Contact details
- Name:
- Professor Sue Onslow
- Institute:
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies
- Phone:
- 0207 862 8882
- Email address:
- sue.onslow@sas.ac.uk
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Contemporary History, History, International Relations
- Regions:
- Africa, Asia, Australasia, United Kingdom
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Sue Onslow completed her PhD studies at the London School of Economics, where she lectured and taught between 1994-2012. She is a leading oral history practitioner and has published extensively on the contemporary history of Southern Africa. She is Director at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, School of Advanced Study, at the University of London, and Senior Research Fellow in the Department of War Studies, King’s College. Her recent publications include Robert Mugabe (with Martin Plaut) (Ohio University Press, 2018); ‘Tanzania and the Non-Aligned Movement’ in Dimitrijevic & Cavoski, The 60th Anniversary of the Non-Aligned Movement (Belgrade, 2021). She is currently co-editing a study of diplomatic history, Consuls in the Cold War (Brill Publishers, 2023), and preparing a monograph The Commonwealth in the Cold War Era (Hurst Publishers).
- Languages:
Spoken Written French Good Intermediate
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
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Publications available on SAS-space:
Date Details Mar-2005 Britain and the Belgrade Coup of 27 March 1941 Revisited PeerReviewed
Interview with Bill Kirkman: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Bill Kirkman, conducted 16 January 2013 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Kirkman, William, MBE. Journalist. Wolverhampton Express & Star. The Times, Africa Correspondent, Commonwealth Staff Correspondent, 1960s. BBC World Service, 1960s. BBC Africa Service, 1960s. BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, 1990s. The Hindu, 1994-present. Director, Press Fellowship Programme, 1982-1996. Head of University Careers Service, Cambridge, 1968-1992. Vice President, Wolfston College, Cambridge, 1980-1984. University Advisor on Public Relations, 1992-1996. Trustee, Sir Halley Stewart Trust, 1969-present.
Interview with Carl Wright: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Carl Wright, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Local Government forum, conducted 31 January 2013 (part 1) and 12 March 2013 (part 2) as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Wright, Carl. European Commission, advisor, 1973-1974. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, Secretary, 1974-1980. Commonwealth Trade Union Council, founding Director, 1980-1988. Commonwealth Secretariat, Assistant Director, 1988-1994. Commonwealth Local Government Forum, Secretary-General, 1994-present.
Interview with Chief Emeka Anyaoku: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Chief Emeka Anyaoku, former Commonwealth Secretary-General, conducted 1 May 2013 (part 1) and 2 October 2013 (part 2) as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Anyaoku, Eleazar Chukwuemeka. (1933-present) Commonwealth Development Corporation, 1959-? Permanent Nigerian Mission to the United Nations, diplomatic service, 1963-6 Commonwealth Secretariat, 1966-1975. Assistant Secretary-General, 1975-1977. Deputy Secretary-General, 1977-1983; 1983-1989. Secretary-General, 1989-1999.
Interview with Sir Roger Carrick: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Sir Roger Carrick, conducted 6 February 2013 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Carrick, Roger John (born 1937- ), KCMG 1995; CMG 1983; LVO 1972. Entry to FO, 1956 . Served in Royal Navy, 1956-58. School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, 1961. Sofia, 1962. FO desk officer, Jordan; then Treasury Centre for Administrative Studies, 1965, Paris, 1967, Singapore, 1971. FCO, Personnel Operations Department 1973 (deputy head, 1976). Visiting Fellow, Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 1977. Counsellor, Washington, 1978. Head, Overseas Estate Department, FCO, 1982. Consul-General, Chicago, 1985. Assistant Under-Secretary of State (Economic), FCO, 1988. Ambassador to Jakarta, Indonesia, 1990. High Commissioner to Australia, 1994. Retired, 1997.
Interview with Stuart Mole: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Stuart Mole, conducted 1 February, 2013 (part 1) and 14 February 2014 (part 2) as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Mole, Stuart Gordon. Lectr, Chelmsford Coll., 1971–75; Parly Press Officer, Liberal Party, 1975–77; Dir, OUTSET youth and disability charity, 1977–80; Hd, Office of Leader of Liberal Party, 1980–83; political lobbyist and speechwriter, 1983–84; Commonwealth Secretariat: Special Asst to Sec.-Gen., 1984–90; Dir, Sec.-Gen’s Office, 1990–2000. Sen. Res. Associate, Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit, and Sen. Res. Fellow, Inst. of Commonwealth Studies, Univ. of London, 2010–. Mem. (Lib Dem), Chelmsford BC, 1972–87 (Chm., P & R Cttee, 1983–87). Contested: (L) Chelmsford, Feb. and Oct. 1974, 1979, 1983, 1987; (Lib Dem) N Essex and S Suffolk, European Parlt, 1994. Hd, Leader’s Gen. Election Campaign Tour, 1993. Dir and Mem. Editl Bd, The Round Table: Commonwealth Jl of Internat. Affairs, 1994– (Chm., 2011–). Director-General, Royal Commonwealth Society, 2000–09; Pres. Bath and Dist Royal Commonwealth Soc., 2009–. Senior Associate, Sarlsdown Associates, since 2009, Hon. Fellow in Politics, Univ. of Exeter, 2009–
Interview with Surendra Nihal Singh: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Surendra Nihal Singh, conducted 21 May 2013 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Surendra Nihal Singh is a columnist and journalist, and former editor of The Statesman. He was a foreign correspondent in Moscow, London, the United States, and Indonesia, and most of his assignments were for The Statesman. He won the prestigious International Editor of the Year Award in New York for his role in opposing Indira Gandhi’s emergency in mid-1975. His publications include The Yogi and the Bear/A study of Indo- Soviet Relations; Ink in my veins/A Life in Journalism; and The Gang and 900 million/A China Diary.
Interview with Sir Ronald Sanders: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Sir Ronald Sanders, conducted 12th November 2012 and 16th October 2013 in London as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Sanders, Sir Ronald Michael KCMG, KCN (1948 - ) Public Affairs Adviser to Prime Minister of Guyana, 1973-76; Representative to UNO, New York ( - 1983) High Commissioner to the United Kingdom for Antigua and Barbuda (1983-1987 and 1995-2004). Ambassador to the World Trade Organisation (WTO), special responsibilities for negotiations on financial and trade matters in the WTO and with the International Monetary Fund and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group (EPG) 2010-2011.
Interview with Karen Brewer: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Dr Karen Brewer, Secretary General of the Commonwealth Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association (CMJA), conducted at Uganda House on Thursday 10th January 2013 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Brewer, Karen (Dr) 1962-. Law Society of England and Wales, 1987-1998. Commonwealth Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association, Secretary-General, 1998-present.
Interview with Keith Somerville: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Keith Somerville, BBC journalist, conducted at Senate House on Wednesday, 23 January 2013 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Somerville, Keith. British Broadcasting Company News, journalist 1980-2008; British Broadcasting Company World Service, journalist, 1985-2008; Legal Online (online course), 2005-2006; Executive Producer, Sources, Scoops, and Stories (course), 1991-1998; co-author and role-play developer, 2004. University of Kent, Special Associate Lecturer for Autumn Term, 2012-2012.
Interview with Lord Hurd of Westwell: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Lord Hurd of Westwell, conducted 6th March 2013 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Hurd, Douglas. (1930-present). House of Commons, Member of Parliament for Mid Oxon, 1974-1983. Member of Parliament for Witney, 1983-1997. Opposition Spokesman for Europe, 1976-1979. Foreign and Commonwealth office, Minister of State, 1979-1983. Home Office, 1983-1989. Home Secretary, 1985-1989. Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, 1984-1985. Foreign Secretary, 1989-1995. Baron of Westwell, 1997-present. House of Lords, member, 1997-present. Constitutional Commission, member, 1998-1999. Westminster Abbey, High Steward, 1999-2011. Archbishop of Canterbury’s Review, Chair, 2000-2001.
Interview with Sir Malcolm Rifkind: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Sir Malcolm Rifkind, conducted at Portcullis House, Westminster, on Tuesday 8th January 2013 (part 1) and Tuesday, 12th March, 2013 (part 2) as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography:Rifkind, Rt. Hon. Sir Malcolm. KCMG 1997; PC 1986. Born 1946. Lectured at University. of Rhodesia, 1967–68. Vis. Prof., Inst. for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Edinburgh Univ., 1998. Called to Scottish Bar, 1970. Contested (C) Edinburgh, Central, 1970; MP (C) Edinburgh, Pentlands, Feb. 1974–1997; contested (C) same seat, 1997, 2001. Opposition front bench spokesman on Scottish Affairs, 1975–76; Parly Under Sec. of State, Scottish Office, 1979–82, FCO, 1982–83; Minister of State, FCO, 1983–86; Secretary of State: for Scotland, 1986–90; for Transport, 1990–92; for Defence, 1992–95; for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1995–97; Opposition front bench spokesman on work and pensions, 2005. Jt Sec., Cons. Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Cttee, 1978; Member: Select Cttee on Eur. Secondary Legislation, 1975–76; Select Cttee on Overseas Develt, 1978–79; Chm., Intelligence and Security Cttee, 2010–. Non-exec. Dir, Unilever plc, 2010–.
Interview with Richard Bourne: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Richard Bourne, conducted at Senate House on Wednesday 13th February 2013 part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Bourne, (Rowland) Richard. Born 27 July 1940, OBE 2002, Journalist, The Guardian, 1962–72 (Education correspondent, 1968–72); Asst Editor, New Society, 1972–77; Evening Standard: Dep. Editor, 1977–78; London Columnist, 1978–79; Founder Editor, Learn Magazine, 1979; Dep. Dir, Commonwealth Inst., 1983–89; Dir, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, 1990–92 (Chm., Trustee Cttee, 1994–2003); consultant, 1993–94; Co-Dir, Commonwealth Values in Educn Project, Inst. of Educn, London Univ., 1995–98; Dir, Commonwealth Non-Govtl Office for S Africa and Mozambique, 1995–97; Sec., Ramphal Inst., 2008–. Chm., Editl Bd, Round Table, 2005–11. Consultant: Internat. Broadcasting Trust, 1980–81; Adv. Council for Adult and Continuing Educn, 1982. Chm., Survival Internat., 1983–98. Chm., Brazilian Contemporary Arts, 1995–98. Treas., Anglo-Portuguese Foundn, 1985–87, Head, Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London University, 1999–2005, Senior Research Fellow, since 2006. Publications: Political Leaders of Latin America, 1969; (with Brian MacArthur) The Struggle for Education, 1970; Getulio Vargas of Brazil, 1974; Assault on the Amazon, 1978; Londoners, 1981; (with Jessica Gould) Self-Sufficiency, 16–25, 1983; Lords of Fleet Street, 1990; News on a Knife-Edge, 1995; Britain in the Commonwealth, 1997; (ed) Universities and Development, 2000; (ed) Where Next for the Group of 54?, 2001; Invisible Lives, 2003; Lula of Brazil: the story so far, 2008; (ed) Shridath Ramphal: the Commonwealth and the world, 2008; (ed with Mark Collins) From Hook to Plate, 2009; Catastrophe: what went wrong in Zimbabwe?
Interview with Vic Zazeraj: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Vic Zazeraj, conducted at TransAfrica House, Johannesburg on 15 April 2013 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Zazeraj, Victor. South African Foreign Service, 1974. Private Assistant to Pik Botha, 1981-1986; Consul-General in California 1986-1990; Director of the Foreign Ministry during South Africa’s time of political transition 1993-1995; Ambassador to Poland 1995-1999; and Ambassador to Chile 2004-2008.
Interview with Raja Gomez: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Raja Gomez, conducted 22 March 2013 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Head of the civil service college in Sri Lanka; Assistant Director of the Management Development Division, Commonwealth Secretariat, 1976-1984; Director, Commonwealth Youth Programme, Commonwealth Secretariat, 1984-1992; Director of Development and Planning, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, 1992-.
Interview with Peter Slinn: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Peter Slinn, conducted 5 February 2013 at Senate House as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Oxford (MA), London (PhD); Legal Advisor, UK Commonwealth Relations Office/Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1967-1977; Professor of international, constitutional and natural resources law at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, 1977-1990; Head, Department of Law, SOAS, 1990-1994; Director of the SOAS MA in International Studies and Diplomacy until 2007. Vice-President of the Commonwealth Legal Education Association, Chair of the Editorial Board of the Commonwealth Judicial Journal and a member of the executive committee of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association, present.
Interview with Carolyn McMaster: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Carolyn McMaster, conducted Monday 25 March, 2013, at the Lord Elgin Hotel, Ottowa, Canada. Biography: University of Toronto (Honours BA in Political Science and Economics) and the London School of Economics (M.Phil in International Relations). Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Policy analyst, 1972-1977; CIDA, Planning Officer for Malawi, Anglophone (then known as Commonwealth) Africa Branch 1977-1979; CIDA, Planning Officer for Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland, 1979-1980; CIDA Field Representative responsible for the BLS countries, Pretoria, 1980-1982; CIDA Field Representative in Harare, along with the accreditation for Botswana 1982-1983; CIDA, Deputy Director for Planning in the Anglophone Africa Branch, 1983-1986; CIDA Field Representative, Nairobi, 1986-1988; CIDA Nairobi, Head of Aid for Kenya, Uganda, Somalia and Comoros 1988-1990; Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), Deputy Head of the Southern African Task Force, 1990-2000; DFAIT, Head of Commonwealth Section, 2000-2003; Deputy High Commissioner, New Zealand, and accredited six Pacific Islands, 2003-2007; Preparations for Canada’s participation in the Kampala CHOGM, 2007; Retired, 2007; Board of the Royal Commonwealth Society, 2008-2012. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation.
Witness Seminar: The heartbeat of a modern Commonwealth? The Commonwealth Secretariat 1965-2013. Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Witness seminar, conducted Monday 24th June 2013, Marlborough House, London. Deposit includes transcripts and supporting documents. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation.
Reflections of Tony Eggleton: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
The following document, written June 2014, contains the memories of Tony Eggleton of his engagements with the Commonwealth in the course of his career. It was written in response to a set of questions from Dr Sue Onslow, as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation.
Interview with Sir Peter Marshall: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Sir Peter Marshall, conducted 18 November 2013 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Marshall, Sir Peter. Joined the UK Diplomatic Service in 1949, rising to become Economic Under-Secretary in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Deputy, Economic and Social Affairs, to Britain's Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York. Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations in Geneva, 1979-83. Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General, 1983-88. Chairman of the Commonwealth Trust and Royal Commonwealth Society, 1988-92. Chairman of the Joint Commonwealth Societies Council, 1993-2003. Author of Public Diplomacy (Macmillan, 1997).
Interview with Matthew Neuhaus: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Matthew Neuhaus, conducted at Senate House, London, UK, on 5th June, 2013 (1); by telephone to Harare, Zimbabwe, 8th August 2013 (2) and at Senate House, London, UK, on Tuesday 11th March, 2014 (3). Biography: Australian Diplomat. Postings to Papua New Guinea; Canberra; Counsellor to the Australian Mission in the United Nations, New York; Kenya; Australian Ambassador in Nigeria, 1997-2000; Director of the Political Affairs Division of the Commonwealth Secretariat in London 2002-2008; Head of the Pacific Engagement Taskforce; Assistant Secretary and Head of the CHOGM Policy Task Force; Australian Ambassador in Zimbabwe, 2011-. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation.
Interview with John Howard: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with John Howard, conducted 31st March 2014 in Sydney, Australia. Biography: Howard, John. 1939- . Member of the Australian House of Representatives, 1974-2007; Treasurer, 1977-1983; Australian Liberal Party leader, 1985-1989, 1995-2007; Australian Prime Minister, 1996-2007. project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation.
Interview with Aziz Pahaz: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Aziz Pahad carried out in Johannesburg on Thursday, 18th April 2013 part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Pahad, Aziz. 1940- . African National Congress in London, 1966-1985; National executive Committee of the ANC, 1985- ; Returned to South Africa from exile, 1990; Deputy Head of the ANC Department of International Affairs, 1991; National Peace Executive Committee, 1991-1992; Transitional Executive Council's Sub-Council on Foreign Affairs, 1994; elected member of parliament, appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1994-2008. Board of Directors for 2010 Fifa World Cup LOC, 2010.
Interview with Michael Kirby: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Michael Kirby carried out in Sydney on Friday, 28th March, 2014 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Kirby, Michael, 1939-. Deputy President of the Australian Conciliation & Arbitration Commission, 1974-1975; inaugural Chairman of the Australian Law Reform Commission, 1975-84. Judge of the Federal Court of Australia, 1983-1984; President of the New South Wales Court of Appeal, 1984-1996; Judge on the Court of Appeal of Solomon Islands, 1995-1996; Australian High Court Judge, 1996-2009; Commonwealth Eminent Persons' Group 2010-2011; UNDP Global Commission of HIV and the Law, 2010-2012; Commissioner of the UNAIDS Commission on Sustainable Health, 2013-2014; Head of the Commission of Inquiry on Alleged Human Rights Violations in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, 2013-2014.
Interview with Simon Murdoch: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Simon Murdoch carried out in Wellington on Monday 7th April 2014 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Murdoch, Simon. 1948- . Educated at the University of Canterbury. Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, New Zealand, 1972. Joined Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, 1980, as Foreign Affairs Adviser to Robert Muldoon. Assistant Head of the Asian Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1983. New Zealand Intelligence Liason Officer to the United States, 1983-87. Head of Prime Minister’s Policy Advisory Group, 1989-91. Chief Executive of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, 1991-98. Visiting Professor of Public Policy and Management, Victoria University of Wellington, 1998. High Commissioner to Australia, 1999-2002. Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2002-09.
Interview with Chris Laidlaw: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Chris Laidlaw carried out in Wellington on 3rd April 2014 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Laidlaw, Chris. 1943- . New Zealand rugby union player, 1962-1972; New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1972-195; International Energy Authority, 1975-1977; Assistant Commonwealth Secretary General, 1978-1986; New Zealand High Commissioner to Zimbabwe, 1986-1989. Member of Parliament, 1992-1993. Radio presenter, 2000-2013; Councillor of the Wellington Regional Council, 2007-.
Interview with Jon Sheppard: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Jon Sheppard carried out in Canberra on 25th March 2014 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Sheppard, Jon. Joined Australian Department of External Affairs in 1967;Ambassador to Ethiopia, 1985-1989; Australian Ambassador to the Hashiemite Kingdom of Jordan, 1992-1995; Director of Political Affairs, Commonwealth Secretariat, 1996-2002; Australian Ambassador to Zimbabwe, 2004- 2007. NOTE: The respondent stipulates that permission should be sought when researchers plan to publish and disseminate work drawing on this interview.
Interview with Neville Linton: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Neville Linton carried out in London on 16th July 2013 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography:Linton, Neville. Dr. Political Scientist, University of Alberta; Graduate Institute of International Relations, University of the West Indies; Political Advisor in the secretariat set up to host the Non-Aligned Movement Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, Guyana, 1972; Senior Official, Political Division, Commonwealth Secretariat 1983-1995; Senior Adviser, Transparency International.
Interview with Gerald Hensley: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Gerald Hensley carried out in Wellington on 2nd April 2013 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Hensley, Gerald. 1935- . New Zealand Department of External Affairs, 1958-1965. New Zealand Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York. Special Assistant to the Commonwealth Secretary General, 1965-1969. Counsellor at the New Zealand Embassy in Washington, 1969-1976. New Zealand’s High Commissioner to Singapore, 1976-1980. Head of the New Zealand Prime Minister’s Department, 1980- 1987. Co-ordinator of Domestic and External Security, 1987-1989. Fellow at the Centre for International Affairs at Harvard University, 1989-1991. Secretary of Defence, 1991-1999. Chaired the Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group, advising Papua New Guinea Government on the reconstruction of its armed forces, 2000. President of the Asthma Foundation, 2001-2007.
Interview with Sir Anand Satyanand: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Sir Anand Satyanand, conducted 12th March 2014 in London as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Satyanand, Anand. 1944- . Born in Auckland, New Zealand. Graduated from the University of Auckland, 1970. Lawyer, 1970-1982. Judge in Auckland District Court, 1982-1994. Parliamentary Ombudsman, 1995-2005. 19th Governor-General of New Zealand, 2006-2011. Knight of Justice of the Order of St. John, 2006. Knight Grand Companion in the New Zealand Order of Merit (GNZM), 2009. Chair of the Commonwealth Foundation, 2013-present.
Interview with Tan Sri Kamil Jaafar: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Tan Sri Kamil Jaafar, conducted on 24th November 2014 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Jaafar, Kamil (Tan Sri Datuk Ahmad Kamil bin Jaafar). 1937- . Born in Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia. Graduated from the University of Malaya, 1962. Career in Administrative and Diplomatic Service, including embassy appointments in Thailand (1963), the Federal Republic of Germany (1967), Singapore (1969), and the United Nations in New York (1970), and terms as Malaysian Ambassador to Thailand (1975) Vietnam (1978), Switzerland (1980), China (1983) and Japan (1986). Secretary-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia, 1989-1996. Appointed Special Envoy to the Prime Minister of Malaysia in 1996. Jaafar’s memoirs, entitled ‘Growing Up With the Nation’, were published in 2013.
Dec-2015 Interview with Hugh Craft: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Hugh Craft, conducted 26th March 2014 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Craft, Nickless Hugh. Born in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. Graduated from the University of Cambridge, 1971 (BA) and 1974 (MA). Australian Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT), 1971-1979, with diplomatic postings to Athens; Deputy High Commissioner in Suva (covering Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Tuvalu and regional organisations); and London. Director, International Affairs Division, Commonwealth Secretariat London, 1979-1988. Australian DFAT, 1988-1992. Senior Executive, Environment Australia, 1992-1999. Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Australia, 1999-2002, including Head of Brisbane/Coolum Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2001-2 Task Force. Completed PhD at Australian National University (ANU), Canberra (2009). Visiting Fellow, International Relations Program, ANU. Visitng Professor, Centre for International and Regional Affairs, University of Fiji, 2010-12.
Interview with Kaliopate Tavola: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Kaliopate Tavola, conducted 10th April 2014 in Suva, Fiji, as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Tavola, Kaliopate. 1946- . Born in Dravuni, Fiji. Agricultural Economist with the Fijian Ministry of Agriculture, 1973-1984. Counsellor with the Fijian High Commission, London, 1984-88. Ambassador to Belgium, 1988-98, simultaneously accredited to France, Portugal, Spain, Luxembourg and Greece, as well as to UNESCO and the WTO. Foreign Minister of Fiji, 2000-2006.
Interview with Mahathir bin Mohamad: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Mahathir bin Mohamad, conducted 12th May 2014 in Putrajaya as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: bin Mohamad, Mahathir. 1925- . Born in Alor Setar, British Malaya (now Malaysia). Graduated from the University of Malaya, 1947. Practiced as a medical doctor before entering politics with the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) in the 1950s. Elected to Parliament in 1964 elections. Appointed as a Senator in 1973. Minister for Education, 1974-77. Minister of Trade and Industry, 1978-81. 4th Prime Minister of Malaysia, 1981-2003, also acting as: Minister of Defence, 1981-86; Minister of Home Affairs, 1986-99; Minister of Finance, 1998-99, 2001-03. Secretary General of the Non-Aligned Movement, 2003.
Interview with RF 'Pik' Botha: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with RF 'Pik' Botha, conducted 13th December 2012 in Pretoria, South Africa, as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Botha, Roelof Frederik ‘Pik’. 1932- . Born in Rustenburg, Transvaal Province, Union of South Africa. Studied at the University of Pretoria before beginning a career in the South African foreign service, 1953, serving in Sweden, West Germany, and the Netherlands. Law Adviser to Department of Foreign Affairs, 1966-74, serving on the delegation representing South Africa at the United Nations. South African Ambassador to the United States, 1975-77. South African Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1977-94. Minister of Mineral & Energy Affairs, 1994-96. Deputy Leader of the National Party in Transvaal, 1987-96.
Interview with Sandra Pepera: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Sandra Pepera, conducted 7th August 2014 in London, as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Pepera, Sandra. 1959- . Lecturer in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Ghana, 1983-1994. Analyst in the Political Affairs Division, Commonwealth Secretariat, 1995-2000. Joins the British civil service in 2000 with the Department for International Development (DFID), becoming Head of Office to DFID Caribbean in 2004 and working simultaneously as UK Director to the Caribbean Development Bank. Joins the National Democratic Institute, Washington DC, as Director for Gender, Women and Democracy in 2014.
Interview with Farooq Sobhan: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Farooq Sobhan, conducted 19th November 2014 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Sobhan, Farooq. 1940- . Born in Calcutta and graduate of the Universities of Dhaka and Oxford. Deputy Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations in New York, 1981-84. High Commissioner of Bangladesh to the Federation of Malaysia, 1984-87. Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, 1987-90. High Commissioner to India, 1992-95. Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh, 1995-97. Executive Chairman, Bangladesh Board of Investment and Special Envoy to the Prime Minister, 1997-99. Candidate for position of Commonwealth Secretary General, 1999 CHOGM. President and CEO of the Bangladesh Enterprise Institute, 2000- .
Interview with the Rt Hon Joe Clark: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with the Rt Hon Joe Clark, conducted 23rd April 2013 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Clark, Charles Joseph 'Joe'. 1939- . Member of the Canadian Parliament (Progressive Conservative Party), 1973-1993, 2000-2004. Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, 1976-1983, 1998-2003. Prime Minister of Canada, 1979-1980. Secretary of State for External Affairs, 1984-1991. Chair of the Commonwealth Committee of Foreign Ministers on Southern Africa, 1988-1991. President of the Privy Council, 1991-1993. Special Representative to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Cyprus, 1993-1996. Professor of Practice for Public-Private Sector Partnerships, McGill University, 2006- . Vice-Chairman and Member of the Global Leadership Foundation.
Interview with Martin Aliker: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Martin Aliker, conducted 22nd and 23rd May 2013 in London as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Aliker, Dr Martin Jerome Okec. 1925- . Born in Gulu District, Uganda. Alumnus of Kings College Budo and Makerere University. Qualified as Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from Northwestern University, Chicago, 1959. Influential Ugandan Business Leader and Investor, holding Directorships with a variety of companies including: Uganda Breweries Limited (1961-2001); Cooper Motor Corporation (1962-72, 2000-06); Longman Publishing, Uganda (1965-87); Phoenix Assurance Company of East Africa (1969-93); Coca-Cola Africa Region (1991-2004); Nation Media Group, 2001-11; Heritage Oil, Uganda (2003-10); and many others. Left Uganda in exile for Nairobi, Kenya, in 1972; returned to Uganda permanently in 1996. Advisor to Presidents Yusuf Lule and Godfrey Binaisa, 1979-80. Senior Adviser, Special Duties, to the President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni, 1986- . Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, 1996-99. Chairperson, Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust Fund, Uganda Chapter, 2012-13. Chancellor, Gulu University, 2002-2014.
Interview with Sir Shridath Ramphal: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Sir Shridath Ramphal, conducted 23rd November 2013 in London and 29th January 2015 in Bridgetown, Barbados, as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Ramphal, Sir Shridath Surendranath ‘Sonny’. 1928- . Born in New Amsterdam, British Guiana. Educated at King’s College London and Gray’s Inn, London, 1947-51. Assistant Attorney General of the West Indies Federation, 1958-62. Guggenheim Fellow, Harvard Law School, 1961. Attorney General of British Guiana, 1965-67. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Guyana, 1967-72, and then Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1972-75. Commonwealth Secretary General, 1975-90. Co-Chair, Commission on Global Governance, 1995. Chancellor of the University of Guyana, 1988-92. Chancellor of the University of Warwick, 1989-2001. Chancellor of the University of the West Indies, 1989-2003.
Interview with the Most Hon PJ Patterson: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with the Most Hon PJ Patterson, conducted 22nd January 2015 in Kingston, Jamaica, as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Patterson, Percival Noel James ‘PJ’. 1935- . Born in Hanover, Jamaica. Educated at the University of the West Indies, Mona, and the London School of Economics. Elected Vice-President of the People’s National Party (PNP), 1969. Campaign Director for the PNP in 1972, 1976 and 1989. Deputy Prime Minister of Jamaica, 1978-80, 1989-92. Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, 1978-80. Prime Minister of Jamaica, 1992-2006. Minister of Defence, 1992-2006. Chairman, Committee on Commonwealth Membership, 2006-07.
Interview with Dave Steward: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Dave Steward, conducted 17th April 2013 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Steward, Dave. 1945- . Born in Nairobi, Kenya. Educated at the University of Stellenbosch, 1962-65. Joined the South African Department of Foreign Affairs in 1966. Ambassador to the United Nations in New York, 1981-82. Policy Adviser on Southwest Africa/Namibia/Angola, 1983-85. Head, South African Communication Service, 1986-92. Director-General, Office of the South African President, 1992-94. Executive Director of the FW de Klerk Foundation, 1999- . Managing Director, Canopus Consultancies, 1997- .
Interview with Albie Sachs: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Albie Sachs, conducted 7th August 2013 in London as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Sachs, Albert ‘Albie’ Louis. 1935- . Born in Johannesburg, South Africa. Educated at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and Sussex University, England. Started practice as an advocate in Cape Town, 1956. Active in anti-apartheid campaigns in South Africa. Went into exile in 1966, spending eleven years in England and eleven years in Mozambique studying and teaching law while in contact with other anti-apartheid leaders in exile. Injured in bomb attack coordinated by South African security agents in Maputo, 1988. Returned to South Africa in 1990. Member of the Constitutional Committee and National Executive Committee of the African National Congress. Judge of the Constitutional Court, South Africa, 1994-2009.
Interview with The Most Hon Edward Seaga: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with The Most Hon Edward Seaga, conducted 20th January 2015 in Kingston, Jamaica, as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Seaga, Edward Philip George. 1930- . Born in Boston, United States. Educated at Harvard University. Nominated to serve in the Legislative Council, Jamaican Parliament, 1959. Elected MP for Western Kingston in 1962, a constituency he would represent until 2005. Minister of Finance, 1967-72. Leader of the Opposition, 1974-80. Fifth Prime Minister of Jamaica, 1980-89. Leader of the Opposition, 1989-2005. Distinguished Fellow at the University of the West Indies, Mona, 2005- .
Interview with Vijay Krishnarayan: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Vijay Krishnarayan, conducted 14th May 2013 in London, as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Krishnarayan, Vijay. Born in Trinidad and Tobago. Educated at Oxford Polytechnic in Town and Country Planning. Volunteer with Voluntary Service Overseas in Belize, with the Belize Enterprise for Sustainable Technology. Managing Partner for the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute, late 1990s – early 2000s. Deputy Director, Commonwealth Foundation, 2006-12. Director, Commonwealth Foundation, 2012- .
Interview with Carolyn McAskie: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Carolyn McAskie, conducted 13th May 2013 in London, as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: McAskie, Carolyn. Born in Glasgow, Scotland. Joined the Canadian civil service in 1968. Assistant Director of Finance and Personnel, Commonwealth Secretariat, 1975-80. Canadian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka and the Maldives, 1986-89. Career with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), where she served as Vice-President for Africa and the Middle East Programs and Vice-President of CIDA’s Multilateral Programmes Branch, holding the rank of Assistant Deputy Minister from 1993-99. Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, United Nations Secretariat, 1999-2004. Special Representative of the Secretary General and Head of the UN Peacekeeping Operation in Burundi, 2004-06. Assistant Secretary General for Peacebuilding, United Nations, 2006-08. Senior Fellow, Graduate School of Policy and International Affairs, University of Ottawa.
Interview with Sir Don McKinnon: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Sir Don McKinnon, conducted 27th February 2013 in London and 8th April 2014 in Auckland, as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: McKinnon, Donald Charles. 1939- . Born in London, United Kingdom. Educated at Lincoln Agricultural College, New Zealand. Elected as Member of Parliament for Albany, New Zealand, 1978. Senior Whip for New Zealand National Party in Opposition, 1987-90. Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand, 1990-96. Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 1990-99. Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Nations, 2000-08. Chairman, Global Panel Foundation, Australasia Division, 2008- .
Interview with Hugh Segal: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Hugh Segal, conducted 13th March 2013 in London (part 1) and 22 May 2015 via Skype (part 2) as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Segal, Hugh. 1950- . Educated at the University of Ottawa. Senior Aide to Ontario Premier Bill Davis in the 1970s and 80s. Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, 1992-93. President of the Institute for Research on Public Policy, Montreal, 1999-2006. Conservative Senator for Ontario, 2005-2013, during which time he acted as Chair of the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (2006-07) and Chair of the Special Senate Committee on Anti-Terrorism. Member of the Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group, 2010-11. Fact-Finder for the Minister of Foreign Affairs on issues relating to human rights, democracy and core values across the Commonwealth in the lead-up to the Sri Lanka CHOGM, 2013. Master of Massey College, University of Toronto, 2014- .
Interview with The Hon Gareth Evans: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with The Hon Gareth Evans, conducted 27th March 2014 in Canberra, Australia, as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Evans, Gareth John. 1944- . Born in Melbourne, Australia. Educated at the University of Melbourne (1962-67) and Magdalen College, Oxford (1968-70). Lecturer in Law at the University of Melbourne, 1971-76. Barrister, 1976-78. Elected to Australian Senate as Senator for Victoria in 1978. Attorney General of Australia, 1983-84. Minister for Resources and Energy, 1984-87. Minister for Transport and Communications, 1987-88. Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1988-96. Leader of the Government in the Senate, 1993-96. Elected to Australian Parliament as MP for Holt, 1996. Deputy Leader of the Labor Party, in Opposition, 1996-98. President and CEO of the International Crisis Group, Brussels, 2000-09. Chancellor of Australian National University, 2010- .
Interview with Indrajit Coomaraswamy: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Dr Indrajit Coomaraswamy, conducted 23rd September 2014 in London as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Coomaraswamy, Dr Indrajit. 1950- . Educated at Cambridge University and the University of Sussex. Staff Officer, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, 1973-89, serving in Economic Research, Statistics and Bank Supervision Divisions, with a period of secondment to the Ministry of Finance and Planning. Joined the Commonwealth Secretariat in 1990 as Chief Officer, Economics, in the International Finance and Markets Section, later becoming Director of the Economic Affairs Division and Deputy Director, Secretary General’s Office, before leaving ComSec in 2008. Returned as Interim Director, Social Transformation Programmes Division, Commonwealth Secretariat, in 2010. Special Advisor, Galleon Group.
Interview with Max Gaylard: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Max Gaylard, conducted 7th May 2014 and 6 August 2014 in London as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Gaylard, Maxwell. 1946- . Born in Nambour, Queensland, Australia. Educated at the University of Queensland and the Australian National University. Served in the Australian Military Forces, 1968-70. Joined the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs. Posts in Mexico and Burma. Deputy High Commissioner of Australia to Singapore. High Commissioner of Australia to the Solomon Islands, 1985-88. Director of Political Affairs, Commonwealth Secretariat, 1988 -96. Joins the United Nations, serving as: Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq; Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan; Humanitarian and Resident Coordinator in Somalia; Director, Mine Action Service, Department of Peacekeeping Operations. Assistant Secretary-General, Deputy Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, United Nations, 2007- .
Interview with Michael Frendo: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Michael Frendo, conducted 31st January 2014 in London as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Frendo, Michael. 1955- . Elected to the House of Representatives of Malta in 1987. Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Culture and Consumer Protection, 1990-92. Minister for Youth and Arts, 1992-94. Minister for Transport, Communications and Technology, 1994-96. Minister of Foreign Affairs, 2004-08. Member and Chair, Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group. Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malta, 2010-13. Lawyer and Consultant, Valletta, 2013- . Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Law, University of Malta, 2013- . Chairman of Banif Bank (Malta) Plc, 2013- .
Interview with The Hon Bob Hawke: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with The Hon Bob Hawke, conducted 31st March 2014 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Hawke, Robert James Lee ‘Bob’. 1929- . Born in Bordertown, South Australia. Graduated from the University of Western Australia, 1952. Rhodes Scholar, University College, Oxford, 1953-6. Joins Australian Council of Trade Unions as Research Officer, 1957. President, Australian Council of Trade Unions, 1969-80. Elected to Parliament as Labor Party MP for Wills, 1980. Leader of the Opposition, 1983. Prime Minister of Australia, 1983-91. Treasurer of Australia, 1991.
Interview with Kamal Hossain: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Kamal Hossain, conducted 8th December 2014 in London as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Hossain, Dr Kamal. 1937- . Educated at the University of Notre Dame (AB, 1955) and the University of Oxford (BA, 1957; BCL, 1958; DPhil, International Law, 1964). Member of Parliament, Bangladesh, 1972-75. Chairman of the Constitution-Drafting Committee, Bangladesh, 1972. Minister of Law, 1972-73. Minister of Petroleum and Minerals, 1974. Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1973-75. International Consultant at Clifford Chance, 1977-2001. President of the Supreme Court Bar Association, Bangladesh, 1990-91. UN Special Rapporteur on Afghanistan, 1998-2003. Founder of the Law Firm Dr Kamal Hossain and Associates, Dhaka.
Interview with Madhuri Bose: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Madhuri Bose, conducted 23rd May 2014 in London as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Bose, Madhuri. Educated at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. Positions with the Centre for Human Rights, Geneva, late 1970s, and with the International Labour Organisation, United Nations, 1980s. Joined Commonwealth Secretariat in 1991. Programme Director in the Human Rights Unit, Commonwealth Secretariat. Member of the Steering Committee, Netaji Subhas Foundation. Senior Fellow, Institute of Commonwealth Studies.
Interview with Mark Robinson: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Mark Robinson, conducted 17 July 2013 and 8 August 2013 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Robinson, Mark. 1946- . Born in Bristol, England. Educated at the University of Oxford. Special Assistant, United Nations Emergency Relief Operation to Bangladesh. Served the United Nations, New York, in the Office of the Under-Secretary General and the Office of the Secretary General (Kurt Waldheim). Assistant Director, Office of the Commonwealth Secretary General (Sir Shridath Ramphal), 1977-83. Conservative Member of Parliament for Newport West, 1983-87, and Somerton and Frome, 1992-97. Appointed to the Foreign Affairs Select Committee in the government of Margaret Thatcher. Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Minister for Overseas Development and the Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary. Member of the Board, Commonwealth Development Corporation, 1988-92. Chair, Commonwealth Consortium for Education.
Interview with Moses Anafu: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Moses Anafu, conducted 17 June, 13 July and 19 November 2014 in London as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Anafu, Moses. Born in Ghana. Educated at the University of Cambridge, where he received a PhD in 1979. Joined the Commonwealth Secretariat in 1979 as Research Officer in International Affairs Division. Appointed Chief Research Officer, 1987. Assistant Director, Political Affairs Department, 1990-2000. Commonwealth Secretary General’s Special Envoy to South Africa, 1991-94.
Interview with Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin, conducted 13 May 2014 in Kuala Lumpur as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Ariffin, Noor Farida. 1947- . Born in Kuala Kangsar, Perak, Malaysia. Educated in law at the Inns of the Courts, London, 1970. Joined the Judicial and Legal Service, Malaysia, in 1971, where she served for 25 years. Director of Legal Aid Bureau, 1980-84. Seconded from Attorney General’s Chambers to serve as Director, Women and Development Programme, Commonwealth Secretariat, 1988 -1992. Further secondment to head Legal Division of Foreign Ministry, Malaysia, 1993-96. Transfers to Foreign Ministry to become Under-Secretary of Territorial and Maritime Division of Foreign Ministry, 1996-2000. Malaysian Ambassador to the Netherlands, 2000-07. Director General in the Research, Treaties and International Law Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia, 2007-12. Retired from civil service in 2012. Director, Eco World Development Group, 2015- .
Interview with David McDowell: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with David McDowell, conducted 24 June 2014 and 2 July 2014 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: McDowell, David Keith. 1937- . Born in Palmerston North, New Zealand. Educated at Victoria University of Wellington. Joined New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), 1959. First Secretary, New Zealand Permanent Mission to the United Nations, 1964-68. Special Assistant to Secretary General, Commonwealth Secretariat, London, 1969-72. Head, UN and African and Middle East Divisions, MFA, 1973. Director of External Aid, MFA, 1973-76. High Commissioner in Fiji, 1977-80. Head, Economics Division, MFA, 1980-81. Assistant Secretary of Foreign Affairs for Asia, Australia and the Americas, 1981-85. High Commissioner to India, Nepal and Bangladesh, 1983-85. New Zealand Permanent Representative to the United Nations, 1985-88. Director-General, Department of Conservation, 1988-90. CEO Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, 1989-91. Ambassador to Japan, 1992-94. Director-General, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Switzerland, 1994-99.
Interview with Carl Dundas: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Carl Dundas, conducted 10 February 2015 in Milton Keynes as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Dundas, Carl. Educated in London and called to the bar at Gray’s Inn. Appointed Legal Counsel and Director of Legal Division of the Caribbean Community, 1973. Technical Legal Advisor to Joint Selection Committee on Constitutional and Electoral Reform, Jamaica. First Director of Elections in Jamaica, 1979-80. Joined Commonwealth Secretariat as Special Legal Adviser in 1980. Leader of Commonwealth Secretariat Electoral Technical Assistance Missions to Guyana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, and Sierra Leone. Leader of Commonwealth Secretariat Support Team to Observer Groups in Malaysia (1990), Zambia (1991), Kenya (1992), Guyana (1992 & 1997), Malawi (1994), Mozambique (1994), Tanzania (1995), Tanzania (2000), Trinidad & Tobago (2000). Retired from Secretariat in 2001. Election Legal Consultant, 2001-06, advising election management bodies in Antigua and Barbuda, Botswana, Cayman Islands, Guyana, Indonesia, Lesotho, Liberia, Nigeria and Tanzania. Chairman of the Electoral Boundary Delimitation Commission, Cayman Islands, 2003 and 2010.
Interview with Rashleigh Jackson: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Rashleigh Jackson, conducted 27 January 2015 in Demerara, Guyana, as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Jackson, Rashleigh Edond. 1929- . Born in New Amsterdam, British Guiana. Joined the civil service in 1949. Received scholarship to study in the United Kingdom, 1954. Educated at the University of London and University of Leicester. Teacher at Queen’s College Secondary School, Guyana, 1957-64. Joined Ministry of External Affairs (later renamed ‘Foreign Affairs’) in 1964, becoming Permanent Secretary in 1968. Permanent Representative of Guyana at the United Nations in New York and President of the UN Council for Namibia, 1973-78. Foreign Minister of Guyana, 1978-1990. Recipient of the Order of Roraima of Guyana, 1991.
Interview with Sitiveni Rabuka: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Sitiveni Rabuka, conducted in Suva, Fiji, on 10 April 2014 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Rabuka, Sitiveni Ligamamada. 1948- . Born in Cakaudrove, Fiji. Educated in New Zealand army school (1973), Indian Defence Services Staff College (1979), and Australian Joint Services Staff College (1982). Senior Operations Manager, United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, 1980-81. Commander of the Fiji Military Forces, 1982-87. Commander of Fijian Battalion, Mulitnational Force and Observers, Sinai Peninsula, 1983-85. Involvement in 1987 coup in Fiji. Elected Prime Minister of Fiji, 1992-99. Chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs, Fiji, 1999-2001. Chairman of the Cakaudrove Provincial Council, 2001-08.
Mar-2016 Interview with The Rt Hon Jim Bolger: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with The Rt Hon Jim Bolger, conducted 14 April 2014 in Wellington, New Zealand, as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Bolger, James Brendan ‘Jim’. 1935- . Born in Opunake, New Zealand. Elected to the Parliament of New Zealand as MP for King Country in 1972. Minister of Fisheries and Associate Minister of Agriculture, 1977-78. Minister of Labour, 1978-84. Deputy Leader of the Opposition, 1984-86. Leader of the Opposition, 1986-90. Prime Minister of New Zealand, 1990-97. Ambassador to the United States, 1998-2002. Chancellor of Waikato University, 2007- .
Interview with Amitav Banerji: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Amitav Banerji, conducted 21st September 2015. s part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Banerji, Amitav. 1953-. Born in India. Educated at Georgetown University (BA) and Delhi School of Economics (MA). Joined Indian Foreign Service in 1975. Private Secretary to the Indian Foreign Minister, 1979-1982. Joined Commonwealth Secretariat in 1990. Special Adviser in Commonwealth Political Affairs Division from 1990 to 2000. Chief of Staff to the Secretary-General, 2000-09. Director of Political Affairs, 2009-2015. Projects Director, Global Leadership Foundation, 2015-.
Mar-2016 Interview with Mark Chona: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Mark Chona, conducted 11th August 2015 in Lusaka as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Chona, Mark, 1935-. Educated at University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (now University of Zimbabwe), American University and University of Cambridge. Permanent Secretary in Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zambia, 1965-68. Special Advisor for Political Affairs to President Kenneth Kaunda, 1968-80. Chairperson of the Task Force on Corruption 2003-05. NOTE: The respondent stipulates that, before 2026, researchers should seek permission from him before citing this interview in their work
Mar-2016 Review of Steve Emerson (ed) The Battle for Mozambique PeerReviewed
Mar-2016 Interview with Yash Ghai: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interviews with Yash Ghai, conducted 14th July and 15th July 2015 2015 at Senate House as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Ghai, Yash. 1938. Born in Kenya and graduate of the University of Oxford and Harvard University. Senior Fellow and Lecturer at Yale Law School, 1971-73. Professor of Public Law at the University of Warwick, 1978-89 and 1992-97. Sir Y.K. Pao Professor of Public Law at the University of Hong Kong, 1989-2006. Chairman of the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission, 2000-2002. United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Human Rights in Cambodia, 2006-2008. Constitutional adviser to over 20 countries including Iraq, Afghanistan, Papua New Guinea, Nepal, Fiji, Somalia, Libya, and Kenya.
Jul-2016 Review of Muehlenbeck, P. (2016). Czechoslovakia in Africa, 1945–1968 PeerReviewed
Book Review
Oct-2016 Interview with Ambassador Muchkund Dubey: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Ambassador Muchkund Dubey, conducted 4 July 2014 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Dubey, Muchkund. Born in India. Joined Indian Foreign Service, 1957. Former Indian Foreign Secretary. Former High Commissioner to Bangladesh. Former Permanent Representative to U.N. President Council for Social Development, Delhi.
Mar-2016 Interview with Salman Haidar: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Salman Haidar, conducted 14th June 2013 in Delhi as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Haidar, Salman. Born in India. Graduate of Delhi University and University of Cambridge. Indian Foreign Service, 1960-. Minister/Deputy Permanent Representative of India at the United Nations in New York, 1977–80. Indian Foreign Secretary, 1995-1997. Former Ambassador to China, and Bhutan. Former Deputy High Commissioner to United Kingdom. Former High Commissioner to Kingdom, 1998.
Dec-2016 Interview with Dorienne Rowan-Campbell: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Dorienne Rowan-Campbell, conducted 20 January 2015 in Jamaica as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Rowan-Campbell, Dorienne. Born in Jamaica. Educated at Carlton University, Canada. Founding member of Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW), 1976. Broadcast journalist for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation -1980. Director, Commonwealth Women and Development Programme, 1980-87. International development consultant, 1988-. Chair, Jamaican Organic Agricultural Movement, 2011-2012.
Mar-2016 Witness Seminar, March 2014: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Commonwealth Round Table Australia Witness Seminar, conducted March 2014 in Australia as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation.
Feb-2017 Voices of the Commonwealth PeerReviewed
This article describes a major exercise undertaken by the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London, to put together an oral history of the modern Commonwealth. The project was set in the context of a wider research agenda aimed at investigating whether the Commonwealth has made any difference globally in policy terms. As part of the exercise, the author, who was the lead researcher on the project, interviewed senior figures within the Commonwealth who played key roles in shaping the destiny of the organization and in influencing policy. The article is a personal account of the exercise.
Mar-2016 Interview with Kamalesh Sharma: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Kamalesh Sharma, conducted 9th March 2016 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Sharma, Kamalesh. 1941-. Born in India. Educated at St Stephen’s College, Delhi and University of Cambridge. Indian Foreign Service, 1965-2001. India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, 1997-2002. UN Secretary General’s Special Representative to East Timor, 2002-2004. High Commissioner of India to UK, 2004-2008. Commonwealth Secretary General, 2008-2016. Chancellor of Queen's University Belfast, 2009-.
Jan-2015 Interview with Billie Miller: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Dame Billie Miller, conducted 12th January 2015 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation.Dame Billie Miller educated at Queen’s College in Barbados, and King’s College, Durham University, and the Council of Legal Education in England. She was re-elected member of parliament for the city of Bridgetown seven times and was appointed senior minister in May 2003, retaining the portfolios of foreign affairs and foreign trade. She was the first woman to sit on the cabinet of Barbados. Over the years, her ministerial portfolios have included health and national Insurance (1976-1981), education (1981-1985), culture (1985), senator and leader of opposition business (1986-1991), deputy leader of the opposition (1993-1994), deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs, foreign trade and international business with the responsibility of leader of the House of Assembly (1994), foreign affairs, tourism and international transport (1995), foreign affairs and foreign trade (1999-2008).
Feb-2013 Interview with Abdul Minty: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Abdul Minty, conducted 12th February 2013 in Geneva as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Abdul Minty was born on 31 October 1939 in Hartebeesfontein. Minty was appointed the Honorary Secretary of the British Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) between 1962 and 1995. He played an important role in lobbying the International Olympic Committee in 1963 for the suspension of the South African Olympic Committee from the Olympics. Minty was also an activist on issues related to disarmament between 1979 and 1994. After the fall of apartheid in 1994, Minty was appointed as the Deputy Director-General for Multilateral Affairs in the Department of Foreign Affairs until 2004. He also oversaw South Africa's new membership of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and the Commonwealth. He served as a member of the UN Secretary-General's Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters from 2001 to 2002. In 2006, Minty was elected president of the IAEA's General Conference as the IAEA marked its 50th anniversary. He is currently Ambassador at South Africa’s Mission in Geneva.
Apr-2018 The Commonwealth and Challenges to Media Freedom NonPeerReviewed
The absence of the official Commonwealth from the public debates on issues around media freedom—not least the disquieting rising number of attacks on journalists in countries across the association1—needs to be addressed.2 Other multilateral organisations and agencies have taken a firm and highly visible lead, coordinating a wide range of activities and institutional frameworks to underpin the safety of journalists, government frameworks of accountability, and issues around access to information.3 In contrast to the quiescent Commonwealth, the Francophonie’s work on education, structures and adjudication in this area is particularly striking.4 Yet Commonwealth civil society organisations have done considerable work in the past on this issue, so the official Commonwealth does not have to reinvent the wheel. The Commonwealth Expert Group publication, Freedom of Expression, Association and Assembly, published in 2003, set out core frameworks and areas of activity, yet this report has dropped below the horizon. The fate of this historic Commonwealth energy and activity on media freedom issues underlines that until and unless there is ‘ownership’ by a core group of governments, ‘soft power’ initiatives by civil society will remain largely irrelevant
Feb-2018 Interview with the Hon Alexander Downer: Commonwealth Oral History Project NonPeerReviewed
Interview with the Hon Alexander Downer in London, 14th February 2018 as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Downer, Alexander. 1951-. Born in Australia. Educated at Newcastle University (1975-1976). Australian Diplomatic Service, 1976-82. Political Adviser to Prime Minister JM Fraser, 1982-83. House of Representatives for Mayo, South Australia, 1984-2007. Shadow Minister for the Arts, Heritage and the Environment, 1987. Shadow Minister for Housing and Small Business, 1988 to 1989. Shadow Minister for Trade and Trade Negotiations, 1990-1992. Shadow Minister for Defence from 1992-1993. Shadow Treasurer, 1993-1994. Leader of the Liberal Party (Opposition), 1994-1995. Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1995-1996. Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1996-2007. Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on Cyprus, 2008-2014. High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, 2014-2018. Executive Chairman of the International School of Government at King’s College, London, 2018-.
Mar-2018 Witness Seminar - Britain in the Commonwealth: The 1997 Edinburgh Commonwealth heads of Government meeting NonPeerReviewed
Witness Seminar: Britain in the Commonwealth: The 1997 Edinburgh Commonwealth heads of Government meeting. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. This is the third in a series of witness seminars organized by the Institute of Commonwealth Studies. The first focused on the formation and work of the Eminent Persons Group of 1986 and the outcome and impact of the EPG’s visit to apartheid South Africa. The second addressed the role and functions of the Commonwealth Secretariat since 1965 and was held on June 2013. This seminar is being organized in collaboration with King’s College, London.
May-2018 Interview with Sir John Major NonPeerReviewed
Interview with Sir John Major. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation. Biography: Major, John. 1943-. Born in UK. Member of Parliament (Conservative Party), 1979-2001. Parliamentary Private Secretary, 1981. Under-Secretary of State for Social Security in 1985. Minister of State for Social Security, 1986. Chief Secretary to the Treasury, 1987-1989. Foreign Secretary, July 1989-October 1989. Chancellor of the Exchequer, October 1989-November 1990. Prime Minister, 1990-1997.
Jan-2019 Total Onslaught: War and Revolution in Southern Africa since 1945 NonPeerReviewed
Book Review
Mar-2018 Britain in the Commonwealth: the 1997 Edinburgh Summit Witness Seminar NonPeerReviewed
The meeting in Edinburgh in 1997 was the last occasion on which Britain hosted the Commonwealth heads’ meeting, and the discussions covered a range of important issues for the future direction of the association which remain relevant and highly topical: the great step forward on trade, business and investment; the denouement of the Nigerian crisis and the willingness to impose sanctions; the return of Fiji and the presence of President Nelson Mandela; the elevation of HM the Queen into the summit itself; the start of a visible Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) presence; and discussion on possible new members. This is the third in a series of witness seminars organized by the Institute of Commonwealth Studies. The first focused on the formation and work of the Eminent Persons Group of 1986 and the outcome and impact of the EPG’s visit to apartheid South Africa. The second addressed the role and functions of the Commonwealth Secretariat since 1965 and was held on June 2013. This seminar is being organized in collaboration with King’s College, London. Since 1986, the ICBH Witness Seminar Programme has conducted nearly 100 witness seminars on a variety of subjects: most recently, the ICBH’s witness seminar series has examined the work of UK Embassies/High Commissions in Washington, Moscow, New Delhi, Pretoria and the Caribbean. These witness seminars have been well received by both practitioners, and the academic community who have increasingly come to see that it is important to examine and analyse the function of British overseas missions, as well as to capture the perspective of contemporary actors of recent events. The significance of history and the importance of gathering and utilizing oral history interviews have also been identified in the report of the Foreign Affairs Committee, The Role of the FCO in UK Government (published 29 April 2011). In oral evidence, Foreign Secretary William Hague stated: ‘history is vitally important in knowledge and practice of foreign policy’. He further stated, ‘One of the things that I have asked to be worked up is a better approach to how we use the alumni of the Foreign Office, [and]… continue to connect them more systematically to the Foreign Office.’ He went on to say: ‘these people who are really at the peak of their knowledge of the world, with immense diplomatic experience, then walk out of the door, never to be seen again in the Foreign Office.’ In terms of the Commonwealth, the Institute of Commonwealth Studies’ extensive collection of interviews with leading Commonwealth figures in the modern Commonwealth, contains a number of important interviews of those who were involved in the 1997 Edinburgh summit. However, the role and insights of leading British figures and diplomats is absent and needs to be collected, particularly as British officials prepare again to host a Commonwealth summit, and the UK government moves into the Chair-in-Office role until the 2020 Malaysian summit. For these reasons it is important to gather the memories of those FCO alumni who worked on the preparatory arrangements for the 1997 Edinburgh meeting, together with the recollections of senior Commonwealth diplomats, over a period in which the UK’s relationship within the Commonwealth continued to evolve.
- Research Projects & Supervisions
Research projects:
Details The Commonwealth and decriminalisation of poverty Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Project period: 01-Jan-2022 - 31-Dec-2023Research interests: Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Communities, Classes, Races, Political Institutions
Frank Gerits, European Institute, Florence (November 2014) Frank Gerits, European Institute, Florence (November 2014)
'Why Did You Fight?' Narratives of the Rhodesian war c.1970-1980 An oral history project, interviewing 118 former members of the Rhodesian security forces involved in the counter-insurgency/war of liberation in Rhodesia. Transcripts of interviews are deposited in the archives at the University of the West of England.
An Oral History of the modern Commonwealth Research facilitation project involving publication of 65+ interviews with leading Commonwealth politicians, civil servants, diplomats and journalists. These interviews cover the period 1965-2012, and address major themes in Commonwealth diplomacy and activities since the appointment of the first Secretary General and creation of the Commonwealth Secretariat in 1965.
Flavia Gasbarri, King’s College London (December 2014) Flavia Gasbarri, King’s College London (December 2014)
Jazliza Jamaluddin, University of Nottingham (forthcoming 2015) Jazliza Jamaluddin, University of Nottingham (forthcoming 2015)
Media Freedom in the Commonwealth - Professional Affiliations
Professional affiliations:
Name Activity Cold War Studies Programme, LSE IDEAS RUSI Journal Editorial Board Cold War History Editorial Board IB Tauris (Publishers) Royal Historical Society Fellow The Round Table Editorial Board Collaborations:
Name Type Activity Start date End date Africa International Affairs Programme, LSE IDEAS, London School of Economics Associate 03-Sep-2012 01-Sep-2015 Young People in Foreign Affairs, South Africa Advisory Board member 03-Jan-2011 Marjan Centre for Confict and Conservation, King's College, London Advisory Board member 01-Sep-2010 - Relevant Events
Related events:
Date Details 11-Nov-2015 Legacies of Rhodesian UDI, Zimbabwe/Rhodesia Histories Legacies of Rhodesian UDI, Zimbabwe/Rhodesia Histories, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 11-12 November 2015
05-Nov-2015 A Luta Continua, 40 Years Later: Entangled Histories and Legacies of Empire in Southern Africa” University of Witwatersrand, November 2015
04-Nov-2015 Legacies of UDI Rhodesian UDI Workshop, University of Bristol, 4 November 2015
21-Oct-2015 Legacies of Empire workshop Legacies of Empire workshop, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, 21-22 October 2015
15-Oct-2015 Programme for BBC Monitoring workshop on the Cold War Programme for BBC Monitoring workshop on the Cold War: IWM London, 15 October 2015
01-Aug-2015 Mozambique and War series Mozambique TV interview (Mozambique and War series) , August 2015
01-Jul-2015 Royal Historical Society Fellow, Royal Historical Society (elected July 2015)
21-Jun-2015 Thatcher and South Africa, SHAFR Annual Conference Thatcher and South Africa, SHAFR Annual Conference, Washington DC, 21-23 June 2014
02-Apr-2015 Britain and the Land question at Lancaster House 1979, British Scholar Annual Conference Britain and the Land question at Lancaster House 1979, British Scholar Annual Conference, University of Austin Texas, 2-4 April 2015
01-Mar-2015 Historiographies of the Cold War: Taking Stock and Providing New Perspectives Historiographies of the Cold War: Taking Stock and Providing New Perspectives, Berlin Center for Cold War Studies, March 2015
01-Feb-2015 Oral History workshop Oral History workshop, School of Advanced Study, February 2015
01-Dec-2014 Mandela: Myth and Reality Mandela: Myth and Reality, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, December 2014 (co-organiser)
01-Aug-2014 The Round Table The Round Table (editorial Board)
24-Jul-2014 All Things Considered: The Commonwealth Radio Wales (‘All Things Considered’, June 2014)
23-Jul-2014 Tina C’s Commonwealth of Nations Radio 4, Tina C’s Commonwealth of Nations (July 2014)
01-Jul-2014 Oral History of the Commonwealth Oral History of the Commonwealth, University of New Lisbon, July 2014
10-Mar-2014 Commonwealth Questions: Dr Sue Onslow Radio 3, The Essay
02-Jan-2014 Contribution, Ministers Reference Book Contribution, Ministers Reference Book: Commonwealth 2014 [Nelson Mandela and the Commonwealth]
Commonwealth Oral Histories Launch on the occasion of the Malta Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting, Valetta November 2015
Commonwealth Oral Histories Launch on the occasion of the Malta Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting, Valetta November 2015
Commonwealth Oral Histories Launch on the occasion of the Malta Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting, Valetta November 2015
Other editing/publishing activities:
Date Details 2015 Cold War History Editorial Board, and Managing Editor
2015 Cold War History Peer-reviewed four articles