Mrs Carey Adina Karmel

Contact details

Mrs Carey Adina Karmel
BA (Harvard); M.A. in Italian literature at the University of Florence
PhD student - Dislocation: The Psychogeography of T.S. Eliot's Poetry
Institute of English Studies
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Research Projects & Supervisions
PhD Topic:

Decades ago, as a Harvard undergraduate, Carey Adina Karmel first delved into dusty archives to examine marginalia on T.S. Eliot’s personal copy of Dante’s Commedia. That first academic foray combined with published treks in Let’s Go: Europe led her to win a scholarship to obtain an M.A. in Italian literature at the University of Florence. While raising two sons, Carey attracted awards in multiple fields: design, property, and journalism. In 2010, she mounted a version of her “Class Notes” exhibit from Harvard in Senate House Library and offered to lead her “Unreal City” walking tour for those enrolled in the T.S. Eliot International Summer School.  She has returned every summer since. Carey is currently in her writing up year of the thesis, combining her passion for both the pedestrian and the poetic. For the 2017 Summer School, Carey’s walking tour adds coordinates in Marylebone, while location has taken on more prominence in her thesis whose subtitle is now: The Psychogeography of T.S. Eliot’s Poetry

Dr Wim Van Mierlo (Loughborough) and Professor Rick Rylance (IES, supervisor of record)
Research interests:
English Literature

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