) 16 June 2004, pp.97-104.

2004 “Working Group A Report” for Technical Assistance for the Preparation of a Recruitment and Training Strategy for the Judiciary in Bulgaria

Report for EuropeAid Prog. No.113343/D/SV/BG.

2003 Trade in Human Organs: The Political Parameters

in Trade in Human Organs, European Commission FALCONE Study.

2003 Political Reviser’s Feasibility Study

in Comparative Study into Member States’ Measures to Prevent the Penetration of Legal Entities by the Organised Crime and Terrorist Groups, European Commission JHA Study (Ref. No. DG JAI-B2/2003/01).

2000 National Means of Implementation of Third Pillar Instruments: The Political Parameters

in National Means of Implementation of Third Pillar Instruments, European Commission GROTIUS Study (Ref. No. 2000/GR/109).

2000 Political Reviser’s Horizontal Report

A European Criminal Record as a means of combating organised crime, European Commission FALCONE Study (Ref. No. 2000/FAL/168).

1999 Political Reviser’s Report

The Use of Criminal Records as a means of preventing organised crime in the areas of money-laundering and public procurement, European Commission FALCONE Study (Ref. No. 1999/FAL/197).

Research Projects & Supervisions

Research projects:


ON-THE-MOVE: The reality of free movement for young European citizens migrating in times of crisis Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Project period: 01-Oct-2015 - 01-Apr-2017

Research interests: Law

Promoting research, information and awareness on Urban Law Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Project period: 01-Aug-2014 - 31-Mar-2016

Research interests: International Law, Law, Social Sciences

Joint Master’s Degree in Parliamentary Procedures and Legal Drafting Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Project period: 01-Sep-2016 - 31-Mar-2020

Research interests: Law

Advanced Training Programme on Legislative and treaty drafting Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Project period: 01-Oct-2015 - 31-Oct-2015

Research interests: International Law, Law

IALS Law Reform Project

Long Term Expert for the "Good Legislation in Greece" Project

A project funded by the EU Commission and administered by Expertise France.

Saudi Arabian PLS project

Current PhD topics supervised:

Dates Details
Law Reform

PhD student Stephen Knights

Available for doctoral supervision: Yes

Professional Affiliations

Professional affiliations:

Name Activity
Commonwealth Association for Legislative Counsels
European Commission’s Team Europe in the UK one of 13 EU acknowledged national experts on EU-related issues
British Council (Assessor for Chevening scholarships and Evaluator of tenders for projects funded by the British Council).
Statute Law Society Member
University Association for Contemporary European Studies Member
Atlantic Council
Association for the Protection of the Financial Interests of the EU Member


Name Type Activity Start date End date
Hart Conference 2010 Academic organiser 29-Jun-2010 01-Jul-2010
European Journal of Law Reform Member of the editorial board - peer reviewed journal 2005 30-Apr-2012
Hellenic Atlantic Treaty Association Review Editor of Peer Reviewed Journal Editor of peer reviewed journal 1993 2008
Expertise in Legislative Drafting Cooperation with Greek College of Public Administration (EKKDA) Course designer and Lecturer for EKKDA 01-Sep-2021 31-Aug-2022
Completion of RIA Manual Collaboration with the Greek Government, Ministry for the Cabinet. Writing of the Manual on Regulatory Impact Assessment 01-Sep-2021 30-Sep-2022
“Support Public Administration Reform and its Digital Transformation in Greece”. Collaboration with Greek Government and Expertise France One of two experts in legislative drafting appointed by Expertise France the above EU Project 01-Oct-2019 31-Dec-2019
Appointed Expert for the drafting of state manuals in RIA. Manual become official in March 2020. Cooperation with the Greek Government Drafting of RIA Manual 01-Nov-2019 31-Mar-2020
Improve coordination and quality in the regulatory cycle by introducing forward looking, effective legislative practices For the benefit of the Greek Government implemented by EXPERTISE FRANCE Contracted Expert for Agreement REFORM/IM2022/012 01-May-2022 31-May-2023
European Journal of Law Reform Managing Editor of peer reviewed journal 01-May-2012 30-Apr-2023
Drafting Course for Parliamentarians Collaboration with INTERPARES (EU Parliament)- IDEA EU Commission Designer and Trainer, Regulation and Legislative Drafting Course for Parliamentarians 01-Jun-2020 31-May-2021
“Good Legislation in Greece”, part of Agreement REFORM/IM2022/012, by European Commission For the benefit of the Government of Greece, implemented by EXPERTISE FRANCE. Contracted Long Term Expert for “Good Legislation in Greece 01-Jan-2023
EUPADRA joint masters in Parliamentary Law and Legislative Drafting Academic, with LUISS University and Complutense University Erasmus Mundus programme 01-Jan-2015 31-Dec-2022
Relevant Events

Related events:

Date Details
30-Sep-2024 Course in Post Legislative Scrutiny

Joint event with the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, it started in July 2019 and is still being offered by the IALS. 2-30 September 2024.

04-Jul-2024 Urban Law Day in Cooperation with UN Habitat

In cooperation with UN Habitat this is the 9th year it is being offered.

24-Jun-2024 Law and Language Conference

A series of annual workshops on law and Language in cooparation with the University of Palermo. Itis usually part of the annual 4-weeks legislative drafting course.


The oldest Legislative Drafting Course in the world, it was started in 1964 by Sir William Dale. 

31-May-2024 Online Interview on European Elections

Interview on EU Elections by TRT World, 31/5/2024. Quote appeared in “What do the European elections mean for the war in Gaza?”, TRTworld,

31-Jul-2023 Course in Post Legislative Scrutiny

Joint event with the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, it started in July 2019 and is still being offered by the IALS. 3-31 July 2023.

07-Jul-2023 Urban Law Day in Cooperation with UN Habitat

One day workshop. A series of annual workshops on law and Language in cooparation with the University of Palermo. Itis usually part of the annual 4-weeks legislative drafting course.

04-Jul-2023 Law and Language Conference

A series of annual workshops on law and Language in cooparation with the University of Palermo. Itis usually part of the annual 4-weeks legislative drafting course.

30-Jul-2022 Course in Post Legislative Scrutiny

Joint event with the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, it started in July 2019 and is still being offered by the IALS. 1-30 July 2022.

08-Jul-2022 Urban Law Day in Cooperation with UN Habitat

One day Conference.

06-Jul-2022 Law and Language Workshop

A series of annual workshops on law and Language in cooparation with the University of Palermo. Itis usually part of the annual 4-weeks legislative drafting course.

30-Jul-2021 Course in Post Legislative Scrutiny

Joint event with the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, it started in July 2019 and is still being offered by the IALS. 2-30 July 2021.

07-Jul-2021 Law and Language Workshop

A series of annual workshops on law and Language in cooparation with the University of Palermo. Itis usually part of the annual 4-weeks legislative drafting course.

05-Jul-2021 Urban Law Day in Cooperation with UN Habitat

Half-Day Conference

19-Mar-2021 Special Legislative Drafting Course for Bangsamoro

Centre won contract for online legislative drafting course in Bangsamoro. 25 January 2021 - 19 March 2021 

27-Nov-2020 Drafting Course for the Parliament of Myanmar

The Centre won a bid for an 8-weeks online introductory course in legislative drafting for the Parliament of Myanmar (Oct – Dec 2020). 5th October -27th November 2020.

10-Sep-2020 Emergency Legislation and Covid-19

IALS-WFD joint Conference on emergency legislation and Covid-19 on 10 Sept 2020.

10-Jul-2020 Urban Law Day in Cooperation with UN Habitat

Half-Day Conference

07-Nov-2019 Sir William Dale Memorial Lecture

Online for the first time due to Covid. First Parliamentary Counsel for Wales, 7 November 2019.

22-Oct-2019 Radio Interview on Brexit

Interview on Brexit for Greek National Radio (ERA) The voice of Greece (Η Φωνη της Ελλαδας), 09:00 GMT, 22 October 2019.

03-Sep-2019 Radio Interview on Brexit

Interview on Brexit for Greek National Radio (ERA) The voice of Greece (I Foni tis Elladas), 09:40-10:05 GMT, 3 September 2019.

12-Jul-2019 Urban Law Day in Cooperation with UN Habitat

One Day Conference

12-Jul-2019 Building drafting skills for improving the quality of urban legislation’

In Cooperation with UN Habitat, A course in legislative drafting for town planners. London, 8-12 July 2019.

09-Jul-2019 Radio Interview on Recent Political Developments in Greece and Europe

Interview on Recent Political Developments in Greece and Europe for Greek National Radio (ERA) Think Politics, (Α’ Πρ?γραμμα, ΕΡΑ), 9 July 2019, 22:30-23:10.

09-Jul-2019 Law and Language Workshop

A series of annual workshops on law and Language in cooparation with the University of Palermo. Itis usually part of the annual 4-weeks legislative drafting course.

05-Jul-2019 Course in Post Legislative Scrutiny

Joint event with the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, it started in July 2019 and is still being offered by the IALS. 1-5 July 2019.

30-Nov-2018 Sir William Dale memorial Lecture

Sir William Dale memorial Lecture on 30 November by Second Parliamentary Counsel David Cook on the Legislative Side of Brexit.

05-Nov-2018 IALS Law Reform Project

One-day conference for our comparative Law Reform Project

13-Jul-2018 Urban Law Day in Cooperation with UN Habitat

One Day Conference on: Human Rights in Cities

13-Jul-2018 Building drafting skills for improving the quality of urban legislation

In Cooperation with UN Habitat, a legislative drafting course for UN Habitat regional managers/town planners. London 9-13 July 2018.

12-Jul-2018 Radio Interview on Brexit

Interview on Brexit for Greek National Radio (ERA) The voice of Greece (I Foni tis Elladas), 09:40-10:05 GMT, 12 July 2018.

10-Jul-2018 Post Legislative Scrutiny Conference

One-Day Conference, in cooperation with the Westminster Foundation for Democracy.

04-Jul-2018 Law and Language Workshop

A series of annual workshops on law and Language in cooparation with the University of Palermo. Itis usually part of the annual 4-weeks legislative drafting course.

13-Dec-2017 Radio interview on the Brexit EU-UK agreement

 ERA, Voice of Greece, "I Foni tis Elladas", 13-12-2017 at 09:15-09:45 GMT.

01-Dec-2017 Sir William Dale Memorial Lecture

Sir William Dale memorial Lecture on 1st December by First Parliamentary Counsel Elizabeth Gardiner on the Legislative Side of Brexit.

16-Nov-2017 Radio interview on Brexit

ERA, Voice of Greece, "I Foni tis Elladas", 16-11-2017 at 09:15-09:45 GMT.

01-Nov-2017 IALS Law Reform Project

One-day conference for our comparative Law Reform Project

14-Jul-2017 Building drafting skills for improving the quality of urban legislation

In cooperation with UN Habitat, a legislative drafting course for UN Habitat staff. London, 10-14 July 2017.

14-Jul-2017 Urban Law Day in Cooperation with UN Habitat

One-day Conference.

06-Jun-2017 Radio Interview on Brexit

ERA, Voice of Greece, "I Foni tis Elladas", 06-06-17

31-Oct-2016 IALS Law Reform Project

One-Day Conference for our  comparative project on law reform.

28-Jul-2016 Law and Language Workshop

A series of annual workshops on law and Language in cooparation with the University of Palermo. Itis usually part of the annual 4-weeks legislative drafting course.

15-Jul-2016 Urban Law Day in Cooperation with UN Habitat

Half-day workshop.

04-Dec-2015 Indian Legislative Drafting Course

A special course upon request of the Indian government.  23 November 2015 - 4 December 2015

20-Nov-2015 Nepalese Legislative Drafting Course

A special course upon request of the Nepalese government.

06-Jul-2015 Urban Law Day in Cooperation with UN Habitat

One-Day Conference.

01-Jan-2004 A European Criminal Record: the Future

with Xanthaki, H., Experts Meeting on a European Registry for Disqualifications and Convictions, European Commission, DG Justice and Home Affaires, Directorate D, Internal Security and Criminal Justice, Unit D3/ Criminal Justice, 27-28 September 2004, Brussels, Belgium.

01-Jan-2002 The European Public Prosecutor

Closed doors consultation session on the EPP, 16-17 September 2002, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium

Other editing/publishing activities:

Date Details
2023 Statute Law Review

From May 2023 I am Co-editor in chief of the STATUTE LAW REVIEW, published by Oxford University Press.

2013 IALS Student Law Review

Academic Editor of the Review since it was established in 2013 till 2020, The Student Law Review closed in 2024.

2012 European Journal of Law Reform

Managing Editor of the EJLR from May 2012 till April 2023.

Knowledge transfer activities:

Comparative Presentation of Education Actions for Public Sector Officials, the UK, France and Germany

Stefanou, C. (2024) Keynote Speaker, “Comparative Presentation of Education Actions for Public Sector Officials, the UK, France and Germany”, Workshop on Good Legislation in Greece, Expertise France & National School of Public Administration and Self Government, Athens, Greece, 16 July 2024.

Pre and Post legislative Scrutiny

Stefanou, C. (2024) Keynote Speaker, University of Querétaro & The Senate of the Mexican Republic  Certificate Course on Legislative Impact Assessment, Mexico, 27 April 2024.

The role of Permanent Secretaries in Good Regulation and Effective Legislation

Stefanou, C. (2024), Keynote Speaker, “The role of Permanent Secretaries in Good Regulation and Effective Legislation” (Ο ρ?λος των Υπηρεσιακ?ν Γραμματ?ων στην καλ? ρ?θμιση και αποτελεσματικ? νομοθεσ?α) Training Workshop in Good Legislation, Expertise France, 11 September 2024.

Alternatives to Regulation

Stefanou, C. (2024), “Alternatives to Regulation”, Implementing the executive state model to law-making: Greek aspirations and inspirations, High level event organised in the framework of the project “Improve coordination and quality in the regulatory cycle, by introducing forward looking, effective legislative practices”, Presidency of the Government, Hellenic Republic, Athens, Greece, 19 September 2024.

Foresight Research and Assessment of Future Developments

Stefanou, C. (2023) Keynote Speaker, Foresight Investigation and Evaluation of Transformations, Hellenic Evaluation Society, Athens, Greece, 9 November 2023.

Presentation of Education Actions for Public Sector Officials

Stefanou, C., (2023), Keynote Speaker, Training for civil service personnel Career development in the public sector, Workshop, Expertise France & Hellenic Interior Ministry, Athens, Greece, 26 October 2023.

Overview of the Induction Phase’s Training and Career Development for Civil Servants in the UK

Stefanou, C. (2023) Keynote SpeakerInduction phase’s training for civil service personnel Career development in the public sector: Sharing experience & good practices, Workshop, Expertise France & Hellenic Interior Ministry, France/Greece Online, 17 March 2023.

Round pegs in square holes, Post-pandemic lessons from common law legislative drafting via the law on the executive state

Stefanou, C. (2021) Keynote Speaker, “Round pegs in square holes, Post-pandemic lessons from common law legislative drafting via the law on the executive state”, National School of Public Administration and Self Government, Upgrading and Reorientation of Abilities in the Modern Executive State, Athens, Greece, 16 July 2021.

Common Law Solutions for Civil Law Problems: Lessons from Greece's Legislative Drafting Reforms

Stefanou, C. (2021), Keynote speaker, “Common Law Solutions for Civil Law Problems: Lessons from Greece's Legislative Drafting Reforms”, 2020 International Association of Legislation Conference Organised by the General Secretariat for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Presidency of the Hellenic Government, 11-12 February 2021, Greece.

Introduction to Legislative drafting

Stefanou, C. (2020) “Introduction to Legislative drafting”, Keynote Lecture to Omani Office of Public Prosecution delegation in UK under the Beyond Borders Scotland Organization, 6 February 2020.

The legislative side of Brexit

Stefanou, C. and Xanthaki, H. (2019) Keynote speakers, in Sixth Annual International Conference on Legislation and Law Reform, DC Bar, 15 November 2019, Washington, USA.

Legislative drafting policy formulation and their interface in the UK

Law Society for England and Wales, 15 November 2017.

Legislative Drafting Seminar

Presentation to Pakistani Parliament Clerks who requested the lecture through the Westminster Foundation of Democracy Project, 11 September 2017.

Round Table on

“Round Table on the Legislative side of Brexit”, Keynote Speaker - one of three experts answering questions on legislative aspects of Brexit, IALS, Sir William Dale Memorial Lecture Part II, 1 December 2017.

Legislative Drafting Seminar on Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking

Houses of Parliament, Keynote Speaker, “Legislative Drafting Seminar on Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking”, Modern Slavery Project, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association UK in association with HM Government, 11 December 2017.

Legislative Drafting Seminars

Series of 5 Seminars organized by New Zealand’s Electricity Authority, the Civil Aviation Authority, the Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand Transport Agency and Maritime New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand, Wellington, NZ, 22-27 February 2016.

Introduction to Legislative Drafting in Common and Civil Law Jurisdictions

“Introduction to Legislative Drafting in Common and Civil Law Jurisdictions”, University of Athens Law School, Athens, Greece, 27 and 28 May 2015.

Do Legislatures promote Democracy?

Commencement of Winter School Prograqmme, LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Italy, 17 January 2014.

Use of Databases to combat Organised Crime

Keynote Speaker, Prevenzione della corruzione: il ruolo delle banche dati, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Roma Tre University, Italy, 17 January 2014. 

Common Law Legislative Drafting

Legislative Process and Legislative Drafting, Panteion University, Athens, Greece, 1 April 2013

Sources and Hierarchy of the UK Constitution

Conferência Internacional sobre o Systema Juridico Inglês, British Council/FIEPE/TJPE, Recife, Brazil, 5-7 December 2012.

Drafting the Turkish Constitution

4th International Democracy Forum, The Need for a Civil Constitution For Turkey, House of Lords, 25 May 2012.

Legislative Drafting as a Form of Political communication

9th Congress of International Association of Legislation, Quality of Legislation: Principles and Instruments, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-25 June 2010.

Administrative Investigations in EU Institutions. Is OLAF Capable of doing the Job?

Fighting Financial Crime in Europe: Practical Aspects of Pan European Criminal Law, University of Cambridge, 21 September 2009.

Small States and EU Harmonisation

W.G. Heart legal Workshop 2008, Theory and Practice of Harmonisation, IALS, 26 June 2008

The Ph.D. Viva

School of Advanced Study Research Training Workshop, 22 March 2007.

Regulatory Impact Assessment – The British Experience

EU TACIS programme A/01109 – Support to PCA and WTO Implementation and to EU/Moldova European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan, Moldova, Chisinau 7-11 May 2007.

Legislative Drafting and the Policy Process

EU TACIS programme A/01109 – Support to PCA and WTO Implementation and to EU/Moldova European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan, Moldova, Chisinau 4-8 June 2007.

EU law in a nutshell

EU Twinning Programme Assistance to the Ministry of Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina in internal organization and improvements of administrative capacity to undertake European Integration tasks, carried out by the Centre for European Constitutional Law, Sarajevo, 20-25 February 2006, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Enhanced Judicial Cooperation

EU Twinning Programme Assistance to the Ministry of Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina in internal organization and improvements of administrative capacity to undertake European Integration tasks, carried out by the Centre for European Constitutional Law, Sarajevo, 6-10 February 2006, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ukraine and the EU: Steps towards Accession

Ukraine–EC: Towards a New Dimension in Relations, British Council and National Ivan Franko University Lviv, 11 March 2005, Ukraine.

Recent Developments in EU Criminal Law: Hurdles to Approximation

International Symposium in Law, 10-14 March 2005, Taras Shevchenko University, Kiev, Ukraine.

Transnational Crime and Civil Liberties in Europe: EU Databases as a Tool against Organised Crime in the EU

Training Course on Human Rights and Transborder Movements, 21-24 November, ELIAMEP, Athens, Greece.

Eurojust and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Law

Recent Developments in EU Criminal Law, AGIS Seminar for EU Judges, IALS, London. 28 November – 8 December 2005.

Initiatives Against Organised Crime: The Creation of a European Criminal Record

The 21st Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime, Cambridge 7-14 September 2003.

Sources of EU information on the Internet

UACES European Studies Research Students’ Conference, 17 November ’98, King’s College London

Sources of EU information on the Internet

UACES European Studies Research Students’ Conference, 25 November ’97, King’s College London

Co-authoring Articles and Books

"Publish and be damned", Dept. of Education, 17 November ’97, Keele University

The effective protection of the individual in EC law and European integration theory

UACES Biannual Research Conference, University of Loughborough, 10-12 Sept. ’97.

Sources of EU Information on the Internet

UACES Research Students Workshop, 27 November ’96, King’s College London.

European Integration Theory: Macro-Micro Themes, Spheres of Focus and Synthetic Theories

UACES Biannual Research Conference “Integration within a Wider Europe”, 18-19 Sept. ’95, University of Birmingham.

Consultancy & Media
Available for consultancy:
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