The University's Directory of Research and Expertise is the first stop for anyone seeking experts or further information about projects or research resources in, or in collaboration with its academic bodies.
Here you will find:
- profiles of academic staff, research fellows and research students, and their contact details
- information about their areas of expertise and related activities
- their publications references, including links to their research papers in the institutional open access e-repository, SAS-SPACE
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- Professor Rosemary Ashton
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature, Language and Literature (German), Romanticism
- Dr Karen Attar
- Institute of English Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Library
- Professor Rosemary Auchmuty
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- History, Law
- Dr Lisa Avalos
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Law
- Dr Kate Averis
- Institute of Musical Research - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Language and Literature (French), Language and Literature (Italian), Language and Literature (Spanish)
- Mrs Emily Averiss
- Warburg Institute - Student
- Research interests:
- History
- Professor Wendy Ayres-Bennett
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Early Modern, Language and Literature (French)
- Dr Ruben Azevedo
- Warburg Institute - Staff
- Research interests:
- Culture
- Dr Mahmood Bagheri
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- International Law, Law, Philosophy
- Helga Baitenmann
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Gender studies, History, Law
- Dr Ammar Bajboj
- Refugee Law Initiative - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Human rights
- Professor Philip Baker QC
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Law
- Professor Johannes Baltussen
- Institute of Classical Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Classics
- Mr Oludayo Bamgbose
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Law, Library
- Dr Mandy Banton
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Contemporary History, Modern History
- Mr Nicolas Barker
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature, History of the book
- Professor John Barnard
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature
- Dr Victoria Barnes
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Law
- Dr Juliana Barone
- Warburg Institute - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Early Modern, History
- Dr Fabio Barry
- Warburg Institute - Fellow
- Professor David Bates
- Institute of Historical Research - Fellow
- Research interests:
- History
- Professor Catherine Bates
- Institute of English Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature
- Dr Gabriel Bayarri Toscano
- Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Communications, Culture, Politics, Social Sciences
- Dr Peter Beal
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Manuscript studies
- Professor John Beckett
- Institute of Historical Research - Fellow
- Research interests:
- History
- John Behan
- Institute of Philosophy - Fellow
- Professor Ralf Behrwald
- Institute of Classical Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Classics
- Mr Simon Bennett
- Human Rights Consortium - Student
- Research interests:
- Human rights, International Law
- Dr Karen Bennett
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Human rights, International Relations
- Dr Jessica Berenbeim
- Warburg Institute - Staff
- Research interests:
- Culture
- Dr Corine Besson
- Institute of Philosophy - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Philosophy
- Mrs Chiara Betti
- Institute of English Studies - Student
- Research interests:
- History of the book
- Dr Elisa Bianchi
- Warburg Institute - Staff
- Research interests:
- Classics, History of the book, Manuscript studies, Palaeography
- Dr Gabriel Bodard
- Institute of Classical Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Ancient History, Archaeology, Classics, Digital resources, Digitisation
- Ms Emma Bond
- Institute of Musical Research - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Language and Literature (Italian)
- Dr Francis Boorman
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- History, Law
- Sophie Botros
- Institute of Philosophy - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Philosophy
- Beatrice Bottomley
- Warburg Institute - Student
- Research interests:
- Culture, History, Literatures in a modern language, Manuscript studies, Philosophy
- Dr Sabrina Bouarour
- University of London Institute in Paris - Staff
- Research interests:
- Screen Studies
- Ms Eliza Boudier
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Staff
- Research interests:
- Academic Support
- Jamie Bowman
- Central Services of the School - Staff
- Research interests:
- Academic Support
- Dr Kelly Boyd
- Institute of Historical Research - Fellow
- Research interests:
- History
- Dr James Bradburne
- Warburg Institute - Fellow
- Professor Anthony Bradney
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Law
- Ms Laura Brammar
- The Careers Group - Staff
- Research interests:
- Education
- Professor Susan Breau
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- Law
- Dr Trish Bredar
- Institute of English Studies - Fellow
- Research interests:
- English Literature
- Dr Eugene Brennan
- University of London Institute in Paris - Staff
- Research interests:
- Communities, Classes, Races, International Relations, Philosophy, Politics, Social Sciences, Socialism, Communism, Anarchism
- Dr Emma Bridges
- Institute of Classical Studies - Past Fellow
- Research interests:
- Classics