The University's Directory of Research and Expertise is the first stop for anyone seeking experts or further information about projects or research resources in, or in collaboration with its academic bodies.
Here you will find:
- profiles of academic staff, research fellows and research students, and their contact details
- information about their areas of expertise and related activities
- their publications references, including links to their research papers in the institutional open access e-repository, SAS-SPACE
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- Mrs Kelly McClinton
- Digital Humanities Research Hub - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Classics
- Professor WJ McCormack
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature, Irish Studies
- Professor Jerome McGann
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature
- Dr Louisa McKenzie
- Warburg Institute - Staff
- Research interests:
- Cultural memory, Digital resources, Gender studies, History, History of art, Manuscript studies, Medieval History, Palaeography
- Megan McNamee
- Warburg Institute - Staff
- Research interests:
- Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration
- Dr Alan McNee
- Institute of English Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature, Manuscript studies, Modern History , Regional history
- Rory McNicholl
- University of London Computing Centre - Staff
- Research interests:
- Culture
- Professor Henning Melber
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Civil Rights, Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Communities, Classes, Races, Globalization & Development, History, Human rights, International Relations, Politics
- Mr Caio Mello
- Digital Humanities Research Hub - Staff
- Research interests:
- Communications, Digital resources, Digitisation
- Ms Heather Memess
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Law, Library
- Professor Catherine Merridale
- Institute of Historical Research - Fellow
- Research interests:
- History
- Mr Sam Merrill
- Institute of Musical Research - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Academic Support
- Professor Marion Meyer
- Institute of Classical Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Classics
- Ms Andrea Meyer Ludowisy
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Library, Literatures in a modern language
- Mr Aldo Micieli
- Warburg Institute - Student
- Research interests:
- Archaeology, Classics, Communications, Cultural memory, Early Modern, Gender studies, Globalization & Development, History of art, History of the book, Language and Literature (French), Language and Literature (Italian), Modernism, Music, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Photography, Politics, Screen Studies, Socialism, Communism, Anarchism
- Dr Sara Miglietti
- Warburg Institute - Staff
- Research interests:
- Classics, Early Modern, History, History of the book, Language and Literature (French), Language and Literature (Italian), Manuscript studies, Philosophy
- Dr Michelle Milan
- Institute of English Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Academic Support, Communications, Digital resources, Digitisation, Fellowships, Gender studies, History, History of the book, Irish Studies, Library, Literatures in a modern language, Modern History , Romanticism
- Claire Miller-Bersoullé
- University of London Institute in Paris - Staff
- Research interests:
- Academic Support
- Jon Millington
- Warburg Institute - Staff
- Research interests:
- Academic Support
- Dr Kurt Mills
- Human Rights Consortium - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Human rights
- Professor Anna-Louise Milne
- University of London Institute in Paris - Staff
- Research interests:
- Contemporary History, Human rights, Language and Literature (French), Metropolitan history
- Dr Anca-Delia Moldovan
- Warburg Institute - Fellow
- Research interests:
- History of the book
- Stuart Mole
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Globalization & Development, International Relations
- Dr Jennifer Montagu
- Warburg Institute - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Culture
- Mr Simone Monti
- Warburg Institute - Staff
- Dr Ainhoa Montoya
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Globalization & Development, Human rights, Politics, Social Sciences
- Dr Hannah Morcos
- Institute of English Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Digital resources, History of the book, Language and Literature (French), Library, Medieval History, Palaeography
- Ms Marília Arantes Silva Moreira
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Student
- Research interests:
- Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Communities, Classes, Races
- Dr Edouard Morena
- University of London Institute in Paris - Staff
- Research interests:
- Politics
- Dr Maria Moscati
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Law
- Professor James Mosley
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Digitisation, English Literature
- Mr Stuart Moss
- Warburg Institute - Staff
- Research interests:
- Culture
- Professor Sa'id Mosteshar
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Law
- Professor Raphaële Mouren
- Warburg Institute - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Classics, Digital resources, Digitisation, Early Modern, History, History of the book, Library, Manuscript studies, Modern History , Palaeography, Typography
- Dr Andrés Moya
- Refugee Law Initiative - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Human rights
- Dr Craig Moyes
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Language and Literature (French), Literatures in a modern language, Screen Studies
- Ms Anne Mulhall
- Institute of Musical Research - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Philosophy, Politics
- Dr Ruchi Mundeja
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature
- Donald Munro
- Institute of Historical Research - Fellow
- Research interests:
- History
- Professor Philip Murphy
- Institute of Historical Research - Staff
- Research interests:
- Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Contemporary History, International Relations, Modern History
- Miss Kay Musonda
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Academic Support