Contact details
- Name:
- Dr Katia Pizzi
- Qualifications:
- BA (Bologna), MA (Kent), PhD (Cantab)
- Position:
- Senior Lecturer in Italian Studies
- Institute:
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies
- Location:
- Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies School of Advanced Study University of London Senate House Malet Street London WC1E 7HU
- Phone:
- 020 7862 8962
- Email address:
- Katia.pizzi@sas.ac.uk
- Website:
- https://modernlanguages.sas.ac.uk/
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Communities, Classes, Races, Cultural memory, Culture, Digital resources, Fellowships, Globalization & Development, History, History of art, Human rights, Journals, Language and Literature (Italian), Literatures in a modern language, Metropolitan history, Modern History , Modernism, Regional history
- Regions:
- Europe
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Literature, history and cultural history of Trieste and the Italian northeastern borders: identity, memory, nationhood, ethnicity, gender and confession. Trieste and the Cold War.
Cultural memory - Director of the Centre for Cultural Memory Studies and former member of the European research projects ACUME 1 and 2. Temporalities, future, sites of memory, sites of atrocity, memory and place, memory and technology, memories and future.
Co-I in AHRC-OWRI project Cross-Language Dynamics: Reshaping Community.
Modernism and the European avant-gardes, especially Italian Futurism. Futurism and technology. Machines in Marinetti, Depero, Prampolini, Censi, Marchi, Pannaggi, Paladini, Cernigoj, Munari.Pinocchio, puppets and artificial mechanical bodies.
Children's literature, illustration and comics. - Languages:
Spoken Written French Good Intermediate Spanish Good Intermediate German Intermediate Intermediate Italian Fluent Fluent Latin Intermediate Intermediate
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 16-Jan-2025 Play that funky noise intoner! The rumblers, gurglers and howlers of the world's strangest orchestra Review
A review of Futurist music and instruments, the result of an interview by Robert Barry, published in The Guardian.
13-Jul-2024 Borders, Partitions and Crossings. Broken Memories, Film and the Cold War in Trieste Chapters
Chapter in an essay collection: Shifting Horizons and Crossing Borders. Thinking with Stephanos Stephanides, ed. Angelos Evangelou (Leiden: Brill, 2024), pp. 71-81.
01-Jan-2024 Rethinking Peripheral Modernisms Edited Book
A collection of essays reappraising the contribution made by modernist movements from regions generally regarded as peripheral or semi-peripheral to a global aesthetic of modernism.
09-Feb-2021 ‘Translation Interrupted. Memorial Dissonance in Trieste’ Chapters
Chapter in The Routledge Handbook of Translation and the City, ed. Tong King Lee (London and New York: Routledge, 2021), pp. 394-406
13-Jul-2020 ‘The Granular Texture of Memory: Trieste between Mitteleuropa and the Mediterranean’, Articles
Academic article in multi-author issue of The Journal of Transcultural Studies 11/1 (Summer 2020), 34-47.
01-Aug-2019 A Timeless Cultural Icon. An Operatic Pinocchio in the Age of Post-Truth Journal articles
Puppet Notebook. Puppets and Music 29 (2019), 20-22
03-Jun-2019 Italian Futurism and the Machine Monographs
(Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2019), pp. 306) This is the first interdisciplinary exploration of machine culture in Italian futurism after the First World War. The machine was a primary concern for the futuristi. As well as being a material tool in the factory it was a social and political agent, an aesthetic emblem, a metonymy of modernity and international circulation and a living symbol of past crafts and technologies. Exploring literature, the visual and performing arts, photography, music and film, the book uses the lens of European machine culture to elucidate the work of a broad set of artists and practitioners, including Censi, Depero, Marinetti, Munari and Prampolini. The machine emerges here as an archaeology of technology in modernity: the time machine of futurism.
28-May-2019 Memory and Postcolonial Studies. Synergies and New Directions Edited Book
Memory and Postcolonial Studies. Synergies and New Directions, ed. D. Goettsche (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2019), pp. 579 In the postcolonial reassessment of history, the themes of colonialism, decolonisation and individual and collective memory have always been intertwined, but it is only recently that the transcultural turn in memory studies has enabled proper dialogue between memory studies and postcolonial studies. This volume explores the synergies and tensions between memory studies and postcolonial studies across literatures and media from Europe, Africa and the Americas, and intersections with Asia. It makes a unique contribution to this growing international and interdisciplinary field by considering an unprecedented range of languages and sources that promotes dialogue across comparative literature, English and American studies, media studies, history and art history, and modern languages (French, German, Greek, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian-Croatian, Spanish). Published in Cultural Memories books (series editor: Katia Pizzi)
30-Apr-2019 Trieste. Una frontiera letteraria 13-Feb-2019 Kaliningrad and Cultural Memory. Cold War and Post-Soviet Representations of a Resettled City Monographs
Monograph vol. 12 of the book series Cultural Memories (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2019).
21-Dec-2018 Borderlands of Memory. Adriatic and Central European Perspectives Edited Book
Edited volume in the book series Cultural Memories (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2019).
21-Dec-2018 'Trieste, film and the Cold War: Sites of Memory in the Borderlands' Chapters
My chapter in the collection Borderlands of Memory: Adriatic and Central European Perspectives (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2019), pp. 289-300.
06-Dec-2018 Geopolitics of memory and Transnational Citizenship. Thinking Local Development in a Global South Monographs
Monography by Clara Rachel Eybalin Casseus, CCM Visiting Fellow in 2016-2017, published in the Cultural Memories series I am general editor of.
03-Apr-2018 Blood, Sand, and Stone. Trieste's Transcultural Memories Chapters
My chapter in the collection P. Sambuco (ed.), Transmissions of Memory. Echoes, Traumas, and Nostalgia in Post-World War II Italian Culture (Vancouver: Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2018), pp. 109-124.
06-Mar-2018 Pinocchio ribelle tra Ottocento e Novecento Chapters
My chapter published in the collection Italia ribelle: narratori, poeti e personaggi della rivolta (1860-1920), eds C. Brancaleoni, S. Gentili, C. Piola Caselli (Perugia: Morlacchi University Press, 2018), pp. 147-168.
04-Dec-2017 Pinocchio e il corpo meccanico: trasposizioni visive tra Jean-Jacques Grandville e Alfred Jarry Journal articles
My article published in the online journal Arabeschi, 10 (December 2017).
30-Oct-2017 Networked Remembrance. Excavating Buried Memories in the Railways beneath London and Berlin Monographs
Managing editor of Cultural Memories book series, vol. n. 8. Monograph by Samuel Merrill. First prize winner, young scholars competition 2014.
07-Sep-2017 Pinocchio, a timeless cultural icon Chapters
My chapter for the catalogue of the opera Pinocchio by Philippe Boesmans (Brussels: La Monnaie/De Munt, 2017).
01-Sep-2017 Landscapes of Memory. Trauma, Space, History Monographs
Monograph by Patrizia Violi published in the series Cultural Memories, vol. 7 (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2017), which I edit.
01-Jun-2017 Memories of the Future. On Countervision Edited Book
Managing editor of Cultural Memories series, multi-authored collection edited by S. Wilson and D. Jaffe
30-Dec-2016 Commemorating Conflict. Models of Remembrance in Postwar Croatia Monographs
Managing Editor of Cultural Memories book series. Monograph by Renata Schellenberg
10-Dec-2016 A Modernist City Resisting Translation? Trieste between Slovenia and Italy Chapters
My chapter in the volume Speaking Memory. How Translation Shapes City Life, ed. Sherry Simon (Montreal & Kingston, London, Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2016), pp. 45-57
31-Oct-2016 Cold War Cities: History, Culture and Memory Edited Book
My own collection published in the Cultural Memories series.
31-Oct-2016 Introduction. Cold War Cities: History, Culture and Memory Chapters
Introduction to the volume Cold War Cities
31-Oct-2016 Cold War Trieste on Screen: Memory, Identity and Mystique of a City in the Shadow of the Iron Curtain Chapters
Chapter published in the edited collection Cold War Cities: History, Culture and Memory
01-Aug-2016 JRS Special Issue. Mothering and Work in Italy in the Twenty-first Century: Culture and Society Journal articles
General editor of JRS, vol. 15, issue 3, Winter 2015
01-Jul-2016 Fragile Memory, Shifting Impunity. Commemoration and Contestation in Post-Dictatorship Argentina and Uruguay Monographs
Managing Editor of Cultural Memories Book Series. Monograph by Cara Levey
16-May-2016 Una bolognese nella City per discutere di Gramsci Review
A review article by Enrico Franceschini on my career and achievements published in the Italian daily La Repubblica
16-Nov-2015 Pinocchio, Puppets and Modernity: The Mechanical Body Review
A review of Pinocchio, Puppets and Modernity: The Mechanical Body in Rivista (2015-16)
03-Nov-2015 From Marinetti's L'alcova d'acciaio to Giani Stuparich's Ritorneranno: Gender, Nationalism, Technology and the Italian Great War Journal articles
Special issue of Annali di italianistica (The Great War and the Modernist Imagination in Italy), 33 (2015), 309-319
21-May-2015 Journal of Romance Studies -open issue 2015 Journal articles
General editor of JRS, vol. 15, issue 1, Spring 2015
21-Oct-2014 Oceans: Concepts and Cultures Journal articles
Managing Editor of JRS, 14-2 (2014), special issue edited by Charles Forsdick and Bill Marshall
30-Apr-2014 Nation Memory and Great War Commemoration. Mobilizing the Past in Europe, Australia and New Zealand Edited Book
Eds. Shanti Sumartojo and Ben Wellings (2014). ISBN 978-3-0343-0937-0. Published in the book series Cultural Memories (series editor: Katia Pizzi)
02-Dec-2013 'Pinocchio, Futurism and Modernity' Journal articles
History of Education and Children's Literature VIII / 2 (2013): 475-493.
13-Nov-2013 'Storia e memoria ai confini nordorientali d'Italia' Journal articles
Italian Studies Cultural Studies 68 / 3 (2013): 340-355.
13-Nov-2013 Migrant Memories. Cultural History, Cinema and the Italian Post-War Diaspora in Britain Monographs
Magherita Sprio (2013). ISBN 978-3-0343-0947-9. Published under the Cultural Memories book series (series editor: Katia Pizzi)
01-Nov-2013 'Alle frontiere della tecnologia e della memoria: Giuseppe O. Longo e Trieste' Chapters
Chapter in the collection Cronache dal cielo stretto: Scrivere il Nordest (Udine: Forum, 2013), pp. 95-116.
03-Jun-2013 ‘Triestine Literature Between Slovenia and Italy: A Case of Missed Transculturalism?’ / ‘Tržaška književnost med Slovenijo in Italijo: primer zamujenega transkulturalizma?’, Articles
Article published in peer-reviewed journal Primerjalna književnost, 36.1: 145-155. ISSN 0351-1189.
01-Jan-2012 Review of Words against Words: On the Rhetoric of Carlo Michelstaedter by Malcom Angelucci Review
Modern Language Review 107 (3): 953-954
01-Jan-2012 New Approaches to Gramsci: Language, Philosophy and Politics Edited Book
Senior Editor, vol. 12, issue n. 3, Journal of Romance Studies on New Approaches to Antonio Gramsci.
01-Jan-2011 The Cultural Identities of European Cities Bern: Peter Lang
01-Jan-2011 Trieste: A Dissident Port in The Cultural Identities of European Cities (Bern: Peter Lang), 27-42
01-Jan-2011 Il reddito della vergogna. La narrativa triestina di Giuseppe O. Longo Vita Pensata -Rivista mensile di filosofia 2 (13): 40-43
01-Jan-2011 Pinocchio, Puppets and Modernity. The Mechanical Body Edited Book
New York and London: Routledge. Winner of the Children's Literature Association Edited Book Prize 2012.
01-Jan-2011 Pinocchio and the Mechanical Body. Luciano Folgore's Papers at the Getty Research Institute Library Chapters
in Pinocchio, Puppets and Modernity. The Mechanical Body (New York and London: Routledge), 135-162
01-Jan-2010 Review of Trittico futurista: Buzzi, Marinetti, Settimelli by Roberto Salsano Italian Studies 65 (1): 154-156
01-Jan-2010 Review of La coscienza di Zeno by Italo Svevo, ed. Beatrice Stasi Modern Language Review 105 (2): 581-582
01-Jan-2010 Reappraising Futurist Mechanical Art in The Scientific Imaginary in Visual Culture, ed. Anneke Smelik (Goettingen: V&R), 53-66
01-Jan-2009 Preface to Il rovescio del tennista by Gilberto Canu Rome: Albatros/Il Filo
01-Jan-2009 Dancing and Flying the Body Mechanical: Five Visions for the New Civilisation The European Legacy 14 (7):785-798
01-Jan-2007 Trieste: italianità, triestinità e male di frontiera Bologna: Gedit.
Series: Strumenti e Saggi di Letteratura ed. Gian Mario Anselmi01-Jan-2007 Women and the Imagined City Edited Book
Journal of Romance Studies, 7 (1)
01-Jan-2007 Gender Confession and Ethnicity: Women Writers and Trieste Journal articles
in Women and the Imagined City, Journal of Romance Studies 7 (1): 71-78
01-Jan-2001 A City in search of an Author: The Literary Identity of Trieste London and New York: Sheffield Academic Press
Publications available on SAS-space:
Date Details Feb-2004 Trieste: A border Identity NonPeerReviewed
Conference paper read at the international conference Cultures of Memory Memories of Culture, Cyprus Society for the Study of English (CYSSE), The University of Cyprus, 20-22 February 2004]
Antonio Rubino in odor di Futurismo PeerReviewed
A chapter published in the volume Mondo fanciullo.
Graveyards of Memory at the Northeastern Borders of Italy PeerReviewed
Chapter published in the volume The Cultural Reconstruction of Places.
‘Quale Triestinita`?’: Voices and Echoes from Italian Trieste PeerReviewed
Article published in Kosovelova Poetika/ Kosovel’s Poetics, special issue of Primerjalna knjizevnost.
Pinocchio Puppets and Modernity. The Mechanical Body PeerReviewed
This Introduction to the edited collection 'Pinocchio Puppets and Modernity. The Mechanical Body' assesses the significance of Pinocchio in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in addition to his status as the creature of a nineteenth century traversed by a cultural enthusiasm for dummies, puppets and marionettes. This collection identifies Pinocchio as a figure characterised by a 'fluid identity', informed with transition, difference, joie de vivre, otherness and metamorphosis, making him a truly modern, indeed postmodern and posthuman, cultural icon.
Pinocchio and the Mechanical Body: Luciano Folgore's Papers at the Getty Research Institute Library PeerReviewed
This chapter discusses the work of the Futurist poet and broadcaster Luciano Folgore in the light of his emphasis on the mechanical body of Pinocchio. Spanning Folgore’s long and eclectic career, this emphasis is seen in the wider context of a Futurist advocacy of technology and machines in the early years of the twentieth century. Now archived in the John Paul Getty Research Institute and Library in Los Angeles, Folgore’s copious production reveals a serious engagement with the mechanic nature of the puppet, as well as a veritable fixation with Pinocchio’s robotic nose. The puppet’s artificial nose becomes increasingly a marker of his mechanical identity.
Jan-2012 From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic: Cold War Trieste on Screen NonPeerReviewed
Trieste played a key role in the early Cold War, mainly due to its geo-political position on a borderline in south-central Europe. Through an examination of film from both sides of the Iron Curtain, this paper explores the ways in which Trieste’s fractured and divided identity aligned itself with and came to reflect the polarizations of the Cold War era.
- Research Projects & Supervisions
Research projects:
Details AHRC-OWRI: Cross-Language Dynamics Co-I in large grant as part of the Open World Research Initiative of AHRC.
FWF project „Indifference in the Alpine-Adriatic Region—Discourses and Practices of the In-Between in Trieste, Ljubljana and Klagenfurt 1815-1914. A Transnational, Interdisciplinary Co-Research Project“ A funding collaboration with universities of Ljubljana and Klagenfurt.
Italian Futurism in the Age of the Machine Work in progress
Machines and Modernity: Cultures of Past and Future Funding application to AHRC Networking Grants Fund.
Memory and Methodology Research Network
Specialist Research Training in Modern Foreign Languages and Film Studies Successful application to the AHRC Skills Development Call 2011
Trieste: Una frontiera letteraria Work in progress
Current PhD topics supervised:
Dates Details From: 03-Oct-2016
Until:Historical Traumas and Deferred Memories. The Case of Contemporary Italian Literature of Emigration AHRC/LAHP funded PhD project.
From: 01-Oct-2012
Until:Forgetting Cultural Memory Forgetting Cultural Memory: A Meta-Study of Recent English Language Discourse on the Shifting Representations of the Expulsion of Ethnic Germans from German Silesia in German Cultural Production after 1945
Until:Cutting the Strings: Postmodern Pinocchios co-supervision with UCL
Available for doctoral supervision: Yes
- Professional Affiliations
Professional affiliations:
Name Activity Consiglio Scientifico d'Ambasciata (Scientific Council of the Italian Embassy in London) advisory Italian Cultural Institute in London Director Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) assessment of research projects Association for the Study of Modern Italy (ASMI) REELC/ENCLS Réseau européen d'études littéraires comparée Society for Italian Studies Modern Italy Society for Pirandello Studies International Research Society for Children's Literature ACUME ACUME2 Collaborations:
Name Type Activity Start date End date External examiner, PhD thesis in Italian, National University of ireland, Galway 27-Feb-2012 28-Feb-2012 External examiner, MA thesis in Italian, University of Leeds 12-Mar-2009 13-Mar-2009 External Examiner, MPhil thesis, Goldsmiths College, University of London External Examiner examining 12-Feb-2024 29-Aug-2024 Partner in Cities in Translation International Workshop 11-Apr-2013 External Examiner, PhD thesis, University of Cambridge External Examiner examining 04-Apr-2022 26-Apr-2022 Referee for Research Fellowships, University of Milan 03-Jan-2011 Italian BA programmes, University of Leeds External Examiner External Examiner 02-Sep-2019 Referee for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Translation and Memory at the Edge of the Empire: Trieste and Czernowitz (1880-1970) 02-Jan-2012 31-Jan-2012 Referee for the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences 02-Apr-2012 30-Apr-2012 Italian and Comparative Literary Studies BA programmes, UCL External Examiner External Examiner 01-Sep-2015 27-Sep-2019 External Examiner, PhD thesis, University of Cambridge 01-Mar-2022 25-Apr-2022 External Examiner, School of Languages, UCL 01-Jan-2016 Reviewer for funding applications, European Science Foundation 01-Jan-2010 31-Dec-2012 Intercollegiate Examiner, BA degrees in Italian, Royal Holloway, University of London 01-Jan-2009 31-Dec-2013 - Relevant Events
Related events:
Date Details 16-Dec-2019 Aby Warburg's Leonardo Lectures: A Reconstruction Reader: Professor John Prag (Hon. Fellow, Warburg Institute, Hon. Professor, Manchester Museum and Professor Emeritus of Classics, University of Manchester) A reading of a special translation – the first in English - of Aby Warburg’s foundational lectures on Leonardo da Vinci, along with an exhibition of items from his original accompanying photographic exhibition. The Warburg Institute holds the finished texts of the lectures, which given in 1899 at the Hamburg Kunsthalle, and all the original exhibition images. This event will be the first hearing of the Leonardo lectures in English, and the first viewing of the exhibition for more than a century. Collaboration IMLR, Warburg, Kent and Istituto Italiano di Cultura, London.
02-Dec-2019 Leonardo's Paragone and Contemporary Art Humphrey Ocean (RA) and Phillip King (RA) Chair: Ben Thomas (University of Kent Canterbury) Leonardo da Vinci argued that 'the sculptor undertakes his work with greater bodily exertion than the painter' and that sculpture is 'an extremely mechanical operation, generally accompanied by great sweat which mingles with dust and becomes converted into mud. His face becomes powdered all over with marble dust, which makes him look like a baker'. By contrast, the painter is a cultured intellectual wearing fine cloths and painting to the accompaniment of music and poetry recitals. Partly made for comic effect in a courtly setting, Leonardo's arguments for the superiority of painting over sculpture - the so-called Paragone debates - are at the heart of his conception of the visual arts as noble because they required a theoretical understanding of nature. A deeper reading of Leonardo's arguments reveals his profound interest in sculptural problems such as lighting and view-point, and an awareness that pictorial challenges like creating the appearance of relief on a flat surface ('rilievo') requires a knowledge of sculptural form. To what extent are these questions and concerns relevant to the practice of the visual arts today? Leading contemporary painter Humphrey Ocean and sculptor Phillip King will reprise Leonardo's arguments, relating them to their own practice. This event is kindly supported by The Italian Cultural Institute in London, the official Italian governmental body dedicated to promoting Italian language and culture in England and Wales. Part of a series of events marking the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death, organised by the Italian Cultural Institute, the Warburg Institute, the University of Kent, and the Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory at the Institute of Modern Languages Research.
30-Nov-2019 Proletkult and the Languages of Modernity Programme 14:00 Session 1 Chair: N Barron (Birmingham) Maria Chehonadskih (Central St Martins): “The Epistemological Revolution of Proletkul’t” Grant Pooke (Kent): “Brij Mohan Anand: Imaging India's Cold War” Qing Cao (Durham): “Translating Concepts through Graphic Loans: The Case of Guomin in Late Imperial China” 15:30 Tea / coffee break 16.00 Session 2 Chair: Katia Pizzi (IMLR) David Ayres (Kent): “Can the Proletarian Speak?” Ravel Kodri? (independent scholar): “‘Ljudski Oder’ and ‘DELO’: The Slovenian Branch of the Italian Section of the International Proletkult Movement” Konstantin Zamyatin (Durham): “Early Soviet National-State Building and Language Policy” 17.30 Round Table and discussion 18.00 Drinks reception Organised by the Institute of Modern Languages Research and the Open World Research Initiative (OWRI) Cross-Language Dynamics: Reshaping Community, Translingual Strand. You can find out more about the OWRI project by visiting our website or following us on Twitter
16-Nov-2019 Explore Modern Language Collections at the British Library 11.00 Meet a specialist librarian at the British Library (Marja Kingma, British Library) and the IMLR Research Training convenor (katia Pizzi) Activities include: • The British Library as a home of modern language collections • Electronic resources (free and restricted to reading rooms) • Projects (e.g. Google Books) • Exhibitions and events (e.g. European Literature Night) • Practical information and tips (e.g. how to apply for a reader’s pass, how to search the catalogue, etc.) • Show and tell of collection items (please feel free to make suggestions for material you’d like to see)
15-Nov-2019 Skills training workshop at the Library for the study of the Holocaust and Genocide (Wiener Library) 10:00 Tour of the Wiener Library beginning with the current exhibition led by Barbara Warnock (Senior Curator, Wiener Library) 11:00 Coffee break 11:15 Archive skills training with the Wiener Library's Senior Archivist, Howard Falksohn This training session will help participants acquire the skills to locate and make use of archival material on subjects including the Holocaust, 20th?century German history and European Jewish culture. Places for these sessions are limited and should be booked in advance (email info@wienerlibrary.co.uk; tel. 020 7636 7247). Enquiries: Barbara Warnock (bwarnock@wienerlibrary.co.uk) Speakers: B. Warnock (Wiener Library); H. Falksohn (Wiener Library); K. Pizzi (IMLR).
14-Nov-2019 Eating under Fire: Food in WWII Britain and Italy An event offered under the Being Human rubric, hosted by the National War Museum (Edinburgh Castle) and the Italian Cultural Institute, Edinburg. It’s 2019, the 80th anniversary of the beginning of WWII in Britain, what better time to experience daily life at this particular significant time of world history! Step inside the war-torn Italy, a country where Nazi occupation, civil war and black market made daily life atrocious. What kind of bread were people eating? What about coffee? And in Britain? Why were your grandads or great-grandad so keen on tea? Drop by to see a display of ingredients and food available in Italy and Britain during WWII and talk to experts. A short performance will follow where extracts of diaries and memoirs of British and Italian people discussing their love for coffee, tea, their food daydreaming etc will be read. As a memento, pick up a copy of British and Italian recipes to try at home and impress family and friends with your knowledge. Events will run on a drop-in basis. Memoirs reading will take place at 11.30am and 2pm. Speakers: P. Sambuco (IMLR); K.Spring (IHR)
12-Nov-2019 Lingering in the Memory Palace: Rethinking the Archive through the Study of Art History A student-led conference exploring a range of art history collections and resources with special focus on the Warburg Library. Speakers: A. Fukunaga (SOAS), M. Colombo (Kent), R. Siakgri (Kent), B. Thomas (keynote, Kent), K. Layadi (Universite d'Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed), B. Branca (Kent). Organisers: S. Farinelli (Kent), M. Colombo (Kent), K. Pizzi (IMLR).
11-Nov-2019 Curating Leonardo: A Rountable The 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci has brought with it an impressive array of exhibitions including Leonardo da Vinci (Louvre), Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in Drawing (Royal Collection Trust), Leonardo: Experience a Masterpiece (National Gallery), and Leonardo da Vinci: A Mind in Motion (British Library), together with shows in Florence, Milan, Budapest and New York. What have been the challenges for curators in addressing Leonardo's legacy? What have we learnt about Leonardo from the different approaches adopted? How can the complex and fragile artefacts associated with Leonardo be made accessible to today's public? How do temporary exhibitions differ from the long-term custodianship of works by this hugely significant if elusive artist? A panel of leading curators will discuss these and other issues raised by the Leonardo anniversary. Speakers Caroline Campbell (National Gallery) Per Rumberg (Royal Academy of Arts) Ana Debenedetti (Victoria & Albert Museums) Catherine Yvard (National Art Library) Chair Ben Thomas (University of Kent Canterbury) Organisers: Ben Thomas (Kent), Bill Sherman (Warburg) and Katia Pizzi (IMLR).
24-Oct-2019 Leconfield Lecture 2019 - A talk by Gabriele Finaldi, Director of the National Gallery 'Orazio and Artemisia Gentileschi. Two Italian Artists at the Court of Charles I'. Speaker: G. Finaldi (National Gallery)
19-Oct-2019 Maledetto sia Copernico! Pirandello and Revolutions in Contemporary Science, Philosophy, Epistemology and Aesthetics Annual Conference of the Society for Pirandello Studies. Speakers: J.C. Barnes (UCD); K. Pizzi (IMLR); V. Taddei (Oxford); M.Mild (Keele); A.Brondino (Warwick); F. Tononi (Warburg); A.Godioli (Groningen); S.L.Fama` (Groningen); B. Van Den Bossche (Leuven); F. Filauri (IMLR); G. Bartolini (RUL). The conference is followed by a performance: Cosa resta dei poeti: A Funereal Tea Party, by P. Rambelli.
11-Oct-2019 Fieldwork in developing areas A workshop and meeting of specialists with a view to setting up a working party for research training. Speakers: C. Griffiths (Chester), C. Gilbert (Ghent), J. Ford (IMLR), N. Wells (IMLR), C. Morrison (LSE), K. Pizzi (IMLR).
06-Oct-2019 Freud, Leonardo and the Anatomy of the Mind A Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory conference co-organised with the Freud Museum London and the Warburg Institute, supported by the Italian Cultural Institute, London. Keynote speakers: J. Onians (East Anglia) and D. Orrells (KCL).
05-Jul-2019 The Taste of War: Values and Meaning of Food in WWII Italy and France The conference aims to bring together scholars working on the history, culture and memory of World War Two to discuss the material and imaginary importance of food in wartime Italy and France. Food is crucial for human survival in wartime but is also a means for economic and strategic military power. Moreover, history, literature and cinema have demonstrated its symbolic significance in creating a message of resilience for the present and future. Cara de Silva, In Memory’s Kitchen: A Legacy from the Women of Terezin (2006) and Anne Georget’s documentary, Imaginary Feasts (2014) are paradigmatic testimonies of the nourishing effect of food imaginaries to survive dreary periods of starvation. Food becomes therefore both a tool to narrate the war and its memory; a symbol of hope; and a lens through which interpret the relation between governments and their population, between allied troops and local people, between occupied territories and enemies. WWII Italy and France provide an interesting viewpoint for this analysis: both economies were mainly agricultural, and in both countries food shortage produced a marked distinction between rural and urban areas. Historical events brought the two countries to face Nazi occupation and Allies liberation, requisitions and black market. PROGRAMME (pdf) 09:15 Registration and coffee 09:50 Welcome and Introduction: Katia Pizzi (IMLR/London) 10:00 Keynote Address Kay Chadwick (Liverpool): ‘Let Them Eat Bread! Feeding the Propaganda Machine in Wartime France’ 11:00 Coffee break 11:15 Panel 1: Bread, Politics and Resistance - Chair: Katia Pizzi (IMLR/LONDON) Karima Moyer-Nocchi (Siena/Roma Tor Vergata): ‘Pane unico, tanti ricordi: A Panis Perspective of the Late Fascist Era’ Paula Schwartz (Middlebury College): ‘Every Bite a Battle: Food and Politics in Occupied France’ Patrizia Sambuco (IMLR/London): ‘Food Protests and Food for the Senses: Women in Occupied Italy’ 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Panel 2: The Allied Food Aid: Memory and Debates - Chair: David Ellwood (John Hopkins) Teresa Fiore (Montclair): ‘Food, Hunger, Migration and the American Myth in Sicily at the Time of the WWII Allied Landing’ Lisa Payne Ossian (Des Moines Area Community College): ‘“The Grimmest Spectre”: The French & Italian Dilemmas within the World Famine Emergency of 1946’ 15:15 Coffee break 15:30 Panel 3: Food, Women’s Education and Literary Resistance - Chair: Patrizia Sambuco (IMLR/London) Marta Brunelli and Anna Ascenzi (Macerata): ‘Believe, Obey, Cook! Educating Girls and Women for War in Fascist Italy: Between Domestic Virtues and Public Duties (1929-1944)’ Maria Grazia Scrimieri (Co?te d’Azur): ‘Broth, Rice and soffritto. Food as an Unintentional Tool of Political Commitment in L’Agnese va a morire’ Tommasina Gabriele (Wheaton College): ‘“Non volevo arrendermi”: Food and Resistance in Alba de Céspedes’ Dalla parte di lei’ 17:15 Concluding Remarks: Patrizia Sambuco (IMLR/London) 17:30-18:15 Wine reception Organisers: Katia Pizzi (IMLR/London), Patrizia Sambuco (IMLR/London)
05-Jul-2019 Dante in English Translation from Chaucer to the Present Day Speaker: Ian Thomson (East Anglia) Chair: Katia Pizzi (London) A lecture on the history of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy in its many English-language versions, from Chaucer to the English Romantics to the present day. Dante’s Divine Comedy is a work of such magnitude that, down the centuries, English-language translations have been attempted many times. Only a handful have approached the drum-beat rhythm and lyric beauty of the original. The skill required to reproduce the sounds and spirit - the respire, breath – of Dante’s Tuscan vernacular is considerable. This talk looks at a selection of translations good and bad and indifferent, and, along the way, asks why Dante still speaks to us today. Friends of Italian at the IMLR lecture
08-Jun-2019 Before, during and after the PhD IMLR Research Training workshop: Overcoming the fear of writing; the PhD viva; applying for academic jobs, the CV and the job interview; early career researchers: new directions; careers for ML graduates beyond academia. Speakers: J.Everson (IMLR and RHUL); B.Schofield (KCL); N.Wells (IMLR); K.Phillips-Jones (independent translator); E.Wilkinson (UoL careers); K.Pizzi (IMLR).
03-Jun-2019 Italian anti-Fascism in Interwar Britain between realities and memory: the role of universities, women and intellectuals The academic community has recently shown an increased interest in investigating Anglo-Italian relations during the interwar period. As a result, scholars have approached this topic from different angles, producing work on diplomatic and cultural relations between Italy and Britain and the role played by intellectuals in Britain in developing Italian anti-Fascist propaganda and local political activities, for instance. Despite the case of fascism and the role played by universities, a systematic exploration of the impact of Italian anti-fascism in Britain is still largely a gap in the available secondary literature. In addition, historians have also disagreed over the importance of Britain as a ‘guest country’ for Italian anti-fascists, tending to outline its minor impact compared with that of other countries such as France and the US or to stress the relevance played by Britain generally and London in particular. This seminar embraces papers focused on Italian anti-fascism in Britain, women’s/gender studies, history of universities/intellectual history and that of Catholicism, hoping to stimulate discussion on Anglo-Italian interaction during the interwar period through these perspectives and its political memory. In so doing, it fills a gap in the current historiography and aims to produce a more systematic consideration of the impact of Italian anti-Fascism in Britain outlining the importance of universities and cultural institutions as well as that of intellectuals related to these environments. Convenor: Tamara Colacicco (London/CCM – British School at Rome) Programme 14:00 Introduction - Tamara Colacicco (London/CCM-BSR) and Katia Pizzi (London/CCM) 14:10 Alice Gussoni (University of Oxford): Anti-Fascist Women within Salvemini’s British Network: Clandestine Activity and its Memory 14: 30 Anna Rita Gabellone (University of Bari “Aldo Moro”): Antifascismo e libertà fra Sylvia Pankhurst e Marion Cave Rosselli 15:00 Stefania Rampello (University of Rome “La Sapienza”): The Italian Catholic anti-Fascism in London: the Commitment of Crespi, Sturzo and Petrone 15:30-16:00 Conclusions, questions and debate.
18-May-2019 Researching Multilingually: possibilities and complexities The overall objectives of the workshop are to: • introduce participants to the possibilities for and complexities of researching multilingually • invite participants to consider ethical and other issues where research involving more than one language is concerned • support participants as they develop their confidence and competence when researching multilingually • offer participants the space to reflect on their own ‘researching multilingually’ practice Participants are also encouraged to engage with our online Researcher Network, which continues to inform our understanding of ‘researching multilingually’ researcher practice. Workshop Programme 11.00 Session 1 What are the possibilities for and complexities of researching multilingually? An introduction to the concept of ‘researching multilingually’ and its underpinning research 12.00 Session 2 Discussion of case study examples and reflection on your own experiences 13.00 Lunch break 14.30 Session 3 What are the ethical and other considerations which researching multilingually raises? Reviewing and reflecting on disciplinary and institutional practices 15.30 Tea break 15:45 Session 4 How can you develop your confidence and competence when researching multilingually? Review of resources and ideas to support your research 16.45 Conclusion
17-May-2019 Audiences: Exploring Reception and Participation in Subtitling, Translation and Adaptation What does it mean today to be a member of an audience? How do we, as 21st-century viewers and readers make sense of translated texts? Do existing theories of convergence culture and audience participation account for user-generated practices of subtitling, translation and adaptation? The fifth edition of Migrating Texts will address these questions during a one-day workshop featuring short presentations from a mixture of academic and industry speakers. Participants will have the opportunity to explore innovative research methods in the study of audiences of translated texts to inform their own projects. Our discussions will consist of a morning and an afternoon session, featuring a mixture of academic and industry speakers, and a final round-table. The subtitling session (10:00-13:00) will explore the space of audience research in subtitling. We want to look at the technical aspects surrounding the study of audiences, such as user response surveys as well as experiments with eye-tracking technology that collect gaze data to map out viewers’ experience. How does the appearance of subtitles change the viewing process? What do we mean when we talk about viewing, reading and subtitling speed? Can audience design help us improve subtitling quality (assessment)? We also aim to discuss the spontaneous and/or crowd-sourced participation of communities of viewers in (non-commercial) subtitling, highlighting the controversial nature of this user-generated practice. We will hear the experiences of translation practitioners and industry professionals and question whether the increased availability of subtitled content is helping UK media reach a wider audience. The translation and adaptation session in the afternoon (14:00-15:45) asks how audiences of adaptations and translations can be studied. How can we know what audiences expect from an adaptation or a translation and whether these expectations are met? In what ways audiences become cultural actors, taking an active role in the adaptation or translation process? How do audiences shape the markets for adaptations and translations? The day ends with a round-table (16:00–17:30) on researching audiences, where the speakers and attendees can discuss practical and methodological issues.
10-May-2019 Living with/on the border: writers, language and identity in north-east Italy from the end of World War II to the present This conference examines writing and identity in north-east Italy. We will explore the experiences, reflected in writers from the 1940s to the present, of the migrations of peoples between ex-Yugoslavia and Italy as a result of the end of WWII and its on-going aftermath. These experiences were often traumatic and are reflected in culture, language and concepts of identity and belonging (or not). Organisers, chairs and presenters: Jane Everson (Royal Holloway), Katia Pizzi (SAS/IMLR) Confirmed plenary speaker: Claudio Magris (Trieste) Other confirmed speakers: Natalie Dupré (Leuven); Hanna Serkowska (Warsaw); Stefania Tufi (Liverpool); Sandra Parmegiani (Guelph); Marianna Deganutti (Bath); Cristina Benussi (Trieste).
10-May-2019 Book launch: Trieste una frontiera letteraria Katia Pizzi’s volume explores unconventional, cosmopolite and polyglot Trieste, a city whose adjacent national borders are a melting pot of peoples, cultures, trades and political activities. The volume is comprised of a chronology, an introduction and signifcant excerpts from works of Trieste writers from the early twentieth century to the present day, with focus on contemporary innovative styles in the literary and technological fields.
08-Apr-2019 Towards Italy. Dialogues and silences in visual memory A conversation on BABE (Bodies Across Borders in Europe) project funded by the European Research Council. Speakers: L. Passerini (Turin); G. Nowell-Smith (QMUL); K. Pizzi (IMLR/CCM).
30-Mar-2019 Memories of the future International interdisciplinary conference organised by the Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory. 200 speakers and participants + keynotes: S. Bann (Bristol), M. Ferraris (Turin), A. Reading (KCL), P. Jedlowski (Calabria), C. Lopez Galviz (Lancaster), S. Kemp (Lancaster Ruskin), J. Siebers (Middlesex), K. Pizzi (IMLR/CCM). Interdisciplinary: cultural memory studies, art history, film studies, cultural studies, philosophy, sociology, literature, gender studies, holocaust studies, urban studies, architecture, comparative literary studies, modern languages, etc. etc.
29-Mar-2019 Memories of the future International and interdisciplinary conference organised by the Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory. 200 speakers and participants + keynotes: S. Bann (Bristol), M. Ferraris (Turin), A. Reading (KCL), P. Jedlowski (Calabria), C. Lopez Galviz (Lancaster), S. Kemp (Lancaster Ruskin), J. Siebers (Middlesex), K. Pizzi (IMLR/CCM). Interdisciplinary: cultural memory studies, art history, film studies, cultural studies, philosophy, sociology, literature, gender studies, holocaust studies, urban studies, architecture, comparative literary studies, modern languages, etc. etc.
16-Mar-2019 History, Ethnography and Memory A day of training on using archives, working with history, cartography, oral history, fieldwork, ethnography, the politics of memory, secondary witnessing, postmemory. Speakers: C.Lopez Galviz (Lancaster), C.Morrison (LSE), M.Kandiah (KCL), D.Silverthorne (CSM), K.Pizzi (IMLR).
08-Mar-2019 The Luisa Selis Fellowship - Gianmarco Mancosu: Sardinia outside the island The Italian Cultural Institute is delighted to host Gianmarco Mancosu, the second holder of the Luisa Selis Fellowship. Funded by the Fondazione di Sardegna in memory of anthropologist Luisa Selis, who specialised in the cultural memory of Sardinia, the fellowship enables researchers in this field (ethnography, anthropology and/or literature for example) to conduct research at the Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory at the Institute of Modern Languages Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London and the Italian Cultural Institute London.
23-Feb-2019 Visual Arts and Languages A day of training on using photography, visual theory, curatorial practice and film theory in Modern Language research. Speakers: B.Thomas (Kent); T.Mikuriya (West London); M.Witt (Roehampton); K.Pizzi (IMLR).
22-Feb-2019 Cultural Memory and the Irish Language A day conference of the Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory. Speakers: R.Ui Chollatain (UCD), M.Mac Coinigh QUB), D.Mac Giolla Chriost Cardiff), G.Mc Coy (TURAS at East Belfast Mission), P.O Tiarnaigh (Conradth na Gaeilge), K.Pizzi (IMLR).
30-Jan-2019 Cubism and/as Art History A research seminar in collaboration with the Art Drama and Film Research Cluster at the School of Arts University of Kent. Speakers: S. Bru (Leuven), B. Thomas (Kent).
28-Jan-2019 The European Avantgardes A conversation on the launch of Sascha Bru's volume The European Avantgardes, 1905-1935 (EUP, 2018), in collaboration with the British Association for Modernist Studies and QMUL. Speakers: S. Bru (leuven), D. Caselli (Manchester), S. McCracken (QMUL).
26-Jan-2019 Theories and Methods for Languages Research A day of training covering Enlightenment critiques, gender studies and transnational studies. Speakers: A. Sharman (Nottingham), C. Smale (KCL), N. Wells (IMLR) and K. Pizzi (IMLR).
21-Jan-2019 Giovanni Pascoli, Gabriele D'Annunzio and the Ethics of Desire between Action and Contemplation Friends of Italian Seminar and book launch: Elena Borelli, Giovanni Pascoli, Gabriele D'Annunzio and the Ethics of Desire between Action and Contemplation (2018). Speakers: E. Borelli, L. Vedovi (Alabama), J. Kierstead (Wellington, NZ), K. Pizzi (IMLR). Chair: K. Pizzi. (https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781611479140/Giovanni-Pascoli-Gabriele-D%E2%80%99Annunzio-and-the-Ethics-of-Desire-Between-Action-and-Contemplation).
20-Dec-2018 Le citta` letterarie: il caso Trieste Public lecture, Incontri al Dottorato, University of Udine and University of Trieste.
12-Dec-2018 How to Navigate an Archive Interactive research training session by S.T.Lee Visiting Professorial Fellow Carlo Ginzburg. Speakers: C. Ginzburg (UCLA and Pisa); K. Pizzi (IMLR).
10-Dec-2018 Scale, Chance and Bias. Carlo Ginzburg in Conversation with Filippo De Vivo Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory Coversation Seminar. Speakers: C. Ginzburg (Pisa, UCLA) and F. De Vivo (BBK).
08-Dec-2018 Digital Languages A day of training on Rsearch 2.0, Presentations, the Digital Asset Lifecycle, Data literacy in Modern Language Research. Speakers: C. Homiski (SHL), C. Griffiths (Chester), K. Pizzi (IMLR).
28-Nov-2018 1968 and the Family A Friends of Italian Lecture by Prof. Paul Ginsborg (Florence), in collaboration with Birkbeck College.
26-Nov-2018 Fascism and Anti-Fascism in Great Britain CCM International Conference, in collaboration with SOAS/Centre for Gender Studies, Fondazione Studi Storici Filippo Turati, University of Bari, University of Siena. Speakers: M. Degl'Innocenti (Fondazione Turati), G. Heathcote (SOAS), S. Fedele (Messina), A.R. Gabellone (Bari), S. Woodbridge (Kingston), P. Chiantera-Stutte (Bari), A. Arciero (Rome), T. Colacicco (CCM), A. Bernabei (independent scholar and writer), S. Rampello (Rome), C. Calabro (Pisa), A. Gussoni (Oxford), D. Fano (ST Skills Together), F. Simonetti (Reading), G. Silei (Siena).
21-Nov-2018 Publish not Perish: Survive the Stampede Research Training Lecture and seminar, in the Publicar Sem Perecer series, CES University of Coimbra.
20-Nov-2018 Transcultural Memories in Trieste Lecture for CES Doctoral School and Open Lecture at CES, University of Coimbra.
19-Nov-2018 Enrico Prampolini's Noi and Other Cultural Operations CES Seminar Series, University of Coimbra: Circulation and Materiality in New Transnational Modernist Studies. Translocal Networks, Archives and Journals
17-Nov-2018 Modern Languages Archives and Libraries A day of training showcasing collections and digital resources at: British Library, Senate House Library, King's College Library. Speakers: M. Kingma, A. Ray, N. Wells, C. George.
16-Nov-2018 Introduction to Senate House Library and its Resources Research Training: staff at Senate House Library showcase SHL resources. Speakers: L. Byrne, M. Castrillo, A. Meyer Ludowisy, C. Griffiths, M. Gosh, S. Miles.
09-Nov-2018 The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide Archive Tour and Skills Training A day of training sessions to acquire the skills to locate and make use of archival material on the Holocaust, 20th century German history and European Jewish culture.
23-Oct-2018 Memory in post-conflict societies: transcultural memories in Trieste Keynote address, CENTRAL-Conference Memory in post-conflict societies, Berlin Humboldt University, 23-26 October 2018.
20-Oct-2018 Research projects in modern languages How to select, structure and deliver research, online and offline. Speakers: K. Pizzi (IMLR); M. Philpott (SAS Digital); A. Baggio Corradi (Warburg); F. Carpenedo (IMLR); A. Mountford (IMLR).
06-Sep-2018 Avgust Cernigoj: at the frontiers of futurismo Conference paper OWRI activities, Modernities strand.
16-Jun-2018 From Research to Outputs: Digital Archives and Exhibitions A LAHP funded research training workshop in collaboration with the Modern Language Centre, KCL. Speakers: R. Brandao (KCL); R. Brimacombe (National Gallery); E. Cass-Kavanagh (Independent); S. Huc-Hepher (Westminster); A. De Medeiros (KCL); C. Montoro (KCL); A. Ray (KCL); C. Waters (Kent); N. Wells (IMLR); K. Pizzi (IMLR).
09-Jun-2018 Before During and After the PhD IMLR research training workshop. Speakers: J. Everson (RHUL and IMLR), B. Schofield (KCL), E. Morrell (SAS), C. Davies (IMLR), L. Granada (NGOs/public sector), K. Phillips-Miles (translator), K. Pizzi (IMLR).
01-Jun-2018 Connecting Memories Research Initiative 1st annual symposium of the Connecting Memories Research Initiative run by the University of Edinburgh in collaboration with CCM/IMLR. Keynote speaker: A. Hoskins (Glasgow).
01-Jun-2018 I myself still remember: political memories in interwar Italy and beyond A Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory workshop. Speakers: T. Colacicco (CCM); G. Mancosu (Warwick and CCM); A. Mariuzzo (Scuola Normale Pisa); K. Pizzi (CCM/IMLR).
24-May-2018 The Story Of Pinocchio. An Italian Folktale down the Ages A Friends of Italian Studies seminar, in collaboration with the Friends of Italian Society at the University of Kent. Speaker: K. Pizzi (IMLR).
11-May-2018 Liberty Irreverence and the Place of Women in Early-Modern Italian Culture Conference in celebration of Letizia Panizza's contribution to scholarship in Italian Studies. Speakers: L. Panizza (RHUL), S. Hutton (York), A. Brundin (Cambridge), H. Sanson (Cambridge), F. Medioli (Independent), S. Cavallo RHUL), J. Everson (IMLR and RHUL), A. Brown (RHUL), A. Papworth (Cambridge), A. Anelotti (RHUL), M. McLaughlin (Oxford), J. Sellars (RHUL), M. Allen (UCLA), D. Knox (UCL), M. Fattori (Rome La Sapienza), A. Romano (Salento), C. Damianaki (Salento), S. Testa (Medici Academy), S. Jossa (RHUL), G. Pieri (RHUL). Funded by RHUL, Society for Italian Studies, Society for Renaissance Studies, University of Cambridge.
05-May-2018 Researching Multilingually: Possibilities and Complexities IMLR Research Training workshop drawing on experiences and reflections of researchers involved in the AHRC-funded projects Researching Multilingually and Researching Multilingually at Borders. Speakers: P. Holmes (Durham); J. Reynolds (Durham); K. Pizzi (IMLR).
04-May-2018 Migrating Texts: Innovation and Technology in Subtitling, Translation and Adaptation An IMLR Research Training workshop supported by LAHP and the European Commission. Speakers: C. O'Sullivan (Bristol); A. Kirchhartz (independent film translator); S. Massida (Roehampton and UCL); R. Cajix (Deluxe Media, London); L. Nunes (Bristol); N. Smalley (Head of Publicity, And Other Stories); V. Macleroy (Goldsmiths); M. Dumic (International School, London); C. Mereu (Bristol); K. Brown (Bristol); K. Yee Wong (Birkbeck); K. Pizzi (IMLR).
24-Apr-2018 Burlesque and Cabaret in Theory and Practice A Cultural Memory Workshop and Performance organized by Will Visconti (CCM Visiting Fellow). Speakers and performers include: W. Visconti (Sydney), B. Walters (QMUL) and L. Meredith (independent performer).
21-Mar-2018 From Portrait to Landscape: A Journey on Intimate Photography A Friends of Italian Studies seminar in collaboration with the AHVC Research Seminar, School of Arts, University of Kent. Speaker: M. Delogu (Director, Italian Cultural Institute, London).
17-Mar-2018 History, Ethnography and Memory A research training workshop on historical methods and archives, oral history, fieldwork, ethnography, cultural memory and treasure hunt for memorials and memory markers in Tavistock Square. Speakers: C. Lopez Galviz (Lancaster), M. Kandiah (King's), C. Morrison (LSE), K. Pizzi (IMLR) and P. Nelson (Tavistock Square Memorial Trust).
24-Feb-2018 Visual and performing arts A training day for Modern Languages researchers: working with images in theory and practice, curating, working with photography, working on performance, fillm theory and practice. Speakers: B. Thomas (Kent); T. Mikuriya (West London); D. Glynn (IMLR), M. Witt (Roehampton).
08-Feb-2018 Mussolini's Greek Island: Fascism and the Italian Occupation of Syros in World War II A talk by Sheila Lecoeur (Imperial), in collaboration with the British Italian Society.
01-Feb-2018 Posthuman transcultural memory in European fiction and visual culture A Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory seminar organized by former CCM Visiting Fellow Matthew Mild. Speakers: H. Kershaw (York), M. Mild and D. Lomas (Manchester).
27-Jan-2018 Theories and methods for languages research A day of training. Subjects covered: postcolonial theory, Enlightenment critique, gender studies and transnationalising modern languages. Speakers: R. Miranda (Nottingham), A. Sharman (Nottingham), C. Smale (KCL), N. Wells (IMLR), K. Pizzi (ILMR).
19-Jan-2018 Languages in contact. New challenges for planning and policies A conference in Gorizia/Nova Gorica, at the Italian-Slovenian border. Speakers: J. Carruthers (QUB), C. Voss (Humbolt), F. Fusco (Udine), F. Marusic (Nova Gorica), R. Zaucer (Nova Gorica), M. Grgic (SLORI), K. Pizzi.
09-Dec-2017 Digital Languages A day ot training on on-line resources: Zotero, prezi, web 2.0 tools, RSS feeds, Google alerts. Linguistic corpiora and legal translation. Speakers: C. Homiski; J. Scott.
08-Dec-2017 The Pace of History, The Shape of Democracy # 9: Violence and Democracy in United Italy A talk by Prof. D. Forgacs (NYU), in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute London.
30-Nov-2017 Memory and Space A student-led, LAHP-funded international conference and book launch. Speakers: P. Violi (Bologna); S. Kapralski (Krakow); K. Pizzi (CCM/IMLR) et al.
18-Nov-2017 Modern Languages Archives and Libraries: Focus on British Library and Senate House Library A day of training exploring languages resources at the BL and SHL. Speakers: M. Kingma (BL); C. George (SHL); A. Meyer Ludowisy (SHL); M. Castrillo (SHL); M. Coney (SHL); M. Ghosh (SHL).
10-Nov-2017 A Day of Archive Skills Training at the Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocice An IMLR research training seminar in collaboration with the Wiener Library, 29 Russell Square. Speakers: B. Warnock (education and outreach) and H. Falksohn (archivist). The day includes a tour of the current exhibition On British Soil: Victims of Nazi Persecution in the Channel Islands.
09-Nov-2017 The Modern Gramsci, Theorist of the Age of Defeat A CCM talk by Prof. D. Sassoon (QMUL) in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute.
06-Nov-2017 Gramsci in Great Britain A CCM talk by Prof. G. Vacca (former President of Istituto Gramsci) and Prof. C. Mancina (University of Rome) in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute. The meeting includes the launch of the volume Gramsci in Gran Bretagna, eds. D. Boothman, G. Vacca, F. Giasi (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2017).
30-Oct-2017 Antonio Gramsci: Prison Notebooks Opening of the exhibition of Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks (30 October-10 November 2017), a collaboration between the Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory, the Italian Cultural Institute, London, the Gramsci Foundation and Fondazione di Sardegna. This is the first time Gramsci's 33 Notebooks are exhibited outside Italy. Held on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the death of Antonio Gramsci. Speakers: P. Terracciano (Ambassador of Italy); M. Delogu (Director Italian Cultural Institute London); F. Pigliaru (President Regione Sardegna); S. Pons (President, Gramsci Foundation). Attendance: ca 1,000.
30-Oct-2017 Historicizing Gramsci A talk by Silvio Pons, co-curator of the exhibition (together with Francesco Giasi), President of the Gramsci Foundation and Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
21-Oct-2017 Research Projects in Modern Languages A day of research training in the Modern Languages. Speakers: K. Pizzi (IMLR), M. Philpott (SAS), T. Morrison (IMLR) and D. Zanini (IMLR).
26-Sep-2017 Luigi Ghirri and the Photography of Place London book launch of M. Spunta and J. Benci's Luigi Ghirri and the Photograpny of Place (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2017). Speakers: M. Spunta; J. Benci; R. Lumley (chair); K. Pizzi.
19-Sep-2017 Michelangelo's Poetry and Iconography in the Heart of the Reformation Friends of Italian Studies seminar and book launch. Speakers: K. Pizzi; B. Cummings; A. Moroncini; A. Prosperi; C. Salvadori Lonergan; M. Residori.
12-Jul-2017 Two Sardinians in the World: Grazia Deledda and Antonio Gramsci Presentation of the first Luisa Selis Lecture at the Italian Cultural Institute, London. Speakers: M. Delogu (ICI), K. PIzzi (IMLR), S. Sarker (Macalester).
24-Jun-2017 Nature and Other Forms of that Matter A one-day workshop organized by Royal Holloway. Speakers: R. Olsen, J. Williams (rhul), D. Sands (rhul), F. De Donno (rhul), W. Montgomery, J. Zylinska (Goldsmiths)
17-Jun-2017 Fieldwork in Developing Areas: opportunities and challenges A research training initiative, led by C. Griffiths and C.Gilbert. Speakers: C.Morrison, N. Wells, B. Morsiani, J. Ford, C. Griffiths
26-May-2017 Kraji spomina, kraji meje / Sites of Memory, Sites of Border International Conference co-organized by the CCM and the Science and research centre Koper Institute for historical studies
25-May-2017 Kraji spomina, kraji meje / Sites of Memory, Sites of Border International Conference co-organized CCM and Science and research centre Koper Institute for historical studies
18-May-2017 Decolonial Women: Hidden Histories in Latin America and the Caribbean A CCM workshop led by CCM Visiting Fellow Clara Rachel Ebybalin Casseus.
13-May-2017 Raffaello, Il principe delle arti UK premiere of the film Raffaello, Il principe delle arti, in collaboration with Istituto Italiano di Cultura, London and Sky Film
06-May-2017 Before, During and After the PhD A research training workshop and seminar. Speakers: K. Pizzi, J. Everson (RHUL/IMLR), B. Schofield (King's), E. Morrell (SAS), L. Granada (Refugee and Migrant Justice).
05-May-2017 Transcultural Memories of Mediterranean Port Cities: 1850 to the Present A workshop, followed by performance and poetry reading. Speakers and performers: S. Stephanides (Cyprus), C. Forsdick (Liverpool), G. Bowman (Kent), G. Koureas (Birkbeck), C. Launchbury (IMLR/IHR), W. Visconti (Sydney), C. Fracchia (Birkbeck), K. Pizzi (IMLR), C. Wilson and A. Adil.
03-Apr-2017 Antonio Gramsci and the Russian Revolution: A Reappraisal A talk organized in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute in London. Speakers: S.Pons (Fondazione Gramsci); A.Carlucci (Oxford)
23-Mar-2017 Neuroscience and Cultural Memory for Cinema and Literature: European Traumalgia A seminar organised by CCM Visiting Fellow Matthew Mild. Speakers: M. Mild (IMLR/CCM), N. Bentley (Keele), M. Zimmermann (KCL).
18-Mar-2017 History and Memory + Memory Hunt in Tavistock Square A workshop on using history and memory for modern language students, scholars and practitioners. Speakers: C. Lopez Galviz (Lancaster), M. Kandiah (KCL), K. Pizzi (IMLR), M. Mild (IMLR/CCM Visiting Fellow), W. Visconti (Sydney), P. Nelson (Chair, Tavistock Square Memorial Trust).
11-Mar-2017 Turkey and Islam in France & Europe. Migrant Cultural Memory on Screen and Page A Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory (CCM) workshop organized by Visiting Fellow Matthew Mild. Speakers: M. Mild, J. Wright, N. Gursel, H. Bowman, J. Downing. Screening of Mustang (2015) by D.G. Erguven.
22-Feb-2017 Digital Publishing and the Humanities: Perspectives and Questions A workshop organized by M. Riva (Brown; Visiting Fellow CCM). Speakers: G. Armstrong (Manchester); M. Eve (BBK); J. Winters (SAS); M. Riva.
21-Feb-2017 Stage, Page and Screen: Violence and Memory in Contemporary Latin American Culture A workshop and screening organized by Niall Geraghty. Speakers: G. Maguire, N. Gheraghty, F. Di Bernardo, D. Wills, V. Bell, L. Zorzoli.
18-Feb-2017 Visual and Performing Arts IMLR research training workshop: engaging with visual material, photography, film, performance, curating exhibitions. Speakers: Ben Thomas (Kent); Theresa Mikuryia (West London); Dominic Glynn (IMLR); Michael Witt (Roehampton); Katia Pizzi (IMLR).
15-Feb-2017 Chivalry, Academy & Cultural Dialogues: The Italian Contribution to European Modernity A book launch and Friends of Italian seminar in honour of Professor Jane Everson (RHUL and IMLR). Speakers: Stefano Jossa (RHUL), Katia Pizzi (IMLR), Corinna Salvadori Lonergan (Trinity College Dublin), Diego Zancani (Oxford) and Martin McLaughlin (Oxford).
03-Feb-2017 Leopardi e i suoi fratelli: Le Marche e la letteratura italiana A colloquium in support of historic towns in Le Marche. Speakers: Simon Gilson, Ambra Moroncini, Guido Giglioni, Jane Everson, Fabio Camilletti, Daniela Cerimonia, Olivia Santovetti, Emmanuela Tandello, Olmo Calzolari, Stefano Jossa.
21-Jan-2017 Researching Multilingually: Possibilities and Complexities (workshop) A research training workshop drawing on the experience of researchers involved with AHRC-funded projects to explore possibilities and complexities of carrying out research across languages.
08-Dec-2016 Presentation: Luisa Selis Visiting Fellowship in the Cultural Memory of Sardinia Funded by the Fondazione di Sardegna in memory of anthropologist Luisa Selis, who specialised in the cultural memory of Sardinia, this new Fellowship enables researchers in this field (ethnography, anthropology and/or literature for example) to conduct research at the Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory at the Institute of Modern Languages Research and the Italian Cultural Institute.
05-Dec-2016 Archive as Method Salon: Visual Documents of Italian Imperialism in Africa Presentations, short-film screenings and Q&A with: Alessandra Ferrini, Gianmarco Mancosu, Martina Melilli and Jacopo Rinaldi
03-Dec-2016 Digital Languages interactive: presentations, Research 2.0, aPORTformodernlanguages Interactive session , learning to use RSS feeds, Google alerts, social bookmarking, Zotero. Introducing the PORT website and helping make best use of online resources for training and learning in the Modern Languages.
01-Dec-2016 Modern Languages PGR recruitment and skills training in Scotland A workshop on skills training for PGRs in the Modern Languages hosted by the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities, University of Glasgow. Organizer: Henriette Partzsch
19-Nov-2016 Modern Languages Archives and Libraries, with focus on Senate House Library's mod langs collections and exhibitions Round table discussion, tour of Senate House Library collections and exhibitions, building bibliographies. Speakers: M. Ghosh, A. Meyer Ludowisy, L. Kassir, C. Davies, D. Glynn, G. Weiss-Sussex, K. Pizzi, J.P. Silvestre.
18-Nov-2016 Cinema and Memory AHRC-funded Italian Cinema Audiences collaborative project and conference. Speakers: D. Treveri-Gennari, S. Dibeltulo, S. Culhane, A. Fee, R. MacDonald, K. Ford, A. Salzberg, S. Hooper, C. McLaughlin, A. Hopwood.
16-Nov-2016 Wiener Library Seminar Archive skills, tour of the Wiener Library with focus on current exhibition, seminar on Germanic and exile collections at Senate House Library. Speakers: Howard Falksohn, Barbara Warnock, Clare George.
11-Nov-2016 Migrating Texts: Multilingualism in Subtitling, Translation and Adaptation Speakers: A. Smith, J-F. Cornu, I. de Higes Andino, E. Jones, L. Parmiani, T. Steinitz, C. Mereu, K. Brown, K. Yee Wong. Sponsors: AHRC/LAHP, Birkbeck, European Commission, IMLR
05-Nov-2016 Reconfiguring Black Europe A Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory workshop. Speakers: K. Willman, V. Anishchenkova, N. Davies, C. Leavitt, S.A. Smythe, A. Buffa, P.J. Edwards, S. Green, A. Benedicty-Kokken, E. De Francisci, J. Prest, E. Stewart, C. Fracchia, K. Pizzi, S. Kassem, A. Dawes, E. Bond. Sponsors: St. Andrews.
02-Nov-2016 Italian Academies and their Networks, 1525-1700. From Local to Global Workshop and book launch of Simone Testa's Italian Academies and their Networks, 1525-1700. Speakers: S. Testa, A. Moroncini, L. Sampson, F. De Vivo. Chair: K. Pizzi
15-Oct-2016 Research Projects in Modern Languages IMLR Research Training workshop. Speakers: Katia Pizzi, Chandra Morrison, Jana Buresova, Sharon Baker
30-Sep-2016 Translators and Printers in Renaissance Europe: Framing Identity and Agency A two-day international conference in collaboration with the University of Melbourne. Speakers: D. Biow, J.M. Perez Fernandez, J. Trace, A. Rizzi, B. Bistue, A. Coldiron, B. Richardson, G. Armstrong, G. Pellissa Prades, A. Cattaneo, R. Sumillera, H. Brown, S. Gaylard.
29-Sep-2016 Translators and Printers in Renaissance Europe: Framing Identity and Agency As above
21-Sep-2016 Modern Languages Global English and the Future of the EU A workshop on English and Modern Languages and globalization. Speakers: G. Schirru, M. Gazzola, P. Ives, A. Tosi, F. Faloppa, A. Carlucci
12-Jul-2016 Giorgio Agamben on Philosophy and Pulcinella G. Agamben, leading philosopher and political theorist, discusses his recent book Pulcinella ovvero divertimento per i ragazzi (2015)
18-Jun-2016 European Memory Studies: Agenda, Networks, Perspectives 17-Jun-2016 European Memory Studies: Agenda, Networks, Perspectives Conference and meetings of European Heads of Centres of Cultural Memory Studies at Bologna University's Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici.
07-Jun-2016 Futurist Women. Florence, Feminism and the New Science A Friends of Italian seminar and book launch. Speakers: Paola Sica (Connecticut College) and Simona Storchi (Leicester).
03-Jun-2016 Times are a Changin'. Temporality Memory and Social Movements in the Digital Age 02-Jun-2016 Times are a Changin'. Temporality Memory and Social Movements in the Digital Age An international conference/workshop, a collaboration Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory, University of Westminster, Umea University, STINT (Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education)
21-May-2016 Updating Gramsci: Recent publications in English 2012-2015 A CCM workshop. Speakers: Peter Thomas, Alessandro Carlucci, Alex Loftus, Cosimo Zene, Mark McNally, Anne Showstack Sassoon, Ravel Kodric. Chair: Katia Pizzi. Sponsored by Brill and Haymarket. In collaboration with Senate House Library.
14-May-2016 Transcultural Memory and the Intersection of Migration and Colonialism A Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory Seminar. Speakers: F. Ricatti, B. Spadaro, E. Bond and M.C. Seccia. Chair: K. Pizzi
07-May-2016 Before, During and After the PhD: Careers in and Beyond Academia IMLR Research Training Seminar and Workshop
16-Apr-2016 Muse of Modernity? Remembering, Mediating and Modernising Popular Dance A Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory international conference and workshop.
16-Mar-2016 L'orologio di Monaco: Screening followed by a conversation between Giorgio Pressburger and Katia Pizzi The documentary L’orologio di Monaco (62’, Italy 2014), directed by Mauro Caputo, originates from the short story collection of the same name written by Giorgio Pressburger, who also lends his voice to the film. It is the story of a central European family whose ranks include the names of some of leading historical figures of the last two centuries (Marx, Heine, Mendelssohn, Husserl, etc.). In a study that interweaves past and present, the narrator relives the memories and human dramas that enabled him to understand “what it means to really belong to the human community of the living and the dead”. After the screening Giorgio Pressburger, in conversation with Katia Pizzi, will talk about his writing and his works including the collection I racconti triestini (Marsilio, 2015).
12-Mar-2016 History and Memory Methods and From Field to File workshop Research Training Workshop. Speakers: Carlos Lopez Galviz (Lancaster), Michael Kandiah (King's), John Ryan (ECU and CCM), Francesco Ricatti (Sunshine Coast and CCM), Samuel Merrill (Umea and CCM), Gabriel Koureas (Birkbeck), Claire Launchbury (IMLR and IHR), Katia Pizzi (IMLR / CCM), Philip Nelson (Tavistock Square Memorial Trust)
11-Mar-2016 The Auntie with the Handbag: The Mnemonic Afterlives of Danuta Danielsson's Medial Moment A seminar by Samuel Merrill, Visiting Fellow, Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory
09-Mar-2016 Memory and 7/7 at Tavistock Square A panel discussion including Philip Nelson, Chair of the 7/7 Tavistock Memorial Trust; Andrew Smith, UCL; Alex Marshall, witness and first aider; Silke Arnold the Simine, Birkbeck; David Videcette, former Scotland Yard investigator and crime novelist; Gabriel Koureas, Birkbeck. Chair: Samuel Merrill and Katia Pizzi
13-Feb-2016 IMLR Research Training: Visual Languages Visual Languages 11.00-12.00 Working on painting and sculpture: Ben Thomas (Kent) 12.00-1.00 Working on photography: Theresa Mikuria (University of West London) 1.00-2.30 Lunch break (own arrangements) 2.30-3.30 Working on performance: Dominic Glynn (IMLR) 3.30-4.00 Tea Break. PILS-NET (LAHP students network) + troubleshooting with experienced supervisors (prior booking required) 4.00-5.00 Working on audiovisual translation: Carla Mereu-Keating (IMLR)
12-Feb-2016 Researching Multilingually: Possibilities and Complexities At this one-day event, we will draw on the experiences and reflections of researchers involved with our AHRC-funded projects: http://researchingmultilingually.com/ to explore the possibilites for and complexities of what we term 'researching multilingually', i.e, how researchers draw on their own linguistic resources, and those of others, when undertaking research involving more than one language.
12-Feb-2016 How to remember in Gaelic: The Poetry of Sorley McLean A seminar by CCM Visiting Fellow Prof. Maire Ni Annrachain (UCD)
06-Feb-2016 Gruppo di Scrittura Creativa Friends of Italian Studies Reading and Creative Writing Group
16-Jan-2016 Theories: Hermeneutics, Ethics, Aesthetics, Film Theory, Using Texts in other Languages IMLR Research Training Workshop and Seminar
10-Dec-2015 Pinocchio Revealed: A Global Puppet in the Age of the Machine Part of the Illuminations talks series, curated by Colin Homiski, Senate House Library, London
05-Dec-2015 Digital Languages IMLR Research Training workshop on digital tools to work with languages. Speakers: Colin Homiski (SHL), Matt Phillpott (SAS), Aquiles Alencar Beynes (BL)
24-Nov-2015 Cultural Discourses of Lesbianism in Italy Book launch of Charlotte Ross's Eccentricity and Sameness. Discourses on Lesbianism and Desire between Women in Italy, 1860s-1930s. Speakers: Ann Caesar, Chiara Beccalossi, Charlotte Ross, S.A. Smythe
21-Nov-2015 IMLR Research Training: Modern Languages Archives and Libraries Workshop on languages archives and library and guided visit to the modern languages collections in the British Library
20-Nov-2015 IMLR Research Training: Wiener Library Seminar A day-long seminar on collections and resources at the Wiener Library and Senate House Library
19-Nov-2015 Connecting Memories: How Translation Shapes City Life A Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory seminar given by Prof. Sherry Simon (Concordia)
13-Nov-2015 Senate House Revealed: On going underground.... Part of the School of Advanced Study’s ‘Hidden and Revealed’ series of events
13-Nov-2015 Migrating Texts: Subtitling, Translation, Adaptation n. 2 An IMLR Research Training initiative sponsored by LAHP
13-Nov-2015 Senate House Revealed A part of SAS Being Human festival
10-Nov-2015 The End of Secular Sanctuary: Tourism, Sniping and the Wartime Hotel A Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory seminar. Speaker: Prof. Robert Davidson (Toronto)
07-Nov-2015 Italian Violence. Victims, witnesses and their narratives in contemporary Italy Cultural Memory Seminar on representations of violent events in contemporary Italy. Speakers: Irene Liverani, Flora Pitrolo, Daniele Salerno, Cecilia Ghidotti
21-Oct-2015 Two Poets in Conversation: Antonella Anedda meets Jamie McKendrick Anedda (Lugano) and McKendrick (Oxford) engage in conversation. This is a Friends of Italian event organised in collaboration with the British Italian Society
17-Oct-2015 Research Projects in the Modern Languages IMLR Research Projects in the Modern Languages. Speakers: Katia Pizzi, Chandra Morrison, Jana Buresova, Sharon Baker.
07-Oct-2015 Resisting Writers. Narratives of Identity and Impegno in Contemporary Italy A study day to mark the launch of two volumes: Matteo Di Gesu`, Una nazione di carta, and Claudia Boscolo and Stefano Jossa, Scritture di resistenza. Speakers: Pier Paolo Antonello, Daniela La Penna, Florian Mussgnug, Matteo di Gesu`, Claudia Boscolo, Stefano Jossa and Marco Mancassola.
25-Sep-2015 Beckett and Dante, or Dante in Beckett? Or rather, Beckett in Dante? Daniela Caselli, Nicola Gardini, and Valerio Magrelli will discuss this extraordinarily complex relationship, bringing to the fore Beckett’s fascination with Dante’s world and characters (starting from the Purgatorial Belacqua) and showing how much such distant and different authors actually share in literary, linguistic, and spiritual terms. Chaired by Katia Pizzi.
15-Jul-2015 How might modern languages research inspire future generations? IMLR Workshop: What is Modern Languages Research?
06-Jul-2015 Memories of Future Cities A CCM workshop. Speakers: Lawrence Goldman, Claudio Celis Bueno, Naomi Roux, Madeleine Kessler, Socrates Stratis, Michael Darroch
20-Jun-2015 Dancing (Trans)national Memories A symposium on memory, dance and performance. Speakers: T. Buckland, C. Parfitt-Brown, D. Robinson, D. Taylor, C. Sosa, M. Blanco Borelli, C. Monteiro.
15-Jun-2015 Women's Memories and the Politics of Belonging: Challenging Historical Narratives of Labour, Welfare and Citizenship A CCM and CCWW seminar. Speakers: I. Agardi, E. Betti, W. Berteke, M.J. Blanco, R. Bush, C. Davies, Y. Dong.
11-Jun-2015 Towards a Conceptual Lexicon between Europe and Brazil: Cultural Memory, Transculturality and Temporality Workshop 'Incubadora de Pesquisa', sponsored by FIBRA
10-Jun-2015 Towards a Conceptual Lexicon between Europe and Brazil: Cultural Memory, Transculturality and Temporality Workshop 'Incubadora de Pesquisa', sponsored by FIBRA
16-May-2015 Civil War and Narrative. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Testimonies and (Hi)stories in Intrastate Conflicts A Conference of the Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory in partnership with the Universities of Aberdeen, Buckingham and Paris 13.
15-May-2015 Civil War and Narrative. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Testimonies and (Hi)stories in Intrastate Conflicts A Conference of the Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory in partnership with the Universities of Aberdeen, Buckingham and Paris 13.
15-May-2015 Italian Research Training Research Training Seminar
09-May-2015 Before, During and After the PhD IMLR Research Training Workshop and LAHP PILS-NET
22-Apr-2015 Explorations in Anonymous History: Urban, Architectural and Anthropological Contributions to Transatlantic Media Studies IMLR and CCM seminar by Prof. Michael Darroch (Windsor and CCM Visiting Fellow)
17-Apr-2015 Life of Pope Adrian VI by Paolo Giovio Friends of Italian book launch. First critical edition of Paolo Giovio's Vita di Adriano VI, by Lara Michelacci (University Bologna).
25-Mar-2015 Entangled Pasts. War, Violence and Cultural Memory in Two Contemporary French Novels IMLR and Centre for Cultural Memory Studies seminar
14-Mar-2015 History and Memory Methods: From Field to File IMLR Research Training workshop and LAHP PILS-NET
13-Mar-2015 The Redesign of the Imperial War Museum: Memory and History Reconsidered Centre for Cultural Memory Studies Symposium
10-Mar-2015 Matteo Ricci the Daoist LINKS Comparative Studies Seminar
21-Feb-2015 Mobile and Mobilising Memories: The Centenary and its Effects on First World War Memory in Europe Centre for Cultural Memory Studies one-day Conference
18-Feb-2015 The Art of Memory as Cultural Transfer: An Italian Treatise of the 15th Century and its Adoption Centre for Cultural Memory Studies seminar
14-Feb-2015 Visual Languages IMLR Research Training workshop and LAHP PILS-NET
11-Feb-2015 Testimony, Archive and Experiment: Documentary Form in Contemporary Lebanese Visual Culture IMLR and Centre for Cultural Memory Seminar
15-Dec-2014 Women and Trade Unions in Red Emilia: A Memorial Perspective A Cultural Memory and Friends of Italian Seminar. Additional speakers: Anna Salfi and Ivana Sandoni
06-Dec-2014 Digital Languages IMLR Research Training workshop
27-Nov-2014 Moving Memories: Remembering and Reviving Conflict, Protest and Social Unrest in Connected Times Centre for Cultural Memory Studies Workshop and Book Launch
26-Nov-2014 Women Workers Unfairly Dismissed in Cold War Bologna. Gendering Memory of Class Conflict in 1950s Italy A Centre for Cultural Memory Studies seminar
22-Nov-2014 Modern Languages Archives and Libraries IMLR Research Training workshop and seminar. Speakers: Andrea Meyer Ludowisy, Colette Wilson, Adrian Armstrong, Catherine Davies, Katia Pizzi, Godela Weiss-Sussex, Patricia da Silva and Marja Kingma
21-Nov-2014 Wiener LIbrary Seminar Archive skills training with Wiener Library archivist and staff
18-Nov-2014 From Comparatism to Comparativity: Comparative Reasoning Reconsidered A seminar by Svend Erik Larsen (Aarhus). LINKS Comparative Literary Studies seminar series
11-Nov-2014 Reading Dante: From Here to Eternity Friends of Italian Book Presentation: Prue Shaw's Reading Dante. Speakers: Prue Shaw, Lino Pertile, Robert Gordon, Karen Shook
01-Nov-2014 Migrating Texts: Subtitling, Translation, Adaptation 31-Oct-2014 Migrating Texts: Subtitling, Translation, Adaptation A series of colloquia on subtitling, translation and adaptation aimed primarily at postgraduate and early career researchers.
21-Oct-2014 LINKS Comparative Literary Studies Seminar Series Founded in 2009, the London Intercollegiate Network for Comparative Studies (LINKS) grew out of collaboration between Comparative Literature Departments in London, aiming to promote co-operation and knowledge exchange across the academic community. LINKS includes seven partner institutions (Birkbeck, Goldsmiths, King’s College, Queen Mary, Royal Holloway, SOAS, UCL).
21-Oct-2014 Pinocchio: Puppet, Human or Machine? Invited lecture for the British Italian Society, Oxford and Cambridge Club
18-Oct-2014 Research Projects in Modern Languages IMLR Research Training Seminar and Workshop
02-Oct-2014 Contemporary Italian Writings and the Legacy of the Colonial Past IMLR Director's Seminar
10-Sep-2014 Pablo Neruda in Italy: A Magical Evening of Poetry and Music 02-Jul-2014 Just Jews and Muslims: Reflections on Antisemitism and Islamophobia in Contemporary Culture and Beyond Cultural Memory Seminar and Director's Seminar
18-Jun-2014 Painful Italianness. Translating Italian-North American Female Bodily Trouble into Italian Director's seminar
30-May-2014 Apocalittici e integrati. Italian Intellectuals and New Technologies 17-May-2014 The Natural History of Memory Centre for Cultural Memory Studies at the IMLR Seminar. Partner institutions: Goldsmiths University of London, King's College London, University of Westminster, University of Ghent.
10-May-2014 Before, During and After the PhD IMLR Research Training Workshop
03-May-2014 Memories of the Future An international conference organised jointly by the Centre for Cultural Memory Studies at the IMLR and ual-Chelsea College of Arts.
02-May-2014 Memories of the Future An international conference organised jointly by the Centre for Cultural Memory Studies at the IMLR and ual-Chelsea College of Arts.
09-Apr-2014 Emotional Response in Historical Practice: Methodological Approaches to Representing Collective Experience IMLR Director's Seminar and Cultural Memory Seminar
07-Apr-2014 Contemporary Italian Philosophers: Agamben, Trauma and Post-Capitalist Scenarios Friends of Italian Studies at the IMLR seminar
27-Mar-2014 A Hidden Idiom of Cultural Memory Sylvia Naish Lecture and Cultural Memory Seminar
19-Mar-2014 Cultural Memory Trauma and Affect Research Group Cultural Memory Seminar
17-Mar-2014 Amor che Move: Dante, Pasolini and Morante Friends of Italian at the IMLR special event (Manuele Gragnolati and Emanuele Trevi)
15-Mar-2014 History and Memory Methods IMLR Research Training Workshop
13-Mar-2014 IMLR Graduate Forum Research Training Seminar
07-Mar-2014 Practicing Theory: The Friction Between Theoretical Work and Writing Novels Friends of Italian Studies at the IMLR special event: Enrico Palandri in conversation
05-Mar-2014 Decoding Paradoxical Behaviours: Eating Disorders and Self-Empowerment in Italian Women's Writing of the 1990s and 2000s IMLR Director's Seminar
20-Feb-2014 IMLR Graduate Forum Research Training Seminar
15-Feb-2014 Visual Languages IMLR Research Training Workshop
05-Feb-2014 Cultural Memory Affect and Trauma Working Group Cultural Memory Seminar
31-Jan-2014 Modern Languages and Film IMLR / AHRC Research Training Project Workshop
18-Jan-2014 Theories IMLR Research Training Workshop
16-Jan-2014 IMLR Graduate Forum Research Training Seminar
14-Dec-2013 War and Culture in the Occupied Europe: History and Memory in Trieste and Northeastern Italy The Vilnius Academy of Arts: International Seminar War and Culture in the Occupied Europe: Theoretical and Methodological Research Models (Nida Art Colony, 12-15 December 2013)
12-Dec-2013 Graduate Forum Research Training Seminar
07-Dec-2013 Digital Languages IMLR Research Training Workshop
29-Nov-2013 Italian Research Training Research Training Seminar
25-Nov-2013 Storia umana e inumana. A Reading and Discussion of Giorgio Pressburger's Book Friends of Italian Studies at the IMLR Book Launch and Reading
23-Nov-2013 Iconic Images in Modern Italy: Politics, Culture and Society (2013 ASMI Conference) 23-Nov-2013 Modern Languages Archives and Libraries IMLR Research Training Workshop
22-Nov-2013 Iconic Images in Modern Italy: Politics, Culture and Society (2013 ASMI Conference) Annual conference of the Association for the Studies of Modern Italy
21-Nov-2013 Graduate Forum Research Training Seminar
20-Nov-2013 The Language of Images: Language and Iconography in Giuseppe Betussi's Poetical Work IMLR Director's Seminar
13-Nov-2013 Cultural Memory Affect and Trauma Working Group Cultural Memory Seminar
06-Nov-2013 Italian Literature Across Borders: From Pasolini to Transmedia Storytelling IMLR Director's Seminar
26-Oct-2013 Sites of Trauma CCM Cultural Memory Seminar
24-Oct-2013 Graduate Forum Research Training Seminar
19-Oct-2013 Research Projects in the Modern Languages IMLR Research Training Workshop.
19-Oct-2013 Wiener Library Seminar IMLR Research Training Seminar
18-Oct-2013 Ending Terrorism in Italy Friends of Italian Studies Book Launch. Organised with the Modern Italian History Seminar (IHR)
16-Oct-2013 Cultural Memory Affect and Trauma Working Group Cultural Memory Seminar
30-Sep-2013 Boccaccio & Company: An Introduction to the Decameron A study day on Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron in collaboration with and at the British Library.
30-Sep-2013 Voices without Borders: Travelling Tales and Literary Heritage A John Coffin Memorial Lecture given by Marina Warner.
25-Sep-2013 The History of English and Italian Children's Periodical Press During the Late 19th Century Director's seminar
22-Jun-2013 Cultural Memory Seminar: Ottoman Pasts, Present Cities: Cosmopolitanism and Transcultural Memories This event is a collaboration with the AHRC-funded Research Network 'Ottoman Cosmopolitanism'. Speakers: Prof. Sahar Hamouda (Alexandria) and Dr. Gabriel Koureas (BBK)
12-Jun-2013 The Future of Trauma A seminar by CCM Visiting Fellow, Prof. Stef Craps (Ghent/LITRA)
08-Jun-2013 Modern Languages and Film Studies Spring School: Follow-up Day In the context of generous funding from the AHRC’s Skills Development Programme, IGRS, in collaboration with King’s College London and the University of London Institute in Paris, hosted a student-led follow-up day on the Modern Languages and Film Studies Spring School (March 2013).
22-May-2013 Urban Spaces of Death: Cemeteries as Narratives of the Modern City 1780-1918 Cultural Memory Seminar
18-May-2013 Cultural Memory Seminar: Affect, Trauma and the Transmission of Memory in Post-dictatorial Argentina Cultural Memory Seminar in collaboration with UEL and the Samuel Raphael History Centre.
11-May-2013 Before, During and After the PhD IGRS Research Training Workshop
17-Apr-2013 Ye band of venerable just! Enlightened Representations of the Inca Empire in France and Britain Director's seminar -Chair
11-Apr-2013 A Modernist City Resisting Translation? Trieste between Slovenia and Italy Paper given for the International Workshop on Cities in Translation, University of Concordia, 10-14 April 2013
06-Apr-2013 Tectonics of History: Memory and Violence in the Northeastern Region of Italy Conference paper for the American Comparative Literature Association, University of Toronto, 4-7 April 2013
11-Mar-2013 Modern Languages and Film Spring School An AHRC funded research training programme in collaboration with King's College London and ULIP, including seminars, lectures and archive visits in London, Rome, Paris, Madrid and Frankfurt.
16-Feb-2013 Visual Languages in Modern Language Research Day-long Research Training Workshop including sessions: working on painting and sculpture (Dr Jim Harris); working on photography (Dr Theresa Mikuria); working on exhibitions (Dr Ben Thomas); design and materials at the V&A and RCA (Dr Sabrina Rahman).
12-Feb-2013 Memories of Conflict, Conflicts of Memory International Conference in collaboration with UCL and St. Andrews University.
09-Feb-2013 Cultural Memory Seminar Cultural Memory Seminar in collaboration with UEL and the Samuel Raphael History Centre.
01-Feb-2013 Cultural Memory Seminar: Furnishing Memory: Red Vienna and the Politics of Post-Imperial Design, 1918-1934 Seminar organized by the Centre for Cultural Memory Studies, given by Leverhulme Trust Visiting Fellow in the School of Advanced Study, Dr. Sabrina Rahman.
01-Jan-2013 Theories in Modern Language Research Research Training Workshop
01-Jan-2012 Theories Research Training Workshop
01-Jan-2012 From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic: Cold War Trieste on Screen SAS Dean's Seminar Presentation
01-Jan-2012 The Machiavelli Nights Seminar series on Machiavelli's rhetorical and political thought
01-Jan-2012 Visual Languages Research Training Workshop
01-Jan-2012 Scren Media and Memory Cultural Memory Seminar
01-Jan-2012 Wiener Library Seminar Skills Training Workshop in collaboration with the Wiener Library
01-Jan-2012 Family Ties: Recollection and Representation International Conference
01-Jan-2012 On Looking Back: Photography, Memory and Forgetting Coffin Trust Lecture given by Rosy Martin
01-Jan-2012 Historic and Memorial Methods Research Training Workshop
01-Jan-2012 Peripheral Modernisms International Conference
01-Jan-2012 Before During and After the PhD Research Training Workshop
01-Jan-2012 La scrittura dell'emigrante e dell'emigrato: Memory and the Present Coffin Trust Lecture and Reading given by Simonetta Agnello Hornby
01-Jan-2012 Jewish Italian Authors of the Twentieth Century Lecture given by Alain Elkann
01-Jan-2012 Memory and Empathy International Conference at UoL, Birkbeck College
01-Jan-2012 Digital Memories Day-long seminar in collaboration with South Bank University
01-Jan-2012 Echoes of the Cold War Joint Postgraduate Research Training Day Universities of Leeds, Manchester, Durham
01-Jan-2012 Launch of PORT Launch of IGRS's digital platform PORT (Postgraduate Online Research Training)
01-Jan-2012 Research Projects in the Modern Languages Teaching and coordinating on this first meeting of the IGRS Research Training Workshops series 2012-13.
01-Jan-2012 Saperi emblemi e simboli tra Bologna e l'Europa nel Rinascimento A two-day conference in collaboration with the Italian Department at the University of Bologna.
01-Jan-2012 Cultural Memory Seminar: Liquid Lands, Solid Seas: Travels, Exchanges and Dislocations across the Adriatic Frontier A seminar given by Prof. Emilio Cocco (University of Teramo)
01-Jan-2012 International Conference: The Future of Minority Literatures Keynote address at the International Conference The Future of Minority Literatures in Gorizia/Nova Gorica, 8-9 November 2012
01-Jan-2012 Il friulano e i suoi contesti An international conference in collaboration with: King's College London, University College London, Regione Friuli, Consolato d'Italia.
01-Jan-2012 Basta! Patterns of Protest in Modern Italy. History, Agents and Representation Annual conference of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy
01-Jan-2012 Modern Language Archives and Libraries Research Training Workshop
01-Jan-2012 Women Language and Grammar in Italy 1500-1800 Seminar and book launch of Helena Sanson, Women Language and Grammar in Italy 1500-1800 (Oxford, 2011).
Speakers: Helena Sanson, Giulio Lepschy, Brian Richardson
Chair: Katia Pizzi
01-Jan-2012 Digital Languages IGRS Research Training Workshop.
Speakers: Colin Homiski, Lucia Rinaldi
01-Jan-2011 Sites of Memory and the Politics of the Past in the Former Yugoslavia Cultural Memory Seminar by Professor Vjeran Pavlakovic (University Rijeka)
01-Jan-2011 The PhD viva, applying for an academic job, getting your PhD published Research Training Seminar
01-Jan-2011 Our Words and Theirs: A Reflection on the Historian's Craft Today Lecture by Professor Carlo Ginzburg (University Pisa)
01-Jan-2011 Organising a conference, giving a conference paper, getting published Research Training Seminar
01-Jan-2011 Historical methods, oral history and fieldwork, working across disciplines Research Training Seminar
01-Jan-2011 Memory and Education Cultural Memory Seminar
01-Jan-2011 Visual Cultures Research Training Seminar
01-Jan-2011 The Impact of Caravaggio on Contemporary Culture International conference
01-Jan-2011 La lunga vita di Marianna Ucria From Textual to Visual Seminar
01-Jan-2011 Theoretical Applications Research Training Seminar
01-Jan-2011 Framed by Laughter: Nazi Melodrama and Portuguese Film during WWII Cultural Memory Seminar by Professor Isabel Gil (University Lisbon)
01-Jan-2011 A Conversation with Robert Coover International Conference
01-Jan-2011 Research Projects in the Modern Languages Research Training Workshop
01-Jan-2011 The Legacy of the Italian Resistance Seminar
01-Jan-2011 Vampires: Myths of the Past and the Future International Conference
01-Jan-2011 The Nightmare of Bram Stoker Coffin Trust Lecture given by Sir Christopher Frayling
01-Jan-2011 Modern Language Archives and Libraries Research Training Workshop
01-Jan-2011 Digital Languages Research Training Workshop
01-Jan-2010 The Personality Cult of Modern Dictators International Conference
01-Jan-2010 Pirandello Conference Annual Conference of Society for Pirandello Studies
01-Jan-2010 Art Histories Cultural Studies and the Cold War International conference
01-Jan-2010 Cold War Cities Study day
01-Jan-2010 Computing in the humanities Research Training Seminar
01-Jan-2010 Italy and its Pasts: An Interdisciplinary Conference Annual conference of the Association Studies Modern Italy
01-Jan-2010 Working with libraries and archives Research Training Seminar
01-Jan-2010 How to structure a research project and working with drafts Research Training Seminar
Contemporary Italian Philosophers: Before, During and After the PhD Memories of the future Other editing/publishing activities:
Date Details 2012 Terrorism, Italian Style. Representations of Political Violence in Contemporary Italian Cinema Editor of igrs book
2012 New Approaches to Gramsci: Language, Philosophy and Politics Knowledge transfer activities:
Details Echoes of the Cold War: Trieste on Screen Keynote at META Humanities Summer School: Mediterranean Identities: Regional and (Inter)national in the Mediterranean
Literature and the Border: Voices and Echoes from Trieste Invited speech at META Humanities Summer School: Mediterranean Identities: Regional and (Inter)national in the Mediterranean
Contested Memories at the Italian-Croatian Border Guest Lecture at study trip organised by the University of Rjieka (Erste Patterns)
Memory Empire and Technology SAS Summer School, July 2010
- Consultancy & Media
- Available for consultancy:
- Yes
- Media experience:
- Yes