Contact details
- Name:
- Professor David James Cantor
- Qualifications:
- BA Hons (Cantab.), MSc Dist. (London, SOAS), PhD (Essex)
- Position:
- Director, Refugee Law Initiative
- Institute:
- Refugee Law Initiative
- Location:
- Room 231A South Block Senate House Malet Street London WC1E 7HU
- Phone:
- 020 7862 8827
- Email address:
- david.cantor@sas.ac.uk
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Human rights, International Relations, Law, Political Institutions
- Research keywords:
- refugees, IDPs, displacement, Americas, UK, disasters, conflicts, gangs, Colombia
- Regions:
- Africa, Europe, South America, United Kingdom
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
Professor David Cantor, PhD, is founder and Director of the Refugee Law Initiative (RLI) at the School of Advanced Study, University of London, with 25 years’ experience of research, advice and advocacy on refugee and IDP law and policy.
Research leadership and facilitation
Since founding the RLI in 2011, David has developed it into a internationally-recognised centre of expertise and global leadership on refugee and IDP law and policy involving 500+ people, including core staff, tutors, fellows, affiliates, students, clinical legal practitioners and pro bono lawyers. David has led the work of the centre in building its vibrant research affiliate networks and working groups and regional research networks in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. At the RLI, he has developed a range of external partnerships, secured over £9 million of competitive research funding, and organised over 150 RLI conferences, workshops, trainings and seminars.
David is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Brill’s established International Refugee Law book series and, since 2020, Editor-in-Chief of the OUP Refugee Survey Quarterly journal. Other research outlets that he has created in the refugee field include the RLI Working Paper Series and the Researching Internal Displacement platform, as well as the RLI Declarations on International Protection. David also set up and runs the Internal Displacement Research Programme, currently the only academic centre globally promoting and conducting research exclusively on internal displacement.
In 2014, David initiated the RLI’s successful MA in Refugee Protection & Forced Migration Studies by distance learning, currently the world’s largest postgraduate programme in the refugee field with students from over 70 countries. This sits alongside his public education Coursera courses on Refugees in the 21st Century and on Conflict, Internal Displacement and Protection that have reached tens of thousands of learners worldwide. He has taught refugee, human rights and humanitarian law at postgraduate level for over 15 years at various international universities.
In 2020, David led the creation of a major intercollegiate Refugee Law Clinic at the RLI which trains and deploys students from 10 colleges of the University of London and professional lawyers from two commercial firms to work on the cases of unrepresented ‘appeals-rights exhausted’ asylum seekers in London and beyond. The high success rates achieved in decisions on these complex fresh claims have won the clinic recognition and awards nationally, including the Attorney General and LawWorks Award for its pro bono work.
Research and investigation
Since entering academia in 2010, David has published ten books and journal special issues, over 45 journal articles and book chapters, and numerous reports (see below). He has personally led and collaborated in a range of major research projects, which have attracted funding from academic funders including the ESRC, AHRC, ESPRC, GCRF and Leverhulme Trust, as well as charitable trusts and foundations. In 2017-18, his work on crime-driven displacement in Latin America won the prestigious Times Higher Education Research Project of the Year. In 2024, he joined the Lancet Commission on Health, Conflict, and Forced Displacement as the Commissioner leading its research on legal frameworks.
David’s research and publications focus on five broad topics: (1) the legal protection of refugees within international law, particularly the relationship of refugee law with human rights law, the laws of war and international criminal law; (2) comparative approaches to refugee protection in national law and policy, especially in the Americas, Africa and the UK; (3) law, policy and practice at the international and national levels relating to the challenges and opportunities presented by internal displacement; (4) the empirical dynamics of displacement in situations of armed conflict and violence linked to organised criminal groups, particularly in the Andes and Central America, and its implications for humanitarian and development practice; (5) the empirical dynamics of mobility and displacement in the context of disasters and climate change, especially in the Americas, and their implications for humanitarian and development response.
David has a long-standing research interest in the Americas, particularly Latin America, where he has carried out fieldwork since 1998 in Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and Mexico. As an anthropologist, he worked previously in Papua New Guinea, and remains a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Since 2018, David has been Chair of the University of London Research Ethics Committee.
Legal and policy engagement
David has a track record of legal and policy work with and for refugees and displaced populations. During the 2000s, he practised refugee and human rights law before the UK government, tribunals and courts for the Refugee Legal Centre, a London-based public law centre, working directly on over 500 refugee cases. In 2016-17, David was seconded as Principal Advisor to UNHCR in its Americas Bureau, where his research formed the basis for strategic input into legal, policy and operational issues relating to refugee and displaced populations in North, Central and South America.
Through the RLI, David has advised, trained and undertaken research for over fifteen (mainly global south) governments, as well as various civil society organisations. In the UK, he has regularly fed into Parliamentary legislative processes on asylum since 2003. Drawing on his research, he has drafted regional frameworks for inter-governmental processes – such as that on Protection of Persons Crossing Borders in Disasters for Regional Conference on Migration governments – and global policy adopted by international organisations such as UNHCR, as well as helping to shape the drafting of national laws and policies relating to displaced persons in countries in the Americas and Europe.
In 2023, David established a consultancy wing at the RLI to channel the regular requests by governments, civil society and the media for research input on complex matters concerning refugee and IDP protection. Through the RLI, David has personally developed research collaborations and consultancies with practitioners in local civil society and global organisations, the latter including the UN refugee agency (UNHCR), UN Development Programme, International Organization for Migration, International Committee of the Red Cross, UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Internal Displacement, Platform on Disaster Displacement and World Bank.
Academic publications
Books and Journal Special Issues (all)
2025 Oxford Handbook on Internal Displacement, lead editor with N. Baal, M. Bradley, W. Ekezie and U. Pape (OUP, under contract - forthcoming)
2023 Health and Internal Displacement Special Series, Journal of Migration and Health, co-edited with B. Roberts and J. Swartz [OA]
2021 Contemporary Perspectives on Internal Displacement in Africa Special Collection, 40(2) Refugee Survey Quarterly, co-edited with N. Maple
2020 Improving Attention to Internal Displacement Globally Special Issue, 39(4) Refugee Survey Quarterly, co-edited with guest editors G. Zeender and M. Yarnell [OA]
2018 Returns of Internally Displaced Persons during Armed Conflict: International Law and its Application in Colombia (Martinus Nijhoff)
2017 The New Refugees: Organised Crime and Displacement in Latin America, lead editor with N. Rodríguez (ILAS Book Series; Brookings Institution Press); updated English version of Los Nuevos Desplazados [OA]
2017 “Undesirable and Unreturnable” Aliens in Asylum and Immigration Law Special Issue, 36(1) Refugee Survey Quarterly, co-edited with J. van Wijk, S. Singer and M. Bolhuis [OA]
2017 Undesirable and Unreturnable? Prosecuting Non-removable Aliens suspected of Serious Crimes Symposium, 15(1) Journal of International Criminal Justice, co-edited with J. van Wijk
2016 Human Rights and the Refugee Definition: Comparative Legal Practice and Theory, co-edited with B. Burson (Martinus Nijhoff)
2015 Los Nuevos Desplazados: Crimen y Desplazamiento en América Latina, lead editor with N. Rodríguez (ILAS Book Series; Brookings Institution Press); updated English version in 2017 (above) [OA]
2015 A Liberal Tide? Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in Latin America, lead editor with F. Freier and J.P. Gauci (ILAS Book Series, University of London) [OA]
2014 Refuge from Inhumanity? Refugee Protection and the Laws of War, lead editor with J.F. Durieux (Nijhoff)
Articles and Chapters (selected sample)
2024 ‘International Protection, Disasters and Climate Change’, International Journal of Refugee Law, first author with B. Burson, B. Aycock, N. Feith Tan, T. Anastasiou, E. Arnold-Fernandez, C. Field, C. Hansen-Lohrey, W. Kälin, G. Kane, S. Miron, M. Rao, B. Sánchez Mojica, C. Scissa, S. Weerasinghe and T. Wood
2024 ‘How Does International Law Regulate “Relocation” in Displacement Contexts?’, 15 Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 23
2024 ‘Divergent Dynamics: Disasters and Conflict as “Drivers” of Internal Displacement’, 48(1) Disasters e12589
2023 ‘In Pursuit of Coherence: International Rules on Internal Displacement across Conflict and Disaster Settings’, 47 World Bank KNOMAD Working Paper, first author with B. Sánchez-Mojica [OA]
2022 ‘Externalisation, Access to Territorial Asylum, and International Law’, 34 International Journal of Refugee Law 120, first author with N. Feith Tan, M. Gkliati, E. Mavropoulou, K. Allinson, S. Chakrabarty, M. Grundler, E. McDonnell, L. Hillary, R. Moodley, S. Phillips, A. Pijnenburg, A.-N. Reyhani, S. Soares and N. Yacoub [OA]
2022 ‘Health Overseas Development Aid for Internally Displaced Persons’, Journal of Migration and Health 100090, co-author with B. Roberts, W. Ekezie, K. Jobanputra, J. Smith, S. Ellithy, N. Singh and P. Patel [OA]
2022 ‘Disaster Relief and Human Mobility: Promoting Policy Coherence’, 69 Forced Migration Review 28 [OA]
2021 ‘Understanding the Health Needs of Internally Displaced Persons: A Scoping Review’, Journal of Migration and Health 100071, first author with J. Swartz, B. Roberts, A. Abbara, A. Ager, Z.A. Bhutta, K. Blanchet, D. Madoro Bunte, J.C. Chukwuorji, N. Daoud, W. Ekezie, C. Jimenez-Damary, K. Jobanputra, N. Makhashvili, D. Rayes, M.H. Restrepo-Espinosa, A.J. Rodriguez-Morales, B. Salami and J. Smith [OA]
2021 ‘Environment, Mobility and International Law: A New Approach in the Americas’, 21(2) Chicago Journal of International Law 263 [OA]
2020 ‘Internal Displacement, Internal Migration and Refugee Flows: Connecting the Dots’, 39(4) Refugee Survey Quarterly 647, first author with J. Apollo Ochieng [OA]
2019 ‘Reconsidering African Refugee Law’, 31(2-3) International Journal of Refugee Law 182, first author with F. Chikhwana [OA]
2018 ‘Fairness, Failure, and Future in the Refugee Regime’, 30(4) International Journal of Refugee Law 627
2018 ‘“The IDP in International Law”? Developments, Debates, Prospects’, 30(2) International Journal of Refugee Law 191.
2018 ‘Cooperation on Refugees in Latin America and the Caribbean: The “Cartagena Process” and South-South Approaches’, in E. Fiddian-Qasmiyah and P. Daley (eds.), Handbook of South-South Relations (Routledge)
2017 ‘The End of Refugee Law?’, 9(2) Journal of Human Rights Practice 203
2016 ‘Defining Refugees: Persecution, Surrogacy and the Human Rights Paradigm’, in B. Burson and D.J. Cantor (eds.), Human Rights and the Refugee Definition: Comparative Legal Practice and Theory
2015 ‘Bucking the Trend? Liberalism and Illiberalism in Latin American Refugee Law and Policy’, in D.J. Cantor, F. Freier and J.P. Gauci (eds.), A Liberal Tide? Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in Latin America (ILAS Book Series, University of London) [OA]
2015 ‘Reframing Relationships: Revisiting the Procedural Standards for Refugee Status Determination in light of Recent Human Rights Treaty Body Jurisprudence’ 34(1) Special Issue Refugee Survey Quarterly 79
2014 ‘The New Wave: Forced Displacement Caused by Organised Crime in Central America and Mexico’ 33(3) Refugee Survey Quarterly 34 [OA]
2014 ‘Laws of Unintended Consequence: Nationality, Allegiance and the Removal of Refugees during Wartime’, in D.J. Cantor and J.F. Durieux (eds.), Refuge from Inhumanity? Refugee Protection and the Laws of War (Martinus Nijhoff)
2014 ‘A Simple Solution to War Refugees? The Latin American Expanded Refugee Definition and its relationship to IHL’, in D.J. Cantor and J.F. Durieux (eds.), Refuge from Inhumanity? Refugee Protection and the Laws of War (Martinus Nijhoff) first author with D. Trimiño
2013 ‘The Inter-American Human Rights System: A New Model for Integrating Refugee and Complementary Protection’ 17 International Journal of Human Rights 689, first author with S. Barichello
2013 ‘European Influences on Refugee Law in Latin America: Accelerated Procedures in Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela’, in M. Fullerton, H. Lambert and J. McAdam (eds.) The Global Reach of European Refugee Law (CUP)
2012 ‘Does IHL Prohibit the Displacement of Civilians during War?’ 24 International Journal of Refugee Law 840
2011 ‘Restitution, Compensation, Satisfaction: Transnational Reparations and Colombia's Victims' Law’, 215 UNHCR New Issues in Refugee Research 1 [OA]
2011 ‘Colombian Guerrilla Groups, Forced Displacement and Return’ 37 Forced Migration Review 20 [OA]
- Languages:
Spoken Written Spanish Fluent Fluent
- Publication Details
Related publications/articles:
Date Details 30-May-2024 ‘International Protection, Disasters and Climate Change’ Journal articles
International Journal of Refugee Law, first author with B. Burson, B. Aycock, N. Feith Tan, T. Anastasiou, E. Arnold-Fernandez, C. Field, C. Hansen-Lohrey, W. Kälin, G. Kane, S. Miron, M. Rao, B. Sánchez Mojica, C. Scissa, S. Weerasinghe and T. Wood
30-May-2024 ‘Refugee Law Initiative Declaration on International Protection in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change’ Articles
2nd RLI Declaration on International Protection, published in International Journal of Refugee Law, lead drafter and project convenor
20-Dec-2023 ‘Researching Health and Internal Displacement: Introduction to the Special Series’ Journal articles
Journal article in Journal of Migration and Health 100208, co-author with J. Swartz and B. Roberts
09-Oct-2023 ‘Conceptualising “Relocation” Across Displacement Contexts’ Journal articles
Journal article published in 15 Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 23
15-Jun-2023 ‘Internal Displacement in Disasters: Pursuing Coherence across the Applicable International Frameworks in a Changing Climate’ Articles
Policy Brief: World Bank KNOMAD Policy Brief, No. 12, first author with Beatriz Sanchez-Mojica
12-May-2023 ‘Divergent Dynamics: Disasters and Conflict as “Drivers” of Internal Displacement’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in Disasters journal (Advance Access)
24-Apr-2023 'If the Illegal Migration Bill is Unworkable, What Can the Government Do Instead?' Research aids
Blog piece published on Free Movement website; republished open access on RLI Blog website
18-Apr-2023 Could “Safe and Legal Routes” for Refugees Stop the Boats? Research aids
Blog piece published on Free Movement website; republished open access on RLI Blog website
14-Apr-2023 ‘Illegal Migration Bill: Helping Force Refugees into Illegality and Danger’ Research aids
Blog piece published on Free Movement website; republished open access on RLI Blog website
10-Apr-2023 'The Illegal Migration Bill: A Threat to the UK’s Interests and the Refugee Convention' Articles
Article published in Counsel, magazine of the Bar Council
03-Apr-2023 ‘How does the Illegal Migration Bill breach the Refugee Convention?’ Research aids
Blog piece published on Free Movement website; republished open access on RLI Blog website
16-Mar-2023 ‘Does the UK’s Illegal Migration Bill breach the Refugee Convention?’ Research aids
Blog piece published on RLI Blog website
16-Mar-2023 ‘In Pursuit of Coherence: International Rules on Internal Displacement across Conflict and Disaster Settings’ Papers
Working Paper published in 47 World Bank KNOMAD Working Paper, first author with B. Sanchez-Mojica
21-Dec-2022 'Criminal Groups and a Decade of Displacement in Central America and Mexico’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 29(1) Brown Journal of World Affairs, Special Issue on Crime and Conflict in North and Central America [OA]
01-Aug-2022 'Health and Internal Displacement' Articles
Special Issue of ten articles published in Journal of Migration and Health, co-edited with B. Roberts
29-Jun-2022 ‘Externalisation, Access to Territorial Asylum, and International Law’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 34 International Journal of Refugee Law 120, first author with N. Feith Tan, M. Gkliati, E. Mavropoulou, K. Allinson, S. Chakrabarty, M. Grundler, E. McDonnell, L. Hillary, R. Moodley, S. Phillips, A. Pijnenburg, A.-N. Reyhani, S. Soares and N. Yacoub
28-Jun-2022 ‘Refugee Law Initiative Declaration on Externalisation and Asylum’ Research aids
1st RLI Declaration on International Protection, published in 34 International Journal of Refugee Law, lead drafter and project convenor
06-Apr-2022 ‘Offshore Asylum Processing: The Future of Asylum in the UK or Dead Letter?’ Research aids
Blog piece published on RLI Blog website, co-author with Nikolas Feith Tan, Elizabeth Mavropoulou
28-Mar-2022 ‘Clause 11, Nationality and Borders Bill: Why Two-Tier Refugee Status is a Bad Idea’ Research aids
Blog piece published on RLI Blog website, lead author with Eric Fripp, Hugo Storey, Mark Symes
27-Mar-2022 ‘Health Overseas Development Aid for Internally Displaced Persons’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 5 Journal of Migration and Health 100090, co-author with B. Roberts, W. Ekezie, K. Jobanputra, J. Smith, S. Ellithy, N. Singh and P. Patel
10-Mar-2022 ‘Disaster Relief and Human Mobility: Promoting Policy Coherence’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 69 Forced Migration Review 28
10-Nov-2021 ‘Understanding the Health Needs of Internally Displaced Persons: A Scoping Review’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 4 Journal of Migration and Health 100071, first author with J. Swartz, B. Roberts, A. Abbara, A. Ager, Z.A. Bhutta, K. Blanchet, D. Madoro Bunte, J.C. Chukwuorji, N. Daoud, W. Ekezie, C. Jimenez-Damary, K. Jobanputra, N. Makhashvili, D. Rayes, M.H. Restrepo-Espinosa, A.J. Rodriguez-Morales, B. Salami and J. Smith
07-Oct-2021 ‘Addressing Internal Displacement Is Critical to Global Development’ Articles
Article published in World Politics Review, with Gabriel Cardona-Fox
30-Sep-2021 ‘UN High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement: Can a New Development-Based Approach Bring Solutions to this Global Crisis?’ Research aids
Blog piece published on Researching Internal Displacement platform, with Gabriel Cardona-Fox
30-Jul-2021 ‘Contemporary Perspectives on Internal Displacement in Africa’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 40(2) Refugee Survey Quarterly 647, first author with N. Maple
30-Jul-2021 'Contemporary Perspectives on Internal Displacement in Africa' Articles
Special Collection of five papers published in 40(2) Refugee Survey Quarterly, co-edited with N. Maple
19-Apr-2021 'Policy Brief: Health and Internal Displacement' Articles
Policy Brief: Health and Internal Displacement, for UNSG High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement, with members of the Health and Internal Displacement Network
04-Feb-2021 'Health and Internal Displacement: A Review' Conference papers
Discussion paper for 2021 Expert Workshop on Internal Displacement and Health, hosted by Academy of Medical Sciences and IDRP, University of London, UK, with Jina Swartz and Bayard Roberts
03-Feb-2021 ‘Why Do We Need Further Research on Internal Displacement?’ Research aids
Blog piece published on RLI Blog website
19-Jan-2021 ‘Environment, Mobility and International Law: A New Approach in the Americas’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 21(2) Chicago Journal of International Law 263
07-Jan-2021 ‘Internal Displacement, Internal Migration and Refugee Flows: Connecting the Dots’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 39(4) Refugee Survey Quarterly 647, first author with J. Apollo Ochieng
07-Jan-2021 'Improving Attention to Internal Displacement Globally' Articles
Special Issue of 20 papers published in 39(4) Refugee Survey Quarterly, co-edited with guest editors G. Zeender and M. Yarnell
07-Aug-2020 'Internal Displacement, Internal Migration and Refugee Flows: Connecting the Dots' - IDRP Research Briefing Paper Research aids
IDRP Research Briefing Paper for UN Secretary’s General’s High Level Panel on Internal Displacement, Workstream 6 (Data and Evidence), first author with Jacob Ochieng Apollo
01-Jun-2020 ‘Internal Displacement and Responses at the Global Level: A Review of the Scholarship’ Journal articles
Working Paper published in 1 Internal Displacement Research Programme (IDRP) Working Paper Series 1, first author with A. Woolley.
04-Nov-2019 ‘Reconsidering African Refugee Law’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 31(2-3) International Journal of Refugee Law 182, first author with F. Chikhwana
21-Feb-2019 'Fairness, Failure and Future in the Refugee Regime' Journal articles
Journal Article published in 30(4) International Journal of Refugee Law 627
07-Dec-2018 ‘Cooperation on Refugees in Latin America and the Caribbean: The “Cartagena Process” and South-South Approaches’ Chapters
Book Chapter in E. Fiddian-Qasmiyah and P. Daley (eds.), Handbook of South-South Relations (Routledge)
04-Dec-2018 'University of London - Refugee Law Clinic: Scoping Study and Proposal' Research aids
Review for Collegiate Council Refugee Activities and Initiatives Forum, coordinating author with S. Reardon-Smith, consultancy input from Richard Grimes and Ousman Noor
05-Nov-2018 ‘Responsibility-sharing in the Refugee Field: Lessons from Latin America’ Articles
Policy Brief: Observatory on European Migration Law, Pisa, Italy
14-Aug-2018 ‘“The IDP in International Law”? Developments, Debates and Prospects’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 30(2) International Journal of Refugee Law 191
10-Jul-2018 Cross-Border Displacement, Climate Change and Disasters: Latin America and the Caribbean Papers
Consultancy Study Prepared for the Platform on Disaster Displacement/UNHCR Department for International Protection/UNHCR Bureau for the Americas
24-Apr-2018 'Returns of Internally Displaced Persons during Armed Conflict: International Law and its Application in Colombia ' Monographs
Monograph (Martinus Nijhoff)
30-Oct-2017 ‘The RCM Guide: A Novel Protection Tool for Cross-Border Disaster- Displacement in the Americas’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 56 Forced Migration Review 58, co-author with W. Kalin
16-Oct-2017 ‘Lessons from Latin America on Organized Crime and Refugees’ Research aids
Blog piece published on Refugees Deeply website
04-Oct-2017 ‘Latin America at Forefront of Emerging Trend in Global Displacement’ Research aids
Blog piece published on Refugees Deeply website
03-Oct-2017 ‘“Leaving the Cold War Behind”: Crime and Forced Migration in Latin America’ Research aids
Blog piece published on RLI Blog website
17-Aug-2017 ‘The End of Refugee Law?’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 9(2) Journal of Human Rights Practice 203
13-Jun-2017 ‘Forced Displacement: A Humanitarian Crisis in Central America?’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 69 Humanitarian Exchange 12, with M. Plewa
01-Jun-2017 ‘Use of Temporary Humanitarian Protection in the Americas for Natural Disasters prompting Cross-border Movements’ Chapters
Contribution to UNHCR, The State of the World's Refugees 2016 (UNHCR Department of International Protection)
01-Jun-2017 ‘Protecting Persons Fleeing Organized Crime: The 2014 Brazil Declaration and Plan of Action’ Chapters
Contribution to UNHCR, The State of the World's Refugees 2016 (UNHCR Department of International Protection)
31-Jan-2017 ‘The Emperor’s New Clothing: National Responses to “Undesirable and Unreturnable” Aliens under Asylum and Immigration Law’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 36(1) Refugee Survey Quarterly, with J. van Wijk, S. Singer and M. Bolhuis
31-Jan-2017 'Migration Law and Policy: Undesirable and Unreturnable Aliens' Journal articles
Special Issue of eight papers published in 36(1) Refugee Survey Quarterly, co-edited with J. van Wijk, S. Singer and M. Bolhuis
22-Dec-2016 'Criminal Justice and “Undesirable” Aliens' Journal articles
Symposium of four papers published in 14(5) Journal of International Criminal Justice, co-edited with J. van Wijk
20-Dec-2016 ‘Foreword: Undesirable and Unreturnable? Prosecuting Non-removable Aliens suspected of Serious Crimes’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 14(5) Journal of International Criminal Justice, with J. van Wijk, S. Singer and M. Bolhuis
08-Nov-2016 ‘Gang Violence as a Cause of Forced Migration in the Northern Triangle of Central America’ Chapters
Book Chapter in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez (eds.), The New Refugees: Organised Crime and Displacement in Latin America (ILAS Book Series, University of London) (only in English edition)
08-Nov-2016 'The New Refugees: Organised Crime and Displacement in Latin America' Edited Book
Book co-edited with N. Rodriguez Serna (ILAS Publications, University of London). English version of D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez (eds.), Los Nuevos Desplazados: Crimen y Desplazamiento en América Latina (ILAS Book Series, University of London) (2015).
23-Sep-2016 ‘More Deadly than Armed Conflict? Gangs, Criminal Violence and Displacement in Central America’, Agenda Internacional: Revista del Instituto de Derecho Internacional de la Pontificia Universidad del Perú [OA] Journal articles
Journal Article published in 34 Agenda Internacional: Revista del Instituto de Derecho Internacional de la Pontificia Universidad del Perú 77
01-Jun-2016 'Undesirable and Unreturnable? Policy challenges around excluded asylum seekers and other migrants suspected of serious criminality who cannot be removed' Research aids
Report of international conference; Co-author with N. Maple etc.
17-May-2016 ‘Broader View Shows Path to Refugee Reform’ Research aids
Blog piece published on Open Democracy website
24-Feb-2016 'Migrants and Natural Disasters: National Law, Policy and Practice in the Americas' Articles
Policy Brief in Migration, Environment and Climate Change - Policy Brief Series (2016)
04-Feb-2016 'Interpreting the Refugee Definition by Reference to Human Rights Standards’ Chapters
Book Chapter in B. Burson and D.J. Cantor (eds.), Human Rights and the Refugee Definition: Comparative Legal Practice and Theory, jointly with B. Burson
04-Feb-2016 ‘Defining Refugees: Persecution, Surrogacy and the Human Rights Paradigm’ Chapters
Book Chapter in B. Burson and D.J. Cantor (eds.), Human Rights and the Refugee Definition: Comparative Legal Practice and Theory
04-Feb-2016 'Human Rights and the Refugee Definition: Comparative Legal Practice and Theory' Edited Book
Book co-edited with B. Burson (Martinus Nijhoff)
05-Jan-2016 'Migrants in Countries in Crisis: Regional Discussion Paper on Latin America' Papers
Study prepared as consultant for Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) Project, Latin America Regional Workshop, San José, Costa Rica, February 2016
23-Dec-2015 'El Crimen como un Factor de Expulsión en América Latina' Chapters
Book Chapter in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodriguez Serna (eds), Los Nuevos Desplazados: Crimen y Desplazamiento en America Latina, jointly with N. Rodriguez Serna
23-Dec-2015 'El crimen organizado como causante de migraciones forzadas en Mesoamérica’ Chapters
Book Chapter in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodriguez Serna, Los Nuevos Desplazados: Crimen y Desplazamiento en America Latina, jointly with N. Rodriguez Serna
23-Dec-2015 'La protección internacional de las personas desplazadas por el crimen organizado: el marco legal y las políticas públicas en América Latina' Chapters
Book Chapter in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodriguez Serna (eds), Los Nuevos Desplazados: Crimen y Desplazamiento en America Latina
23-Dec-2015 'Los Nuevos Desplazados: Crimen y Desplazamiento en America Latina' Edited Book
Book co-edited with N. Rodriguez Serna (ILAS Publications, University of London)
02-Nov-2015 ‘Extraterritorial Non-Refoulement: Intersections between Human Rights and Refugee Law’ Chapters
Book Chapter in C. Lennox (ed), Contemporary Challenges in Securing Human Rights (ICWS Book Series, University of London)
15-Jul-2015 Existing State Law, Policy and Practice on Temporary Protection Mechanisms for Natural Disasters: States of the Regional Conference on Migration and Others in the Americas Papers
Consultancy Study prepared for the Nansen Initiative/Regional Conference on Migration Workshop on Development of Guidelines on Admission and Stay for People Moving in Context of Disasters in the Region of the Regional Conference on Migration, San José, Costa Rica, February 2015 (Available in both English and Spanish)
07-May-2015 ‘Disasters, Displacement and a New Framework in the Americas’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 49 Forced Migration Review 37
30-Apr-2015 ‘Introduction: A Paradigm Shift in Latin American Migration and Asylum Law and Policy?’ Chapters
Book Chapter in D.J. Cantor, F. Freier and J.P. Gauci (eds.), A Liberal Tide? Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in Latin America (ILAS Publications, University of London), jointly with F. Freier and J.P. Gauci
30-Apr-2015 ‘Bucking the Trend? Liberalism and Illiberalism in Latin American Refugee Law and Policy’ Chapters
Book Chapter in D.J. Cantor, F. Freier and J.P. Gauci (eds.), A Liberal Tide? Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in Latin America (ILAS Publications, University of London)
30-Apr-2015 'A Liberal Tide? Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in Latin America' Edited Book
Book co-edited with F. Freier and J.P. Gauci (ILAS Publications, University of London)
29-Jan-2015 ‘¿Una solución simple para los refugiados que huyen de la guerra? La definición ampliada de América Latina y su relación con el Derecho Internacional Humanitario’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in XV (2015) Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional 165, jointly with D. Trimiño
23-Dec-2014 ‘Reframing Relationships: Revisiting the Procedural Standards for Refugee Status Determination in light of Recent Human Rights Treaty Body Jurisprudence’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 34(1) Special Issue Refugee Survey Quarterly 79.
31-Oct-2014 ‘The Laws of War and the Protection of “War Refugees”: Reflections on the Debate and its Future Directions’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 12(5) Journal of International Criminal Justice 931
22-Aug-2014 Gangs: The Real Humanitarian Crisis Driving Central American Children to the US Research aids
Blog piece published on The Conversation website
01-Jul-2014 Refuge from Inhumanity? Refugee Protection and the Laws of War Edited Book
Book co-edited with J.F. Durieux (Martinus Nijhoff)
01-Jul-2014 ‘Refuge from Inhumanity? Canvassing the Issues’ Chapters
Book Chapter in D.J. Cantor and J.F. Durieux (eds.), Refuge from Inhumanity? Refugee Protection and the Laws of War (Martinus Nijhoff) jointly with J.F. Durieux
01-Jul-2014 ‘A Simple Solution to War Refugees? The Latin American Expanded Refugee Definition and its relationship to IHL’ Chapters
Book Chapter in D.J. Cantor and J.F. Durieux (eds.), Refuge from Inhumanity? Refugee Protection and the Laws of War (Martinus Nijhoff) jointly with D. Trimiño
01-Jul-2014 ‘Laws of Unintended Consequence: Nationality, Allegiance and the Removal of Refugees during Wartime’ Chapters
Book Chapter in D.J. Cantor and J.F. Durieux (eds.), Refuge from Inhumanity? Refugee Protection and the Laws of War (Martinus Nijhoff)
23-Jun-2014 The New Wave: Organized Crime and Displacement in Mexico and Central America Research aids
Blog published on InSightCrime: Organized Crime in the Americas website (joint authors)
01-Jun-2014 Los Grupos Criminales Organizados y la Nueva Ola de Desplazamiento Forzado en América Latina Research aids
Report of international conference; Co-author with Nicolas Rodriguez
01-Jun-2014 ‘The New Wave: Forced Displacement Caused by Organised Crime in Central America and Mexico’ Journal articles
Journal Article published in 33(3) Refugee Survey Quarterly - published Open Access with the support of SAS
01-Mar-2014 ‘Protection of Asylum-Seekers under the Inter-American Human Rights System’ Chapters
Book Chapter in A. Abass and F. Ippolito (eds.), Regional Organizations and the Protection of Asylum Seekers (Ashgate) jointly with S. Barichello
01-Jan-2014 On the Borders of Refugee Protection? The Impact of Human Rights Law on Refugee Law – Comparative Practice and Theory Research aids
Report of international conference, 13-14 November 2013
16-Oct-2013 'Circunstancias que hayan peturbado gravemente el orden público [en la definición del refugiado en la Declaración de Cartagena]' Conference papers
Conference paper based on - but further developing - the ideas and research put forwad in the research paper 'A Simple Solution to War Refugees? The Latin American Expanded Definition and its relationship to IHL' by D.J. Cantor and D. Trimino Mora. The paper was presented to the UNHCR-organised Expert Meeting on 'Interpretation of the Refugee Definition Included in the 1984 Cartagena Declaration on Refugees' held on 15 and 16 October 2013 in Montevideo, Uruguay.
01-Aug-2013 'The Inter-American Human Rights System: A New Model for Integrating Refugee and Complementary Protection?' Journal articles
Journal Article published in 17 International Journal of Human Rights 689; S Brichello as second author
01-May-2013 A Liberal Tide: Towards a Paradigm Shift in Latin American Migration and Asylum Policy-Making Research aids
Report of international conference, 18 March 2013; Co-author with Feline Freier Jean-Pierre Gauci
01-Mar-2013 Refuge from Inhumanity: Enriching Refugee Protection Standards through Recourse to International Humanitarian Law Research aids
Report of international conference, 11-12 Feburary 2013; Co-author with Jean-Francois Durieux
01-Jan-2012 'Does IHL Prohibit the Displacement of Civilians during War?' Journal articles
Journal Article published in International Journal of Refugee Law, Vol 24/4, December 2012
01-Jan-2012 'Protection of Asylum-Seekers under the Inter-American Human Rights System' Chapters
Book Chapter in A. Abass and F. Ippolito (eds) Regional Organizations and the Protection of Asylum Seekers (Ashgate, forthcoming 2012)
01-Jan-2012 'Forced Displacement, the Law of International Armed Conflict and State Authority' Chapters
Book Chapter in S. Juss (ed.) The Ashgate Research Companion to Migration Theory and Policy (Ashgate)
01-Jan-2012 'European Influence on Asylum Practices in Latin America: Accelerated Procedures in Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Panama' Chapters
Book Chapter in H. Lambert, M. Fullerton and J. McAdam (eds.), 'The Global Reach of European Refugee Law' (Cambridge University Press)
01-Jan-2011 ‘The Colombian Guerrilla Groups, Forced Displacement and Return’ Articles
37 Forced Migration Review 20
01-Jan-2011 'Restitution, Compensation, Satisfaction: Transnational Reparations and Colombia's Victims' Law' Articles
UNHCR New Issues in Refugee Research, Research Paper No. 215
01-Jan-2011 In the Shadow of the ICC: Colombia and International Criminal Justice Research aids
Report of international conference, 26-27 May 2011; Co-author with Eadaoin O'Brien and Par Engstrom
01-Jan-2011 The Role of the ICRC in Protecting and Assisting Refugees and Displaced Persons Research aids
Report of international workshop, 20 September 2011; Co-author with Helen Hayford and Eadaoin O'Brien
Publications available on SAS-space:
Date Details In the shadow of the ICC: Colombia and international criminal justice NonPeerReviewed
The report of the expert conference examining the nature and dynamics of the role of the International Criminal Court in the ongoing investigation and prosecution of atrocious crimes committed in Colombia. Convened by the Human Rights Consortium, the Institute of Commonwealth Studies and the Institute for the Study of the Americas at the School of Advanced Study, University of London University of London, 26–27 May 2011.
A Liberal Tide: Towards A Paradigm Shift in Latin American Migration and Asylum Policy-Making? NonPeerReviewed
This international conference set out to chart new trends in migration, asylum and policymaking in Latin America. The key question behind the conference was whether the migration and asylum policies developed in Latin America over the past decade offer a new model distinct from the increasingly restrictive and securitized policies of European and North American States. The key questions the conference sought to tackle were the following: Is Latin America moving towards a liberal exceptionalism in the field of migration and asylum policy-making? And if so, what explains this liberal paradigm shift? Regional and country specific perspectives where presented through four panels, which brought together leading specialists from Latin America, the US and Europe to showcase and debate these novel developments.
Mar-2013 CONFERENCE REPORT A Liberal Tide: Towards A Paradigm Shift in Latin American Migration and Asylum Policy-Making? NonPeerReviewed
This international conference set out to chart new trends in migration, asylum and policy-making in Latin America. The key question behind the conference was whether the migration and asylum policies developed in Latin America over the past decade offer a new model distinct from the increasingly restrictive and securitized policies of European and North American States. The key questions the conference sought to tackle were the following: Is Latin America moving towards a liberal exceptionalism in the field of migration and asylum policy-making? And if so, what explains this liberal paradigm shift? Regional and country specific perspectives where presented through four panels, which brought together leading specialists from Latin America, the US and Europe to showcase and debate these novel developments.
Front Matter: A Liberal Tide? Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in Latin America PeerReviewed
Introduction: A paradigm shift in Latin American immigration and asylum law and policy? PeerReviewed
Bucking the trend? Liberalism and illiberalism in Latin American refugee law and policy PeerReviewed
Nov-2015 Extraterritorial non-refoulement: intersections between human rights and refugee law PeerReviewed
How does international law require States acting outside their own territories to treat refugees and other persons fleeing harm in their countries?1 This question has assumed increasing contemporary relevance in light of heightened externalised border controls, such as attempts by States to interdict migrant boats on the high seas in the Mediterranean (see, for instance Moreno-Lax 2012). However, the issue also arises in other contemporary scenarios, such as where persons seek protection in diplomatic or consular premises, where one State militarily occupies the territory of another, and where a State sets up a system for the extraterritorial processing of asylum claims. This short analysis addresses the non-refoulement aspect of this extraterritoriality problem, i.e. protection against enforced removal to a territory where the person fears harm by a State acting outside its own territory. Inspired by the human rights focus of the volume overall, the chapter draws on current research by the author in order to examine this ever-topical concern against recent advances in the field of international human rights law. It not only confirms the view that the non-refoulement rule in human rights law applies extraterritorially, but also concludes that the resulting procedural implications should be taken seriously both for human rights law and for refugee law
As deadly as armed conflict? Gang violence and forced displacement in the Northern Triangle of Central America PeerReviewed
The flurry of interest around the European refugee crisis, whilst plainly justified, should not have the effect of distracting international attention from equally pressing humanitarian and refugee crises in other parts of the world. As such, this article highlights the extreme nature and scale of gang violence in the Northern Triangle countries of Central America, which has resulted in substantial forced displacement of affected populations. The article argues that, despite certain commonalities with situations of internal armed conflict (such as Syria), the scenario in the Northern Triangle poses a distinct set of additional challenges for ensuring the protection of refugees and displaced persons from these countries. The urgent need to address these challenges in the Americas is no less than for those presented by the current refugee crisis in Europe.
‘Introduction: Crime and forced displacement in Latin America’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 1–6 NonPeerReviewed
D.J. Cantor, ‘Gang violence as a cause of forced migration in the Northern Triangle of Central America’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 27–45 NonPeerReviewed
D.J. Cantor, ‘International protection of persons displaced by organised crime: Latin American legal and policy frameworks’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 147–63 NonPeerReviewed
Defining Refugees: Persecution, Surrogacy and the Human Rights Paradigm NonPeerReviewed
Jun-2020 Internal Displacement and Responses at the Global Level: A Review of the Scholarship NonPeerReviewed
This paper reviews the scholarship that addresses internal displacement at a global or general level. This includes research on global frameworks or processes concerned with internal displacement as well as that which addresses internal displacement in a general, or non-region/country-specific, way. It starts by describing the main internal displacement trends at the global level. It then reviews how scholarship on internal displacement at a global or general level has developed, respectively, in the fields of law and policy, other social sciences and humanities, and health and medicine. It ends by offering conclusions on the scope of existing research and directions for future study. This review of the scholarly literature seeks to identify principal trends, gaps and opportunities relating to research on internal displacement. Towards this end, the review concentrates on academic publications, including monographs, chapters in edited volumes and peer-reviewed articles, from the early 1990s until the start of 2020, a period of approximately 30 years. It thus offers not only a critical review of the state of the art in this field of study but also a key point of reference for researchers looking to develop our understanding of internal displacement from the standpoint of a variety of different disciplines and themes. The paper forms part of a series of papers published in this Working Paper Series that review the state of the scholarship on internal displacement at the global level and in particular regions as we enter the decade of the 2020s. This research forms part of the Interdisciplinary Network on Displacement, Conflict and Protection (AH/T005351/1) and Global Engagement on Internal Displacement in sub-Saharan Africa (EP/T003227/1) projects, pilots of which were supported by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). It should be read in conjunction with the other review papers in this series.
The role of international law in regulating international movement in the context of global environment change and hazards remains a topic of intense debate among both legal scholars and practitioners. Yet, as this article shows, we have largely reached the limits of what existing international law methods and approaches can tell us about the future of the law in this area. Instead, this article draws on a detailed regional case study to offer a distinct perspective to that ongoing debate about the role and future of international law. Against the backdrop of emerging patterns of mobility linked to devastating environmental disasters in the Americas, it derives a striking set of new legal insights from in-depth analysis of a developing body of comparative and international legal practice by countries from across this key region.
Publications available in Senate House Libraries
Consultancy reports:
Date Details 2024 Towards a Specialist Court for Unaccompanied and Separated Migrant Children, Consultancy report for Methoria - Equal Justice for Migrant Children, with Vickie Knox and Frances Trevena
2024 Consultancy input and advice on UNDP Yemen IDP Development Solutions Marker project 2023 Written Evidence of the Refugee Law Initiative on the Illegal Migration Bill Evidence to UK Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights, lead drafter with Lucy Hovil
2018 Study on 'Cross-Border Displacement, Climate Change and Disasters: Latin America and the Caribbean' Prepared within framework of ESRC project and as a consultant to the Platform on Disaster Displacement/UNHCR Division of International Protection/UNHCR Bureau for the Americas
2018 Consultancy Contribution to Developing UNHCR Protection Policy on Venezuela Prepared within framework of ESRC project and as a consultant to UNHCR Bureau for the Americas / Department of International Protection
2017 Contribution to Developing UNHCR Protection Policy on IDPs in North of Central America Prepared on secondment to UNHCR Bureau for the Americas
2017 Contribution to Developing UNHCR Protection Policy on IDPs in Colombia Prepared on secondment to UNHCR Bureau for the Americas
2016 Consultancy Contribution to Developing UNHCR Protection Policy on Honduras Prepared within framework of ESRC project and as a consultant to UNHCR Bureau for the Americas / Department of International Protection
2016 Consultancy Contribution to Developing UNHCR Protection Policy on Guatemala Prepared within framework of ESRC project and as a consultant to UNHCR Bureau for the Americas / Department of International Protection
2016 ‘Discussion Paper: A Proposal for a Strategic Regional Response’ Prepared within framework of ESRC project and for UNHCR-OAS High-Level Roundtable Call to Action: Protection Needs in Northern Triangle of Central America (as a consultant for UNHCR Bureau for the Americas)
2015 Study on ‘Existing State Law, Policy and Practice on Temporary Protection Mechanisms for Natural Disasters: States of the Regional Conference on Migration and Others in the Americas’ Prepared within framework of ESRC project and as a consultant to the Nansen Initiative for the February 2015 Regional Conference on Migration/Nansen Initiative Workshop on 'Development of Guidelines on Admission and Stay for People Moving the Context of Disasters in the Region of the Regional Conference on Migration', San José, Costa Rica.
2015 Draft Guidelines for the Regional Conference on Migration concerning ‘Humanitarian Responses to the Migratory Consequences of Natural Disasters’ (December 2014 draft for Nansen Initiative) Prepared within framework of ESRC project and as a consultant to the Nansen Initiative for the February 2015 Regional Conference on Migration/Nansen Initiative Workshop on 'Development of Guidelines on Admission and Stay for People Moving the Context of Disasters in the Region of the Regional Conference on Migration', San José, Costa Rica.
2015 Consultancy Contribution to Developing UNHCR Protection Policy on El Salvador Prepared within framework of ESRC project and as a consultant to UNHCR Bureau for the Americas / Department of International Protection
Government/policy work:
Date Details 2019 Comments to UNHCR on its Draft Legal considerations on claims for refugee status related to the adverse effects of climate change and the impact of disasters (December 2019 draft) 2016 Comments to UNHCR on its Draft Guidelines on International Protection on claims to refugee status related to situations of armed violence and conflict (February 2016 draft) 2015 Comments to the Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees on their ‘Forecasting (Forced) Migration Flows’ policy discussion document 2014 Comments to UNHCR on its Summary Conclusions on the 1984 Cartagena Declaration’s Refugee Definition 2014 Comments to UNHCR Sub-regional meeting of Mesoamerican States on Proposals for Cartagena+30 Framework 2013 February 2013 Amicus Curiae Submission on 'Transnational Reparations' to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the Case of Lucero-García v Chile 2013 Annex 3 to 'Application for Thematic Hearing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on Practice, Processes and Problems in Refugee Status Determination Procedures in the Americas' The application refers to the article authored by the Principal Investigator David Cantor (jointly with Stefania Barichello) entitled 'Protection of Asylum-Seekers under the Inter-American Human Rights System', which is also included as Annex 3. The application was submitted to the Inter-American Commission on 23 August 2013 by the following Latin American non-governmental organisations: Asylum Access Ecuador (AAE), U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Sin Fronteras I.A.P, Centro por la Justicia y el Derecho Internacional (CEJIL), Refugee Council U.S.A. (RCUSA), Instituto Migrações e Direitos Humanos (IMDH), International Detention Coalition (IDC), Observatorio Migrantes del Caribe (OBMICA), Clínica de Derecho Internacional de Derechos Humanos de American University Washington College of Law en Washington, D.C. y la Consultoría para los Derechos Humanos y el Desplazamiento (CODHES). On 1 October 2013, the application was granted by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and a hearing listed for 31 October 2013.
2011 May 2011 Comments to Colombian Congress on Victims' Law 2010 December 2010 Comments to Colombian Congress: IDP Rights in the Victims' Law and the Lands Law 2010 November 2010 Comments to Colombian Congress: IDP Rights in the Victims' Law and the Lands Law 2010 Estrategias para manejar la inseguridad: el retorno de los desplazados en Colombia Knowledge exchange report delivered to 111 government bodies, international and local organisations in Colombia between August and September 2010
- Research Projects & Supervisions
Research projects:
Details Managing insecurity: displacement and return during the Colombian conflict Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Project period: 31-Aug-2011 - 31-Aug-2012Research interests: Academic Support, Civil Rights, Human rights, International Law
Refugee Law Initiative Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Project period: 31-Aug-2011 - 31-Aug-2012Research interests: Civil Rights, Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Human rights, International Law, International Relations, Social Sciences
Pushing the Boundaries: New Dynamics of Forced Migration and Transnational Responses in Latin America Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Project period: 01-Oct-2012 - 30-Sep-2015Research interests: Civil Rights, Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Globalization & Development, Human rights, International Law, International Relations, Political Institutions, Social Sciences
Undesirable and unreturnable? Policy challenges around excluded asylum-seekers and migrants suspected of serious criminality but who cannot be removed Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Project period: 01-Oct-2014 - 30-Sep-2016Research interests: Globalization & Development, Human rights, International Relations, Law, Political Institutions
Interdisciplinary Network on Internal Displacement, Conflict and Protection (INDCaP) Development Award Central Services of the School
Project period: 01-Jul-2019 - 30-Jun-2020Research interests: Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Globalization & Development, International Relations
Development of Guidelines on Humanitarian Visas and Temporary Protection Status in Times of Disasters Global Engagement Network on Internal Displacement in sub-Saharan Africa (GENIDA) Interdisciplinary Network on Displacement, Conflict and Protection (INDCaP) Internal Displacement Research Programme Managing insecurity: Displacement and Return during the Colombian Conflict Funded by ESRC
Pushing the Boundaries: New Dynamics of Forced Migration and Transnational Responses in Latin America Three-year project funded under Future Research Leaders Grant by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Refuge from inhumanity: Enriching refugee protection standards through recourse to international humanitarian law Collaboration between Jean-Francois Durieux (Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford) and David James Cantor (Refugee Law Initiative, University of London)
Research Collaboration with UNSG High Level Panel on Internal Displacement The IDRP has established a partnership with the Secretariat of the UN Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Internal Displacement to provide research input on certain topics of interest to the panel. This work is being carried out by IDRP on a pro bono basis by drawing on the research networks at the IDRP.
Supporting Preparedness and Response to Humanitarian Crises and Epidemics (RECAP) Co-investigator in major Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) funded project with LSHTM PI Bayard Roberts
The Reparation of Refugees: Colombians in Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela Funded by UNHCR PDES
The Return of IDPs: International Law and Its Application in Colombia Funded by Leverhulme Trust and AHRC
The Role of the ICRC in Protecting and Assisting Refugees and Displaced Persons Funded by SAS
Undesirable and Unreturnable? Policy Challenges around Excluded Asylum-Seekers and Migrants Suspected of Serious Criminality But Who Cannot be Removed Two-year research and knowledge exchange project, jointly with Dr Joris van Wijk, Free University Amsterdam (AHRC-funded)
Past PhD topics supervised:
Dates Details From: 30-Sep-2013
Until: 05-Dec-2017Vickie Knox - Substantive Protection for the Invisible: The Social and Political Obstacles to Guaranteeing the Human Rights of Irregular Migrants in Transit Doctoral supervisor (joint) - PhD awarded 2017
From: 30-Sep-2013
Until: 29-Sep-2019Paulo Biondi - Solidarity and Responsibility-Sharing Within and Beyond the EU Borders at the Daybreak of the Common European Asylum System Doctoral supervisor (joint)
From: 27-Nov-2019
Until: 27-Nov-2019Examination of PhD Thesis of Irem Sengul (Warwick) ‘Rethinking Temporary Protection in Turkey’ Defence took place on 27 November 2019
From: 26-Apr-2019
Until: 26-Apr-2019Examination of PhD Thesis of Nikolas Feith Tan (Aarhus, Denmark) - ‘International Cooperation on Refugees: Protection and Deterrence’ Defence took place on 26 April 2019
From: 19-Jun-2020
Until: 19-Jun-2020Examination of PhD Thesis of Marianne Nerland (Bergen, Norway) - ‘NGO Accountability in Refugee Camps’ Defence took place on 19 June 2020
From: 17-Oct-2022
Until: 17-Oct-2022Examination of PhD Upgrade of Sarah Scott Ford (Copenhagen, Denmark) - ‘Entangled Asylum: Human Rights and Refugee Law across Nordic Asylum Systems’ Defence took place on 17 October 2022
From: 11-Aug-2022
Until: 12-Aug-2022Examination of PhD Thesis of Tristan Harley (UNSW, Australia) ‘Beyond Storytelling: Refugee Participation in Decision-Making Processes’ From: 09-Jun-2016
Until: 09-Jun-2016Examination of PhD Thesis of Justyna Janicka (Loughborough) - 'Displaced Persons in Post-War Bosnia and Herzegovina' Defence took place on 9 June 2016
From: 05-Oct-2012
Until: 05-Oct-2012Examination of PhD Thesis of Silvia Mantilla (Deusto University Spain) - 'Las transformaciones del conflicto armado colombiano en la era de la globalización: Trayectos “glocales” de la guerra en la frontera amazónica colombo-ecuatoriana' Defence took place on 5 October 2012
From: 04-Jul-2022
Until: 04-Jul-2022Examination of PhD Thesis of Ileana Nicolau (EUI, Italy) - ‘“IDP Protection and State Sovereignty: Explaining Variation in Norm Institutionalisation at Domestic Level’ Defence took place on 4 July 2022
From: 01-Oct-2012
Until: 01-Apr-2019Connie Sozi - 'Indigenous Land Rights in Africa' Doctoral supervisor (joint) - PhD awarded 2019
Until:Nicholas Maple - Freedom of Movement of Long-Term Encamped Refugees Completed PhD 2021
Available for doctoral supervision: Yes
- Professional Affiliations
Professional affiliations:
Name Activity Refugee Law Initiative, School of Advanced Study, University of London Director Research Ethics Committee, University of London International Association for the Study of Forced Migration Member, IDP Working Group International Association of Refugee Law Judges Associate Member Refugee Activities and Initiatives Forum (RAIF), Collegiate Council, University of London OCHA Humanitarian Studies Institute Advisory Board Member AHRC Peer Review College (ODA) Royal Anthropological Institute Fellow Health and Internal Displacement Network Nansen Initiative Consultative Committee Researching Internal Displacement platform Editor-in-Chief ESRC Peer Review College Academic Member Refugee Survey Quarterly (OUP journal) Editor-in-Chief Collaborations:
Name Type Activity Start date End date Refugee Research Network Institutional Partner Management Committee Member 2012 Melbourne Journal of International Law Reviewer 2012 'International Refugee Law' book series Founding editor and Editor-in-chief 2012 Refugee Law Initiative, Senior Research Associates Network Founder and organiser 2012 International Journal of Human Rights Reviewer 2011 Journal of Intervention and State-Building Reviewer 2011 Sociology Reviewer 2011 Refugee Law Initiative, Doctoral Affiliates Network Founder and organiser 2011 Refugee Law Initiative, Fellowships Founder of programme 2011 Refugee Law Initiative, Working Papers Series Founder of series 2011 The European Effect of Refugee Law Worldwide Researcher, Latin America 2010 International Journal of Transitional Justice Reviewer 2010 Refugee Caselaw Site Research Related UK Coordinator 2009 International Journal of Refugee Law Reviewer 2009 Essex Human Rights Review Senior Editor 2009 - Relevant Events
Related events:
Date Details 03-Jun-2024 Convenor, International Conference 'Pacts, Promises and Refugee Protection' 8th Refugee Law Initiative Annual Summer Conference
24-May-2024 Presenter, ‘Situating Colombian IDP Law in a Global Context’ Invited presentation to international conference Constitutional Justice in Contexts of Conflict: Lessons from Judgement T-025 of 2004 and Reflections on the Future of Internal Forced Displacement, organised by the Constitutional Court, Bogota, Colombia
18-Apr-2024 Presenter, ‘Protection and Solutions: Evolving Concepts and Norms’ Invited panel presentation at Global Conference on Internal Displacement, hosted by Refugees International and Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA (online)
21-Mar-2024 Seminar Convenor, 'Treatment of children as asylum seekers and refugees' Part of the 14th RLI Seminar Series - ‘Asylum in the UK: The New Legal Landscape’ (2023-2024)
20-Mar-2024 Presenter, ‘Framing Discussions for a Pilot Court for Migrant Children in England’ Invited presentation at panel discussion on Methoria Equal Justice for Migrant Children at House of Lords, UK
14-Mar-2024 Convenor, International Conference ‘Internal Displacement and Solutions’ 2-day international conference, convened jointly with the Office of the UNSG Special Adviser on Solutions to Internal Displacement (online)
22-Feb-2024 Seminar Convenor, ‘Exclusion from protection for refugees and trafficking survivors’ Part of the 14th RLI Seminar Series - ‘Asylum in the UK: The New Legal Landscape’ (2023-2024)
25-Jan-2024 Seminar Convenor, ‘Third-country processing of asylum-seekers and the Rwanda plan’ Part of the 14th RLI Seminar Series - ‘Asylum in the UK: The New Legal Landscape’ (2023-2024)
18-Jan-2024 Panel Convenor, ‘Challenges for Defining Refugees in Current Practice’ Panel discussion and book launch (online)
30-Nov-2023 Presenter, ‘What are “Climate Refugees” and Should We Worry?, Invited presentation to a J-CORE/HIAS public discussion panel about Climate Change - The Next Catalyst for Global Displacement?, London, UK (online
27-Nov-2023 Presenter, ‘What Lessons Does the Americas Provide for Europe?’ Invited presentation to Transatlantic Council on Migration workshop on Building Protection Systems for a New Migration Reality, Berlin, Germany
16-Nov-2023 Seminar Convenor, ‘Defining refugees under the new legislative frameworks’ Part of the 14th RLI Seminar Series - ‘Asylum in the UK: The New Legal Landscape’ (2023-2024)
19-Oct-2023 Seminar Convenor, ‘Left in limbo: Inadmissibility to asylum procedures, risks and implications’ Part of the 14th RLI Seminar Series - ‘Asylum in the UK: The New Legal Landscape’ (2023-2024)
18-Oct-2023 Presenter, ‘Reflecting on Asylum Systems in the Face of Current Challenges’ Invited presentation to joint UNHCR-MPI Europe expert roundtable on The Future of European Asylum Policy, Brussels, Belgium
23-Jun-2023 Convenor, International Conference ‘Inequality and Fairness in Refugee Protection’ 7th Refugee Law Initiative Annual Summer Conference
13-Jun-2023 Presenter, ‘Externalización, Acceso al Refugio y Derecho Internacional’ Invited presentation to dedicated training session with Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Secretariat, Washington DC, USA (online)
01-Jun-2023 Presenter, ‘Externalización, Acceso al Asilo y Derecho Internacional’ Invited presentation to dedicated training session with Inter-American Court of Human Rights Secretariat, San José, Costa Rica (online)
24-May-2023 Presenter, ‘Externalising Asylum: International Law and Civil Society Action’ Keynote presentation to Global Strategic Litigation Council workshop on Externalisation of Asylum, New York, USA (online)
18-Apr-2023 Presenter, ‘Is Asylum the Victim of an Anti-Globalising Trend?’ Invited presentation to keynote session on Laws, Walls and Human Rights: Governing Migration in a Globalised World at La Casa Encendida/Institute of Studies on Conflicts and Humanitarian Action (IECAH), Madrid, Spain
31-Mar-2023 Presenter, ‘Externalisation in the Asylum Context - What Is It and Why Does it Matter Legally?' Invited presentation to panel discussion on Externalisation and Outsourcing of Asylum Law at Brunel University, UK (online)
27-Mar-2023 Presenter, ‘Understanding Externalisation in the Asylum Space’ Opening presentation to RLI/Council of Europe internal workshop on Externalisation of Asylum and International Law, Strasbourg, France (online)
24-Mar-2023 Presenter, ‘US and UK to Asylum-seekers: Apply Elsewhere’ Invited presentation to discussion panel organised by Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility at The New School, New York USA (online)
14-Mar-2023 Seminar Convenor, ‘Do Today’s Resettlement Practices Offer Refugees a Durable Solution?’ (with Dr Meltem Ineli-Ciger, Suleyman Demirel University) Part of the 13th RLI Seminar Series - ‘The Changing Nature of “Solutions” to Refugee Situations’ (2022-2023)
09-Mar-2023 Presenter, ‘Havdallah, Separation and Refugees’ Invited presentation to discussion panel on Conversation Starters, Jewish Museum London, UK
15-Feb-2023 Seminar Convenor, ‘Is Voluntary Repatriation Still the Preferred Durable Solution – and If So, Preferred by Whom?’ (with Katie Tong, independent humanitarian consultant) Part of the 13th RLI Seminar Series - ‘The Changing Nature of “Solutions” to Refugee Situations’ (2022-2023)
17-Jan-2023 Seminar Convenor, ‘Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) be Used for Good for Refugees Caught up in Humanitarian Crises, and in their Resolution?’ (with Prof. Geoff Gilbert, University of Essex) Part of the 13th RLI Seminar Series - ‘The Changing Nature of “Solutions” to Refugee Situations’ (2022-2023)
06-Dec-2022 Seminar Convenor, ‘Can Labour Migration be a Solution for Refugees? Some Observations from the Gulf Arab States’ (with Dr Jinan Bastaki, University of Oxford) Part of the 13th RLI Seminar Series - ‘The Changing Nature of “Solutions” to Refugee Situations’ (2022-2023)
17-Nov-2022 Presenter, ‘Displacement and Criminal Groups: Thinking beyond Gangs in Mesoamerica’ Invited presentation to conference on Nexus of Gangs and Forced Migration, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
09-Nov-2022 Presenter, ‘Protection and Solutions Gaps in the Refugee Regime?’ Invited presentation to Gaps in Protection and Solutions panel at Center for Migration Studies 2022 Academic & Policy Symposium, New York USA (online)
08-Nov-2022 Seminar Convenor, ‘Local Integration: A Durable Solution in need of Reinvigoration?’ (with Dr Nicholas Maple, University of London) Part of the 13th RLI Seminar Series - ‘The Changing Nature of “Solutions” to Refugee Situations’ (2022-2023)
25-Oct-2022 Presenter, ‘How Can Academic Research Feed into IDP Protection Policy’ Presentation to the IDP Protection Expert Group (IPEG) roundtable on Key Challenges in IDP Protection, San Remo, Italy
12-Oct-2022 Seminar Convenor, ‘Refugee Protection “Here” or “There”: Reflections on a Non-ideal World’ (with Prof. David Owen, University of Southampton) Part of the 13th RLI Seminar Series - ‘The Changing Nature of “Solutions” to Refugee Situations’ (2022-2023)
01-Jul-2022 Convenor, International Conference ‘Improving the Global Refugee Regime: From Theory to Practice?’ 6th Refugee Law Initiative Annual Summer Conference (online)
01-Jul-2022 Presenter, ‘Quaint and Marginal? Refugee Law, Sovereignty and British Non-independent Territories’ Presentation to the 6th RLI Annual Conference on Improving the Global Refugee Regime panel on Asylum in a Late Sovereign World: The Application of Refugee Law in Overseas and Dependent Territories, UK (online)
22-Jun-2022 Presenter, ‘Migration, Natural Disasters and Climate Change: Building a Regional Approach’ Invited keynote presentation to the Committee on Migratory Affairs of the Organization of American States (OAS) thematic panel on Migration, Natural Disasters and Climate Change, Washington DC, USA (online)
20-Jun-2022 Co-convenor, ‘1st Summer School on Internal Displacement in the Middle East - Crisis, Displacement and Protection’ 5-day summer school course (convened with Middle East Research Network on Internal Displacement (MERNID) and Lebanese American University Migration Studies Institute) (online)
20-Jun-2022 Seminar Co-convenor, 'Reframing Challenges of Internal Displacement in the Sahel' Part of the 2nd Regional Perspectives on Internal Displacement webinar series, convened by GENIDA
28-Apr-2022 Seminar Convenor, 'The UK-Rwanda Asylum Deal: What does it mean for refugees and the global refugee regime?’ Part of the 12th RLI Seminar Series - 'Asylum after COVID-19: the UK “New Plan for Immigration” in global context' (2021-2022); jointly with UoL Refugee Law Clinic (online)
11-Apr-2022 Seminar Co-convenor, 'Health and Internal Displacement in the Middle East’ Part of the 2nd Regional Perspectives on Internal Displacement webinar series, convened by MERNID
16-Mar-2022 Seminar Convenor, 'Refugee counter-proposals to the New Plan: integration and recognition’ Part of the 12th RLI Seminar Series - 'Asylum after COVID-19: the UK “New Plan for Immigration” in global context' (2021-2022); jointly with UoL Refugee Law Clinic (online)
16-Mar-2022 Presenter, ‘Addressing Forced Displacement as a Humanitarian Challenge’ Invited presentation to DG ECHO Panel on The State of Pervasive Violence in Central America and Mexico: Practical and Legal Challenges for Offering Humanitarian Protection, European Humanitarian Forum 2022, Brussels (online)
28-Feb-2022 Seminar Co-convenor, 'Disaster-Induced Internal Displacement in India: Protection and Reporting’ Part of the 2nd Regional Perspectives on Internal Displacement webinar series, convened by IDRP and OP Jindal University
24-Feb-2022 Seminar Convenor, ‘Transgenerational and Long-term Effects on the Mental Health of Internally Displaced People’ Part of the 2nd Health and Internal Displacement Network (HIDN) Seminar Series
09-Feb-2022 Seminar Convenor, 'All friends together…?’: international cooperation in the asylum field’ Part of the 12th RLI Seminar Series - 'Asylum after COVID-19: the UK “New Plan for Immigration” in global context' (2021-2022); jointly with UoL Refugee Law Clinic (online)
02-Feb-2022 Presenter, ‘Protecting Refugees - What Does It All Mean?’ Invited talk to the Asylum Seeker and Refugee Mental Health Trainees Network, affiliated to Royal College of Psychiatrists Working Group for Asylum Seekers and Refugees, UK (online)
12-Jan-2022 Seminar Convenor, 'Asylum and illegality: protecting refugees or criminalising asylum-seeking?’ Part of the 12th RLI Seminar Series - 'Asylum after COVID-19: the UK “New Plan for Immigration” in global context' (2021-2022); jointly with UoL Refugee Law Clinic (online)
08-Dec-2021 Seminar Convenor, 'Moving the goalposts (yet again): access to justice in the UK asylum system’ Part of the 12th RLI Seminar Series - 'Asylum after COVID-19: the UK “New Plan for Immigration” in global context' (2021-2022); jointly with UoL Refugee Law Clinic (online)
06-Dec-2021 Seminar Co-convenor, 'Identity, Rights and Internal Displacement’ Part of the 2nd Regional Perspectives on Internal Displacement webinar series, convened by MERNID
24-Nov-2021 Seminar Convenor, ‘The health of IDPs in Syria: intersecting vulnerabilities and prioritising needs’ Part of the 2nd Health and Internal Displacement Network (HIDN) Seminar Series
17-Nov-2021 Seminar Co-convenor, ‘From the “balso” to the “conuno” – a drawn conversation on internal displacement between Comunidad and Manuela Ochoa’ Part of the 2nd Regional Perspectives on Internal Displacement webinar series, convened by LANID
03-Nov-2021 Seminar Convenor, ‘Strengthening IDP health policy and programme responses: Suggesting ways forward’ Part of the 2nd Health and Internal Displacement Network (HIDN) Seminar Series
03-Nov-2021 Seminar Convenor, 'Transforming refugee status: definitions and discrimination’ Part of the 12th RLI Seminar Series - 'Asylum after COVID-19: the UK “New Plan for Immigration” in global context' (2021-2022); jointly with UoL Refugee Law Clinic (online)
01-Nov-2021 Presenter, ‘Is It the End for Refugee Protection?’ Invited lecture at McLaughlin College International Lecture Series, York University, Canada (online)
07-Oct-2021 Seminar Convenor, ‘Prioritizing equitable COVID-19 vaccine access for internally-displaced populations: Disparities and opportunities’ Part of the 2nd Health and Internal Displacement Network (HIDN) Seminar Series
06-Oct-2021 Seminar Convenor, 'Asylum and politics after COVID-19: is the UK ‘New Plan for Immigration’ an outlier?’' Part of the 12th RLI Seminar Series - 'Asylum after COVID-19: the UK “New Plan for Immigration” in global context' (2021-2022); jointly with UoL Refugee Law Clinic (online)
30-Sep-2021 Convenor, ‘Internal Displacement, Conflict and Protection’ Course First MOOC (massive online open course) on IDPs - launched on Coursera as an INDCaP project collaboration with UoLW Worldwide
13-Aug-2021 Convenor, Summer Fellowships on Internal Displacement scheme A 3-month fellowship and menotring scheme, with 40 Fellows from Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and Rest of World as an INDCaP project collaboration.
07-Jul-2021 Seminar Convenor, ‘Mental Health in Internally-Displaced Populations’ Part of the 1st Health and Internal Displacement Network (HIDN) Seminar Series
15-Jun-2021 Seminar Convenor, 'Internal Displacement, Infectious Diseases and Health Responses’ Part of the 1st Health and Internal Displacement Network (HIDN) Seminar Series
10-Jun-2021 Presenter, 'Non-discrimination as Rationale of the Refugee Convention' Paper presented on panel at Refugee Law Initiative 5th Annual Conference
09-Jun-2021 Convenor, International Conference ‘Ageing Gracefully? The 1951 Refugee Convention at 70’ 5th Refugee Law Initiative Annual Summer Conference
01-Jun-2021 Seminar Co-convenor, ‘MERNID: Political Identity and Internal Displacement’ Part of the Regional Perspectives on Internal Displacement webinar series, convened by MERNID
14-May-2021 Seminar Convenor, 'Diverse Populations and the Health Impacts of Internal Displacement’ Part of the 1st Health and Internal Displacement Network (HIDN) Seminar Series
04-May-2021 Seminar Co-convenor, ‘MERNID: Through a Legal Lens - Internal Displacement, Citizenship and Statelessness’ Part of the Regional Perspectives on Internal Displacement webinar series, convened by MERNID
28-Apr-2021 Seminar Co-convenor, ‘LANID: Global causes of forced internal displacement’ Part of the Regional Perspectives on Internal Displacement webinar series, convened by LANID
28-Apr-2021 Presenter, ‘Environmental Migration and Law in the Americas’ Invited presentation to the NEPDA panel discussion on the Migration-Environment Nexus, State University of Paraiba, Brazil (online)
19-Apr-2021 Seminar Convenor, ‘Enabling Health Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons’ Part of the 1st Health and Internal Displacement Network (HIDN) Seminar Series; Launch Event.
17-Mar-2021 Seminar Convenor, ‘Implications for policy of a (post-?) COVID-19 world…’ Part of the 11th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2020-2021); jointly with PDD
10-Mar-2021 Seminar Co-convenor, ‘LANID: What Does Internal Displacement Mean?’ Part of the Regional Perspectives on Internal Displacement webinar series, convened by LANID
26-Feb-2021 Presenter, ‘Representation and the Refugee Survey Quarterly’ Invited discussant presentation to LERRN-IDRC event LERRN’s Analysis of Refuge and RSQ: Reflections on Knowledge Production, Access, and Representation, Carleton University, Canada (online)
24-Feb-2021 Presenter, ‘International Law, National Law and Regional Governance: Lessons from the Americas’ Invited presentation to Zolberg Institute/KNOMAD expert roundtable on Regional Governance of Environmental Mobility, USA (online)
10-Feb-2021 Presenter, ‘National Law – Lessons from the Americas’ Presentation to panel on legal responses to cross-border ‘environmental’ mobility at 11th annual RLI seminar series, this year on Human Mobility, Natural Hazards and Policy Responses and convened jointly with the Platform on Disaster Displacement (online
10-Feb-2021 Seminar Convenor, ‘Legal responses to cross-border ‘environmental’ mobility’ Part of the 11th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2020-2021); jointly with PDD
04-Feb-2021 Convenor, International Workshop ‘Framing IDP Health Research within Internal Displacement Trends’ Expert Workshop on Internal Displacement and Health, hosted by Academy of Medical Sciences and IDRP, University of London, UK (online)
04-Feb-2021 Presenter, ‘Framing IDP Health Research within Internal Displacement Trends’, Opening presentation to Expert Workshop on Internal Displacement and Health, hosted by Academy of Medical Sciences and IDRP, University of London, UK (online)
27-Jan-2021 Presenter and Organiser, ‘Researching and Publishing on Internal Displacement’ Presentation at workshop for members of IDRP and INDCaP networks, hosted by IDRP, University of London, UK (online)
21-Jan-2021 Organiser and Chair, ‘Why Do We Need New Research on Internal Displacement?’ Opening presentation for the Refugee Survey Quarterly Special Issue on Internal Displacement Launch, hosted by IDRP, University of London, UK (online)
13-Jan-2021 Seminar Convenor, ‘Internal displacement, migration and planned relocation in the context of natural hazards’ Part of the 11th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2020-2021); jointly with PDD
09-Dec-2020 Seminar Convenor, ‘Global policy debates, mobility and natural hazards’ Part of the 11th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2020-2021); jointly with PDD
17-Nov-2020 Keynote Presenter, ‘Is It the End for Refugee Protection?’ Invited presentation to the Refugee Law Clinic Lecture Series at University of London, UK (online)
11-Nov-2020 Seminar Convenor, ‘Data and knowledge on human mobility in the context of natural hazards’ Part of the 11th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2020-2021); jointly with PDD
07-Oct-2020 Seminar Convenor, ‘Conceptualising policy - do ‘climate refugees’ or ‘environmental migrants’ really exist?’ Part of the 11th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2020-2021); jointly with PDD
23-Sep-2020 Presenter, ‘Academia in the Response to Forced Displacement in Central America’ Presentation to UN General Assembly high-level event on The Global Compact on Refugees and Forced Displacement in Central America: Regional Cooperation and the MIRPS as a Solution, New York, USA (online)
16-Jun-2020 Presenter, 'National Responses to Cross-border Displacement' Presentation to officials at training on Cross-border displacement in Disaster or Climate Change Scenarios, Organization of East Caribbean States (OECS)
25-Feb-2020 Seminar Convenor and Chair, Paper delivered by Professor Geoff Gilbert: ‘Solutions and the Global Compact on Refugees – A Long Road “Home”’ Part of the 10th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2019-2020); jointly with UNHCR
10-Feb-2020 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Ugandan High Commissioner Julius Peter Moto: 'Easing Pressure: Uganda and the Global Compact on Refugees’ Part of the 10th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2019-2020); jointly with UNHCR
17-Jan-2020 Presenter, ‘Is This the End of Refugee Protection?’ Public Lecture at University of Tokyo, Japan
16-Jan-2020 Presenter, ‘Why Protect Refugees?’ Public Lecture at Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan
19-Dec-2019 Presenter, ‘The End of Refugee Protection?’ Public Lecture, Voice of Experience - Humanitarian Lecture Series, London School of Economics, London, UK
04-Dec-2019 Seminar Convenor and Chair, Paper delivered by Dr Megan Bradley: ‘Is Return the Preferred Solution for Refugees?’ Part of the 10th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2019-2020); jointly with UNHCR
22-Nov-2019 Presenter, ‘Information Law and Digital Rights: An Outsider’s Perspective’ Closing presentation at conference 'Digital Rights in Brexit: Changes and Challenges', Information Law and Policy Centre, London, UK
17-Oct-2019 Presenter, 'Refugees and Human Rights' Public Lecture at New North London Synagogue, London, UK
17-Oct-2019 Seminar Convenor, Panel discussion on ‘The Future of Refugee Protection – Movement and Responses’, with Professors Nando Sigona and Richard Black (Birmingham) and Rossella Pagliuchi-Lor (UNHCR) Part of the 10th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2019-2020); jointly with UNHCR
13-Sep-2019 Host, Workshop 'How Can the Global Compact for Migration be Owned and Used?' 1-day expert workshop (convened by RLI visiting fellow Christina Oelgemoller)
07-Sep-2019 Presenter, 'Reconsidering the African Refugee Convention’ Keynote Lecture at 'Beyond 50 and 10, Beyond the Rhetoric: International Conference on the Protection of Forced Migrants in Africa', Pretoria University, South Africa
03-Sep-2019 Presenter, 'Studying Internal Displacement: Academic Initiatives’ Intervention at FCO conference 'Internally Displaced Persons: Towards More Effective International Protection and Durable Solutions', Wilton Park, UK
09-Jul-2019 Presenter, 'Equality, Discrimination, Persecution: Why Do We Protect Refugees?’ Keynote Lecture at International Academic Forum, Brighton, UK
06-Jun-2019 Presenter, ‘Legal Research and the End of Refugee Law’ Keynote Lecture at the 4th RLI Research Affiliate Workshop 'Doing Research on Refuge: Challenges and Commonalities', University of London, UK
06-Jun-2019 Host, RLI Research Affiliate Workshop 'Doing Research on Refuge: Challenges and Commonalities’ 4th RLI Doctoral 1-day Workshop (convened by RLI Research Affiliates)
04-Jun-2019 Presenter, 'Are Refugees Special?’ Inaugural Professorial Lecture at University of London, UK
03-Jun-2019 Convenor, International Conference 'Rethinking the “Regional” in Refugee Law and Policy' 4th Refugee Law Initiative Annual Summer Conference
02-Apr-2019 Seminar Convenor and Chair, Paper delivered by Professor Roger Zetter: 'The Humanitarian-Development Nexus: A Political Economy Analysis’ Part of the 9th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2018-2019)
29-Mar-2019 Co-convenor, 'The Global Compacts, Mixed Migration and the Transformation of Protection’ 1-day expert workshop (convened by RLI visiting fellow Christina Oelgemoller)
14-Mar-2019 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Professor Alex Aleinikoff: 'The Arc of Protection: Reforming the International Refugee Regime’ Part of the 9th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2018-2019)
07-Mar-2019 Presenter, 'Colombia: Cross-border Displacement, Returns and Solutions’ Invited presentation on 'Seeking Durable Solutions in Post-peace Agreement Colombia' public panel discussion at Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, Geneva, Switzerland
20-Feb-2019 Seminar Convenor and Chair, Paper delivered by Dr Kirsten McConnachie, 'Repatriation, Peacebuilding and State-Building in Burma/Myanmar’ Part of the 9th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2018-2019)
06-Feb-2019 Co-convenor and Chair, Seminar delivered by Dr Hugo Story and Mark Symes: 'How Do the Elements of the Refugee Definition Fit Together?' Part of the RLI ‘Current Thinking in Refugee Law' practitioner seminar series
23-Jan-2019 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Alison Harvey: 'Is it Time to Stop Putting Status Determination at the Heart of the Refugee Response?’ Part of the 9th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2018-2019)
10-Jan-2019 Co-convenor and Chair, Seminar delivered by Dr Hugo Story and Mark Symes: 'State Protection and Internal Relocation' Part of the RLI ‘Current Thinking in Refugee Law' practitioner seminar series
04-Dec-2018 Co-convenor, Seminar delivered by Dr Hugo Story and Mark Symes: 'Persecution and Convention Reason' Part of the RLI ‘Current Thinking in Refugee Law' practitioner seminar series
19-Nov-2018 Seminar Convenor and Chair, Paper delivered by Professor Pene Mathew: 'Leaving No One Behind: A Look at the Global Compact on Refugees’ Part of the 9th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2018-2019)
07-Nov-2018 Seminar Convenor and Chair, Paper delivered by Daniel Howden: 'Niger: The Making of a Model Transit Country’ Part of the 9th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2018-2019)
23-Oct-2018 Co-convenor, Seminar delivered by Dr Hugo Story and Mark Symes: 'Well-Founded Fear' Part of the RLI ‘Current Thinking in Refugee Law' practitioner seminar series
19-Oct-2018 Presenter, 'Responsibility-sharing in the Refugee Context: What Can the EU Learn from Latin America?' Invited panel presentation at Pisa University conference on 'International Protection of Refugees in Europe and Elsewhere', Pisa, Italy
20-Jul-2018 Convenor, International Workshop 'Revitalising IDP Research: 20 Years of the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement' 18-Jul-2018 Convenor, International Conference ‘Refugee Protection in a Hostile World?’ 3rd Refugee Law Initiative Annual Summer Conference
29-Jun-2018 Presenter, ‘Gangs, Cartels and IHL: Observations from Latin America’ Invited panel presentation at the University of Essex/Geneva Academy Second Current Issues in Armed Conflict Conference, London, UK
22-May-2018 Presenter, ‘Internal Displacement and Organised Crime: Lessons from Latin America’ Invited presentation at the Georgetown University/Exodus Institute Symposium on Internal Displacement, Washington, USA
21-May-2018 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Professor James Hathaway: 'The UN’s “Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework”: Actually a “Contingent Refugee Assistance Project”' Part of the 8th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2017-2018)
16-Apr-2018 Presenter, ‘What Can Latin America Teach Us about Responsibility-Sharing in the Refugee Field?’ Invited presentation at the Georgetown University/Exodus Institute Symposium on Refugees and Responsibility-Sharing, Washington, USA
08-Mar-2018 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Professor Susan Akram: 'Protecting Syrian Refugees: Laws, Policies and Global Responsibility-Sharing’ Part of the 8th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2017-2018)
20-Feb-2018 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Professor Mary Bosworth: 'Authority and Affect in Immigration Detention: A Critical Account’ Part of the 8th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2017-2018)
25-Jan-2018 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Professor Marcello di Filippo: 'Allocation of Competence in Asylum Matters under International and EU Law’ Part of the 8th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2017-2018)
17-Jan-2018 Presenter, ‘Framing Violence in the Countries of the North of Central America’ Invited expert presentation at Social Science Research Council/UN Department of Political Affairs Reunión sobre violencia en los países del norte de Centroamérica, New York, USA
08-Dec-2017 Co-convenor, Workshop on ‘Terrorism and Asylum’ One-day event co-convened at the RLI with Professor James Simeon (York University, Canada)
27-Nov-2017 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Colin Yeo: 'The Impact of Brexit on UK Asylum Law’ Part of the 8th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2017-2018)
16-Nov-2017 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Dr Christina Oelgemoller: 'The Evolution of Migration Management in the Global North’ Part of the 8th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2017-2018)
30-Oct-2017 Presenter, ‘Contexto general: estudio de antecedents - región de las Américas’ Invited keynote presentation at Conferencia Suramericana sobre Migraciones/Platform on Disaster Displacement workshop Taller regional para el desarrollo de Lineamientos y/o Guía de prácticas para la protección de personas desplazadas entre fronteras en el contexto de desastres, Santiago, Chile
25-Oct-2017 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Linda Kirk: ‘Refugee Protection in the United Kingdom Beyond Brexit: The Perils of Australian Exceptionalism’ Part of the 8th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2017-2018)
02-Oct-2017 Presenter, ‘Organised Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America’ Presentation at Research Councils/British Academy/DfID conference on Protracted Conflicts, Aid and Development, British Academy, UK
02-Oct-2017 Academic Director, Public Seminars - 8th Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2017-2018) 22-Sep-2017 Presenter, ‘The End of Refugee Law?’ Invited presentation on human rights panel at International Law Association (ILA) Annual Conference New International Order in an Isolationist World, Clifford Chance, UK.
05-Sep-2017 Presenter, ‘The Continuing Challenges and Relevance of Internal Displacement’ Invited presentation on Internally Displaced People: The World's Most Pressing Humanitarian Crisis? panel, Chatham House, UK
26-Jun-2017 Presenter, ‘Transitional Justice and IDPs/Refugees: Colombia’ Invited presentation at Reintegration of Refugees, IDPs and Former Combatants seminar (in Stabilisation Unit/DfID CHASE Dealing with the Past seminar series), FCO, UK
16-Jun-2017 Presenter, ‘Reflections from “Senior Scholars” – Current Challenges in Environmental Displacement’ Paper presented at Migration Research Workshop on Environmental Displacement in 2017 – Current Protection Challenges, University of Sheffield, UK
16-Jun-2017 Session Chair, ‘International and Regional Responses to Climate Change Migration’ panel Panel at University of Sheffield Migration Research Workshop
08-Jun-2017 Facilitator, 'Research, Reform, and Refugee Law: Conducting academic research and influencing policy’, Third Postgraduate Workshop on Refugee Law Facilitated the organisation of a 1-day conference bringing together doctoral students working on refugee law from around the world (led by RLI Doctoral Affiliates)
06-Jun-2017 Presenter, ‘Why and How Can Refugee Protection be “Shared” by Countries of Origin? Contemporary Insights from Central America’ Paper presented on panel at Refugee Law Initiative 2nd Annual Conference on Mass Influx? Law, Policy and Large-Scale Movements of Refugees and Migrants, UK
05-Jun-2017 Co-convenor, ‘Boat Refugees’ Book Launch Book Launch, with authors and commentators (IOM and UNSR on Migrants) as a side-event at the RLI Annual Conference
05-Jun-2017 Convenor, International Conference ‘Mass Influx? Law, Policy and Large-Scale Movements of Refugees and Migrants’ 2nd Refugee Law Initiative Annual Summer Conference
03-Apr-2017 Presenter, ‘Refugee Law in Latin America: Counterpoints to Europe?’ Keynote invited presentation to Jean Monnet seminar series Regional Migration Law – Not Only Europe, University of Pisa, Italy
02-Mar-2017 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Dr Cathryn Costello: ‘EU Law and the Politics of “Mass Influx”’ Part of the 7th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2016-2017)
09-Feb-2017 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Dr Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen: ‘The End of the Deterrence Paradigm? Future Directions for Global Refugee Policy’ Part of the 7th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2016-2017)
17-Jan-2017 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Professor Heaven Crawley: ‘Between Conflict and Survival: Unravelling the Drivers of Migration across the Mediterranean in 2015’ Part of the 7th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2016-2017)
01-Dec-2016 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Sarah Elliott: ‘Refugee Protection in Mixed Migration: A UNHCR Perspective Pre- and Post-Summit’ Part of the 7th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2016-2017)
25-Nov-2016 Presenter, ‘Derechos y hechos’ Keynote presentation at SNARIV/NRC Workshop on Reparaciones a víctimas en el exterior, Bogotá, Colombia
24-Nov-2016 Presenter, ‘Desafíos del Sistema en la implementación de la política pública de víctimas del conflicto armado, más allá de las fronteras’ Panel presentation at the Annual Conference of the government SNARIV, Implementación de la política pública de atención y reparación integral a las víctimas desde los territories, Bogotá, Colombia
22-Nov-2016 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Michele Klein-Solomon: ‘Developing a Global Compact for Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration’ Part of the 7th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2016-2017)
15-Nov-2016 Presenter, ‘Refugee Protection in Latin America: Historical and Future Evolution’ Invited lecture at Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford, UK
08-Nov-2016 Presenter, ‘Framing and Understanding the Role of Law in Refugee Protection’ Invited panel presentation at AHRC/ICRC Forced to Flee conference, SOAS, UK
24-Oct-2016 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Jean-Francois Durieux: ‘“One Protocol Yet to be Drafted?” What Treaty Law Can and Cannot Do to Advance Refugee Protection’ Part of the 7th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2016-2017)
14-Oct-2016 Presenter, ‘Policy and Normative Developments in the Americas’ Paper presented on panel at Platform on Disaster Displacement Advisory Committee Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland
01-Oct-2016 Academic Director, Public Seminars - 7th Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2016-2017) 06-Jul-2016 Presenter, ‘The New Displacement Crisis in Central America: Dynamics and Suggested Responses’ Keynote paper presented at the UNHCR/OAS Call to Action in Central America Conference, San José, Costa Rica
28-Jun-2016 Presenter, ‘Refugees from Organised Criminal Violence in Latin America: Context and Regional Responses’ Paper presented on Legal Responses to Gangs, Criminal Violence and New Dynamics of Forced Displacement in the Americas and Africa panel at Refugee Law Initiative Annual Conference on The Future of Refugee Law?, UK
28-Jun-2016 Convenor, International Conference ‘The Future of International Refugee Law?’ 1st Refugee Law Initiative Annual Summer Conference
09-Jun-2016 Presenter, ‘Refugees, Migrants, Large-scale Movements... Anybody Remember IDPs?’ Keynote paper presented at Migration Research Workshop on Re-Interpreting the Refugee Definition: Global Displacement in 2016, University of Sheffield, UK
12-May-2016 Presenter, ‘Protection, Surrogacy and Defining Refugees’ Invited paper presented on 2015/16 Seminar Series on the Axis of Protection: Human Rights in International Law / Refugee and Migration Law Discussion Group, University of Oxford, UK
12-May-2016 Presenter, ‘What Happens after an Asylum-Seeker is Excluded under Article 1F?’ Paper presented by remote means on Roundtable on Setting Policy Standards for those who are Excluded from Convention Refugee Status but cannot be Returned to their Countries of Origin panel at the CARFMS Annual Conference, Canada
10-May-2016 Presenter, ‘Gang Violence, Forced Displacement and Women in the Northern Triangle of Central America’ Invited presenter for the International Development Institute Panel on Women and Organised Crime in Latin America, Kings College London, UK
04-May-2016 Presenter, ‘How Does Refugee Law Apply in Disasters? Insights from the Americas’ Invited paper at the Lund/Uppsala Symposium on Disasters and Displacement in a Warming World: Current Realities, Legal Perspectives, Lund, Sweden
04-May-2016 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Lilian Tsourdi: ‘“Bottom-up” Harmonization in the EU Asylum Policy: the case of EASO’ Part of the 6th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2015-2016)
16-Mar-2016 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Stephanie Motz: ‘EU Asylum Law and Disabled Refugees – is the UK Reservation to the CRPD in the context of Asylum Law Redundant?' Part of the 6th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2015-2016)
17-Feb-2016 Presenter, 'Regional Discussion Paper - Latin America’ Invited presentation at the Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) Project Workshop on Regional Consultation for Latin America, San José, Costa Rica
04-Feb-2016 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Madeline Garlick: ‘If the Stars Align: EU Law, Policy and Practice on Solidarity and Responsibility-sharing for Asylum and Refugee Protection’ Part of the 6th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2015-2016)
25-Jan-2016 Co-Convenor, International Conference ‘Undesirable and Unreturnable?’ International conference for project of same name (jointly with RLI/Free University Amsterdam)
19-Jan-2016 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Dr Vladislava Stoyanova: ‘Human Trafficking and Slavery Reconsidered’ Part of the 6th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2015-2016)
01-Jan-2016 Presenter, ‘Are There Procedural Standards in International Human Rights Law on the Determination of Refugee Status?’ Paper presented at Raoul Wallenberg Institute/Ankara University Law Faculty Symposium on Asylum Law, Ankara, Turkey
01-Jan-2016 Presenter, ‘Statement to the Global Consultation’ Statement presented by invitation at the Nansen Initiative Global Consultation on Protection of Cross-Border Displaced Persons in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change, Geneva, Switzerland
01-Jan-2016 Presenter, ‘A Hot Topic? Managing International Migration Caused by Natural Disasters in Latin America’ Paper presented at the Institute of Latin American Studies Conference on Managing Global Migration: New Perspectives from Latin America and Europe, University of London, UK
01-Jan-2016 Presenter, ‘The Syrian Refugee Crisis in its Global Context’ Invited paper presented on the Alone and Adrift: The Refugee Crisis panel at Cambridge International Development Conference, University of Cambridge, UK
01-Jan-2016 Presenter, ‘The “Responsibility to Protect”: What, if anything, does refugee law theory and practice tell us about the concept of “protection”?’ Invited paper presented on Responsibility to Protect, Asylum and Refugee Law panel at the workshop on The Responsibility to Protect: Problems and Alternatives, Leeds University, UK
01-Jan-2016 Presenter, ‘“Protection” in Contemporary Situations of Violence in Central America’ Invited presentation on UNHCR Americas Bureau panel 'As Deadly As Conflict: Criminal Violence and its Impact on Displacement in Central America', at the High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection Challenges: Understanding and Addressing Root Causes of Displacement, Geneva, Switzerland
02-Dec-2015 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Julian Lehmann: ‘Running Sideways – Has Europe Overdone Distancing Itself from the Geneva Refugee Convention?’ Part of the 6th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2015-2016)
06-Nov-2015 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Dr Bríd Ní Ghráinne: ‘Safety Zones in Countries of Origin: A Violation of International Law?’ Part of the 6th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2015-2016)
23-Oct-2015 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Dr Violeta Moreno-Lax: 'Frontex Operations and Pre-emptive Humanitarianism: The "Rescue-without-Protection" Paradigm' Part of the 6th RLI Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2015-2016)
01-Oct-2015 Academic Director, Public Seminars - 6th Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2015-2016) 15-Jul-2015 Co-Convenor, International Governmental Meeting on ‘Temporary Humanitarian Protection for Natural Disasters in South America’ International governmental workshop hosted by government of Ecuador (jointly between RLI/Nansen Initiative)
01-Jan-2015 Academic Director, Public Seminars - 5th Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2014-2015) 01-Jan-2015 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Professor Maarten den Heijer: 'Cessation of Refugee Status’ Part of the 5th Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2014-2015)
01-Jan-2015 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Dr Ruvi Ziegler: ‘Voting Rights of Refugees’ Part of the 5th Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2014-2015)
01-Jan-2015 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Dr Martin Jones: ‘Moving Beyond Protection Space: Developing a Law of Asylum in Asia’ Part of the 5th Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2014-2015)
01-Jan-2015 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Professor Cecilia Bailliet: ‘The Protection of Conscientious Objectors and UNHCR’s Role as a Norm Entrepreneur’ Part of the 5th Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2014-2015)
01-Jan-2015 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Dr Ralph Wilde: ‘The Extraterritorial Application of the Non-refoulement Obligation in International Human Rights Law’ Part of the 5th Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2014-2015)
01-Jan-2015 Convenor, Series of Workshops on ‘Contemporary Challenges in Refugee Protection’ Four practitioner-oriented workshops
01-Jan-2015 Workshop Convenor, ‘Undesirable and Unreturnable’ preliminary event Part of the Workshop series - ‘Contemporary Challenges in Refugee Protection’ (2014-2015); Presentations by Dr Sarah Singer (RLI), Dr Mariagiulia Giuffré (Edge Hill) and Jerome Phelps (Detention Action)
01-Jan-2015 Workshop Convenor, ‘Sticky Citizenship: Imputing Citizenship to Asylum Seekers’ Part of the Workshop series - ‘Contemporary Challenges in Refugee Protection’ (2014-2015); Presentations by Professor Audrey Macklin (Toronto), Professor Hélène Lambert (Westminster) and Mark Symes (Garden Court)
01-Jan-2015 Workshop Convenor, ‘Climate Change, Disasters and Cross-border Displacement: Novel Legal Responses in Africa and the Americas’ Part of the Workshop series - ‘Contemporary Challenges in Refugee Protection’ (2014-2015); Presentations by Tamara Wood (UNSW), Dr David James Cantor (RLI) and Hannah Entwisle (Nansen Initiative)
01-Jan-2015 Workshop Convenor, 'Exploring Exclusion In International Refugee Law: The Ethical, Moral and Legal Boundaries of “Complicity” in War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity’ Part of the Workshop series - ‘Contemporary Challenges in Refugee Protection’ (2014-2015); Presentations by Professor James Simeon (York, Can)
01-Jan-2015 Host, ‘2nd Expert Roundtable on Asylum Claims based on Sexual Orientation and/or Gender Identity’ Event convened by International Commission of Jurists, bringing together wide range of academics and practitioners
01-Jan-2015 Co-convenor, Workshop on ‘Refugee Law and International Humanitarian Law’ UNHCR/ICRC Inter-Agency Discussion and Book Launch at UNHCR, Geneva, Switzerland
01-Jan-2015 Co-convenor, Workshop on ‘Refugee Protection and International Humanitarian Law’ Refugee Law Initiative/Chatham House Workshop and Book Launch at Chatham House, London, UK
01-Jan-2015 Session Chair, ‘Fronteras solidarias y seguras’ Working group and plenary sesión at Seminario de Planificación “La Declaración y el Plan de Acción de Brasil 2015-2024: el reto de su implementación”, 5 March 2015, International Institute of Humanitarian Law, San Remo, Italy
01-Jan-2015 Session Chair, ‘Undesirable and Unreturnable?’ Two sessions at preliminary project workshop, Free University, Amsterdam
01-Jan-2015 Session Chair, ‘Comparative International Refugee Protection (2)’ Panel at the Society of Socio-Legal Scholars (SLAS) Annual Conference, Warwick University
01-Jan-2015 Joint Convenor, International Workshop - ‘Undesirable and Unreturnable?’ project Joint Convenor with Joris van Wijk (Free University Amsterdam) of international expert stakeholder workshop for project of same name in Amsterdam, Netherlands (AHRC funded)
01-Jan-2015 Joint Convenor, International Workshop - ‘Temporary Humanitarian Protection for Natural Disasters in South America’ Jointly convened with Nansen Initiative an international governmental workshop hosted by government of Ecuador (ESRC project)
01-Jan-2015 Presenter, ‘Beyond Kids at the Border: Understanding a Regional Crisis’ Keynote presentation at international webinar organised by Asylum Access, USA
01-Jan-2015 Presenter, ‘Existing Law, Policy and Practice on Temporary Protection Mechanisms for Natural Disasters: States of the Regional Conference on Migration and Others in the Americas’ Keynote presentation at Regional Conference on Migration/Nansen Initiative Workshop on Development of Guidelines on Admission and Stay for People
01-Jan-2015 Presenter, ‘A New Approach to the Legal Protection of Migrants affected by Natural Disasters in the Americas’ Paper presented at the Refugee Law Initiative/Nansen Initiative Workshop on Climate Change, Disasters and Cross-border Displacement, University of London, UK
01-Jan-2015 Presenter, ‘Humanitarian Law as a Source of Protection for Refugees’ Paper presented at the Refugee Law Initiative/Chatham House Workshop on Refugee Protection and International Humanitarian Law, Chatham House, London, UK
01-Jan-2015 Presenter, ‘Principios Rectores - Solidaridad con el Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica’ Paper presented at the Seminario de Planificación “La Declaración y el Plan de Acción de Brasil 2015-2024: el reto de su implementación”, International Institute of Humanitarian Law, San Remo, Italy
01-Jan-2015 Presenter, ‘“Disaster Refugees” and the Humanitarian Response in the Americas’ Paper presented at An Inextricable Link: Climate Change and Human Rights in Latin America conference, Institute of Latin American Studies, London, UK
01-Jan-2015 Presenter, ‘Asylum, Migration and Natural Disasters: A New Perspective from the Americas’ Paper presented on Comparative International Refugee Protection panel (1) at the Society of Socio-Legal Scholars (SLAS) Annual Conference, Warwick University, UK
01-Jan-2015 Presenter, ‘What to Do with Excluded Asylum-Seekers and Other Migrants Suspected of Serious Criminality? Contributions from the Undesirable and Unreturnable Project’ Paper presented by remote means on Roundtable on the Post-Exclusion Dilemma panel at the CARFMS Annual Conference, Canada
01-Jan-2015 Presenter, ‘Law, Policy and Practice on Temporary Humanitarian Protection for Natural Disasters in South America’ Keynote presentation at RLI /Nansen Initiative Workshop, Quito, Ecuador
01-Jan-2015 Presenter, ‘Temporary Humanitarian Protection for Cross-Border Displacement in the Disaster Context’ An invited keynote presentation at the Nansen Initiative High-Level Roundtable, Chatham House, London, UK
01-Jan-2015 Presenter, ‘Refugees and Humanitarian Law’ Paper presented at the UNHCR/ICRC Inter-Agency Discussion on Refugee Law and International Humanitarian Law, UNHCR, Geneva, Switzerland
01-Jan-2015 Joint Convenor, International Conference - 'Boat Refugees” and Migrants at Sea: A Comprehensive Approach to Integrating Maritime Security with Human Rights’ Joint Convenor with RLI EU Law Coordinator Dr Violeta Moreno-Lax and Visiting Fellow Dr Efthymios Papastavridis ; conference generously supported by RLI, QMUL, Athens, UACES, HRC
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'Limits and Challenges to an Understanding of the Refugee Concept by reference to International Human Rights Law’ Paper presented at the RLI conference On the Borders of Refugee Protection? The Impact of Human Rights Law on Refugee Law – Comparative Practice and Theory at University of London, UK
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'Regional Approaches to Refugee Protection in Latin America’ Paper presented at Comparative Regional Protection Frameworks for Refugees: Norms and Norm Entrepreneurs workshop, University of London, UK
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'Are War Refugees Really “Refugees”?' Paper presented at Key Questions for Human Rights conference, Human Rights Consortium, University of London, UK
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'Refugees, Forced Migrants and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ Paper presented at Human Rights, Asylum and Refugee Protection seminar series, Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford, UK
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'El crimen organizado y la nueva ola del desplazamiento en México y Centroamérica’ Paper presented at SSRC/OCHA closed expert workshop on Respuestas desde el campo humanitario a la violencia armada no convencional en México y Centroamérica, Antigua, Guatemala.
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'Challenges for Refugee Law and Policy of the New Displacement caused by Organised Criminal Groups’ Joint paper with Sarnata Reynolds at the RLI/UCA expert workshop on Los Grupos de Crimen Organizado y la Nueva Dinámica de Migración Forzada en América Latina, Universidad Centroaméricana “José Simeón Canas”, El Salvador
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'Patterns of Forced Displacement in Mesoamerica: Acknowledging the Agency of Organised Criminal Groups’ Paper at the RLI/UCA expert workshop on Los Grupos de Crimen Organizado y la Nueva Dinámica de Migración Forzada en América Latina, Universidad Centroaméricana “José Simeón Canas”, El Salvador
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'Accelerated Procedures and Admissibility in Latin America’ Paper presented at Monash/RLI conference on Access to Asylum: Current Challenges and Future Directions, Prato, Italy
01-Jan-2014 Keynote presenter, 'Access to Asylum: Putting Asylum Back into Refugee Law’ Opening keynote at Monash/RLI conference on Access to Asylum: Current Challenges and Future Directions, Prato, Italy
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'Organised Crime and the New Challenges for Refugee Law in Latin America’ Paper presented at the UNHCR-organised Mesoamerican sub-regional meeting of States for Cartagena+30, Managua, Nicaragua
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'Human Rights and the Legal Protection of Refugees in Latin America’ Paper presented on Panel on The Role of Human Rights Norms in Regional Protection Regimes at IASFM Annual Conference in Bogotá, Colombia
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'Organised Crime in Mesoamerica and the New Wave of Forced Displacement’ Paper presented on the UNHCR Panel at the IASFM Annual Conference in Bogotá, Colombia
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'Organised Criminal Groups and New Patterns of Forced Migration in Mexico’ Paper presented on the Refugee Law Initiative Panel at the IASFM Annual Conference in Bogotá, Colombia
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'International Law and Conflict-affected IDPs’ Opening lecture presented on the IDP module at the Summer School, Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford, UK
01-Jan-2014 Academic Director, Public Seminars - 4th Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2013-2014) 01-Jan-2014 Academic Director, Short Course on 'International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons' (2014) This course offers professional participants a solid practical grounding in the protection of refugees and displaced persons under international law throughout an intensive four-day period delivered by leading academic experts and practitioners in the field.
01-Jan-2014 Co-convenor, Public Event on ‘Crisis in Syria: Conflict and Refugees’ Event with three short independent films followed by expert panel discussion (jointly convened with Refugee Council)
01-Jan-2014 Co-convenor, ‘Comparative Regional Protection Frameworks for Refugees: Norms and Norm Entrepreneurs’ Workshop with international academics (convened with Visiting Fellow Professor Susan Kneebone)
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'Concepts and History of Refugee Protection' Part of the Short Course on 'International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons' (2014)
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'Displacement In and From War' Part of the Short Course on 'International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons' (2014)
01-Jan-2014 Convenor, RLI conference panel on ‘The New Frontier: Organised Crime and Forced Migration in Mexico’ RLI panel convened at the 2014 IASFM Conference in Bogotá, Colombia, involving Laura Diaz, Leticia Calderon, Nicolas Rodriguez and I
01-Jan-2014 Joint Convenor, Special Public Video-Linked Seminars on ‘Armed Conflict, Generalised Violence and Asylum Law’ Special international video-linked seminar between Canada, Kenya, South Africa, Switzerland and UK (jointly with Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, Canada)
01-Jan-2014 Convenor, Series of Workshops on ‘Contemporary Challenges in Refugee Protection’ Five practitioner-oriented workshops, some co-convened with Garden Court Chambers (London)
01-Jan-2014 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Professor Chaloka Beyani: 'The Right to Seek and Obtain Asylum under the African Human Rights System' Part of the 4th Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2013-2014)
01-Jan-2014 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Professor Susan Kneebone: 'Securitisation of the Refugee: Regional Responses, States and Civil Society in South East Asia' Part of the 4th Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2013-2014)
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'Gangs, Drugs and the New Dynamics of Forced Displacement in Latin America' Part of the 4th Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2013-2014)
01-Jan-2014 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by Dr Eiko Thielemann: 'The Constraints on Executive Power: Explaining Variation in the Acceptance of Asylum-Seekers and Refugees in Europe' Part of the 4th Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2013-2014)
01-Jan-2014 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by Anne Segall: 'Refugee Protection in the Middle East and the role of UNRWA' Part of the 4th Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2013-2014)
01-Jan-2014 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by Professor Philip Schrag and Dr Jaya Ramji-Nogales: 'Lives in the Balance: Asylum Adjudication by the Department of Homeland Security in the United States' Part of the 4th Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2013-2014)
01-Jan-2014 Workshop Convernor, 'Gender, Violence and Asylum: A Troubling Trilogy’ Part of the Workshop series - ‘Contemporary Challenges in Refugee Protection’ (2013-2014); Presentations by Dr Helen Baillot (Glasgow), Dr Sharon Cowan (Edinburgh), Dr Vanessa Munro (Nottingham), Frances Webber (Birkbeck), Debora Singer (Asylum Aid) and Cate Briddick (Rights of Women)
01-Jan-2014 Workshop Convenor, ‘Climate Change-related Displacement: What Scope for Protection under Refugee and Human Rights Law?’ Part of the Workshop series - ‘Contemporary Challenges in Refugee Protection’ (2013-2014); Presentations by Bruce Burson (New Zealand Immigration and Protection Tribunal), Matthew Scott (Lund)
01-Jan-2014 Workshop Chair, ‘Accelerated and Third-Country Procedures: New Developments’ Part of the Workshop series - ‘Contemporary Challenges in Refugee Protection’ (2013-2014); Presentations by Stephen Knafler QC and Mark Symes (Garden Court), jointly with Garden Court Chambers
01-Jan-2014 Workshop Chair, ‘Towards a Working Definition of Persecution’ Part of the Workshop series - ‘Contemporary Challenges in Refugee Protection’ (2013-2014); Presentation by Dr Hugo Storey (Upper Tribunal)
01-Jan-2014 Workshop Chair, ‘New Jurisprudence on the Substantive Law of International Protection’ Part of the Workshop series - ‘Contemporary Challenges in Refugee Protection’ (2013-2014); Presentations by Peter Jorro, Ronan Toal, Mark Symes (Garden Court), jointly with Garden Court Chambers, London
01-Jan-2014 Workshop Chair, ‘Interpretation of the “Particular Social Group” Ground’ Part of the Workshop series - ‘Contemporary Challenges in Refugee Protection’ (2013-2014); Presentation by Dr Michelle Foster (Melbourne)
01-Jan-2014 Joint Chair, International seminar on ‘The “War Refugee” and International Law: New Global Approaches’ Part of special international video-linked seminar between Canada, Kenya, South Africa, Switzerland and UK (jointly with Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, Canada)
01-Jan-2014 Joint Convenor, International Seminar on 'Regional Perspectives on Displacement: War, Generalised Violence and Refugee Protection’ Part of special international video-linked seminar between Canada, Kenya, South Africa, Switzerland and UK (jointly with Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, Canada)
01-Jan-2014 Presenter, 'The Latin American Paradigm for Protecting Victims of War and Generalised Violence: New Developments' Part of special international video-linked seminar between Canada, Kenya, South Africa, Switzerland and UK (jointly with Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, Canada)
01-Jan-2014 Joint Convenor, International Conference - 'On the Borders of Refugee Protection? The Impact of Human Rights Law on Refugee Law - Comparative Practice and Theory' Joint Convenor with RLI Senior Research Associate Bruce Burson; conference generously supported by HRC Conference Grant
01-Jan-2014 Facilitator, ‘Second Postgraduate Workshop on Refugee Law’ Facilitated the organisation of a 1-day conference bringing together doctoral students working on refugee law from around the world (led by RLI Doctoral Affiliates)
01-Jan-2014 Facilitator, 'Access to Asylum: Current Challenges and Future Directions' Facilitated the organisation of an international conference in Prato organised by Monash University (Australia) with RLI as partner institution (RLI funding provided)
01-Jan-2014 Conference Committee Member, International Workshop on ‘Refugee Protection Outside of the International Legal Framework: Expanding Cross-National and Cross-Disciplinary Collaborations’ Led by Dr Galya Ruffer at Northwestern University, USA (NSF funded)
01-Jan-2014 Joint Convenor, Expert Workshop - 'Los Grupos de Crimen Organizado y la Nueva Dinámica de Migración Forzada en América Latina’ Co-convened two-day closed expert meeting in El Salvador (jointly with Universidad Centroaméricana “José Simeón Canas”, El Salvador) (ESRC funded)
16-Oct-2013 Presenter, 'Circunstancias que hayan peturbado gravemente el orden público [en la definición del refugiado en la Declaración de Cartagena]' Conference paper based on - but further developing - the ideas and research put forwad in the research paper 'A Simple Solution to War Refugees? The Latin American Expanded Definition and its relationship to IHL' by D.J. Cantor and D. Trimino Mora. The paper was presented to the UNHCR-organised Expert Meeting on 'Interpretation of the Refugee Definition Included in the 1984 Cartagena Declaration on Refugees' held on 15 and 16 October 2013 in Montevideo, Uruguay.
15-Oct-2013 'Una solución simple para los refugiados que huyen de la guerra? La definición ampliada de América Latina y su relación con el DIH' Translated and updated version of an academic paper written originally in English - 'A Simple Solution to War Refugees? The Latin American Expanded Definition and its relationship to IHL' by D.J. Cantor and D. Trimino Mora. Both the Spanish and the English versions were included among the background documents circulated for the UNHCR-organised Expert Meeting on 'Interpretation of the Refugee Definition Included in the 1984 Cartagena Declaration on Refugees' held on 15 and 16 October 2013 in Montevideo, Uruguay. Participants inc;uded government experts and policy makers from LAtin American States, UNHCR headquarters and Americas staff, and experts from the Inter-American Court and Commission on Human Rights, civil society and academia. During the Expert Meeting, the paper underpinned discussion and received substantial comment, reference and interest.
24-Jun-2013 Presenter, 'Pushing the Boundaries: Asylum in the Inter-American Human Rights Framework' At Expert Workshop - 'The Role of International Organisations and Human Rights Monitoring Bodies in Refugee Protection' held in Brussels, Belgium on 24 June 2013; organised by Newcastle Law School
01-Jan-2013 Convenor, Fifth Skype Conference, RLI Doctoral Affiliates Network February 2013
01-Jan-2013 Joint Convenor, Special Public Video-Linked Seminar on 'Treating Like Cases Alike in Refugee Law Adjudication: Comparisons between the European Union and North America' International video-linked seminar between Canada, USA, UK and Netherlands (jointly with Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, Canada)
01-Jan-2013 Presenter, 'Concepts and History of Refugee Protection' Part of the Short Course on 'International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons' (2013)
01-Jan-2013 Presenter, 'A Simple Solution to War Refugees? The Latin American Expanded Definition and its relationship to IHL’ (jointly with Diana Trimino Mora) At International Conference - 'Refuge from Inhumanity: Enriching Refugee Protection Standards through Recourse to International Humanitarian Law'
01-Jan-2013 Presenter, 'The Principle of Non-refoulement in International Humanitarian Law: The Transfer of Civilians’ At International Conference - 'Refuge from Inhumanity: Enriching Refugee Protection Standards through Recourse to International Humanitarian Law'
01-Jan-2013 Academic Director, Short Course on 'International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons' (2013) This course offers professional participants a solid practical grounding in the protection of refugees and displaced persons under international law through eight once-weekly evening sessions delivered by leading academic experts and practitioners in the field.
01-Jan-2013 Academic Director, Short Course on 'EU Asylum Law and Policy' (2013) This course offers professional participants a solid practical grounding in EU asylum law and policy through eight once-weekly evening sessions delivered by leading academic experts and practitioners in the field.
01-Jan-2013 Academic Director, Public Seminars - 3rd Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2012-2013) 01-Jan-2013 Academic Director, Public Seminars - jointly with Centre for Study of Emotion and the Law - 'Psychology and Refugee Protection' (2012-2013) 01-Jan-2013 Academic Director, Public Seminars - jointly with Center for Refugee Studies (Canada) - 'The Challenge of Change: Confronting Asylum Law and Practice in the UK and Canada' (2012-2013) 01-Jan-2013 Joint Convenor, International Conference - 'Refuge from Inhumanity: Enriching Refugee Protection Standards through Recourse to International Humanitarian Law' Joint Convenor with RLI Senior Research Associate Jean-Francois Durieux (University of Oxford); institutional collaboration with Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford
01-Jan-2013 Joint Convenor, International Conference - 'A Liberal Tide: Towards a paradigm shift in Latin American Migration and asylum policy-making?' Joint Convenor with RLI Doctoral Affiliates Feline Freier (LSE) and Jean-Pierre Gauci (Kings, London); conference generously supported by ISA Conference Grant
01-Jan-2013 Seminar Convenor, 'Deterrence through Detention: The Implications for Asylum in Canada and the UK' Part of the Public Seminars - jointly with Centre for Refugee Studies (York, Canada) - ‘The Challenge of Change: Confronting Asylum Law and Practice in the UK and Canada’
01-Jan-2013 Seminar Convenor, 'Psychology and Asylum-Seeking Children' Part of the Public Seminars - jointly with Centre for the Study of Emotion & Law - ‘Psychology and Refugee Protection’
01-Jan-2013 Seminar Convenor, 'Trauma and Credibility' Part of the Public Seminars - jointly with Centre for the Study of Emotion & Law - ‘Psychology and Refugee Protection’
01-Jan-2013 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Professor Colin Harvey: 'Humanity and Legality: Rights of Refugees and Legal Mobilisation' Part of the 3rd Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2012-2013)
01-Jan-2013 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by Professor Ryszard Piotrowicz: 'The Limits of Refugee Law: Human Trafficking and Challenges to the International Protection Regime' Part of the 3rd Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2012-2013)
01-Jan-2013 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by Professor Deborah Anker: 'Legal Change from the Bottom Up: The Development of Gender Asylum Jurisprudence in the United States' Part of the 3rd Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2012-2013)
01-Jan-2013 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by Dr Maria-Teresa Gil-Bazo: 'The Right to Asylum in the Practice of Latin American and African States' Part of the 3rd Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2012-2013)
01-Jan-2013 Joint Convenor, International Conference - 'A Liberal Tide: Towards a paradigm shift in Latin American migration and asylum policy-making' 01-Jan-2013 Panel Convenor, Refugee Law Initiative Panel on 'The Promise of Protection: New Directions in International Refugee Law' Panel at the IASFM Conference, 6-9 January 2013, in Kolkata, India
01-Jan-2013 Keynote Speaker, 'Reparations for Refugees: The Promise of International Human Rights Law' Academic paper presented on Refugee Law Initiative Panel at the IASFM Conference, 6-9 January 2013, in Kolkata, India
01-Jan-2012 Keynote Speaker, 'International Refugee Law: Brushstrokes on a Broader Canvas' Opening lecture at 69th Refugee Law Course, International Institute of Humanitarian Law (IIHL), San Remo, Italy
01-Jan-2012 Panel Chair, 'Regional Developments in Refugee Law' At International Conference - 'RLI Doctoral Affiliates Network Postgraduate Workshop on Refugee Law'
01-Jan-2012 Panel Convenor, 'Particular Vulnerable Groups' At International Conference - 'RLI Doctoral Affiliates Network Postgraduate Workshop on Refugee Law'
01-Jan-2012 Keynote Speaker, 'War Refugees' Presentation of academic paper at the Legal Clinics, 29 November 2012 at Faculty of Law, Ljubljana University, Ljubljana, Slovenia
01-Jan-2012 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by The Hon Sir Nicholas Blake: 'International Standards and National Application: Asylum Decision Making in the United Kingdom, Strasbourg and Luxembourg' Part of the 3rd Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2012-2013)
01-Jan-2012 Seminar Chair, 'Decision-makers and Psychological Evidence' Part of the Public Seminars - jointly with Centre for the Study of Emotion & Law - ‘Psychology and Refugee Protection’
01-Jan-2012 Seminar Convenor, 'Trauma and Refugee Integration' Part of the Public Seminars - jointly with Centre for the Study of Emotion & Law - ‘Psychology and Refugee Protection’
01-Jan-2012 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by Professor Vincent Chetail: 'The Relations between Refugee Law and Human Rights Law: A Systemic Perspective' Part of the 3rd Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2012-2013)
01-Jan-2012 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by Dr Rebecca Stern: 'Interpreting and Implementing Subsidiary Protection: A National, European and International Perspective' Occassional seminar by Visiting Fellow at the RLI
01-Jan-2012 Keynote Speaker, 'The influence of Europe on the development of refugee protection in Latin America' Presentation of academic paper at 'I Simpósio Cátedra Sérgio Vieira de Mello (CSVM) - UNISINOS: Refugiados, universidade e direitos humanos no contexto de sociedades em movimento', 18-19 October 2012 at UNISINOS (university), Porto Alegre, Brazil
01-Jan-2012 Convenor, First Skype Conference, RLI Senior Research Associates Network October 2012
01-Jan-2012 Seminar Convenor, 'Whither refugee protection in the reform of Canadian and British asylum systems' Part of the Public Seminars - jointly with Centre for Refugee Studies (York, Canada) - ‘The Challenge of Change: Confronting Asylum Law and Practice in the UK and Canada’
01-Jan-2012 Seminar Convenor, 'Fast Track Asylum Processes: UK and Canadian Perspectives' Part of the Public Seminars - jointly with Centre for Refugee Studies (York, Canada) - ‘The Challenge of Change: Confronting Asylum Law and Practice in the UK and Canada’
01-Jan-2012 Joint Convenor, International Conference - 'RLI Doctoral Affiliates Network Postgraduate Workshop on Refugee Law' 01-Jan-2012 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by Professor Stephen Meili: 'Comparative approaches to the use of international human rights law in asylum cases in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and United States' Part of the 2nd Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2011-2012)
01-Jan-2012 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Professor Roger Zetter: 'Changing identities, declining protection: the securitisation of asylum and refugee policy in Europe' Part of the Public Seminars - jointly with Refugee Council - 'New Challenges in Refugee Integration' (2011-2012)
01-Jan-2012 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by Professor James Simeon: 'The supervision of international refugee law' Part of the 2nd Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2011-2012)
01-Jan-2012 Academic Director, Paper delivered by Dr Paresh Kathrani: 'History of refugee law' Part of the Short Course on 'International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons' (2012)
01-Jan-2012 Academic Director, Paper delivered by Professor Dallal Stevens: 'Refugee definition (inclusion) in Refugee Convention and regional systems' Part of the Short Course on 'International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons' (2012)
01-Jan-2012 Academic Director, paper delivered by Professor James Simeon: 'Refugee definition (exclusion) and complementary protection statuses' Part of the Short Course on 'International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons' (2012)
01-Jan-2012 Convenor, First Skype Conference, RLI Doctoral Affiliates Network January 2012
01-Jan-2012 Academic Director, Public Seminars - 2nd Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2011-2012) 01-Jan-2012 Academic Director, Public Seminars - jointly with Refugee Council - 'New Challenges in Refugee Integration' (2011-2012) 01-Jan-2012 Convenor and Presenter, Workshop on Refugee Law and Policy for High-Level Officials of Commonwealth Governments The objective of the Workshop was to strengthen selected Commonwealth States’ capacity to protect refugees and implement priority Universal Periodic Review recommendations on refugee protection. Within the structure of a targeted training programme delivered by academic experts and leading practitioners, high-level officials charged with designing and implementing refugee policies in fifteen Commonwealth countries exchanged knowledge and perspectives, and engage with important new research and thinking in the field. The Workshop was made possible with the support of a Human Rights and Democracy Grant from the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
01-Jan-2012 Presenter, 'Review Procedures for Asylum Determinations' Presentation delivered and debated at the 'Workshop on Refugee Law and Policy for High Level Officials of Commonwealth Governments' at Session I on 14 February 2012
01-Jan-2012 Academic Director, Short Course on 'International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons' (2012) This course offers professional participants a solid practical grounding in the protection of refugees and displaced persons under international law through eight once-weekly evening sessions delivered by leading academic experts and practitioners in the field.
01-Jan-2012 Seminar convenor, Paper delivered by Professor Alastair Ager: 'Integration: global perspectives on the transition from being apart to being a part (of something)' Part of the Public Seminars - jointly with Refugee Council - 'New Challenges in Refugee Integration' (2011-2012)
01-Jan-2012 Academic Director, Paper delivered by Professor Helene Lambert: 'Rights of refugees: focus on non-refoulement in refugee and human rights law' Part of the Short Course on 'International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons' (2012)
01-Jan-2012 Keynote Speaker, 'Lessons learnt from the transitional justice process in Colombia including reintegration and amnesties' FCO Roundtable on Transitional Justice with Nepalese government whips; organised by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
01-Jan-2012 Seminar convenor, Open Debate with the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Refugees Part of the Public Seminars - jointly with Refugee Council - 'New Challenges in Refugee Integration' (2011-2012)
01-Jan-2012 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by S Chelvan: 'Queer cases, great law: The fast-developing field of LGBTI refugee law' Part of the 2nd Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2011-2012)
01-Jan-2012 Academic Director, Paper delivered by Jean-Francois Durieux: 'International responses to refugees: States and UNHCR' Part of the Short Course on 'International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons' (2012)
01-Jan-2012 Academic Director, Paper delivered by Mark Symes: 'Refugees in the UK/EU: an implementation case study' Part of the Short Course on 'International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons' (2012)
01-Jan-2012 Academic Director, Paper delivered by Professor Satvinder Juss: 'Contemporary challenges in refugee protection' Part of the Short Course on 'International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons' (2012)
01-Jan-2012 Presenter, 'Refugees and IDPs in Situations of Armed Conflict' Part of the Short Course on 'International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons' (2012)
01-Jan-2012 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by Professor Patricia Tuitt: 'Refugees, law and postcolonial theory' Part of the 2nd Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2011-2012)
01-Jan-2012 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by Professor Geoff Gilbert: 'The law of exclusion from refugee status: recent developments' Part of the 2nd Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2011-2012)
01-Jan-2012 Joint-Convenor and Particpant, Roundtable on 'Country of Origin Information and Due Process' The expert roundtable was jointly convened with the International Association of Refugee Law Judges (IARLJ) and the UNHCR. It brought together judges involved in two of the IARLJ’s Working Parties (Procedures and COI), UNHCR, leading NGOs and academics concerned with Country of Origin Information (COI), representatives of governments as well as lawyers and practitioners. Its aim was to help produce draft best practice guidelines in checklist form for judges around the world on the procedural aspects of the use and role of COI in asylum-related cases.
01-Jan-2012 Chair, Panel on 'Article 1F(c) - guilty of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations' Article 1F Policy and Practice Expert Workshop held at the Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada
01-Jan-2012 Chair, Panel on 'New Approaches and Challenges to Settlement' Panel at “Reconstructing Refuge and Settlement: Responding to the Global Dynamics of Displacement” Conference at York University, Toronto, organised by the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS)
01-Jan-2012 Chair, Panel on 'Social Age and Education' Panel at “Reconstructing Refuge and Settlement: Responding to the Global Dynamics of Displacement” Conference at York University, Toronto, organised by the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS)
01-Jan-2012 Keynote Speaker, 'Colombia: Legal and practical implications of "transnational" reparations' Policy discussion event on 'Displacement, transitional justice and reconciliation: Assumptions, challenges and lessons' - organised at Canada House by the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford
01-Jan-2012 Convenor, Second Skype Conference, RLI Doctoral Affiliates Network April 2012
01-Jan-2012 Convenor, Third Skype Conference, RLI Doctoral Affiliates Network June 2012
01-Jan-2012 Convenor, Fourth Skype Conference, RLI Doctoral Affiliates Network October 2012
01-Jan-2011 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by Professor Goodwin-Gill: 'Article 1F of the 1951 Convention: denying refugee status because of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations' Part of the 2nd Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2011-2012)
01-Jan-2011 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by Dr Hugo Story: 'Armed conflict and refugee law: are courts getting it right?' Part of the 2nd Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2011-2012)
01-Jan-2011 Seminar Chair, Paper delivered by Raza Husain QC: 'The right to asylum in EU law' Part of the 2nd Seminar Series - 'International Refugee Law' (2011-2012)
01-Jan-2011 Radio interview, 'Profesor david cantor, especialista en temas de desplazamiento y refugiados, comenta la ley de víctimas de colombia' Radio interview with Julio Sanchez-Cristo on the popular morning 'La W' radio show
01-Jan-2011 TV interview, 'Special report: Refugees' Interview with Analisis Mundial of the Cablenoticias TV station in Colombia
01-Jan-2011 Academic Director, Public Seminar Series - ICWS / IALS / UNHCR 'International Refugee Law' (2010-2011) 01-Jan-2011 Joint Convenor, International Conference - 'In the Shadow of the ICC: Colombia and International Criminal Justice' 01-Jan-2011 Workshop Presentation, 'Return and Non-State Armed Groups; The Colombian Case' Presented to expert workshop on 'Armed Non-State Actors and the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons' organised by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre and Geneva Call
01-Jan-2011 Joint Convenor and Panellist for 'Dispatches - The Kids Britain Doesn't Want' event Joint Convenor with Refugee Council of public seminar; speaker on panel
01-Jan-2011 Convenor and Chair, Workshop on 'The Role of the ICRC in Protecting and Assisting Refugees and Displaced Persons' The Workshop brought together key scholars and practitioners in order to explore the role played by the ICRC in the response to forced displacement and address these serious shortcomings in our knowledge. The workshop gathered fourteen participants around the table, including former and current ICRC staff, former and current staff from UNHCR and the Norwegian Refugee Council, and UK and overseas academics.
01-Jan-2011 Presenter, 'La protección de los desplazados internos y el contexto colombiano' Two presentations made by invitation of UNHCR Venezuela at Universidad Catolica de Tachira, San Cristobal - 25 and 26 November 2011
01-Jan-2011 Seminar Chair, paper delivered by Professor Loren B Landau: 'Authority and inclusion: reconsidering the meaning of integration in a fragmented age' Part of the Public Seminars - jointly with Refugee Council - 'New Challenges in Refugee Integration' (2011-2012)
01-Jan-2011 Convenor of seminar, Paper delivered by Dr Maja Korac-Sanderson: 'Refugee-centred versus State-centred approaches to integration' Part of the Public Seminars - jointly with Refugee Council - 'New Challenges in Refugee Integration' (2011-2012)
01-Jan-2011 Seminar Convenor, Paper delivered by Professor Alice Bloch: 'Employment: integration, exclusion and human rights' Part of the Public Seminars - jointly with Refugee Council - 'New Challenges in Refugee Integration' (2011-2012)
01-Jan-2010 Workshop Presentation, 'Forced displacement in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law' Lead paper at 'Challenges in the Prosecution of the Crime of Forced Displacement' Seminar organised by the Colombian Prosecutor's Office and Norwegian Refugee Council to train the newly created unit of the colombian prosecutor's office responsible for investigating the crime of forced displacement
01-Jan-2010 Newspaper interview, 'Retorno en Colombia sería el más complejo del mundo' Interview with Colombian national newspaper El Colombiano
01-Jan-2010 Workshop Presentation, 'Strategies to manage insecurity: return and displacement in colombia' Presented at Workshop on Returns and Displacement organised by UN OCHA
Joint Convenor, International Workshop on ‘The Meaning of Solidarity for Refugee Protection in the EU’ International workshop, jointly with RLI/QMUL, led by Dr Violeta Moreno-Lax
Convenor, International Conference ‘Improving the Global Refugee Regime: From Theory to Practice?’ 3-day international conference, 6th Refugee Law Initiative Annual Summer Conference (online)
Other editing/publishing activities:
Date Details 2021 Editor-in-Chief, Researching Internal Displacement Online independent platform. Started in 2021
2020 Editor-in-Chief, Refugee Survey Quarterly Published by OUP. Appointed in 2020
2020 Editor-in-Chief, 'International Refugee Law' Book Series Published by Martinus Nijhoff / Brill. Founding EIC since 2012.
Knowledge transfer activities:
Details Research input to UNSG High Level Panel on Internal Displacement The IDRP established a partnership with the Secretariat of the UN Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Internal Displacement to provide research input on certain topics of interest to the panel. This work is being carried out by IDRP on a pro bono basis by drawing on the research networks at the IDRP.
University of London Refugee Law Clinic The University of London (UoL) is launching the Refugee Law Clinic that will provide a pro bono legal advice for refugee clients based on a model of Clinical Legal Education for its diverse student body. Delivered in partnership with two law firms, the Refugee Law Clinic also provides ?the opportunity ?for lawyers to undertake pro bono ?work within the clinic.? The clinic’s main legal focus will be on advising and preparing fresh claims for asylum, an area identified as underserviced in the current legal landscape, and aims to complement the work of law firms and other service providers in London. Established in partnership with a range of institutions jointly with colleagues Susie Reardon-Smith and Frances Trevena.
Refugee and Asylum-seeker Initiatives Forum (RAIF) Ongoing chairing of RLI-led forum for developing information-sharing and other forms of collaboration between the colleges of the University of London, and with the central University, on initiatives to benefit refugees and asylum-seekers, especially in access to higher education and social justice. The RAIF was established by the Collegiate Council of the University of London.
Undesirable and Unreturnable? Policy Challenges around Excluded Asylum-Seekers and Migrants Suspected of Serious Criminality but who cannot be removed Two year RLI-CICJ collaborative project funded by a research network grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) to create a global network of academics and policy makers. This group will explore a subject that has raised empirical and theoretical questions for refugee, criminal and human rights law, as well as for political philosophy and history.
Pushing the Boundaries: New Dynamics of Forced Migration and Transnational Responses in Latin America Three-year project funded under Future Research Leaders Grant by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), integrating a range of research and knowledge transfer activities
High Level Workshop on Refugee Law for Commonwealth Officials Funded by British Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Refugee Law Initiative The RLI aims to function as a national focal point for leading and promoting the refugee law research agenda. It will work to create a network to engage the UK community of refugee law scholars and practitioners, stimulate collaboration between academics and non-academics, and achieve policy impact at the national and international level.
The Role of the ICRC in Protecting and Assisting Refugees and Displaced Persons Convenor and Chair of International Workshop
La protección de los desplazados internos y el contexto colombiano [Protection of IDPs and the Colombian context] Training provided through UNHCR to government officials on my area of specialisation
Managing insecurity: displacement and return during the Colombian conflict This project aimed to mitigate the insecurity faced by the millions of displaced persons (desplazados) in Colombia when they return home during the protracted armed conflict.
My interdisciplinary doctoral research in Colombia has shown that:
(1) Most desplazado returns are to zones of active conflict, but returnees utilise various strategies to improve community resilience to harms and livelihood risks associated with the armed conflict.
(2) State law, policy and practice display serious shortcomings, including a lack of support for returnees' local strategies to manage insecurity.
(3) Local and international organisations can play a crucial role in mitigating insecurity for returnees, but often miss this opportunity.
Grounded in these research outputs, the project has promoted strategies to reinforce security for returnees through a process of dialogue and 'knowledge exchange' with the public and third sectors in Colombia. This has been achieved through a series of workshops, public debates and other targeted interventions directed towards improving the law, policy and practice of key institutions that have a determinate influence on the security of desplazado communities returning home in the midst of the armed conflict. The input of these ultimate beneficiaries has been incorporated as a crucial component of the dialogues. - Consultancy & Media
- Available for consultancy:
- Yes
- Media experience:
- Yes