The University's Directory of Research and Expertise is the first stop for anyone seeking experts or further information about projects or research resources in, or in collaboration with its academic bodies.
Here you will find:
- profiles of academic staff, research fellows and research students, and their contact details
- information about their areas of expertise and related activities
- their publications references, including links to their research papers in the institutional open access e-repository, SAS-SPACE
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- Anna-Maria Sichani
- Digital Humanities Research Hub - Staff
- Research interests:
- Cultural memory, Culture, Digital resources, Digitisation, History, History of the book
- Professor Johan Siebers
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Classics, Communications, Culture, Language and Literature (German), Literatures in a modern language, Philosophy
- Dr Anne Simon
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Early Modern, Language and Literature (German)
- Dr Mark Simpson
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Globalization & Development
- Professor Sarah Singer
- Refugee Law Initiative - Staff
- Research interests:
- Human rights, International Law, Law, Social Sciences
- Dr Tripurdaman Singh
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Contemporary History, History, Modern History , Political Institutions, Regional history
- Mrs Eugenia Sisto
- Warburg Institute - Student
- Research interests:
- Gender studies
- Jessica Sklair
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Contemporary History
- Ms Mali Skotheim
- Warburg Institute - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Culture
- Professor Michael Slater (MBE)
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature
- Dr Ruth Slatter
- Institute of Historical Research - Staff
- Research interests:
- History
- Miss Anna Smart
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Academic Support
- Dr Chris Smith
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Law
- Professor Barry C. Smith
- Institute of Philosophy - Staff
- Research interests:
- Philosophy
- Professor Tyler Jo Smith
- Institute of Classical Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Classics
- Professor Anne Smith
- Central Services of the School - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Civil Rights, Fellowships, Human rights
- Dr Colin Smythe
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature, Irish Studies, Modern History
- Mr Daniel Snowman
- Institute of Historical Research - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Culture, History, Modern History , Music
- Dr Tanvi Solanki
- Institute of Classical Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Classics
- Mr Keith Somerville
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Archaeology, Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Communications, Communities, Classes, Races, Contemporary History, Globalization & Development, History, International Relations, Modern History , Palaeography, Political Institutions, Politics, Regional history, Socialism, Communism, Anarchism
- Connie Sozi
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Student
- Research interests:
- Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration
- Dr Amanda Spalding
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Law
- Professor John Spiers
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature
- Dr Angeliki Spiropoulou
- Institute of English Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature
- Dr Marco Spreafico
- Warburg Institute - Staff
- Research interests:
- History
- Mr William St Clair
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Archaeology, Classics, English Literature, History of art, History of the book, Romanticism
- Ms Monja Stahlberger
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Student
- Research interests:
- Communities, Classes, Races, Cultural memory, Culture, Language and Literature (German), Literatures in a modern language, Modern History
- Professor Constantin Stefanou
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- International Relations, Law, Political Institutions
- Mrs Anne-Marie Stephen
- Institute of English Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Academic Support
- Dr Rebecca Stern
- Refugee Law Initiative - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Law
- Dr Rebecca Stern
- Human Rights Consortium - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Human rights, Law
- Dr Sophie Stevens
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Cultural memory, Culture, Gender studies, Language and Literature (Spanish), Literatures in a modern language
- Mr Neil Stewart
- Institute of Historical Research - Staff
- Research interests:
- Academic Support
- Dr Polly Stoker
- Institute of Classical Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Classics
- Mr James Stourton
- Institute of Historical Research - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- History
- Dr Jenny Stratford
- Institute of Historical Research - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Modern History
- Dr Christopher Stray
- Institute of Classical Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Classics
- Ms Jenny Stubbs
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Academic Support, Culture, Literatures in a modern language, Philosophy
- Professor Jean Stubbs
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Contemporary History, Gender studies, Globalization & Development, History, Modern History , Regional history, Social Sciences
- Professor Carl Stychin
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Gender studies, Law
- Ms Tatiana Suarez
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Student
- Research interests:
- Human rights, International Relations, Politics, Social Sciences
- Mr Mauricio Suárez
- Institute of Philosophy - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Philosophy
- Professor David Sugarman
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Contemporary History, Human rights, International Law
- Mr Jonathan Sumption
- Institute of Historical Research - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Medieval History
- Professor John Sutton
- Institute of Philosophy - Past Fellow
- Ms Hester Swift
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Academic Support, Library
- Mark Symes
- Refugee Law Initiative - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Law
- Mr Mark Symes
- Human Rights Consortium - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Human rights